In the end, Joseph Pola was defeated by Lynn.

If it weren’t for Makarov’s kindness and his mercy, perhaps Lynn would have sprayed Josephiro to death with a burst of flames.

Of course, the so-called Makarov is kind in heart, purely to give face to the Magic Council, and to hand Joseph Pola to the Magic Council to deal with.

After everything was done, Makarov sat inside the guild and looked at Lynn in front of him, feeling very emotional.

“Lynn, although I knew you were very powerful, I didn’t expect you to be so perverted and have such great strength.”

Others also particularly admired Lynn.

Just one person, with his strong strength, finally defeated Joseph Pola with ease.

If nothing else, at least ordinary people don’t have such a strong strength.

“In fact, it’s okay, my strength is average, not as strong as you think.”

Lynn was particularly low-key.

He also felt the need to keep a low profile.

“Lynn, or you’ll be the president.”

Makarov said suddenly.

He felt that Lynn’s strength was quite strong, and he could let Lynn be the president.

With Lynn there, the Goblin’s Tail Guild can be carried forward.

“No, I don’t want to be president, what’s so good about president?” Something went wrong, and it wasn’t the president who would come back to the black pot. ”

Makarov’s face darkened.

It seems that it is really Lynn who said, once something happens, it is definitely him who will carry the black cauldron.

So many years, how many black pots have been carried.

I won’t say anything else, because I am the president and owe a lot of money.

But it also made Makarov firmly determined to find a new president, and he had better retire in the future, so as not to cause too much trouble.

“All right, folks, to celebrate our victory, let’s have a good meal, and tonight, Lynn has a treat.”

Makarov suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone present shouted loudly.

Lynn black-faced, this group of guys, so bad, actually wanted him to have a treat.

This is absolutely impossible.

“Elusa, we’ll go now.”

Lynn pulled Elusa aside and prepared to leave.

Mira and Lucy were ready to follow.

But before he could leave, Makarov suddenly appeared and grabbed Lynn’s foot.

“Lynn, don’t leave, please have a meal, our union is really poor.”

Naz also suddenly pounced, grabbing Lynn’s other foot.

“That’s right, our guild is too poor to eat, can you give us some money?”

The others looked at each other, quickly made a decision, and then pounced on Lynn together, clutching Lynn tightly, just not letting Lynn leave.

No way, only Lynn had money in the whole guild, everyone else was poor, and most of them had to pay compensation.

Of course they have no money left.

Lynn looked at the guild, and there was no way, as if only Mila and Elusa were rich except for him.

The money of these two people is also the living expenses given by Lynn, if there is money, Mira and they have no money.

Oh, yes.

Elfman is actually quite rich, but there is no way, people have a good sister, a good sister has a good brother-in-law, naturally there is money.

“Forget it, today I invite guests, let’s have a good time, but only today, don’t think about letting me have a guest in the future, it is absolutely impossible.”

In the end, Lynn decided to have a treat.

Makarov was so excited that he was about to cry, and the others were very excited.

Someone finally had a treat.

“Guys, let’s have a good meal today, eat a little more, and there won’t be a chance in the future.”

The vast majority of men have drooling in their mouths.

No way, they are really poor, rarely eat a lot of food, today Lynn has a treat, they must have a good meal.

“By the way, bring your family with you, it’s rare to have a treat, I’ll try a little harder, please a little more.”

“Then thank you Lynn.”

That night, the crowd ate beautifully.

It cost Lynn a lot of money, of course, it didn’t matter, Lynn herself was a rich man, and it didn’t matter how much she spent.

At the banquet, Lynn drank a lot of wine, was a little drunk, walked out of the guild, and just chilled outside.

In the crowd, a young girl looked at Lynn who was leaving, and immediately followed.

This young girl is also a member of the union.

Her name is Kana.

Kana followed Lynn outside the house.

Lynn also noticed Kana’s arrival and was curious.

“Kana, are you following me, what’s the matter?”

Kana stopped behind Lynn, a little nervous and wanted to speak, but she couldn’t.

After struggling for a while, Kana looked at Lynn’s handsome face, and finally plucked up enough courage.

“Big Brother Lynn, I actually like you.”

Lynn opened her mouth in surprise.

He didn’t expect himself to be so popular, even Kana liked him.

It is estimated that Lynn herself does not know, just because he is too handsome, strong and powerful, and very rich, usually quite righteous.

This has led many people to admire Lynn.

For example, Kana not only adores Lynn, but even has a good feeling for Lynn, and secretly likes Lynn.

Lynn looked back at Kana carefully.

Kana noticed Lynn’s eyes, a little embarrassed, and subconsciously glanced at the side, not good to face Lynn directly.

It also made Lynn firm in her mind, and it seemed that Kana really liked him.

No way, people are still too good.

But since Kana liked him, there was nothing to say.

The woman who sent the door in white, it was impossible not to do without him.

Lynn immediately stepped forward, gently wrapped her arms around Kana, and pulled Kana into her arms.

Not to mention, what a beautiful woman in good shape.

He could clearly feel the ups and downs of the world.

“Kana, you can think about it, if you really like me, then I can give you a chance to pursue me.”

Kana was particularly touched, nodded her little head, and threw herself into Lynn’s arms.

Lynn still admired herself.

Obviously, he just gave Kana a chance, and Kana was so moved, or his people were too handsome and particularly attractive.

Simply the enemy of all men.

“All right. Let’s go for a drink first, and the party continues. ”

Lynn nodded lightly at Kana’s head.

Kana did not refuse, silently followed Lynn back to the banquet hall.

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