Night, after the banquet.

Lynn left the guild with Lucy and a few of them and returned to the apartment.

When we got to the apartment, everyone started to do their own thing.

Only Lucy, looking at Lynn silently, wanted to speak, but couldn’t.

Lynn seemed to see Lucy’s difficulty, pulled Lucy along, and walked into the side room.

Lucy was even more nervous when she saw Lynn being so active, and she was afraid of what Lynn would do to her.

If she did anything, whether she should agree to Lynn or should she reject Lynn, she was afraid that if she refused, Lynn would be very sad.

Lynn noticed Lucy’s expression and knew Lucy wanted to be crooked, and nodded her head slightly.

“What are you thinking? I see you have something to say to me, so give you a chance to say whatever you want and say whatever you want. ”

Lucy then understood that Lynn was giving her a chance to speak, and she didn’t know it herself, and she was particularly embarrassed.

“Well, Brother Lynn, there’s one thing I didn’t tell you, I’m from the Lucy Hatfilia family.”

“Didn’t I already know that?”

Lynn patted Lucy’s head gently.

Lucy reacted, Lynn already knew that she was just thinking too much.

“I know you already knew, but there is something you don’t know, I came out this time, purely by sneaking out.”

“The ghost rulers knocked on the door, and it was because my father paid a lot of money that they came.”

Lucy felt particularly sorry for Lynn, sorry for the people of the Goblin’s Tail Guild.

It was entirely because of her that this battle was caused.

Lynn looked at Lucy, who was full of guilt, and held out a hand, placed it on Lucy’s face, and gently stroked it twice.

“It doesn’t matter, and you forgot that we have a vendetta against the ghost’s ruler, so you didn’t do anything wrong, not to mention that we are companions, so naturally we have to protect you.”

With that, Lynn gently pulled Lucy and pulled her into her arms.

Lucy also felt Lynn’s warmth, closed her eyes slightly, enjoyed the warmth brought by Lynn, and subconsciously grabbed Lynn with both hands.

The two men just got close together.

After another moment, Lynn let go of Lucy, eyes flickering.

“Brother Lynn, I still have things to do, and some of them are not appropriate, or we will do it today.”

Lucy turned her head, a little embarrassed in her heart, even more embarrassed to face Lynn.

In particular, Lynn is too handsome, and the look in her eyes is particularly deadly, that is, Lucy feels that she can’t hold back.

Almost completely sinking, but at the last moment still controlled his emotions.

“It doesn’t matter, wait a few days, my body is right, then you can do whatever you want, I will never stop it.”

After Lynn got Lucy’s affirmation, she stopped tangling and just patted Lucy.

“Then forget it, remember, you owe me, no, you owe me a lifetime, in a few days you have to pay it back to me, if you don’t give it back to me, I will force you.” 」

“I don’t owe you a lifetime.”

Lucy gave Lynn a look.

That being said, Lucy was still very happy, leaning on Lynn tightly, and even holding Lynn’s arm.

Two people walked out together.

As soon as they stepped out, Mira and Alyssa saw it.

Neither of them said anything, they had long been accustomed to it, and Lynn was a steam bulldozer.

But don’t say that Lynn is very good.

“Lynn, it’s time to go rest, you go take a shower.”

Lynn had originally planned to be with Lucy.

But thinking that today is not appropriate, in case Lucy accidentally provokes the flame in his heart, there is no way to extinguish it.

“Well, I’ll go take a shower and rest early.”

Lynn didn’t say much.

Lucy and the others went back to her room.

Not long after, Lynn took a shower and went inside Elusa’s room.

In the next room, Lucy’s cheeks instantly turned red, and she didn’t know what was happening.

At the same time, Lucy was still looking forward to it, and couldn’t wait to be with Lynn.

Unfortunately, she can’t do it today, but it’s okay, she has a chance later.

Lucy herself didn’t realize that she couldn’t wait to be with Lynn.

One night passed like that.

Night, night fell.

Mila and Elusa rested for a long time.

“Lynn, what’s going on between you and Lucy?”

Elusa was curious.

Even Mira was particularly curious, her big eyes flashing.

Lynn was holding a man in one hand, and he was certainly not a fool, and under normal circumstances, he would never do it.

But Lucy didn’t matter, she already knew it.

“I haven’t fixed her yet, but rest assured, as long as it takes a while, I can get her, and then our family can carry it forward.”

Hear the family grow forward.

Alyssa’s little cheeks were slightly red, and Mira was a little embarrassed.

But the two men looked at Lynn silently, and then suddenly approached Lynn.

“Lynn, do you want a baby?”

Elusa asked first.

Although Mira did not speak, she looked at her with wide eyes and seemed to want to be with Lynn.

How many children should we have then?

It’s really tangled.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched slightly.

It seemed that both of them wanted to have children with her.

What had been done was brought into the beauty of their daughter-in-law of the Lin family.

But that’s pretty good.

“This kind of thing will be said later, you are still young, in another three or five years, and when you are completely grown, I will take one a year.”

Lynn gently patted the two men’s little faces.

Alyssa and Mira were particularly shy, and were careful to jump around.


The two nodded their heads at the same time.

The two of them had even begun to fantasize about the future.

With Lynn, then married and had children, lived in seclusion on a small island, and lived a happy and fulfilling life.

It’s still a good life.

Not only did Elusa think so, but even Lucy was full of beautiful fantasies about the future.

I wish I could be with Lynn forever.

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