On this day, Lynn had just finished dating Kana and was ready to go back.

Since Kana’s confession, Lynn has not planned to let Kana go, and the girl who sent it to the door in white has no reason to do it.

When he returned, Lynn suddenly sensed that someone was secretly following him.

Although he didn’t know who it was, Lynn was really quite speechless, and he had never seen such a dead person.

One by one, they were all self-righteous, really thought they were very strong, and they didn’t see Joseph Pola being killed by him.

Why did you come and die?

Although Lynn was quite speechless in her heart, she didn’t think too much, and since someone took the initiative to send it to the door, it couldn’t be left unavoided.

It just so happened that he had been bored lately, just as someone had come over to pass the time.

Secretly, a man secretly follows Lynn.

Lynn pretended not to see anything and walked silently forward.

After walking for a while, Lynn suddenly walked into a shop next door, casually bought something, and walked out again.

Suddenly, Lynn turned and walked into the alley on the side.

The shadowy figure immediately followed.

However, just after entering the alley, this person was surprised to find that there was no one in the alley, and he did not know where to go.

At this time, she also realized that something was wrong, turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, a man appeared in front of his eyes.

This man, of course, is Lynn.

“Seriously, I’m curious, who the hell are you?” Being human is so arrogant. ”

“Now everyone knows that I am very good, and I have never seen anyone dare to sneak up on me.”

Lynn spoke as she carefully looked at the stalker.

I always feel that this person is quite familiar.

Especially this outfit, especially familiar, should have been seen somewhere.

Urutia retreated quickly and prepared to leave.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower, and Lynn quickly came to Urutia’s side, grabbing Urutia with one hand.

Although Urutia reacted, but not fast enough, Lynn grabbed Urutia’s veil with one hand and pulled it hard.

In an instant, a delicate face was revealed.

This is a beautiful woman, a great beauty in the world.

Not only is she a big beauty, but she is in pretty good shape.

Lynn liked the girl in front of her anyway.

Suddenly, Lynn had a flash of inspiration in her mind.

“It turned out to be you, Urutia, what did you come to me for?”

Lynn recognized the man’s identity.

It’s called Urutia.

She is also the daughter of Master Gray.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that he never thought that such a beautiful woman took the initiative to send the door.

Since it has been delivered to the door, it is not welcome.

Lynn was not a good person, although he had been much more low-key over the years, and he had not dealt with the beauties of the Goblin’s Tail Guild.

But for these outsiders, Lynn won’t care so much, and it is better to start first.

Urutia was immediately ready to use magic.

But the magic in his body had just been released, and before he could unleash it, Lynn stepped forward and grabbed Urutia’s hand.

Just as Urutia was surprised, Lynn’s other hand hit Urutia on the back of her neck.

Urutia’s eyes turned white and she fainted.

Lynn carried Urutia to another villa.

The villa was also bought by Lynn, and as to why it was buried here, it was absolutely impossible for him to admit that he was planning to hide the golden house.

The reason for this is to buy more houses, all for investment.

That’s right, Lynn is for investing.

Inside the room, Lynn looked at Urutia, who had fainted next to her, thinking inwardly.

In the end, these outrageous things should not be done.

He’s a good guy, how can a good guy do that?

It’s really a bit tangled.

Lynn did not hesitate and immediately approached Urutia.

Originally, he planned to go back early to accompany Elyssa, but there was no way, now that trouble was coming, he was not good enough to leave, he could only solve the trouble in front of him first.

It is estimated that there will be another fight later.

He’s a really good guy.

An hour passed.

I don’t know how long later, Urutia woke up slowly, and then saw Lynn, and the whole person was stunned.

She didn’t expect it, but just to complete a task, come over and secretly track Lynn, and such a thing happened.

Urutia had a murderous look in her eyes.

“Ice Shape Magic Rose Garden.”

A large amount of cold ice suddenly appeared in the void, forming countless thorns and roses, enveloping Lynn and freezing him.

Soon, Lynn turned into a lifelike ice sculpture.

Urutia didn’t think much of it, and was ready to shoot it with a slap, in a vain attempt to solve Lynn’s reasoning.

But before he could shoot it, the ice shattered, and Lynn jumped out of the ice and pulled Urutia into his arms.

“Don’t be so angry, you will be like me in the future, you can rest assured, who dares to bully you?” Just tell me, I’ll protect you. ”

“I can’t blame you for that, it’s so pretty, but it doesn’t matter, the two of us will definitely be together in the future.”

When Lynn said this, he always felt a little strange, he seemed to have become Uncle Liu Huang.

No, you must not do such an outrageous thing.

Urrutia didn’t speak, just looked at Lynn silently, if the eyes could kill, Lynn had been killed many times.

But Lynn didn’t care that much.

There’s nothing to be afraid of at all.

This kind of thing, he has experienced many times.

There is nothing more than the danger of being knifed.

As long as you work hard enough, nothing will happen.

Although Urutia wanted to catch Lynn, Lynn’s strength was too strong to be caught.

Helplessly, Urutia could only turn around and leave.

But before leaving, Urrutia gave Lynn a look that was absolutely cannibalistic.

But Lynn didn’t care at all.

His face was thick enough anyway.

Moreover, he has done a lot of bad things in his life, and he has long been spurned by many people, even if he is despised by others, it is not a big deal.

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