Over the next period of time, Lynn’s life became more and more beautiful.

Even one night, by getting drunk, and then cheekily, he took Lucy down.

After taking Lucy, life is even better.

Lynn’s daily life became more decayed.

On this very day, Makarov returned with a message.

They are going to unite and then go on a crusade against the Dark Guild’s Six Demon Generals.

Lynn knew that it was time for the plot to begin.

However, he did not do so, that is, the Six Demon Generals, which was simply a task to give credit.

A few days later, a group of people set off.

In addition to Alyssa and Lucy, Lynn also set out to protect Lucy.

No way, although these people are quite powerful, he should still protect these people.

A group of people quickly arrived at a place.

“Are we just waiting here?”

Lucy looked around curiously, a very luxurious villa, but unfortunately there was no one.

“Don’t worry, it may be that we came early, just wait here, it is estimated that it will not take long, we can wait for them.”

Before long, the other guild members came one after another.

At the forefront is a lewd uncle.

The name seems to be called One Night.

After the night came, when he saw Elusa, his eyes lit up in an instant, and he immediately ran to Elusa’s side.

“Beautiful Miss Alyssa, I…”

Before the night was over, Lynn’s body suddenly became huge, quickly turning into a huge black dragon and breaking the villa.

Everyone present was startled, and if they hadn’t known that Lynn couldn’t have done anything to them, they would have fled long ago.

Soon, a mighty dragon stood in mid-air.

Lynn held out a hand.

No, it should be a dragon’s claw stretched out and placed on the top of the head of the night.

“Uncle Mole, what were you just thinking?” It’s really enough, even my horse dares to bubble, how do you say I should beat you to death? ”

“Am I slapping you to death, trampling you to death, or using the flames to burn you to death?”

One night my body shivered.

Only then did he remember that there was also a powerful Lynn.

Lynn is said to be the one Elusa likes.

He had also forgotten how strong Lynn was.

“This… This gentleman, in fact, I want to say that it is impossible for me and Elusa to be impossible, and I am not worthy of Miss Elusa. “One night and I confessed it in an instant.

Alyssa next to her didn’t speak.

She had already been disgusted for a night, but she couldn’t help it for one night.

Well, Lynn threatened, reckoning that the night would soon be a compromise.

At that time, she can completely get rid of the night.

Nearby, several other people in the blue Pegasus also reacted, although they were quite scared, but considering their companions, they could only help.

“Mr. Lynn, leave him alone, this guy is a fool.”

“Yeah, if you’re really upset, we can teach him a lesson, a big man, who actually pesters women.”

There wasn’t even a need to wait for Lynn to speak, and a few people pressed the night to the ground and beat him up.

Of course, although it looked like a very bad fight, in fact, there was no big injury at all overnight, it was purely a flesh and skin injury.

“Really? Does this guy really dare? But I’ve heard that he often pesters our family, Elusa, and that’s enough. ”

Lynn spat out a mouthful of flames.

Although it did not hit these people, the temperature of the flame was very high, as if it were in a kiln.

These people are even more frightened.

I had long heard that Lynn was very powerful, but I didn’t expect Lynn to be so powerful.

Not to mention fighting, they just look at it and feel a little scary.

If this fights, it will definitely be killed by the second.

“No, believe me, I will never do this in the future, I want to be a good person.”

The night continued to shiver.

“Lynn, I’m almost done, or I’ll let him go, and I’m sure he’ll never dare again.”

Alyssa also had to stand up.

Just a lesson, she didn’t want to watch Lynn kill the killer.

“Well, now that Alyssa has said it, I won’t say anything more, and this time I’ll let you go for the time being.”

Lynn changed back into human form.

When it came time to change back, Lynn found that the villa seemed to have been damaged by him.

And it’s completely broken.

It is estimated that if you want to repair this, it will cost at least a lot of money.

Oops, although he was particularly rich, he didn’t spend it that way.

Lynn immediately looked at the night.

“By the way, there are also responsibilities in this villa, and when the time comes, everyone will share the debt, no one should think of the debt, who wants to pay the bill, don’t blame me for being polite.”

All their faces were black, their expressions were a little bitter, and they didn’t know what to say.

It was really unlucky, obviously it had nothing to do with a few of them, and if you lost money, you actually needed a few of them.

However, seeing Lynn’s fierce and evil eyes, everyone had to compromise.

All this sin was all overnight.

One night also seemed to notice the expressions of the people, and secretly said in his heart that he was not good.

“I still have something to do, go to the bathroom first, and I’ll be back soon.”

After saying that, he quickly ran away overnight.

In the end, only a few people remained.

Lynn didn’t stop either, and then, of course, it was time to wait for the others.

In addition to a few of their unions, there were other guilds, and there were only a few left.

“Are there any other guilds?”

Lucy asked.

“Yes, there are other guilds, which seem to be a place called the Demon Cat Lodge, but none of them have ever performed a mission.”

Alyssa touched her chin, curious.

Only Lynn already knew the reason for this guild, but he didn’t say it.

Not long after, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.

Lynn turned to look and saw a girl with blue hair running in quickly.

But as soon as she ran in, the girl suddenly fell in front of Lynn.

If she hadn’t known the girl’s character, Lynn might have misunderstood.

“This… I know I’m awesome, but you really don’t need to do that. ”

Lynn made a serious joke.

Elusa: “…”

Lucy: “…”

The others were speechless, it was clear that they had fallen, how could they perform such a great gift.

The girl, Wendy, stood up at once, with an apologetic look on her face.

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