The final battle did not take place.

Brian simply surrendered and was taken away by the Council of Magic.

This also made the Magic Council even more afraid, and they knew very well that Lynn was definitely a pervert, otherwise how could the Dark Guild surrender.

That terrible breath, just by feeling it, it was clean up and trembling, and ordinary people really did not dare to offend.

After the battle, the Demon Cat Lodge also disappears, and Wendy eventually joins the Fairy Tail Guild.

A group of people, one after another, separated.

As he was leaving, still ready to say something all night, Lynn suddenly held out his strong right hand and gently flicked it twice.

One night I understood it in an instant, and an embarrassed smile appeared on my face.

“This… I still have something to do, so I’ll go first, and if I can do it later, we will get together again. ”

After saying that, Wendy ran away quickly, this speed, running still very fast.

Lynn didn’t say much, looked at the others again, and gently patted Wendy’s little head.

“To celebrate that our union has one more new member, no, it should be two new members, Wendy and Charlulu, and today I invite you to dinner.”

“Great, long live Lynn.”

Both Naz and Gray were particularly excited.

The two poor ghosts, who had never eaten anything good usually, were of course happy when Lynn was having a treat.

Others are also happy.

Just like that, a group of people quickly came to the restaurant.

Happy to eat a meal, even Wendy, also took this opportunity to close the relationship with everyone.

When she returned, Xia Lulu stood behind Wendy and flew in the air.

“Wendy, what do you think of Lynn?”

“Very good! Big Brother Lynn is very good, and I like Lynn with my brother. ”

Wendy said with a smile on her face, especially happy, quite like Lynn.

Xia Lulu did not say bad things about Lynn, although at first she was very unhappy to see Lynn, but after a long time, she also felt that Lynn was very good.

Soon, a group of people came to the Fairy Tail Guild.

In the guild, Lynn held another banquet to celebrate Wendy’s joining once again.

A lot of people are very happy.

During the banquet, Makao suddenly appeared next to Lynn.

“Lynn, I’ve heard that you seem to be so strong that you don’t need to fight, the enemy has already surrendered.”

Others also gathered around at this time.

When they first heard the news, they were also shocked.

No matter how strong Lynn is, he should not be impressed by a person.

According to the enemies Lynn had encountered before, how could he have fought for 300 rounds.

It really can’t work, but also to insist on one or two moves, so directly surrender, it is too humiliating.

“This… Maybe I’m too good, or maybe I’m too handsome, and he’s impressed by my handsomeness. ”

Lynn found someone she thought was a good fit.

But everyone present rolled their eyes en masse.

No matter how handsome Lynn is, it should have nothing to do with this matter.

But don’t say, Lynn is really handsome, and not generally handsome, it can be said that it is handsome bubbling.

For a time, countless boys were hit, bowed their heads in shame, and were embarrassed to compare with Lynn.

Lynn was quite proud.

“Seriously, I know a plastic surgeon who can give you a facelift, and you’ll be absolutely handsome when the time comes.”

“Plastic surgery, really?”

Several boys touched their faces.

Yet, they do have plans for plastic surgery.

“Wait, Lynn, you’re so handsome, shouldn’t you have had a facelift?”

“Yes, I think so, there is absolutely no such handsome person as you in this world.”

Lynn’s face darkened.

It is clear that it is to ridicule these people, these people actually take it seriously, and even ridicule him in turn.

It’s too arrogant and has to be repaired fiercely.

He had decided that he must teach these people a lesson.

Lynn immediately stood up, not knowing where to pull out a knife, and just put it on the table, staring at these people with evil spirits.

“Let’s talk! Which knife do you want? I am very good at slashing people, a knife to a child, I can hack you to death in minutes. ”

Everyone was shivering, and their hearts were still quite scared.

Lynn was too fierce.

“This, I suddenly felt, I seem to have something, I left for the time being, and now I will leave.”

“I still have something to do, so I’ll go first.”

Although the two said they had left, they did not go too far, and sneaked to another place.

As for leaving, it was absolutely impossible, Lynn was a guest after all, it was rare to eat such a delicious thing, and he must stay.

The banquet ended quickly.

Everyone went home individually.

As for Wendy, she was also brought home by Lynn.

After all, Wendy had just arrived, and there was no one she knew, no place to live, and she could only live in Lynn’s house temporarily.

The main thing is that Wendy is very cute and can be raised as a sister.

The two men soon arrived at home.

Lynn pointed to the previous luxury villa and gently rubbed Wendy’s head again.

“Wendy, this is your home from now on, and when you get there, you can choose a room you like.”

“Can I really live in such a big place?”

Wendy’s big eyes flashed, very cute, and she was looking forward to it.

“Of course, I’ll take you up there right now and choose a room you like.”

Lynn pulled Wendy along and entered the villa together.

Elusa and others followed.

Inside the villa, Wendy looked at the magnificent decoration and liked it even more.

“Okay, let’s go to the third floor, the rooms are on the third floor, our rooms are also there, you can choose one you like.”

Wendy didn’t refuse either, choosing the room for a while and finally choosing a nice room.

“Brother Lynn, I’m going to live in this room.”

“No problem, I’ll help you sort it out.”

Lynn took the initiative to go inside.

Alyssa and Lucy and Mira also walked in.

As big sisters, they are very polite to help people.

After waiting for Wendy’s room to be sorted out, each took a shower, then went to his room and slept together.

Wendy also slept beautifully.

The night went by.

It was soon coming, early the next morning.

(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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