Since Wendy joined, Lynn’s life has been a little bit more.
That night, Lynn was walking alone, and as for Elusa and a few of them, she went out on a mission.
Coupled with Naz, there will never be a problem.
As he walked, Lynn suddenly felt, as if someone was following him.
Lynn couldn’t help but laugh, over the years, his strength has become stronger and stronger, and few people dare to find him in trouble.
But now it seems that he still looks up to himself, and there are still people in this world who are not afraid of death.
I just don’t know who this person is.
Lynn pretended not to know anything and walked silently, but after walking for a while, Lynn suddenly disappeared.
Although the people in the back quickly followed, they did not find Lynn.
This person was still very curious in his heart, and he didn’t know where Lynn was, and he didn’t even have a shadow.
On the roof, Lynn looked at the person in front of her, still quite surprised.
He also did not expect that this person was actually the Jubia of the Ghost Four Elements.
According to Jubia’s flowery personality, he should not have wanted to kill Lynn.
Nine times out of ten, I fell in love with him.
Lynn really hated why he was such a handsome man, and so many girls liked him.
He only hoped that he was an ordinary person, so handsome that even the enemy liked him.
The main thing was that he was too worried, there were so many beautiful ladies, and he would surely be jealous of others.
“What about Lord Lynn?” Why not? ”
Jubia was still curious.
Lynn listened to Jubia and became more convinced of what was in her heart, and Jubia must have liked him.
No way, people are sometimes too good, there will be so many girls like.
Although it is a pity, since there are so many girls who like it and take the initiative to send it to the door, he can only reluctantly accept it.
Lynn immediately fell from the sky.
“Are you following me?”
“Ah, Lord Lynn.”
Jubia looked at Lynn who suddenly appeared, was startled, and immediately flashed to the side, feeling particularly nervous.
Even hiding behind a house, only daring to hide behind and peek at Lynn, was particularly nervous.
This look is clearly like Lynn very much.
Lynn liked her too, and immediately stepped forward, revealing only half of her body.
“What’s wrong? What’s the matter? Looking at your appearance, it seems that you like me very much, shouldn’t I be too handsome? ”
Jubia held out her head cautiously, particularly nervous, but nodded when she heard Lynn’s words.
“Yes, Jubia is particularly fond of Lord Lynn, and Jubia wants to be with Lord Lynn, and wants Lord Lynn to give her a chance.”
Lynn still admired herself, and she used her charm to get a person.
People are sometimes too handsome, and it is also a pain.
“Jubia, do you really want to be with me that way?” I have a lot of wives, let’s be together, isn’t it a little inappropriate? ”
Lynn was a little embarrassed, but she was very happy.
“No, Jubia doesn’t care, Jubia likes to be lively, the more people in the family the better, so I hope you can be with Jubia.”
Jubia shook her head vigorously.
Lynn didn’t know what to say.
I had never seen such a good girl come to the door on my own initiative.
I hope that I will be such a beautiful woman in the future.
Every day to take the initiative to send to the door, not to say one a day, but at least the beautiful beauties in the original work, one after another come to the door.
What a sister, he never cared.
But speaking of the sisters, Lynn thought of Lisana and should have met Lisana soon, and he had not planned to let Lisana go.
Maybe then we can move on to the next plan.
“Since you have decided like this, then I will not say more, after all, I am a good person, and I am not embarrassed to reject you.”
Jubia was so excited that she seemed to be able to be with Lynn right away, and she was really happy.
Maybe with Lynn right away.
Lynn said nothing more, and immediately came to the front of Jubia, grabbing Jubia with one hand.
“It’s still early, you come here, and I’ll take you to a good place.”
After saying that, Lynn wanted to slap herself.
What is it called taking advantage of the fact that it is still early?
Speaking as if he were going to do something bad.
This is not a trivial thing, anyway, there are more wives in his family, and it doesn’t matter if there are one or two more.
“Well, Jubia wants to be with the adults.”
Jubia did not refuse at all, and very actively approached Lynn, and then grabbed Lynn’s arm.
The two men just got close together.
Lynn pulled Jubia along for a long time, and the two of them came to Lynn’s house together.
As for what can I do when I get home?
Normal people should be clear.
“Lord Lynn, Jubia go and get ready, and you’ll be right away.”
Jubia went into the bathroom on the side.
Lynn guessed that Jubia would definitely want to take a shower first, and that would be fine, just so he could go in when the time came.
The idea was good, and Lynn had to stick with it and go to Jubia in a moment.
Time passed quickly, and in a few moments Lynn heard Jubia’s voice, and the sound of rushing water.
The voice seemed to remind Lynn that it was time and it was time to get started.
Lynn, of course, didn’t hesitate, walked up very brightly, and then pushed open the door, and then it was time to do something very important.
The sound of Jubia’s exclamation came from the room.
After a while, the voice was buried.
I don’t know how long later, Lynn and Jubia leaned together, and the two looked at each other silently.
“Jubia is so happy that she can finally be with Lord Lynn.”
Jubia said with great pleasure.
Lynn patted Jubia’s little head gently.
“Well, don’t think too much, it’s not too early, we should start resting, tomorrow morning we may have to get up a little earlier.”
“Well, Jubia will certainly listen to Lord Lynn.”
The two men leaned in together again, and then gradually fell asleep.
It is estimated that even Elusa did not know, but after going out for a while, Lynn got involved with the others.
And a big beauty.
(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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