Chapter 224 Joining Kirigakure


Hearing the noise from the stairs, Shimura Xuan Ding came back and found that the room was filled with various dresses and bags, and even a wooden wall was squeezed down, filling the next room full.

“Miss Sister, haven’t I told you that you have a lot of clothes, so don’t untie the storage scroll in the room?”

Helplessly, he packed all the women’s clothing in the entire clothing store in order to make the young lady happy.

I have to say that art is common. He copied and drew thousands of illustrations for his little sister in those masterpieces of pornography, but the ordinary people of the family who did not have ninja talents used this as a basis for mutual matching and innovation, and created There are tens of thousands of dresses.

Although Gui Deng Shuirou’s boudoir was not small, it was not enough to hold so many dresses.


A dull sound came from the room, and it was obvious that Gui Deng Shuirou was very angry, quite angry.

Shrugging, Shimura Xuan Ding turned and went to the living room on the first floor to meet the craftsmen of the Ghost Lantern Family. They were ordinary people from the Ghost Lantern Family who had no ninja talents.

“You are all members of the Ghost Lantern Family, and you must know the structure of this villa very well. I need you to remove all the non-load-bearing walls on the second and third floors, and redesign and build them based on the layout of our Shimura family’s clothing store in Kirigakure. Make it a wardrobe that belongs exclusively to Miss Shuirou. If it can accommodate tens of thousands of dresses, it’s best to have more room for expansion.

After all, our Shimura family has never stopped developing new clothing, and there will definitely be updates in the future. ”

Speaking of her own requirements, Shimura Xuan Ding attached great importance to this.

He had long guessed that Miss Sister’s wardrobe could not fit so many dresses, so when he came, he greeted the ghost lanterns and asked them to bring people over to renovate the villa.

The previous life has proved that women have almost no resistance to beautiful clothes. This is the most suitable way to impress young lady’s heart.

After all, the next plan still needs Gui Deng Shui Rou to cooperate, and must first please a wave.

“We understand Mr. Xuan Ding’s request, and we will start construction.”

The old man in the lead nodded to express his understanding, and then took the horse under his command upstairs to start the transformation.

“What do you want to do?”

The ghost lamp Qianyue who came with those clan artisans had a black face, and at the same time was very puzzled, I really didn’t understand what this kid wanted to do!

“You have seen the split between Four Tails Monkey King and Five Tails Kokuō. I promised Isofu and Saiken to create the same split for them.

But someone needs to cooperate. I have been looking for suitable candidates these days. At present, it seems that Ms. Shui Rou and Ms. Shui Rong are more suitable. ”

To express the purpose of this time, Shimura Xuan Ding is more optimistic about the two little sisters of Ghost Lantern Water and Water Rong.

Because the two young ladies have yin and yang attributes, they are very suitable to assist Three Tails Six Tails in splitting into a split body.

“Why should I help you?”

Ghost Deng Shuirou walked downstairs in a dark red dress, staring at someone uncomfortably.

This bastard kid was too irritating, he was almost crushed to death just now, but fortunately, he could get out quickly with the Hydration Technique.

“Look, I’ll just say that Miss Sister, your old dresses should have been thrown away long ago, and beauties like you should wear the new style dresses designed by our Shimura family.

By the way, Miss Sister, do you mind being the image spokesperson of our Shimura clothing company in Kirigakure. The benefits are absolutely good. Not only can we get a salary of 100 million taels per year, all new clothing will also give you a free set, which will be valid for life. ”

Looking carefully at the more enchanting Ghost Deng Shuirou wearing the new dress, Shimura Xuan Ding felt that their Shimura clothing company’s image spokesperson in Kirigakure had fallen.

“It’s enough!”

Her complexion became darker, and Gui Deng Qianyue always felt that this kid had wrong intentions, and seemed to have a tendency to cuckold his uncle Gui Deng Huan Yue.

It’s just that he was slapped in the face soon, and it was his aunt Gui Deng Shuirou who slapped his face.

“make a deal!”

The brilliant eyes lit up, and the ghost lamp Shuirou responded decisively. Immediately he noticed the sorrowful look of his elder nephew, and said with a slightly embarrassing explanation: “I just want to make more money to subsidize the family.”


The extremely speechless Ghost Lantern Qianyue leaned back on the sofa, feeling that his IQ was being rubbed against the coffee table by his aunt.

“Yes, I’ll write a contract and send it in later.”

A satisfied smile, Shimura Xuan Ding looked straight, and said with full temptation: “Cooperating with the tail beast to split the split body is also good for you. Presumably you have also seen the little horn on Teacher Yuguan’s head. Five Tails Kokuō merged the proceeds of the split.

And on the basis of this, you can transform yourself into a half-energy, half-flesh body, which will not only greatly improve your physical fitness, but also extend your life span and assist in cultivation, which can be described as many benefits. ”

He believed that this young lady would definitely be tempted, especially after being beaten mercilessly by Miss Yuguan eight times, she had no choice for a long time.

“make a deal!”

Sure enough, Gui Deng Shui Rou decisively responded after a little thought.

She did find an abnormality in Yuguan’s body. She didn’t understand what was going on before, but now that the kid said it, she immediately understood it.

And this is a shortcut to quickly increase strength, and there is no danger in Yuguan that bitch in front.

How can such a good thing be rejected?

“Brother Qianyue, please go ahead and run it. Don’t let some people in Kirigakure obstruct this. This is also good for your ghost lamp family.”

Seeing Gui Deng Shui Rou responded to this matter, Shimura Xuan Ding motioned to Gui Deng Qianyue to hurry to work.

“Although you don’t know what your plan is, don’t do stupid things, otherwise the anger of Ghost Lantern and Mist Shinobi is not something you can bear.”

Standing up, with a murderous warning, Gui Deng Qianyue turned and left, using the family relationship to pave the way for the matter.

Although I can’t figure out what kind of idea the kid is making, it is indeed beneficial to their Ghost Lantern family at this stage.

The stronger the Ghost Lantern Shuirou’s strength, the more stable their family will be in Kirigakure, especially in the current stage of Third Mizukage deliberately supporting civilian ninjas and suppressing the blood ninja clan.

Not to mention that the next Ninja World War is about to begin, and the strength of the family will be guaranteed.

“Third Generation will not agree to this easily.”

Twisting the soft waist of the water snake, walked to the sofa and sat down, elegantly tilting Erlang’s legs, Gui Deng Shui Rou was very curious about how the bastard kid would convince Third Mizukage.

Although she usually ignores those mundane things, she is not a fool. Naturally, she can see that Third Mizukage is suppressing their bloody ninjas. This is what Mizukage has done in all generations, and even other Ninja village shadows are doing the same thing. .

This is a necessity. As a shadow of a village, if you want to stabilize your own power, you must suppress the Xueji Ninja, and the Xueji Ninja will naturally not wait to die, and will strengthen itself at all costs.

This created an irreconcilable conflict between the two parties. Under these circumstances, she really didn’t understand how the kid would persuade Third Mizukage to agree to this matter.

“It’s very simple, tempting!”

With a handsome snap of his fingers, Shimura Xuan Ding was equally confident about it, and even discussed with Third Mizukage on the way to Kirigakure from that island.

Maybe Third Mizukage is more anxious than him!


With doubts on her face, Gui Deng Shui Rou still couldn’t figure out what benefits could make Third Mizukage make concessions.

It’s a pity that Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t want to go on, after all, it had to be kept secret at this stage to avoid any trouble.

“Miss Shui Rou, be my teacher!”

As soon as the topic changed, Shimura Xuan Ding suddenly made an inexplicable request, and she blinked her eyes softly when she heard the ghost lamp water, she really didn’t understand the brain circuit of this bastard kid.

“What bad things are you thinking about again?”

Examining the golden armor boy in front of her, her sixth sense as a woman told her that this kid definitely had no good thoughts.

“You all have misunderstandings about me, I just want to be a glorious mister.”

Faced with the question of the young lady’s soul, Shimura Xuanding couldn’t help but cried out.

Why do these people have such a deep prejudice and misunderstanding of him?

“Do you see me like a fool?”

The pretty face is dark, and the ghost lamp is 100% sure that this bastard kid is not at ease.

“It’s not like!”

“Then you still say that kind of foolish thing?”

Her expression became worse and worse, feeling that this kid was insulting her IQ.

“Okay, let’s talk about a deal. I will teach you Water Style armor and Water Style Chakra Mode. You will accept me as a disciple and set up a village file in Kirigakure for me to become a glorious mister. ”

Seeing this kind of older lady is really not easy to fool, Shimura Xuan Ding can only make a PY transaction with it again.

“I remember that in the information sent by Qian Yue, it was stated that you would have a Chakra Mode for masturbation. Your father Shimura Danzō also used a Wind Style Chakra Mode. Now you have to take out the Water Style Chakra Mode. Your Shimura family has developed seven Chakra Modes?”

Sit up straight, Gui Deng Shuirou carefully looked at the bastard kid in front of him again, and was shocked by the Shimura family’s heritage.

At this stage, the Shimura family has shown Wind Style and Yang Dun Chakra Mode, plus the current Water Style Chakra Mode, there are already three.

I believe that the Lightning Style Chakra Mode of Cloud Shinobi Village must have been developed or imitated by the Shimura family, so there are four.

Is it possible that the Shimura family really developed a full set of escape techniques Chakra Mode?

“That’s not true, our Shimura family’s ability is still limited.”

Shaking his head slightly, Shimura Xuan Ding’s humble Kaidō did not lie either.

Because up to now, the Chakra Mode of Yin Dun has not been developed yet, it is also the most special kind of Chakra Mode, which is more difficult to make.

But it’s just a matter of time.

After looking at it for a long time, seeing that Shimura Xuanding’s face did not seem to be fake, Gui Dengshui softly let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, not what I thought, Shimura family ability is still limited, otherwise it would be fatal to develop a full set of Chakra Mode.

“make a deal!”

Think about it a bit, and answer the matter.

No matter what kind of conspiracy this kid has, in short, get the set of Water Style Chakra Mode first. In the future, even if the other party really has any conspiracy, he just refuses.

After all, this is Kirigakure, not their Konoha.

The decisiveness of the young lady made Shimura Xuan Ding smile, sincerely.

It is not easy to obtain Kirigakure’s green card. At this stage, only Gui Deng Shuirou has enough status to contribute to this.

As long as you become a member of Kirigakure, the next plan will be much easier.

“Run Water Style Chakra along my silk thread.”

Sitting next to the young lady, while sniffing the delicate fragrance on her body, she pierced the fairy power silk thread into her body, and constructed a set of exclusive Chakra circuits according to the other’s physical condition.

With the continuous exploration of the functions of the human body’s acupuncture points, it is quite simple for him to understand the essence of the inner world, like this kind of chakra circuit for others at will.

It’s like knowing those formulas in mathematics, you can complete the calculations given any data.

Others don’t understand the nature of these acupuncture points, even if they get this exclusive set of Chakra circuit, it is difficult to understand the mystery of the inside, and it is impossible to popularize it.

Ghost Light Shuirou Yiyan mobilized her Water Style Chakra to follow those fairy power silk threads, and quickly formed a water film on the body surface, a very special water film.

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