Chapter 225

“This is the Water Style armor, which forms a tough water film on the surface of the body. This water film can slide away from the enemy’s offensive, just like this.

It is also very tough, can disperse the enemy’s offensive impact, and has a good resistance to bludgeoning.

At the same time, the water film is also flowing fast, and it can also deflect to a certain extent against the cutting and piercing type of offensive, and can perform the water instant technique without seal, as well as some water style ninjutsu. ”

While telling the function and advantages of the Water Style armor, he also demonstrated it personally, but this demonstration made Gui Deng Shui Rou quite uncomfortable.

“Don’t take that paw away again, I don’t mind cutting it off!”

Looking at the paw on his chest, a fierce light flashed in his wonderful eyes.

If she had to experience the memory of this Water Style armor, she would have drew her sword and chopped it.

“The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, Miss Sister, not good, very bad!”

With a sigh, he reluctantly withdrew the rebel’s hand.

But having said that, after using the Water Style armor, the touch directly rose to a level, which was very cool.

After waiting for an hour, after Gui Deng Shui Rou wrote down this Chakra circuit, Shimura Xuan Ding used Xian Yuan Li silk thread to construct a Chakra circuit more than ten times more complicated in his body.

It can even be said that the previous Water Style armor Chakra circuit is only a small part of it, and the proportion is less than 10%.

“Is there something wrong with your Shimura family’s brains? If you have to complete this kind of Muji, can’t there be a simple one?”

I just wrote down the Chakra circuit of the Water Style armor, and some dizzy ghost lights rubbed my forehead softly, wanting to make complaints.

Although the Chakra circuit that does not require Jie Yin seems to be very good, it is too complicated and cumbersome. In her opinion, it is not as efficient and cost-effective as using Jie Yin to assist.

The twelve kinds of mudra of the ninja itself are used to assist in performing ninjutsu, which can greatly reduce the difficulty threshold of ninjutsu.

Since there is a shortcut, why must it be so difficult?

Shrugging, Shimura Xuan Ding said he couldn’t help it.

There is indeed a Jie-yin version, and even the printed version was created as a trial and error method at first, but there are quite a few seals, and it faintly points out the essential mystery of Chakra Mode.

I really want to pass the printed version to the ghost lamp Shuirou, maybe this girl can create a universal version of Water Style Chakra Mode, and then spread it in the ghost lamp family and even Kirigakure, that is not what he wants to see .

Helpless, Gui Deng Shuirou could only bite the bullet to remember, and didn’t dare to be careless.

Because this set of Chakra circuit is quite dangerous, it flows through the vital points of the body, and a little carelessness is either death or disability. Even the hydration technique is not easy to resolve the damage in this area.

It wasn’t until late at night that Ghost Lamp Shuirou wrote down all the Chakra circuits and displayed the Water Style Chakra Mode.

Compared with Water Style armor, a thicker and tougher water film surfaced on the body surface, and it greatly improved its physical fitness. The cells of the whole body were activated by Water Style Chakra.

“Water Style Chakra Mode is an upgraded version of Water Style armor. Actually, Water Style armor is suitable for use with water attribute Chakra, and ordinary Jōnin can learn it. Water Style Chakra Mode requires Water Style Chakra as the foundation, at least quasi-Kage- Level level, and cultivated Water Style Chakra.

In addition to the functions of Water Style Armor, Water Style Chakra Mode can also activate body cells, and will have the ability to penetrate attacks, directly attracting water in the enemy’s body, especially blood, to attack and disrupt. ”

After explaining the features of Water Style Chakra Mode, Shimura Xuan Ding discovered that the young lady next to her was looking at herself with a malicious look.

“Good apprentice, come to accompany you to practice for the teacher.”

Ultimate’s gentle smile appeared on the perfect jade face, and Gui Deng Shuirou felt that she could tune this insurgent severely.

Unfortunately, ideals are beautiful, but reality is skinny.

Three seconds later, Gui Dengshui softly stared angrily at the wall, and used that kind of radiation to interfere with Chakra’s opponent.

She was really mad. She didn’t expect this kid to stay behind in the Water Style Chakra Mode. Instead of taking the opportunity to adjust the price of the other party, she was restrained by her. The water film of the Water Style Chakra Mode was easily affected by her. Tear it apart, no effect at all.

“You actually left behind, humble…”

He wanted to swear despicable, but his mouth was blocked, his eyes were round and round, and he struggled more intensely.

“You shout! The craftsmen just above are working overtime. They are all ordinary people and they have average hearing. You have to shout louder for them to hear.”

Licking her lips, Shimura Xuan Ding evilly smiled.

Somehow, he has become more fond of bullying these little sisters these days.

Looking at the little angry eyes of the young lady, her heart was quite refreshing.

Of course, under normal circumstances, he would not take the initiative to bully the young lady unless the other party took the initiative first.

For example, the original teacher Tsunade, the former Ms. Shui Rong and the current Ms. Ghost Deng Shuirou.

These little sisters are not behaved and need education!

“You bastard!”

Gui Deng Shui is soft and short of breath, this rebel is too Damn it.

Shimura Xuan Ding, who was about to continue to educate the teacher and let her know about the sinister society, let her ears move, decisively let go, and returned to the opposite sofa to sit down.

“Master Shuirou, don’t bother you to rest, we will come to work tomorrow.”

The old craftsman led by the old craftsman and his subordinates walked downstairs, respectfully bowed to Shimura Xuan Ding, and left the villa quickly.

Although they can work overtime all night, Master Shuirou needs to rest, and it shouldn’t interfere with Master Shuirou’s sleep.

“Remember to get some corresponding clothes racks. In this regard, you should discuss with our Shimura’s agent clothing store owner.”

Sending several craftsmen to the door of the villa, Shimura Xuan Ding did not forget to exhort.

But when he was about to close the door and spend the night at the teacher’s house, he was suddenly kicked out.


The door of the villa was slammed shut, and even the barrier on the surface rose up, apparently by an angry teacher.

“It’s so late, don’t let me stay overnight!”

Standing firmly, and looking back at the closed door, Shimura Xuan Ding muttered depressedly, and then lifted his foot and walked out.

“Brother Qianyue’s house seems to be over there.”

Discerning the next direction, Shimura Xuan Ding decided to recount the old times with his elder brother Ghost Deng Qianyue, and come to share the bed with his feet and sleep.

I don’t know if my sister-in-law is pretty.

When he sensed that a certain adversary finally left, he slammed the ghost lamp water close to the door with a soft and angrily punch on the wall next to him, and then slammed it with one punch, and shouted a bastard with one punch, as if he was in front of him. The wall is an insurgent.

Now she regrets so much, her intestines are all regretful.

Back then, that kid shouldn’t have been brought back, but now that it is out of control, she feels more and more that she will be planted in the hands of that rebel in her life.

A certain adversary on the other side smoothly came to the house of the big brother Gui Deng Qianyue, but it is a pity that the big brother has not returned yet, fortunately his sister-in-law is at home.

Knowing that Shimura Xuan Ding cured her husband’s hidden illness, it was their husband and wife who were both benefactors, and the sister-in-law was very enthusiastic, even if she had a big belly, she still warmly entertained her and prepared a room for her to live in.

“Sister-in-law, you are too polite. By the way, don’t mind if I diagnose your body. As a pregnant woman, you should have more examinations, especially if you are pregnant with twins!”

Shimura Xuan Ding was very embarrassed by her beautiful sister-in-law’s politeness. In order to express her gratitude, she prepared to check and diagnose her sister-in-law’s body.

“Aren’t you a male doctor?”

Blinking her eyes in amazement, the sister-in-law really didn’t understand the operation of this benefactor.

“In addition to being a male doctor, I am also a well-known gynecologist. Don’t forget that my teacher is Miss Senju Tsunade.

You just need to stretch out your wrist! ”

Pulling out the sign of his teacher Tsunade again, Shimura Xuan Ding is familiar with it.

“Then trouble you!”

My sister-in-law did not suspect him, and naturally stretched out her tender white wrist.

Putting the fingers on the sister-in-law’s tender white wrist, while feeling the confusing touch, while holding on to the heart, stretched the Xianyuanli silk thread.


Originally it was just a kind inspection, but after sensing it with Xian Yuan Li silk thread, Shimura Xuan Ding Jian’s eyebrows wrinkled and his expression became more solemn.

“What’s wrong?”

The sister-in-law also became nervous, after all, Shimura Xuan Ding’s face is very ugly now.

“Don’t worry, the problem is not big, I can solve it.”

Passing a reassuring look to his sister-in-law, Shimura Xuan Ting walked out of the villa and shouted to the ghost lamp ninja who was guarding outside: “Brother outside, go and invite our Kirigakure best medical ninja. By the way, think of a way to notify Brother Qian Yue. , And invite Miss Shui Rou over again, hurry up.”

After that, she turned around and went back to comfort her beautiful sister-in-law.

My sister-in-law is fine, but there is a problem with the child in the stomach, and it is a big problem.

Although the few ghost lantern ninjas who were guarding outside did not understand what had happened, they still acted separately. One went to ask the best medical ninja in the village, and the other went to find the ghost lantern Chitose who was going to work.

Soon an old woman was invited, it was a medical ninja in Kirigakure. Although the medical skills are not the strongest in the village, it is not bad, and belongs to the top ranks.

“Xuan Ding-kun, is there something wrong with my child?”

After the examination by the old woman doctor, the sister-in-law finally couldn’t help but asked, her expression anxious and worried, for fear that the child in her womb would be in danger.

The Ghost Deng Shuirou on the side also looked solemn, and looked worriedly at the old woman doctor who looked at the abdomen of Ghost Deng Qianyue’s wife, her complexion getting more and more serious.

This is obviously not a good sign!

Looking at the dignified old woman doctor, Shimura Xuan Ding explained, “Sister-in-law, don’t worry, you are pregnant with twin sisters, but the two sisters had some minor problems during pregnancy. Together, that is, Siamese babies.

Fortunately, with me, I can separate it by surgical means, and as long as it has been nurtured for a period of time, it will become like a normal child. ”

Her complexion paled for a while, but after hearing that she could be cured, the pretty sister-in-law felt a little better, but she tightly grasped Shimura Xuanding’s palm.

“Xuan Ding-kun, you must save my child, even if I die, you can’t cause trouble to the child.”

As a mother, she would never let her child have an accident, even at the expense of herself.

“Sister-in-law, please rest assured, I will protect your mother and daughter with the honor of teacher Tsunade.”

Patting his breasts for protection, not to mention anything else, just to show off his sister-in-law’s maternal love, he believes that someone must keep the three mothers and daughters.

“The two fetuses are very tightly connected, and they are both too small. They are only seven months old. It is impossible to operate at all now. Moreover, this deformity is also difficult to develop to the end, and there is a high probability that it will become a stillbirth.”

The old woman doctor who finally completed the examination took Shimura Xuan Ding and Gui Deng Shui Rou outside and whispered her opinion.

She had encountered similar illnesses, and there was no way to solve that situation, and it was even more serious this time.

Not only does the fetus’ trunk grow together, but even the head seems to be connected. In this case, there is no way to perform surgery, and the fetus can’t carry it.

This is a dead knot!

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