Chapter 228 Bullying Miss Teacher Sister

“Ms. Shui Rong, do you want a mouthful of waist? It tastes very good, and you need to make up for it now.”

After completing the kidney transplant operation, Shimura Xuan Ding handed another piece of roasted pork kidney to Shui Rong next to him, and said with considerate care.


Shui Rong with a gloomy face slapped the roasted kidney in front of her with a slap on her face, and her heart was frantically trying to kill someone.

The previous split separated a kidney from her body into the Six Tails Saiken split body, and then the bastard directly transplanted himself a pig kidney.

Although this pig’s kidney is semi-energetic with Lava Style Chakra by the Six Tails Saiken split body, not only does it have no hidden dangers, it also greatly blesses its own Lava Style, but this kind of thing is really unacceptable.

“Don’t want such good things, Miss Sister, you are too ignorant!”

Biting the roasted waist, Shimura Xuan Ding gnawed beautifully, and at the same time sighed the little sister’s ignorance.

The Kirigakure Anbu ninjas who were eating roast pork around them looked even more weird, but they also admired Shimura’s medical skills. They were able to transplant pig kidneys to humans.


At the same time, some medical ninjas are thinking about whether to build a pig farm in the village to provide organ transplants.

“Why is her horn different from mine?”

On the other side, Six Tails Saiken’s split body was gnawing on a pig’s hind leg, and he looked at the pair of small horns on Shui Rong Baijing’s forehead in wonder, feeling very different from his own.

This should have been affected by the image of the dragon in his own visualization during the split, but his dragon horns were in that sharp form, while the human woman’s dragon horns were blunt and round, and much smaller.

“I don’t know, maybe because she is a woman!”

Swallowing the roasted kidney in his mouth, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t know how it happened.

The horns of the Six Tails Saiken split dragon form are sharp, and each fork is like a sharp blade.

The end of the dragon’s horns of Shuirong is round, very similar to the dragon’s horns of the little dragon girl in Zhu Bajie in the previous life, and it looks very delicate and cute.

“Back to the village!”

At this time, Third Mizukage, who took the two Jinchūriki far away to complete the inspection and experiment, returned with a smile, and ordered the Anbu ninjas to return to the village.

He was very satisfied with this deal. Although the sealed Three Tails Six Tails did not actively cooperate, he did not resist the Chakra extraction by the Seal of the Tail Beast.

This is already a very successful tail beast Jinchūriki. With these two confidants Jinchūriki in hand, his position of Mizukage will be more secure, and at the same time, it will be able to further oppress those ninja forces.

This deal is a big profit!

“Senior brother, won’t you stay and eat some? The meat of this pig is very good.”

With a kind invitation, Shimura Xuan Ding also intends to take this opportunity to have a relationship with this senior, and ask if she is beautiful, if she is beautiful, she will visit the house another day.

“No, you can eat it yourself!”

With a twitching look, he glanced at the gloomy water paste, and then at the wild boar that was half of his body still roasting on the fire. Third Mizukage didn’t stay long, and quickly returned to Kirigakure with a group of boys.

“Eat quickly, we have to go back quickly.”

Feeling that it’s not safe here, Shimura Xuan Ding motioned the Three Tails and Six Tails Saiken splits beside him to move their mouths quickly, and the remaining half of the wild boar was chewed so much that there were no bones left.

Afterwards, several people and two beasts followed Third Mizukage and others back to Kirigakure, and Shui Rong went straight home with a gloomy face, while Shimura Xuan Ding returned to the ghost lamp family with her teacher’s little sister, Shui Rou, Gui Lan.

The Three Tails and Six Tails Saiken splits went straight to Monkey King and the others, obviously to show off.

On the other side, the ghost lamp Shuirou signaled the insurgent to directly bring herself back to the villa, and figured out a way to change her legs back as soon as possible, and then regretted it.

“what are you doing?”

Looking at the rebel who thumped himself against the wall again, Gui Deng Shuirou had a bad feeling.

“Check the teacher!”

The face of Zheng Ren-kunzi’s smile appeared. He thought that since someone had promised to heal the body for the teacher and sister, he would naturally do it, and a checkup before the treatment is essential.

“Don’t shout, those craftsmen are all working on it!”

Seeing the teacher’s sister openly yelling, Shimura Xuan Ding reminded, and then proceeded to let her be honest and update her body data, especially the snake’s tail.

It is not easy to turn this snaketail into human legs. After all, the two structures are completely different, which is extremely difficult and requires careful inspection.

As for why I didn’t faint for inspection, the main reason was that the spiritual spells in the spiritual body of Miss Sister’s consciousness were not very good.

The threatened Gui Dengshui shivered softly with anger, but he could only helplessly close his eyes and let him check it, even unable to resist.

No way, the entire legs became slender snake tails, and the changes in muscles, bones and flesh are second. The key is that there are no meridian and acupuncture points inside. Now the whole meridian and acupuncture points system is incomplete, and the previous ninjutsu cannot be used, even Even the secret technique of hydration is difficult to display.

In addition, this bastard used that kind of radiation to interfere with Chakra in his body, and he couldn’t resist.

At this moment, the ghost lamp Shuirou regretted it, regretted accepting this insurgent, and regretted agreeing to help Three Tails split into the split body, so as to make himself like this.

I’m so sorry that my intestines are green!

“I have understood the situation and will help you think of a solution as soon as possible.”

After completing the inspection, Shimura Xuan Ding left a sentence and sat down on the sofa safely, assembled the helmet, put down the visor, wrapped herself tightly, and spread out the Xian Yuan Li silk thread warning, and then entered with peace of mind. Black tripod space.

“Damn it’s bastard!”

Hastily put on the dress that had been taken off, Gui Dengshui was so mad that he wanted to find a way to kill the insurgent now.

It’s a pity that her strength is greatly damaged at this stage. There is no one in a hundred, and she still needs the rebel to treat this kind of abnormality. There is no way to start, which makes her even more angry.

He stared angrily at the rebel, Gui Dengshui softened his hands and walked upstairs with difficulty, not wanting to see the rebel again.

On the sofa in the living room on the first floor, Shimura Xuan Ding consciousness entered the black Ding space, blended with the ghost lamp water after updating the data, and also obtained a slender snake tail.

“It’s not very easy to do. It is estimated that you have to start with the Yin and Yang escape, or let the young lady transform into a pure energy body and get rid of the limitations of body cells.”

Feeling the slender and enchanting snake tail, Shimura Xuan Ding rubbed his forehead with a headache.

The backbone of the snake’s tail is a spine connected to his spine and spinal cord. The structure of the bone is too different from that of a human leg, and it cannot be solved by surgery.

“Forget it, first calculate a new network of meridians and acupuncture points, and then work out a set of secret techniques, so that the young lady can adapt to this stuff and restore her strength as much as possible.”

After thinking about it for a long time, but still didn’t think of a solution that could be solved immediately, Shimura Xuanding had to give up and instead found a way to create a cultivation method for this kind of snaketail.

The structure of snake tail is completely different from that of human legs and requires a whole new set of circuits to practice.

Fortunately, he can refer to the meridian and acupuncture points of human legs, and use it as a basis to create a set of the snake’s tail, and then use his own knowledge to create a set of exclusive Chakra circulation circuits, which is not a big problem.

On the other side, the ghost lamp Shuirou finally moved to the bed, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she got, her white and slender five-fingered fists kept slamming down, as if the pillow was the damn rebel.

After hammering for a while, the spirit became more and more exhausted, and finally fell asleep groggy.

Chakra, who had previously merged with Three Tails, put her under a lot of pressure, and the mixed Transformation Technique and Split Technique that she used afterwards was also very expensive.

On the way back, he spent a lot of energy to adapt to the control of the snake’s tail. At this stage, he was exhausted to the extreme and needed a good rest.

I don’t know how long I slept. In her dream, Gui Deng Shuirou seemed to have dreamed that someone was scratching her feet, and she woke up from itching.

“No, why is it so itchy?”Opened her eyes and looked at the pillow in front of her, feeling the itchiness coming from below, turned her head and saw an insurgent who made her wish to draw a knife and slash it over.

“Don’t move, it’s shaping the meridian and acupuncture points for you!”

Shimura Xuan Ding, who was busy, motioned to Miss Teacher not to move, her palms were constantly walking on the scales of the slender snake tail, and the Xian Yuan Li silk thread went deep into it to guide the inner Chakra to shape the meridian and acupuncture points.

It stands to reason that this snake tail should be a pure Chakra product. After all, it was split and exchanged from the Three Tails body, but I don’t know how it changed and it blended perfectly with the ghost lamp water soft body and became a semi-Chakra body. The state of half flesh and blood is probably related to the special hydration physique of the Ghost Lamp family.

“Well, although there are differences between the snake tail and the human body, as long as the acupuncture points are enough, it can also be used for cultivation, and even the proportion of your fusion is larger, which is equivalent to half the body of a tail beast, and you will cultivate more quickly in the future.”

After completing the shaping of the last acupuncture point, Shimura Xuan Ding smiled and said that this snake tail is perfect. Miss sister, you will accept your fate in the future!

“That means you can’t change it back for me?”

His complexion became bad, and the murderous intent in his heart was also surging.

This rebel is really deceiving her!

“There are still ways, and there are two. Either you merge the Yin and Yang to escape to form the legendary Yin and Yang escape and the blood succession boundary, or you can transform your body into a pure energy body, and then you will have whatever shape you want.”

Telling two solutions, he hoped that someone would do what he said. Since he said he should help the young lady recover her legs, he would naturally try his best to do it.

It’s just that she’s not strong enough now, and Miss Sister is also not strong enough, so she can only postpone it temporarily.

“You bastard!”

She was so angry that she grabbed the pillow and smashed it over, and Gui Deng Shuirou felt that her brain must have been convulsed, how could she have chosen to believe this insurgent before.

But in the end, everyone is a young lady, even if they want to swear, they can’t swear swear words, and their vocabulary is too poor in this regard.

“Stop it, you can remember this set of Chakra operation circuit, you can practice and perform ninjutsu on the basis of this operation circuit in the future, and the effect will be much stronger.

In addition, you have already obtained the Sea Dun Blood Successor Boundary formed by the fusion of Yang Dun and Water Style by Isofu. After you thoroughly adapt to the Master, your strength will be greatly improved. ”

Catching the thrown pillow with one hand, and pressing the slender snake’s tail with the other, the Xianyuanli silk thread stretched in to construct an uncomplicated Chakra circuit.

This is the perfect circuit that he used to experiment with the trial and error method in the black tripod space before, and it is enough to eliminate the difference between the current snake tail state and the previous state, and even make it more powerful.

Hai Dun is the unique blood boundary of Three Tails Jifu. It is a fusion of Yang Dun and Water Style. The power of Water Style is far more powerful than pure Water Style.

In the original work, Three Tails Jifu didn’t show the special blood succession power like other tail beasts, and it was used to use some powerful Water Style.

In fact, it’s people’s blood inheritance limit. It’s just that Hai Dun itself is an enhanced version of Water Style. Apart from the difference in power, there is no difference in form. Those who don’t understand think it’s Three Tails’ powerful flying bricks. Chattanla blessed Water Style!

The ghost lamp Shuirou on the bed knew that the matter was over, and could only listen to the rebel, resisting the grievances in her heart, and mobilizing Chakra in her body to operate according to that circuit.

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