Chapter 229 The Doctor’s Favorite Patient

To temporarily solve the problem of the ghost lamp water soft, Shimura Xuan Ding found someone from the ghost lamp family to bring him to the Lava Style family clan.

The Lava Style family had a clan name during the Sengoku era, but unfortunately it seems to have been destroyed, but there are still some out-of-branches who survived and joined after Kirigakure was established.

It’s just that the blood of those people is too thin. They haven’t been able to awaken Lava Style until this generation has a Shui Rong. This is why Shui Rong is clearly a ninja, but he doesn’t even have a surname.

Just like Bai in the original book, he does not have a surname himself, or that surname has been abandoned.

As soon as he arrived at the Lava Style clan, Shimura Xuan Ding met an acquaintance.

“It’s you!”

Staring bitterly at the golden armored boy in front of him, Zhao Meizong clenched his fists, killing intent boiling over.


Too lazy to talk nonsense, Shimura Xuanding slapped it directly and turned it into a fast spinning top.

Who on earth gave you the courage of a crispy ninja who dared to stand within one meter of Ding Ye?

Could it be that Sister Liang really passed through?

“Mr. Xuan Ding, you make us very embarrassed.”

The three Anbu ninjas who were in charge of monitoring Shimura Xuan Ding appeared, and looked helplessly at Terumizong, who was incarnate as a top, and felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

After all, the Terumi family is next door.

“You have also seen him. He has a hideous face and even more murderous intent. I am a legitimate defense, and deliberately murdering a ninja in the same village is a felony.”

Innocently spread his hands, Shimura Xuan Ding thinks that he is a good citizen who abides by the law and will never do anything illegal.

“Take him to the hospital.”

The face twitched, and the leading Anbu ninja didn’t say much, and motioned to his men to take Terumizong away.

And the two Anbu ninjas behind looked at the sunken faces on the other side of Mi Zong, and couldn’t help feeling more pity in their hearts.

Last time they took Zhao Meizong to the hospital, the doctor said that there was no way to completely repair half of the face bones that had been trampled on, and that half of the face was disfigured.

Now the other half of the face is broken, and now it is symmetrical, that guy is really faceless to see people.

But it has nothing to do with them, even if the headache is a headache, Master Third Generation has a headache.

And Third Generation adults may not have a headache. After all, the Terumi family is a ninja family. Although it is not a rich family, it is also at the top level, second only to the three giants of Guideng Mizutsu and Kaguya.

Just take this opportunity to suppress a wave of Terumi family.

“Mr. Xuan Ding, you are now a member of Kirigakure. Don’t do too much, otherwise we will not end well.”

As a reminder, the Anbu ninja headed by continued to return to the dark.

“If it weren’t for you to be the old father of Fifth Mizukage, you would have killed you a long time ago.”

Looking at Terumizong, who was carrying away quickly, Shimura Xuan Cao curled her lips in disdain.

Terumizong is a standard crispy ninja, and its own Boil Style is not very strong. With his current strength, he can slap to death.

I don’t want to let the future Fifth Mizukage disappear, without a high-quality sponsor, otherwise it would have been destroyed to humanity a long time ago.

Withdrawing his gaze, Shimura Xuanding walked inside the Lava Style family clan and followed the induction to find Miss Shui Rong who was looking in the mirror.

“Miss sister, why are you doing this?”

Shimura Xuan Ding was speechless looking at the set of steel hand saws, hammers and chisels on the table.

Even if you don’t like the two dragon horns on your forehead, you can’t do that.

That thing is very hard, harder than diamonds.

“You want to control?”

After staring in the mirror and putting down the knife in her hand, Shui Rong felt that she must have been a Demon King in her previous life, otherwise she wouldn’t have encountered this bastard in this life.

It’s a bloody mold for eight lifetimes!

“Of course I have to take care of it!”

Involuntarily speaking, she hugged the Shui Rong sitting there and placed it on the next bed. Shimura Xuan Ding seriously said: “Next, you need to set up an exclusive Chakra circuit according to your physical condition to help you half your body. Fleshly.

So, did you make me faint for an examination, or did you take the initiative to cooperate? ”

As a doctor with medical ethics, he is very humane and needs to ask the patient’s opinion before doing the examination.

Of course, the opinions of patients are sometimes not very important.


She was trembling with anger again, Shui Rong barely managed to calm down the anger for a while, and said bitterly: “I don’t need you to do it, I will do it myself!”

After speaking, he cast himself a Hypnosis illusion.

No way, now the strength is not as good as the human, and this guy has already gained power in the village, and he has no way to resist.

The most important thing is that this guy pierced that kind of fairy power silk thread into his body as soon as he came in, and could interfere with her Chakra at any time, and there was no room to fight back for a long time.

Rather than being forcibly bullied, it’s better to just fall asleep and think of being smashed by a pig.

“This is the doctor’s favorite patient!”

With a satisfied smile, Shimura Xuan Ding simply let the young lady be honest with each other, started to update the young lady’s body data, and then lay down next to the young lady, and his consciousness entered the black tripod space.

Shui Rong now has two dragon horns and a kidney on her body. The kidneys are semi-Chakraized, and the dragon horns are transformed by the original power of Six Tails.

Next, we need to use these two points as the foundation to integrate Six Tails Saiken’s Chakra and transform the water rong into a half-Chakra body like Miss Yuguan.

This requires detailed body data and countless experiments to get the most perfect circuit.

Fortunately, a lot of merit and energy have been accumulated during this period. Even if the function of full recovery becomes a paid version, it can still be carried.


“I need more leek fields!”

Looking at the merit energy ball that had shrunk in a circle, Shimura Xuanding’s farming soul burned again.

He needs more leeks to harvest the merit energy!

Consciousness exited the black tripod space and returned to the body in reality, just as the Hypnosis time of Miss Shui Rong had passed, she was getting up and getting dressed, and she was already putting on the silk stockings.

“Miss Shui Rong, let me help you!”

Get up enthusiastically and put the young lady’s legs and ankles on her shoulders, then pick up a stocking and slowly pull it up from the toe.

Shui Rong looked blankly, and didn’t resist, because it was useless to resist.

The difference in strength is too great, and the bastard kid is also very restrained from their ninjas, she can’t break the heavy gold suit alone on her body.

“What are you trying to do with me?”

After she was put on high heels and finished everything, Shui Rong couldn’t help asking.

She still can’t understand what she has in her body that is worthy of the other party’s conspiracy. You must know that the greatest value in her body is the Lava Style blood successor, but a blood succession limit is obviously not worth the bastard kid’s investment in her. .

There must be another conspiracy, but what is it?

“Don’t think so much, you just need to practice hard and become strong.”

Caressing the beautiful woman’s perfect pretty face with pity, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t have much plot against this young lady, just wanted to make it stronger.

In this way, after updating the data and merging with oneself, the increase in understanding that can be provided will be greater, allowing oneself to develop more and better cultivation methods faster.

This is a virtuous circle, and it is also the main reason why he passed so many precious secrets to these young ladies for cultivation.

“Is you trying to make me stronger and take control of Kirigakure for you to drive?”

Suddenly, Shui Rong probably guessed the intent of the bastard kid, and immediately sneered: “Die this heart, I won’t let you succeed.”


Seeing being held in the black pot again, Shimura Xuan Ding was extremely speechless.

Although I am the son of the pot, you can’t just play around with the pot.

Be careful I sue you for slander!

“If you have that ability, I don’t mind if you stop me?

Become strong quickly, otherwise your relatives and friends may die in front of you one by one, you know, this world is cruel. ”

Turning into a dark and cold painting style, Shimura Xuan Ding is very villainous and began to improvise.

No matter what method is used to suppress the stimulation, as long as the young lady has enough motivation to work hard to become stronger.

“I won’t let you succeed!”

Solemnly and decisively, Shui Rong decided to fight the dark child of Damn it to the end, and would never let it hurt anyone in Kirigakure.

“I look forward to it!”

Pushing the glasses, Shimura Xuan Ding is very satisfied with her acting skills. It seems that this young lady has also been fooled, and she will definitely work harder to practice in the future.

A perfect tool man was born!

I didn’t want to say much, I lay on the bed with my arms around the soft waist of the young lady, and the Xian Yuan Li silk thread stretched in to construct a Chakra circuit that was a half-Chakra body.

Shui Rong’s strength is much worse than that of Yuguan. It is estimated that it will take a year to complete the semi-Chakraization of the whole body, and then meet with him to update a wave of data.

Shui Rong did not resist either, and at the same time memorized the Chakra circulation circuit attentively.

Although I hate this bastard kid to death, I have to say that the Shimura family is really terrifying, and these Chakra circuits developed are extremely powerful.

“By the way, what did Terumi Zong just come to your family for?”

Thinking back to Terumizong before, Shimura Xuan Ting asked curiously.

At that time, the guy just walked out of the Lava Style clan, obviously coming to do something.

Looking at the situation of Shui Rong before, it seems that the guy hadn’t been looking for Miss Shui Rong, and the two might not even have met.

Shui Rong pressed her lips tightly and didn’t want to deal with it, but when she sensed the palm that moved up slowly on her waist, she hurriedly reached out and grabbed it, and said helplessly: “Our family has been taken care of by the Zhaomei family in the village these years. , The two sides had a marriage agreement, according to Mei Zong came to find a cousin of me this time, and wanted to continue the marriage.”

‘It seems that I don’t have to worry about the future Miss Fifth Mizukage. ’

After hearing this, Shimura Xuan Ding was still thinking about how to make the charming and enchanting Fifth Mizukage out, but he didn’t expect things to have this kind of evolution.

I just don’t know whether the future Fifth Mizukage will appear again under the instigation of my butterfly wings.

This is really hard to say!

“Complete the semi-chakraization of the body as soon as possible. If you have not completed the next meeting, the consequences are not what you want to see.”

Sensing that Shui Rong had already mastered the Chakra circuit, Shimura Xuan Ding made a last wave of threats, then put on a gentle smile of Zheng Ren-kunzi and left under the weird eyes of several Lava Style family ninjas.

“Courageous kid!”

Sitting up on the bed, Shuirong pouted her lips in disdain.

Originally, she was prepared to lose herself to the bastard kid, but who would think that the kid would still only do it, and did not do anything further.

Even though he had been in a coma and humiliated several times, that layer of chastity was still well preserved. Obviously, the kid was just a lusty heart and a guts.

Even Shui Rong maliciously slandered whether the little devil was terminally ill in that regard, and even the andrologist himself could not heal it.

Shimura Xuan Ding, who left, had no idea that he was being viciously cursed by a certain young lady. He was thinking about a bigger incident in Kirigakure, earning more small money, and striving for the private house of the Wujin compatriots. All the money is taken out.

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