Chapter 230

“You want to hollow out our Mist Shinobi!”

After listening to Shimura Xuan Ding’s proposal, Third Mizukage sighed gloomily, and then spoke a condition.

“The charge for the ninja has been tripled.”

This kid has made money in andrology, and wants to make money in gynecology, and he is the kind of beauty, slimming and body shaping business.

Just think about it to understand the horrible ability to attract gold, after all, which woman does not want to be whiter and more beautiful?

Is there any man who doesn’t want his girlfriend and wife to be more beautiful?

After all, women become more beautiful, but men will benefit in the end.

In doing so, this kid will have to earn tens of billions, but this is also good for him.

The richest people in the village are the ninjas of the ninja, and letting them spend their money on these aspects that are not useful for improving their strength can indirectly weaken the overall strength of the ninja.

As the head of a village, it is politically correct to weaken the power of the Ninja clan. This is more important than the war of Ninja that is about to begin, and it is related to the stability and future of the village.

“That’s natural, I will provide the top VIP services to those Ninja girls, and the charge will definitely be a little bit more expensive.”

Nodded tacitly. Shimura Xuan Ding had already anticipated this. He also did this when he was engaged in andrology. The charge was three times that of the civilian ninja, and the service provided was better.

“Our Kirigakure’s Ninja Warrior Academy is about to be established. You will be appointed as the Dean at that time. This is designated by the Daimyo Palace.”

As soon as the voice changed, Third Mizukage talked about another thing.

In the Ninja Warrior Academy that is about to be established, one person from Kirigakure and Daimyofu will become the deputy dean, who will be responsible for the actual management. Coming to take the post, anyway, is just a name, and is not responsible for actual management.

“This is easy to say, I won’t bother brother!”

Shimura Xuan Ding naturally responded to this escort, got up and left, and proceeded to set up the beauty hospital.

With the support of Third Mizukage, the opening of the beauty hospital went smoothly, and many young ladies in Kirigakure heard that Shimura Xuan Ding had transferred from an andrological master to a gynecological master, and she was able to provide one-stop services for beauty, whitening, and slimming, and she went crazy right away.

The previous andrology treatment has proved its powerful medical skills, and now it is certainly not bad to come to the gynecology department.

Especially when the first young lady who received treatment came out, everyone was stunned.

The girl’s face value was only 60 points before, barely passing the pass, but now it has reached a full 90 points, infinitely close to those top beauties.

Who can resist this heaven-defying medical technique?

Fortunately, Shimura Xuan Ding hired a group of Mist Shinobi ninjas from the Mizukage building to maintain order, but the beauty hospital was not crowded.

“Next person!”

In the beauty hospital, after finishing the beauty treatment for a young lady, Shimura Xuan Ding signaled the next young lady to come in, and then she was confused.

“Big brother, I am now a gynecologist during the day, and I will switch to andrology at night.”

Looking at the big brother who was taller than herself, Shimura Xuan Ding complained a bit about the professionalism of those Mist Shinobi colleagues.

I have previously explained that only women are allowed to come in. Why did a man come here?

“I am a woman!”

The’big brother’ was silent for a moment, and said gloomyly that he was a woman.

He blinked his eyes stubbornly, and took a closer look at this 1.9-meter tall, muscular-knotted eldest sister, and there is a circle of stubble on her chin, and she feels that she has gained knowledge.

“Big sister, you secrete a lot of male hormones!”

With emotion, Shimura Xuanding saw this kind of big sister for the first time, even in Iwagakure, who is rich in elder brothers, he has never seen such a strange situation.

“Is this kind of me saved?”

Looking hopefully at the young man in front of her, the eldest sister was counting on this gynecological master to save her life.

“It’s harder, but it’s still within my ability.”

Nodding, Shimura Xuan Ding responded to the matter, making the big sister in front of her ecstatic.

“Do you have any requirements for the transformation?”

Inquiring dutifully, the eldest sister spoke with confidence: “I have no special requirements, as long as I can become a real woman.”

“Okay, please lie down on the operating table.”

Putting on the gloves and disinfecting, Shimura Xuan Ding motioned to lie down, and then proceeded to treat him.

First, the Kaguya ninja, who was accompanied by her side, used Dead Bone Pulse to control the big sister’s skeleton to shrink a little, and then the flesh and blood were reduced. The tall and glamorous beauty of Mi Bawu is freshly released.

“Come and see if you are satisfied!”

Pointing to the huge floor mirror on the wall, Shimura Xuan Ding motioned to her elder sister to look at it. If you are not satisfied, you can modify it on the spot.

“Is this me now?”

First, she looked down at her white and delicate hands, without the rich body hair she used to, and then looked carefully against the floor mirror on the wall, the cold and tall beauty inside made her really unbelievable to be who she is now.

It’s a personal change!

“If the eldest sister is satisfied, please go outside to pay the fee, and the next young lady will be invited in.”

Seeing that the eldest sister was very satisfied, Shimura Xuan Ding signaled that she could go out to pay the fee, and at the same time greeted the next young lady to come in.

“Mr. Xuan Ding, I won’t be the same again, am I?”

I walked to the door of the operating room idiotically, suddenly as if remembering something, the eldest sister turned around and asked nervously.

“You are now an adult. The bones of your body have already stopped developing, and there will be no major changes. At the same time, I modified the androgen-secreting glands in your body. If there is no accident, it will not become It looks like that.”

Be patient and explain, as a doctor with medical ethics, he will naturally not leave hidden dangers to the lovely patients, and he must cure the roots of the disease.

In this way, the boring day was over, Shimura Xuanding smiled satisfied looking at the pile of banknotes that filled the entire room.

Naturally, he would not bring these banknotes back to Konoha. The batch that his old father took away was already at the limit.

These coins will be transformed into heavy gold through the Daming Mansion of the Water Country, otherwise he will inevitably disrupt the currency market of the Water Country and cause turmoil.

“How is it? Is there any progress?”

Turning to look at the Kaguya boy who is following him today, Shimura Xuan Ding asked with concern.

He still can’t control bone cells, so he needs the Dead Bone Pulse of the Yoruichi clan to assist him in sculpting.

I specially visited the Kaguya patriarch before and concluded a deal with him. I can use the Kaguya people’s Dead Bone Pulse to do a beauty business, but I must teach the Kaguya people how to fine-tune the Dead Bone Pulse.

Although this fine control technique cannot increase the strength of Dead Bone Pulse, it can greatly reduce consumption, just like increasing the control of Chakra.

“Thank you Xuan Ding-kun for the point, I have benefited a lot today.”

The young Kaguya bowed respectfully. Today, he has indeed benefited a lot, and he really can’t think that his Dead Bone Pulse can be so detailed.

“It’s good to have something, but it’s a pity that your Dead Bone Pulse’s Bloodline disease is very difficult to deal with. In essence, your Dead Bone Pulse is too strong to be able to carry it by itself.

Either upgrade your body to resist that Bloodline disease, or find a way to suppress the weakening, there is no other way. ”

I sigh with regret. He was invited by the Kaguya patriarch to carefully study the Dead Bone Pulse, which is a blood inheritance boundary, and studied it on living people. It is much better than the quasi-shadow puppet studied in Iwagakure, and he also understands it. The root of Dead Bone Pulse.

Dead Bone Pulse is indeed related to the co-killing of gray bones used by Miss Kaguya Ji. It should be a degenerate product of co-killing gray bones.

In other words, Dead Bone Pulse evolves to the culmination of co-killing gray bones, but co-killing gray bones is too strong for ordinary people to carry.

As the intensity of Dead Bone Pulse continues to increase, the characteristics derived from the co-killing of gray bones will continue to increase, until it exceeds the physical tolerance of the Yoruichi clan, and eventually dies.

And the better the qualifications of Dead Bone Pulse, the more frequently it is used, the faster the onset of disease will be.

That’s why Kaguya Kimimaro in the original book died young, even Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto could not be cured.

The days afterwards became very boring, and I continued to practice medicine in Kirigakure for three full months, and after Miss Gui Deng Shuirou finally completed her half-Chakra practice, Shimura Xuan Ding decided to return to Konoha.

After all, it has been too long!

“Why are you stronger again?”

In the Ghost Lantern family, the Ghost Lantern was lying on the bed unlovably, leaving the rebel to check his body. I really couldn’t figure out how this rebel became stronger so quickly.

I completed the semi-Chakra training before, and my strength has increased a lot. I am ready to teach this adversary. Who wants to be the same as the last time and be easily defeated.

Even if I merged with Three Tails Chakra, the Sea Dun Chakra Mode is still easily torn apart, with no effect at all.

“I don’t know, I will become stronger as I practice.”Shrugging, Shimura Xuan Ding said that these are all basic operations, and at the same time he is very satisfied with the progress of the teacher.

“The smell of the teacher’s body is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that energizing the body can indeed improve the body’s functions.”

Sniffing the alluring fragrance, I feel very comfortable.

This fragrance smells much better than those artificial perfumes.


With a cold snort, Gui Deng Shuirou didn’t want to bother with this adversary.

Although he hasn’t really taken it off, except for that step, he has done everything that should be done, and the other party may even know his body better than she.

What kind of sin did he commit in his last life!

“Just remember this pair of Chakra operating circuits. It will allow you to absorb natural energy and practice based on the Chakra of Isofu, and the training efficiency will increase a lot.”

After completing the data update, Shimura Xuanding uses the fairy power silk thread to construct a brand-new Chakra circulation circuit in his body, which is specially used to absorb natural energy for cultivation.

Of course, as usual, it is an exclusive version, and it is based on Chakra of Three Tails.

“Are you not afraid that I will surpass you in the future and clean up your rebels?”

After taking note of the Chakra circulation, Gui Deng Shui spoke bitterly, and I really couldn’t figure out why this kid passed so many cultivation methods.

Is it true that confidence can suppress her forever?

“I am looking forward!”

Showing a domineering and confident smile, Shimura Xuan Ding was not afraid of being surpassed by this teacher.

Not to mention the reversal technique and the explosive pill technique specifically used to target Rasengan’s Golden Core, his own progress alone will throw away the ghost lights and water soft for several streets.

If the speed at which Ghost Lantern Shuirou becomes stronger is one, then his speed of becoming stronger is two. As long as he is surpassed by himself, he will never be able to surpass it.

As a generation of traversers, this self-confidence is still there.

Not to mention that the threshold of Six Paths is not easy to cross, and eventually all ninjas will be stuck under that threshold.

Instead of achieving Six Paths, they will end up as ants. When these young ladies want to make a breakthrough, they still have to see their wishes for someone.

Of course, the benefits of these young ladies getting stronger before this are even greater for him. For example, this time the ghost lamp water softening is half-Chakra, and the increase in the black tripod space is even greater, especially in terms of comprehension. The improvement and continuous improvement, the effect is at least three times the previous.

Therefore, the stronger the young ladies, the better, they are all high-quality sponsors.

Without waiting, Shimura Xuan Ding got up and left the villa, ready to talk to Miss Shui Rong about her life, and after discussing her ideals, she went to say goodbye to Senior Brother Third Mizukage.

“Is that kid really terminally ill?”

Lying on the bed, Gui Deng Shui Rou was full of malicious guesses.

That little devil could take advantage of her, but he just didn’t do that, and it made her feel more resentful every time.

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