Chapter 243 Perfect Body

“A little bit to the left, a bit to the left, yes, it’s that position, press harder!”

Lie comfortably on the bed, and point her fiancée to perform a step-back massage service. Compared with the palm of the hand, the strength of the sole of the foot is stronger and more uniform, and the strength of the massage can also be transmitted to a deeper level.

So stepping on the back massage method is very effective, and he almost experienced it in his previous life.

When I went to have a massage with a friend, I wanted to enjoy a wave of back-stomping services, but when he saw that the master who stepped his back was a 200-jin uncle, he said that he had chest tightness recently and he was not suitable for back-stomping massage.

No matter how the 200-jin uncle expressed his superb skills, he did not agree.

Since then he has understood that the TV shows are all deceitful, and all the massage services are the young ladies. Anyway, he did not experience the high-quality services of the young ladies at the beginning. On the contrary, he suffered a lot of fright. There is a psychological shadow.

And now he became the eldest young master of Shimura’s family after crossing, and finally can enjoy the legendary young lady’s back massage service.

“Why are all the hairs on your body gone?”

Shimura Keiko asked curiously while learning this shameful hand…foot massage.

Last time, she discovered that the skin of her little man has become extremely smooth and delicate. Except for the eyebrows and hair, there are no pores on the other surface skin.

“When we humans had not invented clothes a long time ago, we had the same hairs as other animals to resist injury and severe cold. That is a major foundation for our ancestors to survive.

It’s just that with the continuous evolution of human beings, those thick hairs are no longer needed, and they gradually degenerate into the current hairs.

Although the hair itself has some functions, it has little effect. I don’t need things like sweat glands to help balance the body’s functions at my level, so I naturally have to get rid of it.

Your current physical fitness is still quite poor. When it grows by two or three times, I will also help you remove the sweat glands on your body and become more perfect. ”

After patiently explaining in detail, Shimura Xuan Ding had long wanted to remove all the sweat glands on his body.

The sweat glands are used to assist the body’s internal function balance, which is naturally very important to ordinary people, but it is basically useless for those who have cultivated to his level.

Useless things have to be cleaned out naturally to make oneself more perfect.

“Who wants you to shave your hair!”

Gazed in embarrassment, Keiko immediately asked curiously: “The bones of the body seem to be a bit different. Did you transform it yourself?”

She has an incomparable understanding of the structure of the human body. Through this massage, she faintly discovered that the bones of her little man seem to be somewhat different from those of normal people, especially the spine.

“We humans were supposed to be similar to monkeys or apes a long time ago. We didn’t walk upright, but evolved later.

But this evolution is not perfect. This imperfect body structure, especially the bones, prevents us from obtaining a perfect force structure.

In addition, there are many hidden dangers. For example, the spine is prone to disease, cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis, and it will flash to the waist if you don’t pay attention.In addition, the pressure on the blood vessels of the heart is not small, and it is not easy to press the blood flowing to the legs and feet back to the heart.

In response to these shortcomings, I made minor adjustments to my body, not much, but made the body structure more perfect. ”

Shimura Xuan Ding gave a detailed explanation while enjoying the massage service of his fiancée.

Whether it is a human in this Otherworld or a human on Earth-kun in the previous life, the body structure is not perfect, and it is easy to play with diseases.

This is caused by the imperfection of the body. In response to this, he used medical skills in the black tripod space to continuously adjust himself with the power of Dead Bone Pulse, and finally got the most perfect body structure, which is what it is now.

Previously, Iwagakure and Kirigakure were engaged in plastic surgery and body shaping services mainly to obtain more body structure data and to make some simple attempts.

This is the main purpose.

As a selfish person, he has never forgotten that cultivation and strength are the foundation of everything, and everything must serve himself.

He can’t do things that harm one’s self or selfless dedication, and everything he needs to do must have a clear purpose.

“It seems to be the reason.”

Keiko Shimura felt a little thoughtful.

Compared with some animals, the human body is indeed very fragile sometimes, especially the spine. A little carelessness can be damaged and even life-threatening.

Even the ninja’s physical surgery has many brutal tricks against the spine, and there are also problems with the heart and blood vessels.

With the same physical fitness and size, human beings simply can’t run away from some animals in nature.

Thinking of this, Keiko used Chakra to sense the changes in her little man’s body, especially the spine.

“It has become so much thicker?”

I was surprised to feel that the spine was three times the diameter of a normal human spine, but it was also possible to imagine that the strength of this spine must be far greater than that of a normal human spine.

“Just watch, but don’t stop your massage, keep pressing, press with your big toe.”

Realizing that the young lady had stopped the massage service, Shimura Xuan Ding hurriedly opened a complaint, and at the same time thought about the fight with the teacher tonight.

When Shimura Xuan Ding used a massage service to relax himself, and when he was actively preparing for the battle, Konoha also became lively.

After more than half a month of hype, everyone in the entire village is now looking forward to the next battle between master and apprentice.

Especially those who saw Shimura Xuanding and Tsunade fighting in the ninja school at the beginning are more looking forward to it. They all want to know how strong Shimura Xuanding has become after more than a year of growth.

“Is it reinforced?”

In Hokage’s office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen asked in a low voice, smoking smoke.

An Anbu ninja then appeared, knelt down on one knee and respectfully Kaidō: “I have completed the reinforcement task with enchantment, enough to carry a Kage-level battle.”

“Can only carry a positive Kage-level battle?”

Feeling dissatisfied, Sarutobi Hiruzen feels a little annoyed.

His original idea was to let Tsunade and Shimura Xuanding compete in the big playground of the Ninja School, where the geology is hard enough and reinforced with the powerful seal enchantment that Second Hokage personally arranged, enough to carry a powerful battle.

But the kid had placed the battle location on the Hokage Cliff, which made him feel full of malice.

“Go down!”

Looking at the bewildered Anbu Ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen waved to leave.

This is the end of the matter, and I can only bite the bullet, hope that kid and Tsunade will not break Hokage Cliff.

“Hiruzen, are you really going to make those two juniors such a fool?”

At this time, the office door was pushed open, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura walked in one after another, Utatane Koharu showed dissatisfaction.

How could such a sacred place like Hokage Cliff make the two juniors mess around? What made her most incomprehensible was that Sarutobi Hiruzen hadn’t objected yet.

Hokage Cliff really needs to have three long and two shortcomings, who will bear the responsibility?

Who can afford this responsibility?

“This is an opportunity to observe the Shimura family’s heritage in depth.”

Turning around and looking through the office window to the village in the afterglow of the sunset, Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly.

Although he successfully traded the C-level Secret Technique of Strengthening from the hands of Azang, he was no longer satisfied with the training effect, and it could even be said to be a surprise, but it made him even more uneasy.

As long as the C-level body strengthening secret technique is practiced to Ultimate, you can have the physical strength of the elite Jōnin, even for a Kage-level expert like him.

You must know that ninja is a very crispy profession. Compared with the powerful attack power of ninjutsu, the physical quality is too fragile, and it has even become a major Achilles heel of its own.

It is difficult to improve physical fitness, so ninjas at this stage basically choose dodge training to avoid this weakness to a certain extent.

But once they can quickly and effectively improve their physical fitness, the ninja’s strength improvement is not as simple as one plus one, but a multiplier exponential increase.

For example, if he can have the physical quality of Cloud Shinobi Village Third Raikage, his comprehensive combat power can be increased by at least ten times.

And how many elite Jōnins have been cultivated by the Shimura family through this secret technique?

I’m afraid that what was revealed last time in the Wind Kingdom incident is not the whole story of Shimura’s family.

Just as he thought last year that the D-level divine power technique was all the foundation of the Shimura family, but then a whole set of D-level physical strengthening secrets emerged, and now another C-level physical strengthening secret technique emerged.

He even wondered if the Shimura family had higher-level physical secrets, such as B-level or even A-level physical secrets, or S-level physical secrets.

At this stage, the C-level physical strength secret technique he has obtained has been able to cultivate the elite Jōnin, so how strong can a higher-level existence be cultivated?

Quasi Kage-level, positive Kage-level, or super Kage-level?

It’s extremely scary to think, and it’s scary to think!

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura at the back looked at each other, with joys and worries in their hearts. What is happy is that Sarutobi Hiruzen has become more and more afraid of the Shimura family and has been deeply prepared. This is a good thing for them.

The worry is that the heritage of the Shimura family is too unfathomable. They had a meeting in the Hokage building last month, and they faintly felt a kind of extreme palpitations in Shimura Danzō, just like the feeling they felt in the teacher Second Hokage Senju Tobirama back then. .

Obviously, Shimura Danzō may have reached the level of the teacher Senju Tobirama, that is, in the ninja system divided by the master of reed crossing the river, it is infinitely close to the existence of super Kage-level.

This makes them very disturbed.

Also, where is the zero research institute of the Shimura family?

Over the past year, they have sent many people to investigate, but unfortunately they have found nothing.

“Have you already obtained a stronger body-building secret from Danzo?”

Mitokado Homura, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked.

He also sensed that Sarutobi Hiruzen’s breath has grown tremendously in the past few months, which is very abnormal.

“You also know Danzo’s temperament and style of doing things, the old man can’t share the C-level bodybuilding secrets with you.”

After taking a puff of smoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed helplessness, and once again gave a good friend a slap in the face, saying that it was not that the old man did not want to give you, but that Danzo turned his face and sent someone to assassinate you.

At the same time, he secretly scolded Mitokado Homura for his greed.

This set of C-level physical strengthening secret technique was obtained by using the family’s fierce flame secret technique plus Impure World Reincarnation Technique. Why should I give it to you?

If you want it, go to Danzo to ask. Anyway, without Danzo’s consent, the old man dare not pass the C-level physical strengthening secrets, otherwise it would be cheating you.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s refusal made Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura look black at the same time, but more helpless.

As Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen has enough capital to trade with Shimura Danzō, but the two of them and the family behind them do not. Even if they are greedy, they can only stare.

As for stealing from Shimura’s house by obscure means, look at the Sunagakure crash plan last year to know how sharp Danzo’s knife is.

They don’t want to provoke the madman too much, after all, they are not called Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“What exactly does Danzo want to do? As high-profile as the plan is about to start now?”

Suppressing the depression in his heart, Utatane Koharu changed the subject and became even more puzzled.

Originally, according to the plan they had agreed upon earlier, as long as they waited quietly for the Second Ninja World War to begin, but since last year, Shimura Danzō and his son have been doing things very high-profile, and if they continue like this, they are likely to be affected. s plan.

Not to mention that Utatane Koharu is wondering, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also wondering, and also can’t figure out what the good guys want to do.

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