Chapter 244 The Night of the Full Moon


“It can be regarded as catching up!”

Stopping at the entrance of Konoha Village, listening to the water, wading on the ground in disregard of the image, breathing heavily, but I was very grateful in my heart.

After receiving information that his confidant Shimura Xuan Ding was about to start a peak showdown with his teacher Princess Tsunade in Konoha, he asked the teacher to come quickly.

Because of the tight time, coupled with the long distance, and he is not qualified to use the sacred bird enshrined in the famous mansion of the country of water, he can only rely on his feet to run wildly.

Fortunately, in the recent period of time, I have switched to the cultivation of Xian Yuan Qi. Not only has his physical fitness greatly improved, but his reserve of Xian Yuan Qi has also been greatly improved, so he persisted.

“It’s not enough to run this way. You have to practice more physically.”

The Black Panther carrying the Tang Knife looked down at listening to the water with a pale face, panting, and curled his mouth in disdain.

“Why don’t you go in?”

He didn’t get annoyed by listening to the water, but he was very curious why the black panther didn’t enter Konoha, but stood at the gate and waited. The Chihuo Huowu next to him also closed his eyes and knelt and waited.

“Waiting for you!”

Opening Kaidō, the Panther looked at the end of the road, waiting for others to arrive.

He knew that those guys would definitely not miss this opportunity to see Xuan Ding-kun’s progress during this time.

Without words, listen to the water, sit down cross-legged and run the immortal vitality cultivation method, absorbing the surrounding natural energy to restore consumption, while waiting for the arrival of others.

Not long after, a figure resembling a violent wind appeared at the end of the road, arrived at Konoha’s gate in a short while, and then lay down like Tingshui before.

“It’s another ladyboy!”

Looking at Yuji’s embarrassed appearance, the Panther curled his lips in disdain. What he liked was the kind of real man who could go head-to-head with him, such as Xuan Ding-kun in Konoha Village.

Yuji had no words, and while raising two middle fingers to the panther, he operated the immortal vitality cultivation method like listening to water to absorb natural energy and restore his own consumption.

Another hour later, a tall figure appeared at the end of the line of sight, running at a similar speed, and soon came close.

Before the person arrived, the earth trembling with thumping footsteps seemed to tremble, showing how exaggerated the opponent’s size was.

“It’s all here!”

Stopping, Huang Yan said with a smile.

But Tingshui several people looked at Huang Yan’s new image, and they couldn’t help but twitch their faces.

Although last time because of the evil demon incident, they had seen a remodeled iron stone swordsman, but who would have thought that Huang Yan had also remodeled his body.

And the size of the increase in the swordsmanship genre of the kingdom of the earth is quite powerful, and Huang Yan is probably the strongest among the five of them.

It’s just that this image is too pitted, it looks like a monster.

After a brief exchange, Huang Yan also did not enter Konoha, and just like the Black Panthers and others, he resumed consumption while waiting.

In the Sengoku era, there were six great powers, and there were six great swordsmen who defended the country. In addition to the current five great powers, there was also a country of iron.

Despite the fact that the country of iron is the smallest of the six countries, the style of samurai is the most prevalent, and it is also the only big country that completely eliminates ninjas. It is also the birthplace of samurai after the age of mythology, which is of extraordinary significance.

They are all inheritors of the Guardian Swordsman, and naturally no one can be missed.

“I heard that the Sacred Blade Swordsman of the Iron Kingdom is planning to establish a new line of Guardian Swordsman in addition to their line.”

Yukichi, who is the most free-tempered, looked around and asked in a low voice.

This was the secret revealed by his teacher, Zhanyun Jianhao, and he was also very surprised. He didn’t expect that Admiral, the country of iron, would be so cruel.

“The previous three ships were not qualified enough, but now there is a little hope for the three ships.”

Caressing the golden snake soft sword wrapped around his waist, listening to the water said his own opinions, the other people also caressed their new weapons.

They have been studying the six sets of sword Techniques obtained from Shimura Xuan Ding for this period of time. The more they study, the more they can understand the depth and breadth of them. They are simply the masters of all swordsmanship schools, and they are enough to become the cornerstones of all swordsmanship schools, even Main vein.

Because there are traces of all swordsmanship genres in those six sets of sword Techniques, it can be used to integrate the essence of all sword genres and also to evolve all sword genres.

As long as it can be deduced to the peak, it is not impossible to create a new line of swordsmen who protect the country, and it may even surpass the current heritage of the six great swordsmen who protect the country.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve that, and it is harder to reach the sky, but fortunately, there is a little hope.

Both are the inheritors who are valued by the six great guardians of the country. Since the Iron Nation Admiral holy blade swordsman has such high expectations for Mifune, how can the five of them be worse?

“What’s your name for this naginata?”

After being silent for a while, Huang Yan looked curiously at the weird Naginata that was placed flat on his leg by Fiery Huowu, and the others turned their gazes.

They have long wanted to ask about this. At the beginning, Shimura Xuan Ding showed a total of six sets of brand-new sword Techniques, and also had six brand-new swords, but Blazing Huo Wu seems to be not using the nine rings that he used to fight against. Crazy sword, but a weird long-handled weapon similar to Naginata.

A straight three-sided spike at the tip, two crescents attached to the side, you can see that it is a big killer when you look at it.

“Fang Tian painted a halberd!”

Indifferently speaking the name of his new weapon, Blazing Huowu raised his eyes to the end of the road.

I saw another figure appeared at the end of the line of sight, the speed was also very fast, and it arrived in front of everyone in a short while.

“Fortunately, I am not late.”

Stopping, Mitsune spoke in no hurry, and felt relieved.

He had heard the news a long time ago, but had been assisting Admiral in regaining and governing the country of Taki.

Fortunately, I didn’t miss the peak matchup.

“Your Excellency Mifune is diligent again!”

Having sensed that Micune’s momentum was much better than the last time we met, Huang Yan said with envy.

Among the six, he and Sanchuan are the oldest and the strongest.

With the help of the growth of his figure, his strength has been greatly improved, but I didn’t expect that Sanchuan’s progress was not slow.

It seemed that he had been fighting a lot in the process of regaining Taki no Kuni, otherwise there would not be such a huge improvement, and that fierce murderous aura.

“Thanks to the swordsmanship gifted by Xuan Ding-kun, I have gained a little recently.”

Caressing the eight-faced Han sword on his waist, Mifune said modestly, but the smile on his face couldn’t conceal it. Obviously, he was also very satisfied with his recent growth.

“Don’t wait any longer, the duel is about to begin!”

Glancing at the full moon in the night sky, San Chuan opened his mouth to signal everyone to go forward, and the time was almost there.

Several people had no objections and got up and entered Konoha gate.

The Konoha Shinobi guarding the goal had long been given orders from above, and did not stop them, and even sent someone up to help guide the way and go to the long-arranged viewing position.

Although Mifune and the others were all samurai and didn’t deal with their ninjas, the six came here as envoys of the daimyo prefecture.

The six were taken all the way to a location on the Hokage Cliff, which is a good place to watch the battle.

At this moment, people are already standing around Hokage Cliff, even some of the roofs of Konoha Village are full of people, and some people even set up binoculars to watch.

“It’s really Xuan Ding-kun!”

Caressing the short beard, Mifune is very yearning for this grand scene. This kind of fair and honest confrontation is the honor they want to fight for the samurai. The dark mouse of the ninja is only suitable for living in the shadows and cannot be on the table.

“How many, do you want to place a bet?”

At this moment, a young man came up and asked with a smile.

Several people looked at the smiling young man, and then looked at the Shimura family emblem on the other’s clothes, and their faces twitched.

Is this also arranged by Xuan Ding-kun?

“Can you pay on credit?”

After touching the dilapidated wallet, Yu Ji asked weakly.

“can not!”

Shimura was taken aback for a while, but it was the first time he encountered such a situation, and she refused to remain silent for a while.

“Then I bet ninety-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-one two, and bet Xuanding-kun to win.”

Disappointed on the face, Yu Ji took out all the coins in his wallet and counted them.

Looking at the pile of coins in front of him, Shimura’s youth couldn’t help but twitch, but finally accepted the coins and issued a certificate.

“One hundred thousand taels, bet Xuan Ding-kun to win!”

“One hundred thousand taels, ibid!”

“One hundred thousand taels, ibid!”


“Me too!”

Three boats and five players also put out one hundred thousand taels of bets. They don’t care whether they can win or not, mainly because of an attitude and a duel against Shimura Xuan Ding.

Because this battle in their eyes is a duel between a samurai and a ninja, it is of great significance. As a samurai, they naturally have to support Shimura Xuan Cao.

“Please keep these slips, and you can come to our Shimura’s house to exchange them later.”

He wrote five voucher notes quickly, Shimura youth kindly reminded him, and then walked to the next wave of outsiders.

This is the task given to him by the family, and there are many people who are like him. This time, they must pay all the small money of those people.

“It’s really Xuan Ding-kun!”

Mifune once again expressed the same emotion, admiring Shimura Xuan Ding’s five-body throwing to the ground, and even a duel could be used to such an extent.

I might as well!

However, several people can understand that, after all, as a ninja, it is difficult to do big business and make a lot of money under the restrictions of the daimyo, and it is incomparable with them in terms of financial resources.

Even now, the Shimura family can only make money for ninjas. Even if the food patent is smashed out, they can only get an equivalent amount of money from the Daming Mansion as a profit.

They are not opposed to the Shimura family’s business in Ninja Ninja Village, and they even support it. They can squeeze the small money in the hands of the ninja through this way, and further weaken the war potential of the Ninja Ninja Village.

Anyway, the money earned by the Shimura family at this stage is basically used to buy heavy gold and energy metals, as well as high-quality seal crystals.

It just so happens that these three masters are in the hands of their big names, so those liquid funds will eventually enter the pockets of the big names, which is of great benefit to them.

“The Flame Blade Swordsman seems to intend to train Princess Tsunade as her successor. What is her final choice?”

Looking at the golden armor standing on the head of the First Hokage statue, Michuan asked in a deep voice, and the eyes of several people also turned to Blazing Huowu.

“She is not yet qualified to make a choice!”

Speaking coldly, Chi Huo Huo Wu hadn’t put Tsunade in his eyes at this stage.

It was not a matter of strength, but that the other party still maintained the identity of a ninja, at most it was a ninja who had learned the lineage of the flame blade swordsman.

If you want her to face it squarely, at least you have to abolish Chakra first, and then change to cultivate immortal vitality.

“It’s really not qualified yet!”

Huang Yan nodded, approving Chi Huo Huo Wu’s words.


Suddenly, the three strongest ships seemed to have a sense and looked up to the south. Many Kage-level powerhouses on the Hokage cliff also felt that way and looked up to the southern sky.

It didn’t take long for a figure to fly from the southern sky at an extremely fast speed. In a blink of an eye, it rushed into Konoha’s barrier, and finally fell on the Hokage cliff.

“Didn’t it say that a sword came to the west, Shimura flying immortal? Why did it come from the south?”

The youngest Yuji looked at the figure wrapped in the gust of wind, and said in wonder.

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