Chapter 256 Blood Succession Elimination Magnet Style Fusion Method

After finishing the hanging for Kayanluo, Shimura Xuan Ding turned and went to the other side of the bed, and set about making Ye Cang sister also a straightforward and upright person.

Seeing this scene, Kayura on the other side wanted to speak and stopped, but in the end he didn’t say anything to stop.

For one thing, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, even if you make a shot yourself, you can’t stop it. Secondly, the guy doesn’t seem to be that nasty. Although the inspection method is a bit vulgar, it is indeed a kind of inspection.

Moreover, it would be a good thing to take this opportunity to increase the strength of a good girlfriend Yecang. After all, the Ninja World War is getting closer, and even the Kage-level powerhouses are not sure that they will survive, let alone their Jōnin.

At this time, if you can increase your strength, you will have more confidence in surviving in the future battle of the Ninja World.

The reason why they are still overloaded with squeezing their body and practicing is precisely because of this. After all, if they can’t survive the next Ninja World War, even if they have high potential, no matter how long they live, it will be useless.

After all, people have to pay more attention to the present, who can guess the future?

He looked at the girl’s limbs and torso, looking for a suitable location for the needle to make a curse tattoo. Finally, his gaze fell on the girl’s two cumbersome parts, feeling that this was a good position.

“What are you going to do?”

Perceiving a guy with a human face and a beast heart, Ye Cang couldn’t hold his back, and glared at him.

She didn’t want to get a tattoo there.

“There are the most acupuncture points in the chest cavity, which is most suitable for making curse tattoos. Don’t you think about it?”

Seeing the girl’s determination, Shimura Xuan Ding kindly persuaded her.

It’s not that he has any evil thoughts, but it is really suitable for making curse tattoos here. It happens to have one wind attribute and one fire attribute, which can correspond to the two Chakra attributes of Scorch Style and assist in the cultivation of Scorch Style.

“Don’t think about it, it’s definitely not possible here.”

Rejected very decisively, Ye Cang didn’t discuss this point.

“Oh, okay, let’s get a tattoo on the back.”

Seeing the girl’s insistence, Shimura Xuanding didn’t force it, turning Ye Cang over, revealing the white and delicate pink back, and then took out two bottles of blood and set about getting a wind and fire tattoo for Ye Cang.

“Your two blood is different from the one you just used.”

After getting dressed, he walked over and watched curiously, and Jiaren Luo asked incomprehensibly.

When I tattooed myself with the curse imprint before, the blood was dark red, but now the two blood I got to Ye Cang are bright red.

“The Magnet Style ninja had already received a box lunch during the last Ninja World War. The blood has been stored for too long and is not fresh.

The two copies for Akura come from two quasi-Kage-level ninjas with the wind and fire attributes. They are more fresh, but the effects are similar. ”

To explain casually, Shimura Xuan Ding is very careful to tattoo the girl in front of him, but the words that he uttered make Kayura feel that the whole person is not good.

“You give me dead blood!”

Qiao’s face was full of anger, and Jiaren Luo really wanted to jump on and kill this bastard.

Thinking that the guy had just put blood on her skin from a corpse that had been dead for more than ten or twenty years, she couldn’t wait to cut off that piece of skin.

“What’s wrong with the corpse blood, it will be effective if it is effective, but others can’t ask for it!”

After completing the production of the curse tattoo, Shimura Xuan Ding rolled his eyes and then unlocked the blockade of Ye Cang’s body acupuncture points.

“Use your two attributes of wind and fire, Chakra, to instill the wind and fire curse on your back, and use the blood in it to temporarily transform Chakra into Wind Style and Fire Style Chakra, and realize the mystery of the inside.

If you don’t be lazy in the future, you will be able to cultivate your own Chakra, two types of escape techniques, at most three years, and become a quasi-Kage-level cannon fodder. ”

Instructing the girl to try on her own, Shimura Xuan Ding made a warning.

With this training goal and shortcut, I believe these two prodigal ladies should not be so overloaded to squeeze and practice.

“What is your purpose for helping us like this?”

After trying the curse-print tattoo on the back, Ye Cang remained vigilant, even more vigilant.

You have to know that this guy is not a good person. She doesn’t believe that the other party will really help them to become stronger. After all, everyone is hostile to Ninja Village, and there must be some huge conspiracy.

“I do have some ideas, but you are still too weak to know.”

There is nothing to avoid in this regard. After all, everyone is smart, and there is no need to insult others’ IQ.

And sometimes it is more advantageous to put your intentions on the surface than to hide them in the dark, at least to reduce the other’s vigilance.

“What are you doing wearing clothes?”

Seeing Ye Cang silently put on her dress, Shimura Xuan Ding was puzzled.

“What else do you want to do?”

The two women became vigilant in an instant, and even jumped to the opposite side of the bed, feeling that the bastard seemed to be doing something bad again.

“Take it off quickly, it’s not over yet!”

Signaling the two girls to stop making trouble, Shimura Xuanding turned and searched among the pile of items he brought, and quickly found a bottle of blood, a bottle of blood from him, which was also specially prepared for the two girls.

After all, it was a sponsor that he valued, and it would be wasteful to grow too slowly, so he thought of some ways to speed up his cultivation without overdrawing the other’s physical potential.

The previous curse tattoo is just one of them, and the next one is the highlight.

“Why don’t you take it off?”

Turning around, seeing the two women still standing vigilantly, I couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied.

This is still a ninja!

“I take it off!”

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Cang couldn’t help his desire for powerful strength, and gritted his teeth and took off the dress he had just put on again.

Without much speech, Shimura Xuanding used his own blood to point three hundred and sixty blood spots around the acupuncture point of the girl’s belly button, and then used the Meridian Acupoint Reconstruction Technique to create three hundred and sixty temporary acupuncture points.

Finally, he injects his own Xianyuan Power into it to form a closed loop, continuously absorbing natural energy to strengthen himself, and transfers the excess Xianyuan Power into Ye Cang’s belly button acupoint.

“Continuously circulate your own Chakra in accordance with this set of operating circuits, and later use my immortal power curse seal to absorb natural energy and transform it into your own Chakra, and don’t use your own mental power and vitality to synthesize it.”

Constructed a set of exclusive operating circuit in the Ye Cang with the Xian Yuan Li silk thread, and asked the other party to keep this operating circuit in mind.

This is imitation of Orochimaru’s immortal spell imprint, and the effect is naturally far inferior to that of Uncle Snake’s immortal curse imprint.

It can neither erode and assimilate others nor form the Chakra power of the fairy magic, but it can transform the natural energy into its own Chakra through the power of the fairy power.

In this way, there is no need to consume one’s mental power and vitality to refine and synthesize Chakra, which will increase the training efficiency a lot.

Of course, this immortal power curse seal is not fast enough to refining, which is equivalent to the immortal spell seal made with the claw arm of the Libra clan, but at least it is enough for Ye Cang’s usual practice.

After Ye Cang basically wrote down the cumbersome circuit, Shimura Xuan Ding looked at Kayan Luo and signaled that it was your turn, girl!

Gritting her pink lips tightly, Jia Lingluo couldn’t resist the temptation to increase her strength, gritted her teeth and took off the dress she had just put on.

Also made an immortal power curse for Jiaren Luo’s lower abdomen, so that it can absorb and refine natural energy.

“Why did you put your clothes on again?”

After busying with Karuura, Shimura Xuan Ding looked at Ye Cang who had put on his dress again, feeling that both patients were too disobedient.

I have emphasized before that, as an honest doctor, there is no gender distinction in the eyes of men and women, and I don’t know what the shyness of these two girls is.

“What else do you want to do?”

His face flushed with anger, Ye Cang felt that the bastard must be playing with them both.

“It’s not over yet, take it off!”

Shouting coldly, Shimura Xuan Ding signaled Jiaren Luo to adapt to the Chakra circulation circuit that absorbed the refining celestial energy, and came to Ye Cang to prepare for the next stage of tattooing.

“You better have no bad intentions against our Sunagakure, otherwise I will definitely roast you half-ripe in the future.”

Staring at someone bitterly, Ye Cang once again forced down the shame in his heart and took off his dress, closed his eyes and let this guy do.

Ignoring the threat of the girl, Shimura Xuan Ding’s eyes fell on the straight white legs. It would be a pity that such a good leg would not have a straight number.

After a while, a orthographic curse tattoo was carved on his right leg.

“The two attributes of feng shui, ice escape and blood succession?”

Turning his own Chakra into the orthographic curse tattoo on his leg, Ye Cang found that he reacted to the wind attribute Chakra and the water attribute Chakra, and the blood inheritance boundary formed by the two attributes of feng shui in the Ninja world is Kirigakure’s ice escape.

I’m just the owner of the Scorch Style Blood Successor. Is it appropriate for you to get me an Ice Dun Blood Succession Seal that is just a hedge?

Don’t be afraid of my old mother exploding on the spot!

“Three-attribute blood follow the elimination There are two ways of fusion at this stage. One is to use a single dual-attribute blood follower Chakra to swallow and fuse a Chakra attribute, and finally form a three-attribute blood follower elimination.

Our Konoha First Hokage’s Wood Style is the use of water and soil. Wood Style has swallowed the attributes of yang, and merged into the kind of living blood following the elimination of Wood Style.

Iwagakure’s dust escape also used this method, but this method is too difficult. Second Tsuchikage and Third Tsuchikage are likely to use some external force, otherwise they will never succeed on their own.

And First Hokage itself is not a reference, so our Shimura family developed a second blood follow-up fusion method.

With the integration of three interrelated two attributes of blood succession boundaries, this type of blood succession elimination based on the three types of blood succession limits will be more powerful. In theory, not only can it have three types of blood succession elimination capabilities at the same time, but Can promote each other and strengthen, and will be both offensive and defensive, not as extreme as Iwagakure’s dust escape. ”

Without shying away from telling this secret, Shimura Xuan Ding had high hopes for these two women.

“In other words, you are treating us as the experimental subject of your Shimura family trying this fusion method.”

The always wise Jiaren Luo heard the key point, and secretly said that this guy was really not at ease.

“It’s okay if you want to refuse.”

Shrugging indifferently, Shimura Xuan Ding knew that these two girls would not give up.

In the original book, the entire Ninja world knows that Orochimaru is not a good thing, but why are so many people still willing to take refuge?

Naturally, it can make oneself stronger, even if this kind of strength needs to pay a heavy price.

Ninjas sometimes pursue short-term brilliance even more. From this point of view, it is indeed a bit vain.

The two women had no words, but they acquiesced.

Although they knew there were pits and risks, they still didn’t plan to give up.

After all, judging from their aptitude, they have grown to the peak of quasi-Kage-level at best. If they are at Kage-level, they may break through, but the possibility is unlikely.

After all, Kage-level is not so good to break through. The most important thing is whether they can survive until that time is a problem!

The major Ninja villages have always regarded the geniuses of the hostile Ninja village as their first targets. In the last Ninja World War, many of their young talents in Sunagakure were killed by the enemy before they grew up.

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