Chapter 257 Advanced Scorch Style

“It has the Scorch Style with the two attributes of wind and fire, plus the two attributes of Feng Shui in your curse tattoo, ice escape, and the rest is the Boil Style with the two attributes of water and fire.”

Looking at the orthographic curse tattoo on his leg, Ye Cang probably guessed what he needed next.

She owns the three Chakra attributes of Yanghuo Fengshui. The Yang attribute is special and the most difficult to integrate. It can be temporarily excluded from the three attributes of Blood Succession Elimination, so there are only three attributes of Fengshui.

Among them, Feng Huo is the Scorch Style inherited from her parents. Feng Shui has ice escape, so the remaining Huo Shui is naturally Boil Style.


Passing an appreciative look, Shimura Xuanding stepped forward and tattooed another orthographic curse tattoo on the girl’s other show leg, which was exactly symmetrical to the previous one.

The blood of this orthographic curse tattoo comes from a quasi-Kage-level Terumi family powerhouse who died in the last Ninja World War. His body was taken back to Konoha and sealed up until now, and then his old father used power for personal gain. , I got some body parts and came back to study processing.

After finishing this orthographic tattoo curse, Shimura Xuanding turned Ye Cang over and made another tattoo curse at the tail vertebrae position, using a water-based quasi-shadow blood, which can help Ye Cang better practice water. Attributes, until the cultivation of Water Style Chakra.

After working on Ye Cang’s side, he began to paint a single-attribute curse tattoo for Jiarenluo.

“Are you not going to get tattoos here?”

Looking at the girl who was holding her chest tightly, Shimura Xuan Ding kindly persuaded that from an experimental point of view, the tattoo is the best choice.

“do not want!”

Jiarong refused decisively, and took the initiative to turn around and lay on the bed, revealing her white and delicate pink back.

“What a pity!”

With a regretful sigh, Shimura Xuanding put his hands on both sides of the girl’s vest, and also painted a curse tattoo in the form of two wings, and then the tail vertebra.

The three kinds of curse tattoos form a stable triangular structure on the back, and they are connected to each other, connected with the magnetic field escape boundary of Gairara itself and the electrical Magnet Style blood follow the orthographic curse tattoo on the leg.

“The two attributes of wind and thunder should also be able to merge into a kind of electromagnetic wave to escape the blood and the boundary, which is not the kind of wind thunder Swift Style that Ninja now has.

It is an electromagnetic radiation wave, and sunlight is essentially an electromagnetic radiation wave.

It is important to know that the sunlight itself has no heat, but it is converted into heat energy after it is irradiated on the object. This is the effect of electromagnetic radiation waves. You can feel the electromagnetic radiation waves of sunlight a lot. ”

After completing all the plug-in settings, Shimura Xuan Ding made a guess about the last blood inheritance limit.

Although he was not a master of study in his previous life, he was not a scumbag. He knew a little about electromagnetics and understood that there was a kind of magnetic wave besides the magnetic field.

And electromagnetic waves are very common in life. Sunlight is, some microwave ovens, remote controls, ultraviolet rays, etc. are all applications of this stuff.

Therefore, in the composition of the perfect Magnet Style, there should be a magnetic wave escaping the boundary of the wind and thunder. However, this kind of blood is not available in the ninja today, and it seems that it has never appeared in history. It can only be independently innovated.

This is also the main reason why he deliberately opened up for Jiarong. After all, even if he owns the black tripod space, it is difficult for him to develop an unprecedented blood inheritance limit. In this regard, he has to let Jiarong do it, and then he can finally enjoy the result. That’s it.

While wearing his dress, Jiarong thought about the magnetic wave escape.

Although she became the guinea pig of this guy, it was indeed an opportunity for her.

Even if the three-attribute Blood Succession Magnet Style cannot be integrated in the end, it is a good thing to get one or two more Blood Succession limits.

“Why did you put on the clothes again? I haven’t done the final inspection yet, so you are not afraid of defects. One day you will get rid of yourself!”

Looking at the two women who quickly put on dresses again, Shimura Xuan Ding was dissatisfied with this.

It has been said that he is an upright and medically ethical doctor. There is no difference between men and women in his eyes. How shy these two girls are!

These words made Garura stiff when he was dressing, and then silently took off his half-worn dress.

Anyway, I have been seen and touched many times, not bad.

Ye Cang on the other side hesitated, took off the dress he was wearing again, closed his eyes and signaled Shimura Xuanding to start.

Just be gnawed by a dog!

After updating the data of the two women again with satisfaction, Shimura Xuan Ding no longer stayed for a long time and turned and left to go back to his room to cultivate immortals. Before leaving, he left a word that made the two women irritated.

“Cultivate hard and come to my room every night for checkups so that I can make adjustments at any time.”

As a compelling doctor, you shouldn’t come to visit patients every time. It’s reasonable to let patients take the initiative to come home.


Ye Cang gritted his teeth with anger, and if he couldn’t beat the bastard, he would surely beat him so hard that he couldn’t recognize it.

The old lady is a girl, it’s not enough to be touched so many times by you, but to touch it every day, this is going to be spread, how can you marry in the future!

“What the hell do Shimura’s want to do?”

With a slightly frowned eyebrow, Kareiro thought about the ultimate intention of the Shimura family.

She learned some information from Senior Ebizō, and understood that the Shimura family had spread the secret technique of strengthening the body to the five great Shinobu villages.

Paying so much, it must have a bigger plan in itself.

But what is the plot?

“I think they definitely want to turn the entire Ninja World into a testing ground and provide them to develop stronger cultivation secrets.”

He bitterly opened his mouth to express his own thoughts, Ye Cang did not have the slightest affection for the Shimura family, mainly because the Shimura family’s painting style was so dark that it was too unacceptable.

Take a look at those cultivation methods for strengthening the body secret technique. The danger reaches the ultimate limit. To create this style of cultivation method, you will have to pay unimaginable sacrifices. At least millions of experimental subjects will die.

Although the ninjas are accompanied by the killing, the number is too frantic. It can be seen that the group of people in Shimura’s family has long been annihilated of humanity, and this existence is a fatal threat to the entire ninja world.

To such a group of people, they can’t say anything about it, even if the guy helped them to practice this time, let alone the guy who used them as guinea pigs for experimentation.

“I don’t know how the Chiyo-senpai and Xiangyu-senpai are now?”

Suddenly think of Chiyo and Xiangyu who had been scammed by Shimura Xuanding’s design. Jiarong was worried and even wondered whether the two had been unloaded by the Shimura family and soaked in formalin or nutrient solution. Research.

With the bloody, cruel, dark, evil and terrifying style of the Shimura family today, it is very possible to do such a thing.

In such anxieties, Jia Ruluo and Ye Cang fell asleep slowly.

During this period of time, they escorted Luo Sha to a gold mine to mine placer gold. They had not taken a good rest, and they were very tired. They had been exhausted after spending so long with Shimura Xuan Ding before.

One night passed quickly, Shimura Xuan Ding first went to the Fengying Building to discuss the construction of the Ninja Warrior Academy and the arrangement of courses.

“The most suitable for our Sunagakure Ninja Warrior students is this machete, which can form a cutting slash with a large arc of the blade, and maximize the flow and cutting characteristics of the wind.

At the same time, the blade with a large arc can better unload its force and avoid being injured by the force back shock.

In addition to the rapid flow of double swords, we can also use it with a shield. A prototype shield with a sharp edge can attack and defend. It can also cover the scimitar in the other hand to attack, and can squat down and focus on it. Three-way, very flexible tactics…”

In Fengying’s office, Shimura Xuanding wielded two purely heavy gold full moon scimitars while waving and giving explanations. At the end, he combined the two full moon scimitars into an S-shaped one-handed one, and picked up the round shape with his left hand. The inner shield became a sword shield warrior.

The left-hand circular inner shield can attack and defend, and the right-hand scimitar can be held with the reverse blade and the back of the blade, and it can also be cut and slashed with the blade. The tactics are extremely flexible.

Third Kazekage and Ebizō looked at the golden knife lights flashing in front of them, especially after the knife lights stuck to their foreheads several times, they were speechless.

This kid is absolutely deliberate!

“This set of swordsmanship is indeed very suitable for the use of wind attribute Chakra, even the non-attribute Chakra will be very effective when used.”

After Shimura Xuan Ding performed a complete set of scimitar skills, Third Kazekage affirmed.

This set of swordsmanship is indeed perfect. Although there are no killer moves, it should not be underestimated. It is much stronger than the basic swordsmanship of their Sunagakure.

In this way, a batch of tens of thousands of Genin cannon fodder can be created, which is quite cost-effective.

Even that set of Scimitar Sword Technique was slightly modified, and it could be integrated into their Sand Stream Sword Technique.

This wave of trades with that kid did not lose money!

The only trouble is…

“Do you have to do so many narratives? And you have to use this kind of Chinese characters.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly, and Ebizō looked up depressed.

In front of him was an oversized scroll with a width of one meter and a diameter of two meters. The scimitar technique recorded in it was written in a brand-new Chinese.

Although this Chinese character has many similarities with the current lingua franca, it is more complicated, and even many of the same characters have multiple meanings.

He looked at the Xinhua dictionary very hard, and also very mind-blowing.

“I can’t help it. The one from our Shimura’s No. 0 Research Institute looks like this, and it is difficult to translate the two languages ​​perfectly. If you want to learn well, you have to learn Chinese.”

Shrugging, Shimura Xuan Ding said that he didn’t carry this pot and threw it directly to the so-called Zero Research Institute.

Anyway, Lord Ding, I have already given you the technique of swordsmanship. It is your own business whether you learn it or not.

Not to mention that he mashed up all the pinyin strokes, which can be used directly as enlightenment textbooks. If you still can’t learn this, then don’t practice knives at all.

“By the way, you also learn this Chinese version of the ED-level Secret Technique for Strengthening the Body, which is a bit different from the one you obtained before.”

Suddenly remembered, Shimura Xuan Ding took out two scrolls, one large and one small, from a small enveloping scroll, which recorded the secrets of strengthening the body at two levels of ED, and it was in Chinese.

In this regard, he did not deceive people. As a traverser of a large flower planter, he is still used to using Chinese, so the secret technique of strengthening the body, which was described in Chinese at the beginning, is the most primitive and complete version.

I believe that under the temptation of sufficient benefits, people like Sunagakure will definitely learn Chinese well, so that the plan to make this Otherworld people speak Chinese G is a step further.

As a traverser, he knows the truth that blocking is worse than sparse. Forcing others to learn a new language is the most stupid way and must be driven by profit.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, nothing is impossible.

“Uncle Fengying, has the monk Fenfu cultivated well? I want to go to the Sand Temple and chat with him.”

As soon as the voice changed, Shimura Xuan Ding made a request to condense the atmosphere of the scene.

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