Chapter 314

After some verbal stimulation, Ye Yueai gritted her teeth and realized her intention, but Shimura Xuanding almost sprayed it.

“You are sure to become a super soldier who surpasses your father!”

He didn’t expect Ye Yueai’s ambitions to be so big that he would surpass his father, Third Raikage, and become a more powerful cube fighter.

Are ninjas so desperate in their pursuit of strength?

“This is the nutrient solution needed for body transformation. This is the reward for Xuanding-kun. Please Xuanding-kun!”

Taking out the two seals scrolls and placing them on the coffee table in front of them, Ye Yueai looked sincere and hopeful.

“Let me see the reward first!”

Picking up the seal of the scroll and using the immortal force to destroy the seal on it, a large push of the silver-white metal ingot was revealed. It was the chakra metal of thunder attribute, and it was definitely a ton.

This reward is very impressive. You must know that the perfect Lightning Style armor and Lightning Style Chakra Mode have only been traded from Third Raikage to fifteen tons of thunder attribute Chakra metal.

“I feel your sincerity, and it will definitely make you the strongest of Cloud Shinobi Village…cough cough, the strongest fighter.”

Satisfied that he took the job, he immediately asked curiously: “With your current status and status, you shouldn’t be qualified to use so many thunder attribute Chakra metals. There is no problem with the origin of this thing, right?”

Although Ye Yue Ai is the son of Third Raikage, he is only a special Jōnin after all. He is really not qualified to use so many thunder attribute Chakra metal privately, unless Third Raikage supports it behind his back.

Seeing that this kid was sneaky just now, it didn’t seem to be the same.

“This is what our Yeyue family has accumulated. I will tell my father later, it will never involve Xuanding-kun.”

Very honestly confessed and lenient, Ye Yueai solemnly promised that he would do everything alone.

“You are going to cut it first and play it later!”

Shimura Xuanding can only say that this is very Yeyue, and it really deserves to be the Fourth Raikage of the future.

“Since it’s such a tune, let’s simply play a big game. You go get your father’s zhangba spear and the armor, and I will use that thing to make you an invincible skeleton.

You also know that no matter how you practice your calcium bones, their ultimate strength is also limited. For example, your father’s bone strength has reached an ultimate level, and it is impossible to improve it.

Only by replacing it with other substances, an alloy of heavy gold and perfect energy metal is very suitable.

By then you will be the strongest fighter in the entire Cloud Shinobi Village, and you will be the strongest Raikage in the past. ”

“Is it reliable?”

The name of the strongest Raikage in the history has stimulated Ye Yue Ai, but he hesitated, after all, this kind of human body modification has far surpassed his cognition.

“Do you know that Second Tsuchikage has a posthumous child named Ditai?”

“Is it the one who knows Explosion Style? I remember there was information that there was a problem with that guy’s bones and it was useless.”

Ye Yue Ai Kaidō, a little impressed with the son of Second Tsuchikage.

Their Cloud Shinobi Village will collect information on important people and important geniuses in each major Shinobi Village, and the son of Second Tsuchikage is naturally the focus of the focus.

As the son of Raikage, he pays more attention to those geniuses of the same generation, because they are likely to be his future opponents, so he knows a little about the son of Second Tsuchikage.

It’s a pity that guy is dead.

“There is no waste. I originally designed a new alloy frame for him at Iwagakure, which is five meters high. Once transplanted, he will have a super physique no weaker than Third Tsuchikage Onoki.

If there hadn’t been a demonic incident, I had already transplanted him, and then I would go to Iwagakure to help him complete the skeleton transplant. ”

To express this secret, and even to convince Ye Yue Ai to be more convinced, Shimura Xuanding cut a hole in his forearm, revealing the silver-white bones inside.

“I have done this surgery for myself, and attached a layer of alloy to the surface of the bones. It is because of this that I can withstand the explosion of Eight Inner Gates Formation, otherwise the body will collapse early.”

Seeing the silver-white arm bones revealed by Shimura Xuanding, Ye Yueai gritted her teeth and decided to do it.

“Trouble Xuan Ding-kun to prepare, I will come back as soon as possible.”

Ye Yueai, who was stern and vigorous, got up and walked out immediately, heading straight to the Raikage building, preparing to steal out his old father’s zhangba spear and the armor.

Although this will definitely irritate his father, as long as the action is fast enough and the raw rice is cooked, it doesn’t matter how angry his father is. He can’t slap his only son to death!

Shimura Xuanding asked Shimura Danzō, his old father from home, to open up a huge underground space under the bedroom, where he will complete the body transformation for Ye Yue Ai next.

“Is it necessary to achieve this level?”

After hearing his son’s plan, Shimura Danzō said that he couldn’t understand it.

“The Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon has already taken action. The ghost knows that they will not attack Cloud Shinobi Village again, and the Ōtsutsuki class is also a very unstable factor. We have to make two-handed preparations here at Cloud Shinobi Village.

In case Third Raikage is glorious one day, his son can also succeed him, so that Cloud Shinobi Village will not fall into an internal fight because of the fight for the position of Raikage, and some bad guys have the opportunity to take advantage of it. ”

With a small expression worrying about the village and the people, Shimura Xuan Ding has never forgotten that he is a glorious Cloud Shinobi and has the duty to protect Cloud Shinobi Village.

It’s just that this expression coupled with this bright and upright speech made Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Madara, who came to watch afterwards curiously, feel weird, which is not in line with their perception of Shimura Xuan Ding.

Fortunately, the next words made the two of them feel a lot more comfortable. It is clear that the golden armored boy in front of Byakugan is still the Shimura Xuanding in their cognition.

“The main reason is that Third Raikage is too treacherous, and it’s not easy to fool. Ye Yueai is not very old, so it’s a lot better.

Dad, after the second Ninja World War begins in the future, you look at sending the Third Raikage a ride.

He is too old, and Cloud Shinobi Village needs a young and powerful Raikage to lead to the top. ”

Still the little expression of worrying about the village and people, Shimura Xuan Ding does not think that Third Raikage can lead Cloud Shinobi Village to the top.

The main reason is that the old guy ninja’s thinking is too strong, he has formed a habitual instinct, and there is no way to change it.

In the future he set, there is no place for ninja and ninja village. Cloud Shinobi Village needs a young Raikage who can accept new things and new ideas, and lead Cloud Shinobi Village to adapt to the new era.

“It’s arranged for the Father’s Association.”

Nodding, Shimura Danzō said that it would give Third Raikage a grand ending.

As my son once said, the Second Generation movies were killed and wounded during the last Ninja War. Are the current Third Generation movies embarrassed to survive the next Ninja War?

“The old man must be half as insidious as your kid back then, and he won’t make Hashirama a First Hokage.”

Looking at the father and son in front of him, Uchiha Madara couldn’t help but sigh.

Before Konoha was established, Senju Hashirama had promised that he would directly let himself be the First Hokage. Unfortunately, Senju Tobirama calculated a wave of Hokage, which turned the position of Hokage into an election.

After losing the election, of course, it has its own reasons, but there is also the manipulation of Senju Tobirama’s insidious generation behind the scenes.

In terms of insidiousness, he was a lot worse than Senju Tobirama’s mouse.

On the other side, Ye Yueai was very efficient. He first came to the temporary Raikage office. After seeing that the old father was not there, he quickly stepped forward and sealed the armor and the Zhangba Snake Spear into the seal reel that had been prepared. In the middle, and then separated two Shadow Clone into armor and eight snake spear hung there.

With his own Chakra, he can maintain Shadow Clone for at least one hour, which is enough to complete the remodeling operation.

With the sealed reel, Ye Yueai walked out of the temporary Raikage office in an open manner.

A small group of Anbu ninjas guarding the outside knew Ye Yue Ai’s identity, and they didn’t stop him, letting him leave.

After it was determined that Anbu Ninja didn’t pay attention to him, Ye Yue Ai Qiang held back his inner excitement and hurriedly ran to the house where Shimura Xuan Ding lived during this time.

The last time the moon Ōtsutsuki caused great damage to Cloud Shinobi Village, it did not destroy the entire Cloud Shinobi Village, and a small part of it survived.

As a hard-working generation of medical masters, Shimura Xuan Ding was naturally assigned to an independent house, and the little ninja who originally lived here moved away politely that day.

No way, who asked Shimura Xuan Ding to save several ninjas from the ninja clan who were dying, they were great benefactors.

The most important thing is to exempt them from medical expenses. Naturally, they will be very polite.

“Xuan Ding-kun, I brought everything!”

When he came to the secret room opened under the room, Ye Yueai took out the sealed object scroll and opened it, revealing the set of alloy battle armor and the eighth snake spear.

“Zhang Fei!”

Looking at that suit of armor, Shimura Xuan Ding was quite sorrowful.

At the beginning, Third Raikage was cheeky and asked him to tailor a suit and a spear.

He has a lot of inspiration for the shape of the suit, but the spear is rare. When it comes to the spear, as a new era of the new era, he will naturally think of the fiercely flying Zhangba Snake Spear in the Three Kingdoms.

Then according to the size of Third Raikage, this super large eight snake spear was designed.

Now that Zhang Fei’s Zhangba Snake Spears are all copied from the village, then naturally there must be a matching armor.

It just so happened that he played the role of Zhang Fei in the previous life. Although he only likes to play Ms. Hua Mulan, he also tried Zhang Fei’s fineness. He is still familiar with the original version and the two paid skins, just follow the original version. That skin armor gave the copycat one.

It was just who wanted to design and build this armor and spear, and it didn’t take long for it to run into hard stubble.

“Truth-Seeking Ball!”

Kneeling down and stroking the only half of the spear blade of the eight snake spear, Uchiha Madara’s face was gloomy, and his heart was even more murderous.

Truth-Seeking Ball is indeed pervert. Even the high-density material of heavy gold is decomposed. No wonder your Susanoo can’t resist it.


Shimura Xuanding gestured to the old father after feeling the emotions, and then began to think about the next skeleton structure.

Shimura Danzō, who got the signal, divided out four Shadow Clones and arranged a small Four Red Yang Formation to envelop the zhangba snake spear and battle armor, and then gathered natural energy to form a natural fairy fire.

Under the scorching of the natural immortal fire, the Zhangba Snake Spear and the battle armor slowly melted.

After all of it has melted, sprinkle a large bag of powder into it and blend it with it.

“That is the powder of the seal crystal?”

Looking at the empty bag that was thrown down by Shimura Danzō, feeling the weird radiation emitted by the remaining powder inside, Ye Yueai hurriedly jumped away, looked at Shimura Danzō in surprise, and then at Shimura Xuanding.

This is not in the previous plan!

“Although you were not present in the last battle, I believe you have learned afterwards that heavy gold and perfect energy metal alone can’t resist the decomposition power of Truth-Seeking Ball. You must add seal crystal powder to it.

Don’t worry, this thing is adaptable. For example, I can ignore this radiant force now.

At the same time, with the help of this radiation power, you can also gain the ability to be almost immune to ninjutsu and become the strongest shield in the ninja world that surpasses your father! ”

Seeing Ye Yue Ai’s nervousness, Shimura Xuan Ding spoke very kindly, and then knocked on the heavy gold jersey on her body.

If he wants to create a perfect Fourth Raikage, he naturally won’t let his body leave any flaws. If this kid hangs up due to lack of strength one day in the future, his investment will be in vain.

This kind of loss-making business can’t be done, even if it can’t make this kid how strong, but at least it must be enough to resist.

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