Chapter 315


“Xuan Ding-kun, are you really going to get this skeleton into my body?”

After swallowing, Ye Yueai was a little embarrassed.

Don’t persuade you!

He didn’t expect this guy to be so frantic. He melted his old father’s armor and the eight snake spear into a skeleton. Now this skeleton is nearly eight meters high and has a shoulder width of more than eight meters. , The wingspan is estimated to be twenty-four meters.

Can this thing live if it is stuffed into one’s own body?

“Don’t worry, this skeleton of making a fortune in eight or eight is very suitable for you, and there have been people who have successfully transformed themselves into a slender figure. I have experience in this area and have enough reference.”

Shimura Xuan Ding pushed his glasses, an expression of a senior person.

Now that Ye Yue Ai wants to become Cloud Shinobi’s strongest fighter, he naturally has to do it well.

“Come on, let’s enlarge your figure first!”

Drag Yeyue Ai to the temporary operating table shaped with Earth Style, and transplant a piece of Tobirama cell in the heart to give it a little bit of Sage Body characteristics.

After extracting Yang Dun Chakra with the help of Tobirama cells, a complex loop was constructed in the body with the silk thread of the fairy power.

At this point, Yeyue Ai could only grit his teeth to cooperate, urging the Yang Dun Chakra extracted from Tobirama cells to operate according to that complex circuit, and soon his figure was enlarged to eight meters and her shoulder width also reached eight. Mi eight, more fierce than the original Black Zetsu Black Zetsu.

Then there is flesh and blood transformation, the visceral cells divide and proliferate to adapt to the current body, and even Shimura Xuanding further dispersed the Tobirama cell transplanted from his heart to his body, so that Yeyue Ai has a little Senju Sage Body and all attributes. Qualifications of Chakra attributes.

After this part of the operation is completed, the skeleton will be transplanted into Yeyue Ai’s body one by one, replacing all its bones except for the skull and spine.

At the end, put the spine in the oversized alloy spine, and then use the locks to lock them one by one.

The operation on the skull was the same, it was put into an oversized alloy skull to protect the skull and inner midbrain.

Even Shimura Xuanding regenerates a layer of flesh and blood between the skull and the alloy skull as a buffer layer, so that even if the head is hit hard, there will be no concussion.

“What are you going to do with these bones and the marrow inside?”

Looking at the bones taken out of Ye Yue Ai’s body, Uchiha Madara was curious what Shimura Xuan Ding would do next.

He has a certain understanding of the human body. He knows that bones not only support the body, but are also a calcium storehouse. Calcium is an essential element for maintaining the physiological functions of the human body.

In addition, the bone marrow in the bones is also very important.

“These will be transplanted into his body, but it’s another way.”

Pushing the glasses, Shimura Xuan Ding uses the Xian Yuan Li silk thread to control the Kaguya puppets who have been standing by for a long time, and uses its own Dead Bone Pulse to control the fusion and deformation of the bones, and gather the bone marrow inside, and finally form a The whole bone was stuffed into Ye Yue Ai’s abdominal cavity, and finally the surgical wound on the skin was sutured. At this point, the whole body transformation operation was completed.

“I applied the Anti-Gravity Technique, you try to sit up and move around.”

Coming to the side of Ye Yue Ai’s head, Shimura Xuan Ding smiled and signaled that the operation was completed, and he could do it and experience this brand new body.

“It’s over?”

With a stunned face, Ye Yueai had no experience with this human reconstruction operation. The pain nerve in the body had been temporarily cut off before, and he could not feel the slightest pain at all.

With the anti-gravity Technique offsetting the weight of the alloy bone, Ye Yue Ai struggled to get up.

“The muscles are much weaker.”

Sitting up and moving her lower arms, Ye Yue Ai clearly sensed that the strength of her muscles had decreased a lot after her transformation, and it felt like an ordinary person’s muscles.

“It’s normal. After all, muscle cells have divided many times, and they have already lost their previous strength, which is the muscle level of an ordinary person, but you can retrain and you will become stronger by then.”

“Will I have a blood longan transplant too?”

After touching the eyebrows, he could clearly feel a dent there. Ye Yueai guessed that this should be reserved for the blood longan.

He found a hole the size of an eye socket on the skull of the alloy skeleton. Combined with the blood longan transplant program carried out in the village during this period, it is obvious that this was also prepared for blood longan transplantation.

“Well, when your father comes over, I will tell him about transplanting blood and longan to you.”

Nodded, Shimura Xuanding naturally wanted to transplant Ye Yue Ai with blood longan, and it would be an enhanced version of blood longan.

“My father?”

At the mention of her father, Ye Yueai couldn’t help but shiver.

At this moment, a black thunder light smashed through the rock layer above and landed into the secret room.

“Danzo, what did you do to El?”

As soon as he landed, Third Raikage asked Shimura Danzō angrily on the opposite side. The Anbu ninja reported that his son, Ye Yue Ai, had stolen his jade spear and battle armor, and he knew something was wrong.

Later, a ninja reported that his son had gone to the residence where Shimura Danzō and his son were located. Obviously, this was the conspiracy of the dark side of Shinobi.

However, in the face of Third Raikage’s questioning, Shimura Danzō, who maintains the high-cold male god fandom, didn’t bother to take a look, and was still discussing with Uchiha Madara about the many problems of attribute swallowing the road.

“Father, I am here!”

Just as Third Raikage was furiously preparing to shoot, the voice of his son came from behind him.

“It’s okay, it’s okay…Fuck, what monster?”

Hearing that his son’s voice was fairly peaceful, and there was no sign of weakness, Third Raikage relaxed, but as soon as he turned around and saw the behemoth behind him, he was almost shocked by a hell jab.


It took a while before he came back to his senses, Third Raikage asked tentatively.


He lowered his head and responded with the appearance of doing something wrong. Ye Yueai knew that he could not talk back to his father at this time, let alone lie and deceive. It would be gold to keep silent. Anyway, afterwards, he would be beaten up at most. He was used to it. .


Third Raikage was silent and lost in thought, not understanding why his son became such a non-human being.

I thought that Third Tsuchikage Onoki was already non-human enough, but I didn’t expect a mountain to be higher than a mountain. This time I directly saw an eight-meter cube warrior.

The most important thing is that this eight-eight cube warrior is still his own son, cheating!


After thinking about it, Third Raikage suddenly got into trouble, kicking the antagonist to the wall with one kick, the kind that couldn’t be pulled out.

“Seal Crystal?”

With a kick of the rebellious son, Third Raikage immediately noticed something was wrong, and obviously sensed the radiant energy of the seal crystal in his son’s body.

Because Shimura Xuanding was born, the rare crystal of the seal crystal came into the sight of everyone, and he even got a piece of research, and he is no stranger to the radiant energy that can affect Chakra.

It’s just that my son’s body is clean and slick, he only has a sheet around his waist, and there is no seal crystal on his body!

Could it be…

“Aunt Raikage, you are right. I melted your eighth snake spear and heavy gold armor into an alloy skeleton with a part of the seal crystal powder. In the future, he will inevitably surpass your ninja world. The strongest shield will also be the second real man in Cloud Shinobi Village besides me.

Brother Ai did not give enough medical expenses, please, Aunt Raikage, you will send three tons of thunder attribute Chakra metal later, after all, the seal crystal is not cheap.

By the way, I also incorporated a little bit of Tobirama cells into Brother Ai, and after a while, I can obtain all-attribute aptitudes.

Tomorrow I will transplant blood longan to him to increase his control over this body. You should prepare more blood longan at that time. ”

Pushing the glasses, Shimura Xuan Ding spoke with a gentle expression, and began to imagine Ye Yue Ai’s future.

I am also very proud to have created the strongest shield of the future Ninja World by myself.

“The old man has to thank you.”

With an old face black, Third Raikage knows that this kid must have been cheated this time, but this kind of body modification does have a lot of benefits.

At least that huge size can provide his son with a power speed far beyond that of ordinary people, and the alloy bones can also carry a stronger burst of power. At that time, it is estimated that he will be able to wrestle with the Akamichi ninja who displays Super Expansion Jutsu.

Not to mention that this kid also transplanted Tobirama cells to his son. It is indeed a good thing to be able to obtain full attribute qualifications indirectly.

“No thanks, I am also very happy to be able to fulfill Brother Ai’s dream.”

Still with that smile on her face, Shimura Xuan Ding motioned to his old father over there.

“Earth Style·Earth Dynamic Core!”

Jieyin casts Earth Style ninjutsu, and the rock layer below the secret room rises quickly, and soon reaches the exit above.


After glanced at Shimura Xuan Ding and his son, Third Raikage snorted coldly, and let the Anbu Ninja who was with him find an oversized cart to take his son home.

No way, now my son’s whole body is enveloped by radiant energy. There is no way to use ninjutsu to bless his body to carry him away. He can only be towed away with a car.

Fortunately, in order to facilitate the transportation of the huge boulders and gravel in the village, they made a lot of huge carts, so that they don’t need to be made slowly.

“Father, how many have you got?”

When Third Raikage and others left, Shimura Xuan Ding hurriedly asked the old father.

“Ninety-five percent!”

Shimura Danzō is very proud of it when telling a ratio.

Before, it seemed that they melted the Third Raikage’s eighth snake spear and armor into Ye Yue Ai to make a skeleton. In fact, 95% of the perfect energy metal in it was secretly extracted by him, and instead will be from Cloud Shinobi. The mine property Chakra metal traded by the Village is filled in.

Under normal circumstances, single-attribute Chakra metal is indeed difficult to fuse with heavy gold, such a high-density metal. Even after melting, there will be a delamination phenomenon of heavy gold sinking below and single-attribute Chakra metal floating on top.

But the natural fairy fire breaks this rule to a certain extent. As long as the heavy gold is heated to a boiling state, the single-attribute Chakra metal can be incorporated into itself in a short time.

Then, as long as the two are quickly set and cooled before they are separated, the perfect alloy can still be formed.

Coupled with the remaining five percent of the perfect metal and the incorporated seal crystal powder as a cover, it is difficult for Third Raikage and others to find this difference.

This time alone, they have obtained a full three tons of perfect energy metal, which will be enough to create dozens of sets of heavy gold battle clothes after returning, which can greatly enhance the family’s strength.

“Third Raikage, they may not be able to find it now, but Ye Yueai will probably find it in the future.”

Uchiha Madara put forward a different opinion. If the cheap disciple only intends to make a one-off sale, then it will be no problem.

Even if Ye Yue Ai becomes stronger in the future, it’s okay to discover this, but this kid still has a lot of plans for Cloud Shinobi Village and Ye Yue Ai. Once Ye Yue Ai and others are resentful for it, his plans can Quite unfavorable.

“I won’t let him find out!”

Pushing the glasses, Shimura Xuan Ding is extremely confident about this. In his plan, Ye Yue Ai does not need perfect energy metal. The pure thunder attribute Chakra metal is enough.

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