Chapter 319

“Before Konoha was established, our Shimura family had cooperated with Uchiha several times. Your grandma was one of the candidates for cooperation and was rescued by Uchiha Madara once during a mission.

Even back then, the family suggested using your grandma to marry Uchiha. The object of the marriage was Uchiha Madara, but it didn’t happen because of some changes. ”

To briefly explain the things of the previous generation, Shimura Danzō would not think that only a master-disciple bond could tie Uchiha Madara to their Shimura’s chariot, at least it would be a bond of marriage and love.

“The hero saves the United States? That is to say, the grandma didn’t deal with the family because of the failure of the past? Is the grandma unrequited love, or is she in love with Uchiha Madara?”

Her expression became more subtle, and the Eight Trigrams in Shimura Xuan Ding’s heart was also flaring. I didn’t expect her grandmother to have such a relationship with Uchiha Madara.

But it’s right to think about it. In the Sengoku era, Uchiha was the top giant, and the Grandmaster Fire Style, and the Shimura family, and Grandmaster Wind Style, had the thigh capital.

I believe that the Uchiha family will definitely not mind having a Grandmaster Wind Style hardcore ally to cooperate with itself, just like the Sarutobi family and the Shimura family.

So it is normal for the two big families to have a marriage, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.

But what does the old father mean by mentioning this?

Do you want to use your grandma to continue marriage Uchiha Madara?

Although you are the darkness of forbearance, doing everything you do is extremely basic, but this is too maddening!

Aren’t you afraid of grandpa’s cheating corpse crawling out of the grave to ask for your life?

“Unrequited love!”

Indifferently speaking, as the patriarch of Shimura’s family, Shimura Danzō knew very well about the secrets of the previous generation, and he didn’t mind finding a wife for his mother.

“The problem is not big. After all, men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men’s compartment yarn. As long as the grandmother regains her youth and is active enough, she should be able to take down the master.

It’s just that the old Tsundere’s temperament, I’m afraid he won’t accept a married woman. ”

Seeing the old father’s resolute attitude, Shimura Xuan Ding didn’t care anymore. Anyway, his grandfather had long been widowed, and his grandma had been widowed for more than 20 years. It was normal to find a wife to live a life.

It’s just that the old guy Uchiha Madara is so proud, I’m afraid he won’t accept a married woman, and is still a woman with children and grandchildren.

“Your grandma is still the perfect body.”

She still maintains that high-cold male god model, but the words she uttered made Shimura Xuan Ding extremely shocked.

“Grandma is the perfect body, then father, you…”

This topic is too horrible. Since grandma is the perfect body, where did you come out of the old father?

Did it pop out of the rock like Brother Monkey?

Or maybe Grandpa cheated back then?

“My mother was so obsessed with Uchiha Madara back then, she was also very strong tempered, and she used it on the night of her marriage with your grandfather.

Because of his good aptitude and the death of both his parents, his father was adopted to your grandfather’s knees afterwards. In terms of blood, he was not in the line of the original patriarch. ”

Speaking of the past, Shimura Danzō is actually very grateful to the adoptive mother.

Back then, his biological parents died in battle. Although his aptitude was good, it was absolutely impossible for him to take the position of patriarch.

It was the adoptive mother’s stubborn suffering that made the adoptive father cut off the possibility of giving birth, which gave him a chance.


Taking a breath, Shimura Xuan Ding once again realized the horror of women.

In general, women are indeed gentle like water, but men have to stand aside if they are really tough.

“Grandpa should have used some disgraceful methods with grandma back then?”

Recalling the few impressions of that grandma, I felt that she shouldn’t be such an extreme person, and there must be things he didn’t know.

“The failure of the family’s cooperation with Uchiha back then was also due to your grandpa.”

What Shimura Danzō said was very brief. After all, it was something disgraceful. It is not good to say too much, but Shimura Xuan Ding understands it in seconds, and even fills up a 108-episode drama.

“If that’s the case, it’s easier to handle.”

With a confident smile, Shimura Xuan Ding confessed: “Father, first go back and clean up the blood of Grandma’s Chakra, and then turn to Xiu Xian Yuan Li. When I go back, I will help her regain her youth.”

He also agreed with this matter, although he was a little sorry for the cheap grandfather who had already raised his braids, but it was all for the family.

I believe that cheap grandfather Quanxia Youzhi will definitely agree to it. After going back, he will get a set of the front pages of those pornographic masterpieces series for grandpa to burn.

“I have done these for my father, and I have sent you those great pornographic works for her to study!”

Speaking, Shimura Danzō had already planned Uchiha Madara.

And from the experience of Senju Hashirama, if you want to deal with Uchiha Madara, you can’t come hard, you have to come soft.

Senju Hashirama relied on base feelings to trap Uchiha Madara, and they used love and affection to trap it again, and firmly tied it to the chariot of their Shimura family.


Looking at the old father in front of him speechlessly, Shimura Xuan Ding can only sigh that ginger is still hot!

“You should return to Konoha as soon as possible. The attack on Cloud Shinobi Village must have been investigated by other Shinobi Villages. The caring people in the village will definitely do something. Just relying on Keiko and the few people who stayed behind in the family, I’m afraid the town. Can’t live.”

Thinking of the post-war impact of the last time the Ōtsutsuki clan was attacked and killed on the moon, Shimura Xuan Ding couldn’t help but feel a little worried about his fiancée.

“Don’t think that Keiko is so weak. During the time you left, her improvement was not small. She has already cultivated all four attributes to the level of escape technique, but for the father, she really has to go back as soon as possible. It is also time for Keiko to calm down. I’m here to change the cultivating elementary strength.”

In response to this, Shimura Danzō was always satisfied with the daughter-in-law.

Although his own heart has a congenital disease, it is difficult to break through to the quasi-shadow level, but with the practice of the Secret Technique of Strengthening, the congenital disease on the heart has already healed on its own, which is enough to completely release its four-attribute talent.

Even before he came, he had forcibly elevated the two attributes of Yin and Yang to the level of Yang and Yin, and became a positive Kage-level powerhouse. This is where he dared to entrust his family to take care of him.

And as Shimura Xuanding expected, Konoha used various means to investigate, and some deliberate disclosures inside Cloud Shinobi Village, and finally figured out the detailed information about the destruction of Cloud Shinobi Village, and then all the ninja forces sat down. Don’t stop, the two most panicked ones are Uchiha and Senju.

One of them abandoned Uchiha Madara, and the other was the enemy of Uchiha Madara, and now they hear that Uchiha Madara is alive.

Uchiha’s contemporary patriarch, Uchiha Yanyi, came to the secret room below the family shrine for the first time and observed carefully.

“That man is not dead!”

Finally, his gaze fell on the ancestral stele, and after finding a trace of being moved and restored, Uchiha Yanichi seemed to have been hollowed out and kneeled on the ground all of a sudden.

This secret room is an important secret place for their Uchiha family to hold their clan meetings. Only the patriarchs of previous generations know how to open the entrance seal, and it is impossible for people outside the law to sneak in.

There are signs that the ancestral stele has been moved. Needless to say, Uchiha Madara must have returned.

“Is it true that Mrs. First Generation left Konoha that day to chase Uchiha Madara?”

Uchiha Fugaku who followed was also very flustered, after all, it was Uchiha Madara!

“Father, isn’t it a good thing for that ancestor to live?”

The father’s gaffe made Uchiha Mikoto very puzzled. The ancestor was alive and treated them Uchiha should be a good thing.

“You don’t understand, what happened back then was not as simple as you thought, Second Generation mistaken me!”

Shaking his head, Uchiha Yanyi was full of regret at this moment. They were all fooled by Second Hokage, but now it’s too late to regret.

“Stop asking!”

Seeing that his fiancee wanted to ask again, Uchiha Fugaku stopped.

In the past two years, he followed Uchiha Yanichi, the father-in-law, to know a lot of secrets. Back then, Uchiha Madara mentioned that he wanted to lead the family away from Konoha and find another way of peace. Originally, most of the family members were interested.

After all, the bloody feud between the family and Senju cannot be resolved at all. Back then, the patriarch and Senju Hashirama teamed up to make many people dissatisfied, especially after Senju Hashirama became First Hokage and even made the people angry.

As soon as Uchiha Madara mentioned that he wanted to lead the family away from Konoha, many people responded. However, afterwards, it seemed that Second Hokage Senju Tobirama had secretly contacted and negotiated with some high-level members of the clan, which made them Uchiha vetoed following Uchiha Madara to leave Konoha. The proposal, even jointly deprived Uchiha Madara of the seat of patriarch.

It was a struggle for power conspiracy, and many things were elusive.

“Mikoto, we need more Shimura secrets to make the family stronger, and even quickly cultivate a strong enough to rival Uchiha Madara.”

Turning around suddenly, Uchiha Yan clutched the girl’s delicate shoulders. Whether Uchiha can survive this level depends on the girl’s abilities.

“I… I get it!”

Seeing the hopeful look of his father, Uchiha Mikoto couldn’t bear to refuse, but it was very uncomfortable to think of going to the pervert again.

But for the family, for the father, for the Fugaku brother, it can only be so!

At the same time, on the other side of the Senju clan, Senju Orange Water also brought several clan veterans to the Uzumaki Uzumaki hot pot, which was cooking pervert spicy hotpot.

“That guy Ben really gained Hashirama’s power.”

Having seen the intelligence scroll handed by his nephew, Uzumaki is not surprised that Uchiha Madara performed celestial arts and Wooden Golem Jutsu in Cloud Shinobi Village.

“Did Uchiha Madara really returned to Konoha last time?”

Shen Sheng asked, Senju Orange Water and several Senju elders also knew the seriousness of the problem.

Only the uncle Senju Hashirama in the ninja world can fight Uchiha Madara, but the uncle has long passed away, and Senju cannot compete with Uchiha Madara without the uncle.

Not to mention that the opponent also gained the uncle’s Wood Style power and fairy power, and became stronger.

Even if the uncle is reborn, he may not be able to beat the current Uchiha Madara.

“You don’t need to worry about this, Uchiha Madara has no plans to shoot Konoha for the time being. Your urgent task is to deal with the next Ninja War.”

Inadvertently throwing the scroll of intelligence back to his nephew, Uzumaki continued to cook the Sheep Hot Pot.

These lambs are thinly sliced, but can’t be cooked for too long, otherwise the taste will be much worse.

“Auntie, Uchiha Madara has a close relationship with Shimura Xuan Ding in Cloud Shinobi Village, and we have to guard against it.”

With worry on his face, Senju Orange Water’s heart is more murderous, and he is more afraid of the Shimura family.

The information not only records that Uchiha Madara has a close relationship with Shimura Xuan Ding, but also mentions that Shimura Xuan Ding has exploded with more powerful power than when he dealt with demons.

Can’t let that kid grow up!

“A word of advice to you, ignore the Shimura family, don’t calculate the Shimura family, and don’t make enemies with them, otherwise I won’t be able to save you.”

With the chopsticks in his hand, Uzumaki beautifully scanned the people on the opposite side and offered a piece of advice.

She knew very well how terrifying the Shimura family’s background was. The mysterious Zero Research Institute was even more heaven-defying. The Rasengan Gold Pill she was cultivating was infinitely mysterious and greatly improved her own combat power.

Even if she has been practicing for a few months, she can have such a big improvement, not to mention the Shimura family. People must have cultivated Rasengan Golden Core earlier, and the power they possess is stronger.

Not to mention that Shimura Danzō himself has reached the state of Hashirama back then. Senju really wants to go to war with the Shimura family. There is no chance of winning.

Of course, she just kindly reminded that if these people really want to go to death, then she can’t help it.

Seeing her aunt’s attitude, Senju Orange Water did not dare to persuade despite her unwillingness.

But in any case, the Shimura family can’t continue to grow and develop!

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