Chapter 320

Konoha has three great families. Senju Uchiha is nervous about the appearance of Uchiha Madara and the close relationship with the Shimura family. Naturally, it is difficult for the Hyuga family to sit still.

“Father, can the Eight Gate collapse of our Gentle Fist method really restrain the Eight Inner Gates?”

Kneeling on the ground, Hyuga Hiashi couldn’t help but ask, and doubted his Gentle Fist method.

There is no way not to doubt, mainly because the Eight Inner Gates shown by Shimura Xuan Ding are too strong.

The last time he fought with Senju Tsunade on the Hokage cliff, the master-disciple battle made him suspicious. The information obtained from Cloud Shinobi Village this time showed that the guy was even stronger after turning on the Eight Inner Gates.

An enemy that couldn’t handle even the Wooden Golem and Suzuo armor was killed instantly by him, and he had no friends.

“Ordinary Eight Inner Gates are not a problem, even the Eight Inner Gates Formation formed by opening dead doors, our Gentle Fist method can be restrained.”

Replied blankly, Hyuga Tokugawa was confident in his Gentle Fist method.

Although I don’t know who created Eight Inner Gates, it is popular in the Senju family.

To know that one wants to cultivate into the Eight Inner Gates Formation, one must have strong physical fitness, tough meridian and acupuncture points, huge vitality, and strong body self-healing ability.

Only the physical fitness and the meridian orifice points are strong enough to withstand the explosion of Eight Inner Gates. The huge vitality can be used to quickly squeeze out a huge amount of Chakra, and the body’s self-healing ability can ensure that it will not stay when the body is overloaded. Too many hidden wounds, and the outbreak of Eight Inner Gates will not be disabled or sudden death.

These conditions fit perfectly with the blood inheritance limit of the Senju family, so it is very popular among the Senju family.

During the Sengoku era, the Hyuga clan had been hostile to the Senju clan and suffered from the loss of the Eight Inner Gates. For this, they created the Eight Gate collapse to block the Eight Gate key point.

It can instantly block the opened key hole of the Eight Gate. Although the opened dead door cannot be closed, it can destroy the key hole of the dead door and achieve the purpose of stopping the Eight Inner Gates Formation.

But the Eight Inner Gates Formation of Shimura Xuan Ding is very problematic. Although the burst of energy is not much, it can be perfectly controlled. The most important thing is that the kid is wearing a battle suit, and a part of the sealing crystal is fused on the battle suit.

Even Byakugan can’t see through, there is no way to use Gentle Fist to block the key point of the Eight Gate!

The two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi were not stupid, so they naturally heard the implicit meaning of their father’s words, and their faces were extremely gloomy for a while.

The Gentle Fist method of their Hyuga family can indeed be said to be dominated by physical skills, but there is really no way to fight against Shimura Xuan Ding.

“You go and invite the great elder to come over.”

After being silent for a while, Hyuga Tokugawa spoke. After the two sons left, he looked at the moon in the night sky through the window.

“Is it you?”

Other forces focused their attention on Shimura Xuan Ding and Uchiha Madara, but he paid more attention to the group that attacked Cloud Shinobi Village.

Hanging in the air, the green Chakra shrouded the whole body, and the huge stone puppets, these clues are too similar to the secrets passed by the head of the family through word of mouth.

Is that group of people ready to intervene in the Shinobi world?

“The times have changed, and Hyuga must also change its mindset.”

Thinking back to his father’s dying instructions, Hyuga Tokugawa was determined.

Although his father was dying before he told him that he could not use the secret treasure in any way, unless the Hyuga clan was facing a crisis of extermination.

Although there is no danger of extermination, the ninja world has become more and more weird and dangerous, and Hyuga must make a change.

Not to mention Senju Uchiha Hyuga’s plans to deal with the three giants. On the other side of the Sarutobi family, Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, Akamichi sat in a circle with Sarutobi Hiruzen while Sarutobi Hiruzen kept smoking cigarettes. .

But this time Utatane Koharu did not object, Mitokado Homura used Wind Style ninjutsu again and again to ventilate the room.

“Hiruzen, it’s time to make a decision!”

In the end, Utatane Koharu couldn’t help but speak. They have been sitting here for three hours, waiting for Sarutobi Hiruzen to make a decision.

“You go to make preparations and contact Siying secretly, but don’t act rashly. After Azang returns this time, the old man will have a good talk with him.”

Putting down the smoking gun in his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke up.

Although he has tremendous trust in good friends, but this time Danzo and Shimura’s family did go too far, and they secretly connected with Uchiha Madara.

You should know that they are both disciples of First Generation and Second Generation, and Uchiha Madara are natural enemies. Now Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Madara are mixed together, which is a kind of betrayal against them.

“Our strength is too weak!”

Mitokado Homura, who had been silent for a long time, said that it was obvious that their family needed stronger body-building secrets to strengthen their strength, and they also needed it.

“The old man will talk to Azang about this and ask him to lower his demands on you.”

Indifferently speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen does not dare to give the traded C-level Secret Technique of Strengthening to the Mitokado Homura trio at this stage. If you really want to do that, it will undoubtedly hit Shimura Danzō in the face.

It is not appropriate to have a fight with A Zang, at least before A Zang clearly stated that he would betray them, otherwise there would be no room for recovery.

“Take the wind, can you develop the andrological methods that Danzo’s son used in Kirigakure?”

Knowing that this is the limit that Sarutobi Hiruzen can do, Utatane Koharu didn’t try to force it either. He turned to look at Akamichi next to him.

As a ninja that inherits medical ninjutsu, their family has a deep background, but they have not been able to study the andrological medical methods Shimura Xuanding used in Kirigakure during this period.

Knowing that that kid can make a lot of money in Kirigakure with andrology medical treatment, she is jealous too!

This remarked the conservative and introverted Akamichi and asked a blushing face. If it were a man who asked him this way, there would be nothing to do, but Utatane Koharu was a woman.

“I’m not as shy as a woman, why are you a big man blushing?”

Glancing at the past, Utatane Koharu was speechless for the biggest but most introverted teammate.

“Well, it’s this kind of temper to get the wind. After that, your two will look at the cooperation and research this kind of medical ninjutsu as soon as possible, but you can’t let that kid come back to the village to make money.”

Stopping Utatane Koharu, who wanted to say something, Sarutobi Hiruzen was eager for the money Shimura Xuan Ding made in Kirigakure.

Not to mention that, like that kid, go to the next village to make money, and get it at the market in Rear Admiral Konoha.

“Master patriarch, the enchantment team used the enchantment of the village to perceive that Danzo-sama’s Chakra appeared three hundred kilometers to the north, and was approaching the village rapidly. It was very fast. It is estimated that it will arrive in the village in 40 minutes.”

At this time, a Sarutobi ninja appeared in the room and reported a news, which shocked all four people in the room. Utatane Koharu and the three looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Go please… forget it, the old man will go to Shimura’s house in person!”

I planned to invite Shimura Danzō to come over, but after thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned to visit.

The current Shimura Danzō is no longer the former Azo!

Signaling Akamichi to get the wind and the three people are waiting for news here, Sarutobi Hiruzen got up to take a bath and change clothes.

I just smoked too much cigarettes, and there was a lot of smoke on my body. I had to wash and change my clothes.

Lying in the bath, while relaxing, thinking about what to say after meeting Shimura Danzō.

At this time the bathroom door was opened, and a beautiful woman walked in slowly. It was Lake Biwa.

Seeing her husband was meditating, Lake Biwa did not disturb him, and gently walked behind him, raising his hand to rub his temples to further relax.

After a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen sensed that Chakra, a good friend, appeared in the village, got up and dried his body under the service of his wife, put on a black robe, and walked slowly towards the Shimura family.

The husband and wife had an incomparable tacit understanding. There was no communication in the whole process, but they could understand each other’s intentions.

The three of Utatane Koharu are also silently watching Sarutobi Hiruzen walking towards the Shimura clan land next door, and even other ninjas in the village are paying attention to this.

No way, the existence of Uchiha Madara is too sensitive. They need to know what the Shimura family wants to do and whether they really intend to betray Konoha.

Shimura Danzō, who had just returned to the clan, felt that Chakra, who was a good friend, was slowly approaching, and he gave orders to the next person and waited quietly in the pavilion next to the fish pond behind.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen, wearing a black robe, was brought by his subordinates.

After the Shimura servant left, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up at the good friend beside him, and was silent for a while and suddenly a word full of resentment popped out, almost making Shimura Danzō unable to maintain his own high-cold male god.

“Azang, you have increased!”

The Shimura Danzō at the moment is indeed very tall, definitely one and a half meters taller than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This makes Sarutobi Hiruzen very upset. The former Assang was only one meter and seven meters tall, but now he has increased so much, and he has to look up when he speaks.

“Yeah, I have increased, but Hiruzen, you are still standing still!”

Looking deeply at his good friend who was only 1.63 meters tall, Shimura Danzō found a sense of superiority in his height.

Although I was half a step behind my good friends and missed the position of Hokage, I was only half a step behind, and now I have completely surpassed my good friends.

Everything is rooted in your precious son. You Sarutobi Hiruzen taught three Kage-level students. They are nothing but ants in front of my son Xuan Ding.

“Do you have anything to say about Cloud Shinobi Village?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very upset by the look of a good friend and changed the subject decisively.

“Trust me, don’t ask so much.”

Shimura Danzō still has a deep affection for this good friend. There are some things that don’t need to be said. This is their tacit understanding.

As expected, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very tacit and didn’t ask about it again, because from Shimura Danzō’s attitude, he has already seen a lot. As expected, Azang is still his Azang!

“The next Ninja World War is extremely dangerous, and there are too many variables. I am not sure that I will survive. Maybe I will sacrifice like the teacher.

At that time, I trouble you to stabilize the situation and succeed Hokage, so that the village established by the ancestors cannot be destroyed in our hands. ”

To tell another thing, Sarutobi Hiruzen is really not sure about the next battle of the ninja world, mainly because there have been too many and too serious problems in the ninja world recently.

Leaving aside Uchiha Madara, who once again appeared, the group of mysterious people who attacked Cloud Shinobi Village made him feel very troubled.

Not to mention that the mysterious force that attacked and killed the famous mansion of the iron country and took away countless Chakra metals was not found, and the Shimura secret technique was introduced into other Ninja villages, which would also add a lot of variables.

It might be difficult to complete the original plan, and even oneself may fall on the battlefield accidentally.

“You look for Jiraiya or Tsunade, they are more suitable. If the old man succeeds Hokage, it will make many people uneasy.

Don’t forget that Teacher First Generation’s original teaching was not recognized by everyone after becoming a Hokage, but by everyone’s recognition before becoming a Hokage. ”

Without responding to this matter, Shimura Danzō had no interest in the position of Hokage at the moment. The ambition of someone in his regiment was no longer the position of Hokage in a small way, and he had a bigger goal.

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