The gray miasma tiger, whose face was red after being slapped by Lei Yu, became angry with embarrassment and roared,"Humph, don't think that those small fangs can fight against the miasma. Today, even if I try to sleep for a hundred years, I will let you eat it." Pain yourself."

How could Lei Yu be willing to show weakness? It was because of this sick tiger that she had to temporarily merge with Soaring Snake's Kiss. Buck teeth, buck teeth, that was the pain she once had, but now she has to taste it again. Although it was only temporary, it was thanks to the sick tiger in front of her. How could she reduce the hatred in her heart without beating it up?

Lei Yu was about to shoot another thunder arrow when Li Li's thoughts came to him:"Xiaoyu, you'd better not deal with this sick tiger mushroom. If you delay for a long time, I'm afraid something will happen to Bai Xiaozi. There should be three members of that proud team. There are two divine beasts. I have only seen two of them now, and there is another one hidden somewhere.

Changyou, why don't you take action to drive away the miasma and let this sick tiger go back to sleep."

Changyou, who has already walked a few feet away Hearing Li Li's message, he jumped down from Heiyu's shoulder with a whoosh, and as fast as a flash of light, he rushed back to Li Li in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, do you still want me to take action? I volunteered just now, but someone insisted that I hold back, saying that I would keep this miasma and apply it to others. What, you don’t want to stay now?"

Li Li smiled bitterly, and his spiritual thoughts came out:"What else should I leave behind? Several dolls will be mixed with opponents. If we blow this miasma over again, wouldn't we injure the enemy five hundred and injure ourselves five hundred? Okay, stop taking Joe and end the battle quickly!"

Teng She reluctantly gave up her position. The Gray Miasma Tiger looked as if he had been struck by lightning since he saw Chang You.

"Why are you here?"The gray miasma tiger's spiritual thoughts came out

"I've been here all along, but you were too busy showing off to show off that you didn't notice me."Chang You smiled evilly. It would not tell the Gray Miasma Tiger that it deliberately hid its aura and hid in Heiyu's clothes. It was not until the Gray Miasma Tiger and Soaring Snake were fighting that his figure was revealed..The gray miasma tiger's face is as pale as earth. Although many mythical beasts have methods to deal with miasma-type magical powers, only the Changyou clan can be called the natural enemies of miasma-type mythical beasts. The subtlety of their water- type magical powers lies not in their attacks, but in their attacks. It lies in defense, to be precise, it purifies all the filthy air in the world. Changyou's purifying power is a God-given magical power that can truly drive away miasma. It is different from other natural magical powers. It is a true and complete power. To expel, not just disperse.

Therefore, for a long time, there has been a warning among the miasma-type mythical beasts: There is no miasma in the world, and Changyou always bless you.

Now that I see Changyou, the gray miasma tiger is not even a bit I couldn't even raise my heart to resist. I even secretly rejoiced that I met Chang You on the competition field. At worst, I would have slept for a few more years. Anyway, he and the big snake were tired.

Chang You had a smile on his face and stood upright. It was straight, and its pure white fur exuded a layer of crystal-white brilliance. With its palms facing up and slightly protruding from its chest, two jasper-colored trickles were seen emerging from its palms. After a moment, two streams The trickling streams converged in one place and spiraled upward.

The water flow was extremely thin, but the spiraling speed was very fast. The surrounding gray miasma seemed to be attracted by the power of the spiral, and was all drawn into the water flow, forming a gray air current that enveloped the water flow.

After a few breaths, the sour smell in the air disappeared, replaced by the calm yet round and clean green smell unique to the forest after the rain. The figure of the gray miasma tiger also gradually became transparent as the miasma faded. In the end, it disappeared. It should indeed be lucky that it met Changyou on the playing field. Otherwise, if it encountered its natural enemy, the gray miasma tiger, the fate waiting for it would not be as simple as sleeping for a few years.

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