When the gray miasma tiger returned to the void, Xiao Zhang's face suddenly turned pale, his feet softened, and he almost knelt down. He was natally connected to the Gray Miasma Tiger. The gray miasma was originally their joint masterpiece. Now that the miasma has been cracked and the Gray Miasma Tiger's divine power has been exhausted, most of Xiao Zhang's divine marrow power has naturally also been lost, and he has not fallen asleep directly. , is already the result of his amazing willpower.

But Akagi didn't intend to let him go just like that, and continued to stride toward the proud camp. But soon, the white mist once again enveloped him and Bai Yang, Hei Yu and Hua Qing not far behind him.

The fog this time was obviously much thinner than before. Come to think of it, even as a medieval divine beast, using the Mist Realm Barrier twice in a row consumes a lot of the Mist Beast's divine marrow power.

Bai Yang immediately used Golden Sun Yaoyang. When he thought about it, since Jinri Yaoyang could break the fog barrier before, now it was no exception.

Without hesitation, he placed the golden feather arrow on the sun-chasing bow. The power of the divine marrow was poured from his fingertips to the tip of the arrow, and he continued to move forward. A golden sun slowly formed in front of the speeding arrow, mixed with a sharp sound of breaking through the sky, and flew towards the white mist-filled sky.

The sun is shining high and the golden light is dazzling. The rolling heat wave spreads unreservedly into the surrounding fog. However, an ice dome suddenly appeared between the sun and the fog. The ice dome stood cold and firm, with layers of mist beneath it; and above it, waves of cool wind blew by, trying hard to blow away the billowing heat waves.

Even so, under the scorching sun, colorful or white iridescence appeared above the ice dome, which was a sign that the ice crystals were beginning to melt. However, when the first water droplet appeared on the ice dome, a drizzle fell. The water droplets were very thin, many, and very light. They dripped on the ice. Some of them were instantly evaporated by the sun, taking away a trace of the heat from the sun. Some of them were instantly frozen into ice, leaving behind several traces of new energy.

The ice dome that had just begun to dissolve seemed to be moistened by the rain, gaining new strength from the newly added tiny raindrops. Not only has its thickness not weakened, it has also increased a little, becoming firmer and protecting the mist that is no longer thick. Even the occasional drops of evaporated water vapor refuse to leave, but turn into droplets hanging in the air. The water vapor that has not fallen has become a part of the fog.

In this way, the wind keeps blowing, the ice melts, the rain falls, and occasionally there are lightning flashes and thunder, over and over again, the mist under the scorching sun exists so misty and firm, although it is thin, it always exists, turning the red trees into pieces. People are firmly trapped in the fog realm and cannot take a step beyond the thunder pool.

The color team members didn't know that the captain of the proud team was not Xiao Zhang, but Qi Yu. Although her cultivation level is not as good as Xiao Zhang's, her combat power ranks at the bottom of the team. But this petite girl is the real core of the proud team. It is she who organically combines the six magical powers in the entire team except miasma: wind, rain, thunder, electricity, and ice.

Qi Yu's magical power is rain. Her rain can be the origin of fog, the source of ice, and the help of wind, thunder, and lightning; her rain is tangible but moisturizes things silently; her rain can strengthen the attacks of teammates in a timely manner, and can even In times of crisis, help your teammates block fatal attacks.

If Xiao Zhang is the person who has the right to speak in the team, it is not because he is the soul of the team, but because he is the person who talks the most in the entire team. Qi Yu is the soul of the proud team. It is precisely because of her existence that the Proud Team is able to integrate the magical powers of the existing members even when they have lost Xiao Zhang, the strongest combat power, and the Mist Barrier, the strongest magical power is not in its best condition. Together, they tried their best to protect all team members, including Xiao Zhang.

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