Now that the locking formation has been completely repaired, everyone did not delay. Under the leadership of Li Li, they used the earth escape technique to head towards the formation's eye.

The so-called formation eye, as far as this locked formation is concerned, is actually a small area that connects eight formation gates together. However, because the eight gates of the Golden Lock Formation are irregular in size and shape, the eye of the formation is not a point, nor is it located in the center of the lock formation, but closer to the northwest corner of the entire formation. It is an irregular octagon. The place is also relatively remote, with a small area of ​​ten meters square, which means that the locking formation is closer to the border of Yuheng Kingdom.

This was what Wei Zi had done deliberately. Although she was not prepared to enter the formation eye to control the formation personally at that time, in any case, it was always right to have the key point closer to her door.

After entering the formation eye, Hua Qing took the blue bird, Chang You, and Teng Snake to rush to the ground first, and once again used the dance of gods and demons to kill the few who were patrolling here with lightning speed. The Qu soldiers were stunned and thrown into a nearby door. Only then did the rest of the people come to the ground. Wei Zi sat down cross-legged, and his companions naturally guarded him.

In fact, Wei Zi does not need to enter the formation eye to activate the locking formation. Among the eight gates, although only the Kaimen, Jimen and Shengmen are activated, she has already left spiritual marks on the key points of the other five gates. With a thought and moving the markers, she can naturally activate the remaining five gates..

But she is already in the formation anyway, and after activating the locking formation, she needs to enter the formation's eye to activate the formation. And this formation eye is where the eight gates are connected. To activate the lock formation here, the spiritual energy required is naturally smaller than elsewhere. In addition, the location of the formation eye is also relatively remote. Therefore, Wei Zicai decided to activate the lock at the formation eye. Array.

Wei Zi sat cross-legged, her heart turned with her thoughts, her Qi moved at will, the power of her marrow was driven by her thoughts, and turned into tangible and qualitative power, which appeared in the unactivated five gates and acted on the marked key points. superior.

Inside the Death Gate, the 100-foot poplar tree planted by Li Li at the last moment was struck by a sudden thunderstorm. The huge wooden body was turned into ash in the raging fire. Endless dust enveloped the vast earth. All things returned to dust and died. The door opens.

Inside Xiumen, there had been a strange purple lightning striking a dead branch as thin as a gossamer. The bright flames faded and appeared, leaving a weak vitality in the cold Xiumen.

However, as Wei Zi thought about it, the tiny thunder and lightning suddenly disappeared. The ruthless coldness enveloped the vast earth, and everything was dormant.

Inside the Jingmen, there were bursts of lightning, thunder rumbling, and from time to time, dead branches were ignited, emitting a shocking fire. Such a strange phenomenon in the world made the Tiankui soldiers run away in a hurry, fearing that they would be punished by God if they ran too slowly.

Inside the Jingmen, everything is startled, and the Jingmen opens.

Inside the injured door, the few new branches that Li Li had just added were struck by the sudden appearance of lightning. However, the strange thing was that these branches did not die, but crawled on the ground and grew in a meandering way. In a few breaths, the slender branches turned into thick vines. The huge vines are like the tentacles of an octopus, hunting down anything that is neither earth nor wood within the wounding door, regardless of death or injury.

Inside the injury gate, all things are in mourning, and the injury gate is opened.

In Dumen, a 100-meter-high poplar tree that was also struck by lightning grew boldly. In the blink of an eye, its huge branches filled up all the space in Dumen, preventing the appearance of all other living things.

In Dumen, everything is in trouble, and Dumen is open.

At this point, the Death Gate, the Rest Gate, the Shock Gate, the Injury Gate, and the Du Gate were all activated, and the eight-door Golden Lock Formation was officially activated.

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