At the moment when all eight gates were activated, the lock array emitted a dazzling golden light, worthy of the name Golden Lock. The eight doors rotate rapidly with themselves as the axis. Except for Jing Sect and Du Sect, which had no living beings for the time being, the soldiers of the Tiankui Empire in the other sects first felt a golden light in front of their eyes, then felt dizzy for no reason, and finally their eyes turned into pitch black. They seemed to be placed independently in a still space, the world had been pressed on the pause button, and their own heartbeats became the only noise in this quiet world.

This is the power of the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. The formation locked not only the bodies of all foreign creatures within the gate, but also their thoughts.

But this is only relative. Wherever there is restraint, there is freedom. If the people trapped by the formation are high-level monks, they have their own ways to resist the binding force within the formation. Even if they cannot break free for a while, the eight-door golden lock formation will no longer be able to absorb the energy of heaven and earth from the moment it is activated. , as the power of the five elements within the formation decreases, sooner or later the high-level monks will be able to find a way out of trouble. After all, the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation is only a locking formation, not a killing formation.

At the same time, within the locked formation, the eight gates are relatively independent and form their own formation. If no one is in charge of the entire formation, as long as they break through the shackles of the gate they are trapped in, even if they break through the entire formation, there will naturally be a bright future. Leap, the sky is high and the bird can fly away.

However, if someone is manipulating the formation, the situation is different. As long as the manipulator can complete the gate rotation in front of the gate where the fallen person breaks through, then the person who falls into the locked formation will find that he has fallen into a new gate again after the familiar dizziness. It can't be said that the effort is in vain, but it is useless for breaking through the current formation gate. In this way, the gates are connected and interlocked, so that the power of the eight gates can be fully exerted to achieve the purpose of blocking the enemy from outside the country.

This is why Wei Zi ignored the danger and personally sneaked into the formation to control it. She had high hopes for the locking formation, hoping that this formation would be able to hold off the Tiankui soldiers for at least ten days. Although ten days is not long, the Sun Piao Alliance is not unprepared after all. This time is enough for them to dispatch troops nearby and build temporary defenses.

Wei Zi and Bai Muchen agreed that if the Sun Piao Alliance was ready, he would send a message thousands of miles to notify the Color Team to retreat. After all, although the lock formation is strong, it is impossible to hold back tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Tiankui Empire's troops for too long with just one formation. Once the locking formation is broken, the players of the color within the formation's eye will be in danger.

Four days later, golden ripples appeared outside the injury gate. Wei Zi knew that this was a sign that the formation gate was about to be broken open.

So fast? Wei Zi's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to delay at all. The power of the divine marrow in her body quickly circulated, starting the formation gate rotation.

However, just two hours later, the Jingmen also started to panic. Wei Zi secretly complained in his heart, but he also understood that Black Eagle and others were probably trapped in the previous Shangmen and the current Jingmen.

It's no wonder that the Jingmen can't trap people like Black Eagle from the Demonic Sect. Lightning, thunder, and strange phenomena in the sky and earth are enough to scare ordinary soldiers, but for monks, it is like pretending to be a ghost, let alone a demon cultivator of Black Eagle's level? For two hours, I have to thank Black Crow for his cautious character.

The formation gates were rotated again, but Wei Zi became more and more frightened. Death gate persisted for twenty-four hours, Dumen persisted for six hours, Ximen persisted for four hours, Open Gate persisted for two hours, and Jimen persisted For an hour. Instead, it was the Shengmen. For ordinary soldiers, this formation gate, which had no other dangers other than locking, gave Wei Zi an unexpected surprise. It actually trapped the Black Eagles for three days.

Even so, nine days and three hours later, all eight formation gates were still rippled, and the formation was unstable and in danger. However, so far, Wei Zi has not received the letter agreed with Bai Muchen, what should she do?

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