In the Indian Ocean, the battle group of the USS Senken aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle Sauce is accelerating towards the waters of Yan Country!

In the combat tower of the aircraft carrier,

Admiral Dick, holding a cigarette in his mouth, is observing the map information within the territory of Yan Country in the combat command room, and marking the specific locations of Yan Country’s air defense deployment.

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Admiral Dick is fully responsible for the combat mission against Yan Country…

Once the war starts, he will send out aircraft carrier-based aircraft to form a saturation firepower strike group to bomb all of Yan Country’s air defense bases, air force bases, and radar bases into ruins.

As long as the air supremacy is seized, the fate of Yan Country is like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, and it is in danger!


Yan Country’s air defense system and air force combat system are not very strong.

In front of Eagle Sauce’s FF-160 and FF-350 carrier-based aircraft, they have almost no ability to fight back.


Admiral Dick was very confident about this operation!

For him, this military operation was simply a military achievement that was delivered to his doorstep and was almost within his grasp.

At this moment, a shouting voice came from outside the combat room:


A combat staff officer, holding intelligence materials in his hand, walked quickly to General Dick and gave a standard military salute…..

Admiral Dick did not raise his eyes, and kept his attention on the map of Yan Country:

“What’s going on?”

The operations staff reported:

“Report to the General, according to the real-time detection of our aircraft carrier fleet’s radar, submarine sonar, and satellite systems,”

“No warships or submarines of Yan Country were found in the waters of the Gulf of Is, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean!”

“Not even a fishing boat was seen!”

“Based on the existing intelligence, the Operations Staff concluded that the Yan Kingdom’s navy must have been hiding and had not left the port at all.”

“Our aircraft carrier battle group can enter the waters of Yan State with confidence and boldness, without having to worry about being attacked by the Yan State Navy…….”

General Dick extinguished the cigarette in his hand and smiled confidently. He was not surprised by what the combat staff reported. He had already guessed that Yan Country would not engage in direct combat with the Eagle Navy.

“The navy of Yan Country is composed of some old warships. They would like to fight us head-on, but do they have the strength and courage?”

“Hiding is the only option for the Yan Kingdom Navy. Looking at the entire Blue Planet, the only ones who can defeat our Eagle Sauce Navy are us!”

In terms of ocean-going operations, the Eagle Sauce Navy is undoubtedly the world’s number one.

Even the Russian Bear and the Dragon Kingdom are not Eagle Sauce’s opponents.

The Eagle Sauce Country not only has 11 active aircraft carrier battle groups, but also tens of thousands of various types of reconnaissance, early warning, electronic, transport, combat and other aircraft!

At the same time, it has an advantage that no one else can match, that is, it has deployed nearly 2,000 military bases around the world……

Whether it is supply, support, maintenance, repair, ammunition replenishment, or technical level, no country can compare with the Eagle Sauce.

The combat staff sneered and nodded:

“The general is right, our Eagle Sauce Navy is the strongest in the world!”

During this military operation, all the Eagle Sauce naval officers and soldiers did not feel any pressure.

They all took Yan Country seriously and were very relaxed.

Everyone had a smile on their face, and there was no sign of nervousness at all.

If you didn’t know, you would think they were traveling to Yan Country……..

At this moment, the signalman ran in holding a mobile phone.

He came to General Dick anxiously:

“Report to the general, the headquarters is calling!” When General Dick heard that it was a call from the headquarters, he naturally did not dare to relax and decisively answered the phone:

“I am Dick, commander of the Indian Ocean Combined Fleet.”

The other end of the line is the General Staff of the United States of America, and they are conveying President Leiden’s latest order to General Dick:

“The President’s latest military order, General Dick, please lead the Indian Ocean Fleet to the Red Bay of Yan Country immediately, without waiting for the Pacific Aircraft Carrier Fleet Battle Group,”

“After entering the Red Sea Bay of Yan State, they launched an attack directly on the mainland of Yan State.”

“You are allowed to launch an indiscriminate attack on Yan Country. All Yan Country soldiers and civilians who dare to resist will be killed.”

General Dick was shocked when he heard this order, and then his mouth corners slightly raised.

This meant that his attack would not consider civilian casualties, nor international moral condemnation….

In this way, his battle plan can be made more extreme!

The speed of completing the combat mission can also be faster….

“Yes! I understand!”

After Dick hung up the phone, he immediately told the signalman:

“Pass on my order, the two aircraft carrier fleets in the Indian Ocean will enter the Chihai Bay at full speed!”

“Immediately dispatch carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft to conduct round-the-clock surveillance of Yan’s offshore military bases.”

“Notify all warships to enter level one combat readiness!”

“All weapons are on standby mode. Once an enemy is spotted, open fire and counterattack immediately without asking for permission!”

“”Yes, General!”

The signalman stood at attention and replied, then ran out of the operations room without stopping.

After the signalman left,

General Dick called all the operations staff and began to assign operations tasks, from the attack missions of various warships, the strike targets of carrier-based aircraft, the landing missions of amphibious landing ships, and the subsequent occupation missions and support missions.

The entire operation plan was formulated in great detail…….


General Dick’s military orders were uniformly distributed to every captain.

After receiving the orders, the sailors of each warship immediately raised their spirits and prepared to devote themselves to the next war.

After completing all the combat deployments,

General Dick leisurely brewed a cup of coffee in the operations room, fantasizing that in three hours, the Yan country army would be completely defeated and the glory of the Haiwan War would be reproduced!…………………………

Yan Country,

Royal Garrison Base,

Joint Operations Command Center.

Sitting in the main seat of the command room is the King of Yan, Qin Shanhe.

On both sides are the Crown Prince Qin Tian, the Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, and the generals of Yan Country.

They look forward and observe the monitoring screen in the command room:

“Report to Your Majesty, according to your order, all naval ships have been withdrawn to the military port, and all fishermen and fishing boats of Yan Country are prohibited from going out to sea!”

“The strategic rocket force is ready to stand by and await your orders at any time.”

The signalman reported the current situation to Qin Shanhe.

Because the Yan Kingdom Navy has limited military strength , it is definitely no match for the Eagle Kingdom Navy in a head-on battle. Therefore, Qin Shanhe ordered the navy to stay in the military port and not go out to sea. Qin Shanhe nodded and said:

“Keep watching the Gulf and Indian Ocean. If the Eagle Sauce aircraft carriers approach Yan Country, report immediately.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

At this moment, the Yan soldiers found many red dots on the early warning radar.

They quickly operated the radar to conduct concentrated reconnaissance in that area.

As a result, after careful identification, they determined that these red dots were the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier battle group.

The radar soldiers did not dare to delay for a second and immediately reported to Qin Shanhe:

“Report to His Majesty! A reconnaissance aircraft of the Eagle Sauce has been spotted in the southwest waters of Chihai Bay. It is expected to enter our territorial airspace in thirty minutes!”

“Report to His Majesty! Three destroyers of the Eagle Navy were spotted in the eastern waters of the Chihai Bay exit!”

“Report to His Majesty! An aircraft carrier battle group of the Eagle Sauce has been spotted in the southern waters of Chihai Bay, and is heading towards us at full speed.”


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