After the radar soldier reported, the situation became tense in an instant.

King Qin Shanhe, Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, and many high-ranking officials of Yan State all looked a little more solemn.

They all understood that within half an hour, the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier battle group would arrive at the combat area and bomb Yan State’s homeland.

There was no time to waste. It was time to make a decision.

At that moment,

Qin Tian stood up and spoke first:

“Father, the Eagle Sauce is so unscrupulous because they don’t believe we can make mushroom bombs!”

“As of now, we cannot defeat the Eagle Sauce in a conventional war.”

“We can only test the mushroom bomb immediately to deter the Eagle Sauce Navy!”

“If they still insist on going forward……”

“Then we have no choice. In order to protect the sovereignty and security of Yan State, we can only continue to launch mushroom bombs to destroy them!”

Qin Shanhe heard this and felt extremely heavy.

He had never been so embarrassed and uneasy.

After looking around at all the ministers present, he asked calmly:

“Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Let’s test the mushroom bomb. If it really happens, it will trigger a mushroom exchange between Eagle Sauce and Yan Country!”

“Both sides will return to the Stone Age and most people will die!”

“Are you afraid?”

As a staunch supporter of Qin Shanhe, Li Nanfeng, the Prime Minister, stood up from his seat firmly:

“I’m not afraid! I, Li Nanfeng, would rather die standing than live on my knees!”

Qin Shanhe glanced at Li Nanfeng with satisfaction, and was very satisfied with Li Nanfeng’s statement.

He retracted his gaze and looked at the other ministers, only to hear the ministers say fearlessly:

“Don’t be afraid, Your Majesty, just give the combat order!”

“Who is afraid of whom? If I die, he will not live well, and at worst we will die together!”

“That’s right, compared to the Eagle Sauce, we in Yan Country are barefoot, so how can we be afraid of him who wears shoes!”

“If you want us to bow our heads, all Yan people must be wiped out!”

“Fire it, Your Majesty! Anyone who is afraid is a grandson!”


Seeing the Yan Kingdom’s ministers so fearless and brave,

Qin Shanhe felt relieved. He had no regrets in his life for having such wise ministers and generals! Then, Qin Shanhe was relieved of all his burdens. He took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

“Good! In that case, Tian’er, give the order, test a mushroom bomb first, let the Eagle know that we are not easy to mess with!”

After hearing this, Qin Tian saluted Qin Shanhe with a standard military salute and replied:

“Yes! Father!”

Then he gave the signalman an order:

“I order, [Desert Storm] mushroom bombs, fire!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

After Qin Tian’s order was issued, the entire launch center immediately entered the launch state without any pause. The heads of all departments and operators also began to enter relevant instructions on the computer. They worked closely together and reported the launch situation to each other:

【Target: The southeastern waters of the Yan State Bay, Death Island!】

【Target distance: 650 km】

【The launch command input is normal!】

【Transmit signal access successful!】

【The posture of the projectile body and warhead is normal!】

【The optical sensor is connected normally!】

【Booster fuel detection is normal!】


【Ready to launch, countdown begins!】





At that moment, a huge tongue of fire shot out from the tail of the missile, the temperature of the surrounding air rose sharply, and a large amount of white smoke poured out from the bottom of the missile, forming a rolling heat wave that impacted the surroundings… so much so that the monitoring screen in the command room was briefly blurred………



After the missile reached the predetermined height, it ignited a second time.

The flames at the tail turned blue-green and accelerated toward the sky.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the missile roared like a meteor and rushed into the sky and disappeared into the clouds…….

【Desert Storm, launched successfully!】

【The missile is running at normal speed!】

【The warhead’s trajectory is normal!】

【The missile’s navigation attitude is normal!】

【The guidance system is operating normally!】

【Optical tracking is working!】

【The projectile operating temperature is normal!】


Except for Qin Tian,

everyone in the command room held their breath.

They were extremely nervous, their hearts were beating so fast that they almost jumped out of their throats……..

Including King Qin Shanhe, everyone’s palms were sweaty…….

There is no other way.

This is the first time that Yan State has tested a mushroom bomb.

Whether the test can be successful is related to the survival of Yan State……..

Every minister present stared at the surveillance screen intently, not even daring to blink, for fear of any accident happening during the process……..

Now, the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier battle group is at the gates!

If the mushroom bomb test fails, then Yan Country doesn’t have to struggle, just declare the country extinct! Although the Eagle Sauce’s Indian Ocean Fleet only has two aircraft carrier battle groups, it doesn’t sound like much, but in fact it is composed of dozens of warships and hundreds of advanced fighter planes.

Its combat destructive power can easily make a medium-sized country disappear from the map………

Even if the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier battle group does not use the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier, only the ground attack capabilities of dozens of destroyers,

Yan Country has no ability to resist!

Of course, as the owner of the system, Qin Tian naturally knows that this mushroom bomb will not fail!


Qin Tian behaved indifferently, with almost no emotional waves on his face.

【Optical tracking is working!】

【The trajectory is running normally!】

【The track is running normally!】

【The anti-interference system is operating normally!】


Every word of normality from the researchers made the frightened ministers feel a little relieved!

At this time, the launch commander reminded:

“Report to your majesty, the missile is currently operating normally. In 45 seconds, the missile will hit the target.”

Qin Shanhe wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded to the commander.

The target of this test explosion is the Death Island of Yan Country.

Death Island is an uninhabited Gobi island, a place similar to the Dragon Country’s Luobubo, and is often used as a test site for Yan Country’s missiles.

Due to its special geographical environment, the test explosion here can deter the Eagle Sauce Navy without causing too much pollution and radiation………………………….

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