At the same time, the reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft sent by the Eagle Sauce Senken aircraft carrier fleet battle group have arrived in the Chihai Bay area.

They are preparing to approach the offshore base of Yan State to detect the every move of the Yan State army and provide intelligence warning for the aircraft carrier battle group.

In the eyes of the Eagle Sauce pilots, this flight is a routine reconnaissance mission without any danger, because the Yan State navy is hiding in the port and dare not come out.

They don’t have to worry about someone attacking them, so the pilots seem to be a little relaxed.

They are bored and enjoy the scenery of Chihai Bay, and chat with each other:

“Hey, Pete, did you find anything there?”

Jerry, the pilot of the early warning aircraft, picked up the communicator and called Pete, the pilot of the reconnaissance aircraft not far away from him.

“Nothing found, Jerry.”

“Yan Country is just a group of cowardly cowards. They all hid themselves and didn’t dare to come out at all!” Jerry felt a little regretful after hearing Pete’s answer :

“What a pity! I really hope that the Yan people can be brave enough to send out warships and planes to fight us head-on!”

“This way I can detect them in advance, make military achievements, and get some monetary rewards.”

“Pete, you know, my third child was born and the expenses were very high.”

Pete showed an understanding expression and said:

“It’s a pity, Jerry. The Yan people are too timid. Let’s go back.”

Jerry nodded, with a look of regret on his face:

“Okay, let’s go back and report…….Something is not right, what is that?”

Jerry was talking when he suddenly noticed a flashing red dot in the northwest of the radar screen….

The red dot was flying very fast and was heading towards his airspace.

The northwest was the location of Yan Country, which shocked Jerry and made him sweat!

Jerry was flying an Eagle EP-369 high-altitude early warning aircraft.

The so-called early warning aircraft was equivalent to a giant radar in the air without any autonomous defense capabilities.

If the red dot was a fighter jet approaching him, he would be in danger!

When the reconnaissance aircraft pilot Pete heard that Jerry’s tone was not right, he hurriedly called out:

“”Jerry, what’s wrong? Did you find anything?”

Jerry raised his concentration to 200%, staring at the radar screen.

He found that the red dot became very bright and then disappeared from the radar screen.

It was the first time that Jerry saw such a strange radar phenomenon.

In order to find out what it was,

Jerry operated the radar and tried to lock and identify the red dot, but unfortunately he found nothing.

He had to ask Pete for help:

“Pete, I found a red dot on the radar, it appears and disappears and I can’t lock it!”

“I’m not sure what this is. Can your radar identify what it is?”

After hearing this, Pete immediately replied:

“I’ll give it a try!”

He decisively turned on all the equipment on the plane, turned on the maximum power, and searched for suspicious targets in the nearby airspace.

Strangely, there was no red dot on the radar screen of the reconnaissance plane. Peter picked up the communicator with some doubts and said:

“Jerry, are you too nervous? There is nothing on my radar!”

At this moment, the red dot on Jerry’s radar screen also completely disappeared.

He input various instructions and conducted a carpet search and reconnaissance of the surrounding sea area…….

No matter what he did, the red dot did not reappear.

Jerry frowned, wondering in his heart: Could it be that I was hallucinating?

Jerry rubbed his temples:

“Maybe I didn’t sleep well last night and I had hallucinations.” Peter’s comforting voice came from the other end of the communicator :

“Okay Jerry, let’s prepare to return. Everything is safe ahead, there is no danger. The Yan Country will definitely not dare to fight with us!”

“After completing this task, you can have a good sleep.”

“”Okay, Pete.”

Jerry was ready to leave the AWACS plane.

Just as the plane was changing direction in the air, a ball of fire appeared at the far end of the northwest airspace. The light was blinding to Jerry. After just one glance, he realized that the ball of fire was a missile flying at high speed! And the missile’s flight path was heading towards Pete’s airspace! Jerry’s face turned green with fear. He immediately picked up the communicator and reminded Pete to avoid it:

“”Pete, run! There’s a missile flying towards you from the northwest! Run!”

After hearing the call, Pete subconsciously looked towards the northwest airspace.

When he saw a missile spitting flames and approaching him, he instinctively controlled the aircraft to pull the lever and prepared to escape:

“oh…..”Oh my God!”

However, the speed of the fire was too fast!

And the plane turned too slowly.

It seemed that the missile was about to hit Pete’s plane.

At that moment,

Pete was desperate:

“It’s over! Mom, I’m going to die!”

When Pete thought he was going to die, the missile passed by Pete’s plane at lightning speed.

Pete saw that the missile did not hit him.

He took a long breath and was glad that he was lucky enough to escape the disaster.

Pete cursed:

“Damn it! These damn Yan people actually attacked us!”

“Fortunately, their missiles were of poor quality and could not aim at us, otherwise I would……..Ahhhh!!!!”

Before Pete could finish his words, the missile hit the Death Island in the distance with perfect accuracy!


In an instant, the entire sky was plunged into a terrifying explosion!

It seemed as if the world was about to be destroyed!…………………………

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