“General Liu Qiang, next, as a combat staff, I will provide you with all the local terrain and intelligence in Syria. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time.”

Ayuli said as he walked,

“Please, General Ayuri!”

Liu Qiang replied politely. As they were walking,

Ayuri looked at the military camp of Yan State curiously.

Suddenly, he saw some tanks.

He asked in confusion:

“Hey! What is that, General Liu Qiang? If we are not mistaken, it should be the M-100 tank currently in service in the United States. How come this tank currently in service in the United States is not in your country?…….There are so many key points, there must be hundreds of them, right?”

Liu Qiang explained:

“Oh! You mean that?”

“That is our Yan country’s new main battle tank Y-300, which looks a bit like the Eagle Sauce’s M-100, but the performance is completely different!”

When General Ayuri heard this, he remembered the HIMARS R rocket launcher they bought from Yan country.

The HIMARS R rocket launcher is also a bit similar to the Eagle Sauce’s HIMARS rocket launcher, but its performance is twice as strong as the Eagle Sauce’s HIMARS!

Thinking of this,

General Ayuri seemed to understand something and said:

“General Liu Qiang! I understand! Your Y-300 tank is definitely better than the Eagle Sauce’s M-100!”

Liu Qiang did not deny it and replied:

“Not bad!”

As he went deeper into the military camp,

Ayuri saw more and more new equipment. He cheered in surprise:

“Shit, this is an M98 armored vehicle, right? And that one, it looks a bit like a Condor helicopter!”

General Ayuri walked quickly to the Condor helicopter and took a closer look, just like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

“Wow, your helicopter is equipped with a laser weapon? That’s awesome!”

“General Liu Qiang, do you want to sell this helicopter? I will ask our president to buy some from you!”

The endless new equipment of Yan Country made General Ayuri envious and his saliva almost flowed out.

He knew that the military weapons of Yan Country had developed rapidly recently, but he did not expect it to develop so fast!

Liu Qiang shook his head and said:

“Sorry, General Ayuri, these are our most advanced equipment in service, and they are not for sale to the public for the time being!”

General Ayuri23 understood that the most advanced equipment would not be easily sold to any country, and he felt a little sorry, and couldn’t help but sighed:

“The equipment of your Yan country is too good. I looked around carefully and it seems that all the soldiers have multi-functional night vision goggles, tactical vests, and tactical helmets……..”

“When will our Syria have the equipment of your Yan country?”

Ayuli found that the individual equipment of Yan country was fully armed, not inferior to that of the Eagle sauce!

Looking at himself, as a general of Syria, he was not even as well equipped as the soldiers of Yan country! If you compare goods, you will throw them away; if you compare people, you will die…

Who would have thought that

Yan country, which was once a punching bag like Syria, has equipment comparable to that of the Eagle sauce?

General Ayuli was shocked!

Then, the two quickly came to the command camp.

Here, in the combat meeting room, commanders of all levels of Yan country had been waiting for a long time.

General Liu Qiang introduced Ayuli’s identity to everyone:

“This is General Ayuri from Syria. Next, he will act as our combat staff officer and provide us with information about the local terrain, humanities, etc. in Syria.”

As he spoke, Liu Qiang looked at Ayuri:

“General Ayuri, can you please tell us about the situation of the local militants?”

“Okay, General Liu Qiang.”

Ayuri walked to the electronic sand table in the combat command room and explained to everyone:

“According to reliable sources, the main core combat force of the terrorist organization that attacked the Yan country’s mining factory some time ago was actually the 080 Cheetah Division of the Squid Country. They disguised themselves as local Syrian rebels and destroyed and bombed mining factories and oil and gas resources.”

“The 080th Cheetah Division of the Squid Country is very powerful. It is called a division-level unit, but its combat capability is no less than that of an army in the Middle Eastern countries.”

“They total more than 16,000 people, all equipped with advanced Hawk equipment, with powerful air defense and strike firepower.

They once swept across the entire Middle East without any defeat.

The enemy either surrendered or was completely wiped out…….

The strength is very strong.

” The Yan country officers have also heard of the 080th Cheetah Division of the Squid Country.

When they heard that their opponent was the 080th Cheetah Division of the Squid Country, all the Yan country officers were delighted.

They were not afraid or cowardly as they imagined.

They were all eager to fight and thought that this was a good opportunity to make achievements!

Originally, Ayuri was worried that the Yan country soldiers would be afraid of the Squid Country army, but now it seems

…….His worries were totally unnecessary.

“Generals, judging from your expressions, you don’t seem to be afraid of the squid army, right?”

030 Brigade Commander Zhong Yong showed a smug and disdainful smile:

“General Ayuri, to tell you the truth, in the past, one army of our Yan country might not be a match for one division of the Squid Army.”

“but now……Why should we be afraid of a mere Cheetah Division from the Squid Country?”

“In terms of equipment, we are no worse than them now, and in terms of courage, we Yan people are not cowards either.”

“If I don’t offer the Squid Ace Troops as a sacrifice, I will be sorry for my brothers who are eager to try.”

Several Yan country generals nearby also echoed:

“General Ayuri, you don’t know, ever since we received the new equipment, we have been looking forward to it and hoping to have a war. Now that the opportunity has come, we are so happy that we can’t wait. How can we be afraid?”

“That’s right, that’s right! If I don’t kill a few of the squid’s ace troops, I won’t feel at ease with the advanced equipment I’ve been given! I’m afraid it will be taken back.”

“Ha ha……General Ayuri, we Yan country soldiers are all looking forward to bringing honor to our family. The family tree is open now…….”


As the saying goes, money is a man’s courage.

In the army, weapons and equipment are the courage of soldiers.

With good equipment, Yan country soldiers naturally cannot take the squid man seriously.

General Ayuri was a little confused when he heard it, and turned to look at General Liu Qiang:

“General Liu, what does it mean to bring glory to the ancestors and open a family tree separately?”

Liu Qiang smiled when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he didn’t know how to explain the meaning of this word to a foreigner, so he had to evade the question:

“This is the supreme honor of the Hua people, just understand it this way.”

General Ayuri nodded as if he understood, and continued to introduce:

“The current location of this 080 Cheetah Division is here, near the Geli Mountain area. There are many mountains here, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack……….”

General Ayuri told the Yan country officers in detail about the information of the squid country’s troops.

After that,

General Liu Qiang began to issue combat orders:

“Okay, next, I will announce the combat order.”


All the military commanders and officers present stood up and waited for orders with a serious look on their faces:

“The 038th Brigade will start from the south to contain the enemy’s right wing, and the 039th Brigade will be responsible for encircling and cutting the right wing. We will first eat up the enemy’s vanguard position, and the 037th Brigade will be responsible for the frontal attack………”

“This time, the whole army did not make a feint attack, it was all the main attack force! An hour later, we launched an attack from three directions at the same time, using strong firepower to suppress, chase and attack fiercely, not giving the enemy any time to breathe!”

“We must completely wipe out the Squid 080th Division. If even one enemy escapes, I will hold you accountable!”

“Did you understand everything?”

“I understand, General!”

The officers replied in unison.

“Very good, I declare that the whole army is going to set off!”

With Liu Qiang’s order, all the soldiers of the Special Operations Corps immediately took action.

After receiving the task, the combat units of the brigades and regiments at all levels quickly rushed to their designated positions and completed the combat deployment!

Just like that, an hour later, the Special Operations Corps of Yan Country had all entered the combat position.

Thousands of various artillery and rocket launchers were densely and neatly arranged on the battlefield, and the gun barrels were uniformly aimed at the positions of the squid army in front. (To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The soldiers held their steel guns tightly and were ready to fight at any time…….

Countless tanks, armored vehicles and various combat vehicles are ready to go, like a long steel dragon with no end in sight…….![]

At this time, in the frontier station of the Squid Army 080 Division, two soldiers were operating a drone for daily reconnaissance and patrol.

The patrol mission was a bit boring, so the two of them started chatting:

“What do you think the Yan people are thinking? They have to go against us. We are the little bully in the Middle East. Isn’t he looking for death?”

“Who said it wasn’t? It’s just a mushroom bomb. Do you really think you’re a dragon country? If we border Yan Country, our 080th Division can reach the capital of Yan Country!”

“Ha ha ha ha………”

As the two of them were laughing, suddenly, the smile on one of the soldiers’ face stopped abruptly.

He noticed something that looked like military movement nearby!

The soldier looked at the picture sent back by the drone and shouted in fear:

“Oh my god, which country’s army is that in front of us? They seem to be planning to attack us! Damn it, we must report to the commander immediately!”

The soldier was extremely terrified!

Just as he was about to pick up the communication equipment and prepare to report the news to the commander, General Liu Qiang

, who was far away in the command camp of Yan Country, issued an order to bombard:


Thousands of artillery pieces and howitzers fired at the same time.

Countless shells whizzed out of the barrels and rushed towards the Squid Nation’s position in a gorgeous and graceful arc.



The roar of the explosion resounded throughout the sky.

The shells seemed to have eyes, constantly exploding between the tanks and positions of the Squid Nation, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the Squid People! Countless small mushroom clouds suddenly rose from the entire Squid Station

, flames were everywhere, and the earth was shaking.


A well-aimed artillery shell hit a bunker on the Squid’s position, and the bunker was immediately covered in thick black smoke and razed to the ground………

The squid soldiers in the bunker were blown to pieces and died on the spot.

Facing the sudden bombardment, the squid army was caught off guard.

They didn’t even know who the enemy was…….

Explosions continued to sound, and more and more squid soldiers fell in pools of blood.

Panic quickly spread among the squid army:

“FUCK! Where did this shell come from?”

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Who is attacking us?”

“Find cover and take cover! Run! Run!”

“Oh my god! My legs were blown off, please save me……”


Bomb craters formed in the camp one after another.

The squid army, which was unable to react in time, fled everywhere to avoid the bombardment.

On the squid country’s position, the commander of the 080th Cheetah Division, Commander Mick, was hiding in the safe house in shock, shouting into the communication:

“Who is attacking us?”

The signalman looked confused:

“Report to the division commander! We don’t know who the enemy is yet, maybe it’s some local militants…….”

Listening to the explosions outside, Commander Mick asked:

“What’s wrong with the four regiment commanders? Why don’t they conduct air defense interception? Are all our air defense troops dead?”

The signalman explained:

“Commander, it’s not that we don’t want to intercept them, it’s that the enemy’s rocket launchers are too powerful. The radars of our air defense vehicles are smoking, and we can’t intercept them at all!”

“FUCK! Damn it! Then counterattack, pass my order immediately, lock the enemy’s position, and launch a rocket counterattack!”

Mick gave the order to counterattack with an indignant look on his face, while the signalman said helplessly:

“The division commander and the commanders of the four regiments immediately issued a counterattack order when they were attacked…….But……”

“However, the enemy’s artillery position is about 600 kilometers away from us! The range of our rocket launchers is not enough! We can’t hit the enemy at all!”


Master Mick was stunned when he heard this.

He frowned and said in disbelief:

“The enemy has rocket launchers with a range of 600 kilometers? How is this possible?”

“What the hell! Is it longer than the range of our HIMARS rocket launcher?”

Division Commander Mick was a little bit unbelievable.

You know, the HIMARS rocket launcher in his hand is the active equipment of the Eagle Sauce, not the export version sold to the second country.

Its range is as high as 500 kilometers, which is at the world’s first-class advanced level!

In the world, except for the Eagle Sauce and the Dragon Country, other countries can’t even think about it!

But……This is Syria.

The Dragon Kingdom’s army cannot possibly be here.

Who is on the other side?

Who has more powerful equipment and weapons than us?

Commander Mick was puzzled………

“”Division Commander! What should we do? Our soldiers can’t hold out for long if we keep getting beaten like this!”

The signalman urged Mick to make a decision quickly.

Mick also understood that it was meaningless to hold on, as the enemy’s firepower was too fierce.

If this continued, the 080th Division would definitely be annihilated.

He immediately issued a rational order:

“Retreat across the board! The Third Regiment will be responsible for the rear guard, relying on the mountainous terrain to gradually defend until all troops have evacuated!”

At the beginning,

Mick chose this location to set up camp because of the mountainous terrain here.

With the help of the terrain defense, he can attack or retreat, and he is not afraid of any enemy!

When the signalman conveyed Mick’s military order to the squid soldiers, the soldiers were stunned.

This was the first time they heard the word retreat from the division commander!

As the heroic unit of the Squid Country, the 080th Cheetah Division has not retreated on the front battlefield for more than ten years, because no unit in the Middle Eastern countries is the opponent of the 080th Cheetah Division. The enemy either surrenders or is completely annihilated!

And now, the enemy who came from nowhere has forced the 080th Division to retreat?

It’s unimaginable!

After the order to retreat was issued, the various units of the 080th Division of the Squid Country began to act.

The second regiment at the rear used natural barriers such as cliffs, peaks and rocks in an orderly manner to resist the enemy’s rocket bombardment.

The other three regiments immediately withdrew from the camp and retreated quickly to the rear…….

At the same time, at the Yan Country headquarters, signalmen, radar soldiers, staff officers and others were running back and forth in the command room, constantly sending the latest battle information to General Liu Qiang.

“Report to the general, everything is going smoothly at the moment, our rocket launchers have successfully suppressed the enemy’s positions!”

“The outermost positions of the Squid Nation’s 080th Division have been completely blown into ruins by us! They were beaten to the point where they had no power to resist at all.”

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