Upon hearing this news, all the officers in the command room were delighted, and

Deputy Commander General Ye Wei laughed out loud:

“It’s so exciting, this battle is so exciting!”

“Our rocket launchers and drones made the enemy dare not raise their heads, and the Squid’s Hawk rocket launchers couldn’t hit us, so we could only worry……”

“I, Zhao Wei, have never fought such an exciting battle in my life……!”

So far,

Yan Country has not lost a single soldier, and the outer positions of the squids are ready to be blown to ashes.

Being able to crush the ace troops of the squid country shows that the military weapons of Yan Country are indeed very powerful, and the actual combat effect is more than twice as good as the generals expected…….

Commander-in-Chief General Liu Qiang had a very enjoyable expression:

“Listen to the sound of our rocket launchers, the rhythm, the sound, the rhythm…!”

“Beautiful! So beautiful, it’s like art…!”

It’s no wonder that the officers of Yan State were so happy, because this was also the first time they really experienced the taste of modern warfare.

What equipment did Yan State have before?

What equipment does Yan State have now ?

One is underground, and the other is on the ground!

No one could have imagined that a once weak country like Yan State would one day be able to defeat the Squid King Division equipped with all Eagle equipment on the front battlefield!

This feeling is simply awesome!

Liu Qiang’s mouth was almost grinning to his ears, and he continued to issue military orders to the combat staff:

“Tell the rocket launchers to go full throttle and blast them like crazy! Don’t stop for even a moment!”

“These damn squids dared to attack our mineral resources. They must be tired of living!”

The combat staff officer next to him reminded him with some embarrassment:

“General, I have something to report to you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Captain Zhao of our rocket artillery position told our logistics soldiers to deliver rocket supplies more slowly……..”

“Before they had finished firing the first wave of rockets, the second wave had already arrived. After several rounds of repetition, the artillery position was surrounded by rockets……..”

“The gunners were stunned when they saw this scene, and complained that there were so many rockets that they had no place to put them! Let’s not send them so fast……..”

Upon hearing this, several generals of Yan State laughed uncontrollably, and their laughter was very wanton:


Deputy Commander Ye Wei joked:

“When has our Yan country ever fought such a rich war? Such advanced rockets are like free.”

“In the past, this was something I would never have dared to dream of!…….It feels so good to be a great power!”


As soon as the voice fell, the generals and officers burst into laughter.

At the same time, another signalman ran in and reported to Liu Qiang:

“Report to the general! According to the information detected by the drone, the squid troops have abandoned their camp and retreated towards the mountain pass!”

After hearing this, Liu Qiang took two quick steps to the sand table and studied the squid’s retreat route.

After studying the topography,

Liu Qiang quickly made up his mind:

“The squid is trying to take advantage of the complex terrain of the mountains to escape!”

“Pass on my military order, instructing the rocket artillery unit to replace the rockets with armor-piercing mountain-blasting shells, aim at the mountains on the enemy’s position, and flatten them all!”

“Also, it’s time for our Y-300 tanks to appear. Order the tank troops of the 037th Brigade to pursue the enemy with all their might. We must not let the squid get away!”

“Yes! General!”

After Liu Qiang’s order was issued, the soldiers on the rocket launcher positions of Yan State began to switch to armor-piercing mountain-blasting shells. This type of armor-piercing mountain-blasting shell is a rocket unique to Yan State, specially used to attack bunkers, military facilities, military fortresses, mountains and rocks and other defensive fortifications with thicker armor.

“”Everyone, lock on to the enemy’s mountain defense position! Position 5-60-71! Fire!”

The rocket artillery commander gave the order.



At once, thousands of cannons fired, countless flames rushed to the sky, and mercilessly shot towards the mountain peaks on the squid position!

At this moment, the squid army was in full retreat, and only the 2nd Regiment of the 080th Division, with more than 3,000 people, established a temporary position in a dangerous terrain to block the rear!

The squid soldiers soon discovered the incoming rockets and shouted wildly:

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The enemy’s rockets are coming again! Take cover!.~!”


The other squid soldiers subconsciously looked for caves where they could avoid the bombardment.

After hiding in the caves, they closed their eyes and prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that they could escape……..

As soldiers of the 080th Division of the Squid Country, they were once so proud and proud, but now they are so embarrassed and terrified.

No one could have imagined that they would be beaten by the”unknown enemy” and dare not even breathe!


God did not abandon them…….

Because the steep mountains can perfectly withstand the bombardment of rockets, this is the best natural defense given to them by God!

However, the next second, they were dumbfounded!



Those armor-piercing shells hit the mountain accurately, blasting the entire peak into pieces.

Countless explosions caused the entire mountain to tremble.

Countless rocks rolled down and crushed the squid soldiers hiding between the caves and the peaks into meat patties.

“ah……Run! The mountain is collapsing!”

“Oh my god! What the hell is this rocket? It’s so powerful!”

“Oh God, I don’t want to die yet! Save me!”




The explosion showed no sign of stopping.

The panicked squid soldiers were blown to pieces.

The indiscriminate bombardment of rockets continued for a few minutes, and the sound of the explosion began to weaken…….

The squid soldiers who managed to survive poked their heads out from the cracks between the rocks. Just as they were about to return to their positions and continue to stop the enemy, the scene before them stunned everyone……..

At that moment, time seemed to stand still.

The squid soldiers could not believe what they saw……..

Forget the positions, even the mountains were blown up……

Where is the mountain?

Where is the big mountain just now? It’s so scary!

What kind of horrible destructive power is this!

Is this really a rocket?

Why does it feel like a mushroom bomb has exploded?

From the peak to the foot of the mountain, there is a huge crater composed of countless small craters……..

The entire mountain was crumbling, in pieces, and almost flattened……..

The mountain is gone, the natural shelter is gone, the shelter is gone……Our weapons and equipment are inferior to those of the enemy. How can we fight this war?

“Oh! FUCK! The entire Second Regiment retreats! Run! Run non-stop!”

“Whoever wants to be the last one to leave, let him do it. I won’t leave!”

The commander of the Second Regiment of the Squid Army was so frightened that he issued the order to retreat without hesitation.

Without the obstruction of the mountain, all the soldiers of the Squid Army were exposed to the enemy’s rocket launchers.

Staying here would mean death.

It would be better to try to escape. Maybe there would be a chance of survival!

After the order to retreat was issued, the squid soldiers of the Second Regiment lost their will to hold on and drove towards the rear…….

All of this was monitored in real time by Yan’s drones.

Liu Qiang seized the opportunity and decisively issued an order to have the tanks and armored forces advance at full speed to surround and destroy the enemy head-on!

Afterwards, rows of Y-300 tanks and infantry vehicles formed a square formation, like a long dragon, so mighty that there was no end in sight……..

They charged at full speed towards the squid army’s position!

“Charge! Charge! For the family tree! For Yan Country!”

The soldiers of Yan Country shouted and charged desperately, with high morale and heroic spirit!

Y-The 300 tanks were very fast, and the fortifications on the Eagle Sauce position had been cleared, and there were no rear guard troops to hinder them, so they quickly caught up with the tail troops of the 080th Division.



The cold tank barrels vented their shells mercilessly.

The fleeing squid soldiers were blown into pulp before they could even fire their guns.

At this moment, the fleeing 080th Division Commander Mick received a report from the signalman:

“Report to the division commander, the enemy’s tanks and armored forces have caught up with us……What should I do now?”

Mick closed his eyes tightly, thinking about the response plan in his mind.

At present, his troops are retreating, and the enemy’s rocket launcher should be chasing him with all their strength!

In other words, the only threat to him now is the enemy’s tank armored forces!

As long as all the tank troops chasing behind are destroyed in a short period of time , and then quickly evacuated and escaped from the coverage of the rocket launcher, he can safely withdraw to his homeland!

The key point of this plan is to fight quickly and decisively, and never prolong the combat time, otherwise, when the enemy’s rocket launcher catches up, he will really be dead!

After thinking about this, Mick looked at the dozens of M-100 Eagle tanks behind him.

These tanks are the treasures of the 080th Division.

The Squid Country spent a high price to buy them from the Eagle Sauce Country!

It is also the last reliance of Division Commander Mick!

Mick snorted coldly and muttered to himself:

“Humph! I just don’t believe that your rocket launcher is more powerful than the HIMARS, and your tank can be more powerful than the M-100 Eagle tank?”

After that, he issued a military order:

“Signalman! Pass on our order, concentrate all the M-100 Eagle tanks of the division and strike hard at the enemy armored corps behind us!”

“Remember! Regardless of any cost and ammunition, you must defeat their tank troops in the shortest possible time!”

“Yes! General!”

After the signalman received the order, the general’s order was passed to the commanders of the three regiments.

Then, they led all the tank troops of the 080th Division to form a formation, ready to fight the enemy tanks to the death!

When the Yan country tank troops saw the squid tank troops, they were very happy:

“Wow! Not only did the other side not run away, but they also dared to fight back?”

“Brothers, military merit is right in front of you. Whether you can bring honor to your family depends on your ability! Follow me!”

The tank soldiers of Yan country, like old bachelors who have been single for many years, rushed forward without hesitation when they saw a young girl!

The tank troops of the squid army were already on full alert.

Looking at the approaching tank troops of Yan country, they quickly issued the order to open fire:




At that moment, dozens of tanks of the Squid Army roared and fired wildly at the Yan Country tanks!

A shell accurately hit the Yan Country’s Y-300 main battle tank!


Y-The 300 main battle tank was instantly covered by black smoke from the explosion.

“Great! We hit the enemy tank!!”

Just when the squid tank soldiers were happy, an incredible scene happened.

Y-The 300 main battle tank emerged from the black smoke unscathed.

The squid tank soldiers looked at this scene in disbelief.

The enemy tank actually withstood their bombardment?

How could this be possible!

This is the famous M-100 main battle tank currently in service in the Eagle Sauce! How could it not penetrate the enemy’s tank?

As the distance got closer and closer, the terrified squid soldiers saw the silhouette of the tank clearly.

“Holy shit! How come it looks exactly like our M-100 main battle tank?”

“What the hell, are we fighting against the Eagle Sauce Army?”

“This shouldn’t be the case! Even if the enemy is an M-100 main battle tank, it can’t be unscathed after being hit by our shells!”


The squid tank soldiers were completely dumbfounded.

They didn’t understand why the enemy had the M-100 main battle tanks currently in service with the Eagle Sauce Army!

The Eagle Sauce Country would never sell the M-100 main battle tanks to armed forces in the Middle East.���Just as the squid soldiers were puzzled, the Yan country’s Y-300 main battle tank had already opened fire on them:


The shell slid out of the barrel quickly and hit the Squid’s M-100 main battle tank!

M-100 main battle tanks were instantly blown into ruins, and the squid soldiers in the tanks died on the spot.

At this moment, countless squid tanks were instantly destroyed on the battlefield , and many squid tank soldiers were blown into smoke in confusion and fear! After only more than ten minutes of fighting, almost all of the squid army’s tanks were destroyed!

M-The Y-100 main battle tank was no match for the Y-300 main battle tank.

The signalman did not dare to delay for a second and quickly reported the situation on the front line to the division commander Mick….

“What? You said our M-100 tanks were hit without any chance of fighting back? And the enemy tanks were not damaged at all?”

“Oh! Damn it, how is this possible?”

Mick’s brain short-circuited on the spot, and he was stunned!

Who is the enemy on the opposite side? How could it be so strong?

It’s a bit outrageous!

The performance of tanks and rockets completely crushed him!

In less than ten minutes, dozens of M-100 tanks were scrapped!

Mick’s heart was bleeding!

These weapons and equipment that the Squid Army was once proud of have now become scrap metal?

As if they were useless, they were beaten so badly that even their mothers didn’t recognize them?


Mick’s bad luck was far from over.

The speed of the Yan country’s rocket launcher was much faster than Mick had imagined.



The large force of the Squid Army was soon devastated by the Yan Nation’s rockets!

Signalmen on the front line kept reporting the situation to Mick:

“Report to the division commander! 152 Tank Armored Company has lost contact!”

“Report to the division commander, the 171st Infantry Armored Company has lost contact!”

“Report to the division commander, the 184 artillery squadron has been annihilated!”

“Report to the division commander, 011 anti-tank company has been annihilated!”


Mick completely collapsed.

Not only his courage to fight, but also his cognition collapsed……..

Mick felt like he was in a dream, a dream that couldn’t happen in reality……..

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