“The artillery fires in four, five, and six formations in turn………Aim at enemy trenches, strongholds, bunkers and other important military facilities where they can be hidden, and conduct precise hunting and blocking!”

“Commanding Tank Troops……..”


“Ready! Fire!”

“Yes! Commander!”

After the order to open fire was given, the fifteen armies of Yan State started to move at the same time.



Thousands of HIMARS T-type launchers opened fire instantly on the rocket positions.

In that second, countless rockets with flames rushed into the sky and rose from the ground!

The huge rockets spewed out tail flames and lit up the entire night sky!

The dazzling light made the residents of the northern mountainous areas of Syria mistakenly think that the sun had reappeared!

Looking up, the sky was full of various missiles and rockets diving at high speed…..

At once, thousands of cannons fired, and the earth shook…….



The roar of the launch vehicle was endless and echoed through the sky!

��Tens of thousands of rockets were divided into different batches and flew towards the squid army on the Golan Heights!

Dense rows of rockets were arranged in the sky, like an extremely huge demon dragon, which made people tremble with fear.

Wherever it passed, it caused local residents to exclaim in shock!

At this time, in the air defense command room of the squid country, the radar soldiers of the squid country looked at the empty radar screen and chatted boredly:

“The military exercise will be held in two days. That’s a good opportunity for us to make achievements! Counterattack Yan country and seize Syrian territory, hahaha…….When I think about that situation, I can’t help but feel my whole body boiling!”

“The new territory is so important to us! We need the Syrian territory so much!”

“However, I heard that Yan Country’s rocket launchers and tanks are very powerful. Can we defeat them?”

“What are you afraid of? Don’t forget, our air force is invincible! Those damned Hua people from Yan Country, what can they use to fight us?”

“That’s right, that’s right! This is a joint military exercise. Both the Eagle Sauce and the Japanese will support us. We will definitely win!”

“Hahahaha! That’s true………..”

At this point in the conversation, the soldiers burst into laughter.

They looked calm and confident of victory, and did not take Yan Nation seriously at all………

Just as the radar soldiers were chatting enthusiastically, the duty leader came in.

“How’s it going? Is there any movement from the Resistance Fox?”

Seeing the 913 team leader coming, the radar soldiers stopped chatting and became serious. They replied:

“Report to the team leader, there is no movement for the time being!”

“Well, you keep an eye on it carefully. If there is any movement, report to us immediately. I’m going to take a nap!”

“Yes, team leader!”

The team leader yawned and prepared to go back to the lounge to rest.

He had just taken two steps when the early warning radar alarm made a deafening sound.

“Woo………Warning! Warning! Warning! Rockets spotted!”

“Woo………”Warning! Warning! Warning! Rockets are coming!”

The entire air defense command room was filled with this voice!

The radar soldiers immediately became alert, and the duty leader immediately stopped and turned to the radar control screen! Everyone present was frightened and sweaty, their faces as pale as snow……..

There are thousands of red dots on the radar, almost filling up the entire screen!

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The enemy is coming!”

“All of you, listen to my command, enter combat mode immediately! Sound the air raid siren!”

“”Yes! Team leader!” the radar soldiers replied.

Then, the duty team leader responded quickly and rushed to the office of the commander, General Gore.

At this time,

General Gore was resting in the office.

The duty team leader broke into the office and scared General Gore:

“General! It’s bad! Our early warning radar shows that thousands of rockets are coming towards us!”


General Gore jumped up in shock when he heard this.

He didn’t even have time to put on his coat and ran to the command room immediately!

The duty leader followed behind him.

Out of caution,

General Gore ordered as he ran:

“Immediately send someone to inform the President of this situation and ask the National Health Agency to make defensive preparations!”

“Yes! General!”

In a blink of an eye,

General Gore came to the air defense command radar screen.


After seeing General Gore, the radar soldiers immediately stood up and saluted.

Gore waved his hand, motioning them to sit down, and came to the main command platform with a panicked look.

He looked carefully and saw countless red dots on the radar.

“What’s the situation now? Have they intercepted the incoming rockets?”

Gore asked anxiously.

“Report to the general! We have detected more than 8,000 enemy rockets, and they are coming at a very high speed. It is expected that they will hit our position within 90 seconds.”

“We immediately activated the combat plan, turned on the Iron Dome air defense system, and intercepted all incoming rockets!”

Gore nodded, with a slight look of fear in his eyes:

“More than 8,000 rockets? So many?”

More than 8,000 rockets were fired at once.

Such a large amount of power could not be carried out by the armed forces of the Resistance Fox!

It must be Yan Country!

In the entire Middle East, only Yan Country has such strength!

Thinking of this,

Gore was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, the Squid Country received ammunition replenishment from the West…….

Otherwise, with so many rockets,

I would definitely not be able to intercept them all!

At this moment, Gore snorted coldly:

“Humph! This Yan country is so despicable and shameless that they even dared to attack us!”

“What a pity! Although your rockets have good performance, they are still too young to break through our Iron Dome air defense system!…..!”

The Iron Dome air defense system is the most advanced near-ground air defense system of the Squid Country. It is very famous in the world.

In the two-year war with the Bass Country, the Iron Dome air defense system has intercepted countless rockets and cruise missiles.

Moreover, with the help of the Eagle Sauce, the Iron Dome air defense system has undergone many technical transformations and upgrades.

Its current performance is comparable to that of the Eagle Sauce’s THAAD system!

As long as there are enough interceptor ammunition, facing low-altitude weapons such as rockets, basically one interception is accurate! Therefore


General Gore’s mouth corners slightly raised, appearing very confident!

He believes that Yan Country’s rockets are 100% unable to break through the Iron Dome air defense system!

However, the slap in the face often comes very timely.

The next second, something that shattered his three views happened!

At low altitude, when the Squid Country’s air defense missiles were about to complete the interception of the rocket in the air, the rocket urgently performed a maneuvering change of trajectory, a simple dodge, and easily avoided the interceptor missile!

Everything is so natural, so simple!

So simple that it is unbelievable!

This is the strongest air defense system of the Squid Country!

Just dodged it? That scene was so shocking!

So horrifying!

You know, the ability to change trajectory is generally designed on ballistic missiles, and only the most advanced intercontinental missiles have this ability.

In this world, only three countries, Eagle Sauce, Dragon Country, and Bear, have this ability.

What happened? Your rockets also have the ability to change trajectory? How can you play this? It’s like a bullet can turn.

No matter which direction you shoot from, it will hit the enemy.

How can this not be shocking ?…!



Endless silence and deathly silence!

Everyone in the Squid National Defense Air Force Command Room had a dull look in their eyes. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Their brains were blank!

It was as if they were struck by the thunder of the nine heavens.

They were numb……..!

Rockets can also maneuver and change their trajectory.

This is unheard of and unseen! []

General Gore was shocked and his pupils shrank.

He wanted to scream but couldn’t make a sound.

Then, the second interceptor missile was dodged, and the third…….!

The fourth…….!

“Report to the General! No. 02 air defense position has launched 156 air defense missiles! All interception failed!”

“Report to the General! No. 03 air defense position has launched 483 air defense missiles! All interceptions have failed!”

“Report to the General! No. 06 air defense position has launched 552 air defense missiles! All interceptions have failed!”

“Report to the General! No. 07 air defense position has launched 756 air defense missiles! All interception failed!”

“Report to the General!……….”

In just a dozen seconds, more than 20 air defense positions reported the current situation to General Gore at the same time!

All rockets failed to be intercepted!

The Iron Dome system is completely ineffective!!!!!!! Oh my God! Not a single rocket was intercepted!

? ? ? ?

? All commanders and soldiers on the Squidward air defense positions!

All radar soldiers, staff officers, and senior officials in the command room!

At this moment, they were stunned in place, their faces pale, as if all the blood in their bodies had been sucked out, and there was no blood at all!

They were shocked to the extreme! They couldn’t believe their eyes!

General Gore, who was experienced in combat, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

He shouted frantically at the radar soldiers:

“”Run! Run now! It will be too late if you delay!” Gore said, turning around and running without looking back.

Everyone came to their senses and ran out of the headquarters building as fast as they could. The moment they walked out of the door, a terrifying scene appeared in the sky!

The night had disappeared, and the whole sky was as bright as day.

Countless flashing stars, like a meteor shower, filled the entire sky!

Everywhere they looked, there were blue flames…..

The surging flames seemed to have set the whole world on fire!

Tens of thousands of rockets were already in sight, endless!

The scene was like the end of the world!

Then, the first wave of rockets dived towards the Golan Heights at lightning speed!



A huge roar followed, shaking the entire earth……..

A huge explosion sounded at the Squid position. The military building more than ten meters high was reduced to a pile of ruins in a very short time, and a cloud of dust more than ten meters high was raised…….

Afterwards, countless tanks, cars, people, bunkers, and positions were engulfed in flames and explosions!

Tens of thousands of rockets split into countless bomblets, harvesting the lives of the squid soldiers.

The entire position turned into a sea of fire.

Huge explosions followed one after another, and the guarding squid soldiers were blown into flesh and blood before they could react…….

“Help! Help!”

“Oh! Fuck! Run! Hide in the underground fortifications!”

“No! My legs, my legs are gone! Damn it!”

“Please save me! Don’t leave me!”


For a moment, explosions, screams, cries for help, and screams were intertwined together, one after another, continuously………


General Gore escaped in time and safely entered the underground military fortifications, where he issued an order to the entire army:

“Counterattack! Counterattack immediately! Order the rockets and missiles to immediately aim at the enemy’s position and bombard these damn Yan people!”

“Yes! General!”

After that, the order to counterattack was quickly passed to the rocket launchers and missile troops of the Squid Nation, and the Squid soldiers immediately executed it.



Thousands of rockets and missiles spewed flames and flew towards the designated targets.

The scene was even more spectacular…….

At the same time, hundreds of Thor air defense vehicles were ambushed densely on the Yan country’s position. Compared with the busy artillery positions, they were almost bored and had nothing to do. In the air defense command room, several battalion commanders complained:

“Alas, we can only watch others eat meat and take credit!”

“I knew it was like this….Back then, I shouldn’t have been an air defense soldier, I should have been an artillery soldier.”

“Who says it isn’t true? After this battle, Zhang from the artillery regiment will definitely get a few more medals. Then he will come to show off in front of me. I am so annoyed!”

“Okay, okay, stop complaining. Don’t forget that the Squid Country also has HIMARS rocket launchers. They will definitely fight back against us!”

“I’m not afraid of their counterattack, I’m just afraid that they will run away! If they run away, our military achievements will be gone!”

Before he finished speaking, a soldier ran over in a hurry.

“Report! Enemy rocket launchers and cruise missiles are spotted attacking our artillery positions!”

Everyone’s face changed when they heard this, and they immediately raised their spirits.

Without saying a word, everyone returned to their respective air defense positions and issued orders to the soldiers:

“Turn on the air defense radar and immediately track the enemy’s rockets. Once locked, intercept immediately!”

After receiving the order, hundreds of air defense vehicles began to operate the control system in the vehicle.

In just a few seconds, they quickly locked onto the rockets and cruise missiles launched by the enemy.

“Target locked! Launch interceptor missiles!”



Rays of white light shot towards the sky!

A few seconds later, the rockets of the Squid Country and the interceptor missiles of the Flame Country quickly met at low altitude and collided with each other, booming!…….!!! boom…….!!!

At that moment, the sky was ablaze with fireworks, explosions were heard one after another, and small mushroom clouds kept rising in the sky.

After watching every rocket and missile being accurately intercepted, the air defense soldiers dared to let go of their worries.

After all, this was the first time they used the Thor near-ground air defense vehicle in actual combat.

If the interception failed, the entire rocket artillery position of Yan Country would be engulfed in flames and turned into ruins!

The consequences were disastrous!


【Thor] The ground-based air defense vehicle did not disappoint them.

Thousands of rockets and missiles from the Squid Country were disappearing one by one.

The red dots on the air defense radar were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, all rockets and cruise missiles were intercepted, and none of them hit the Yan Country’s position!

Its interception rate was as high as 100%!

“Listen to my orders, all anti-aircraft vehicles immediately reload their ammunition and prepare to meet the enemy’s second wave of attack!”

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