The air defense commanders on the Yan country’s position did not relax their vigilance and issued the latest orders to the soldiers.

“”Yes! Sir!”

Then, all the air defense soldiers began to replace the ammunition for the air defense vehicles, ready to intercept again at any time!

At this moment, in the squid underground safe room,

General Gore paced back and forth anxiously, listening to the continuous explosions outside, he urged in a distracted manner:

“What’s going on? Did our missiles and rockets hit the enemy positions?”

The radar soldier shook his head in horror and replied in a trembling voice:

“Report…..Report to the general, it seems that all our missiles and rockets have been intercepted by the Yan country army!”

As soon as these words came out,

Gore’s head was hit by a club.

【Buzz…】With a sound, the whole person almost lost his balance:

“What did you say? All our missiles and rockets were intercepted?”

“That’s thousands of missiles and rockets….How could they all be intercepted?…?”

Gore’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He was extremely surprised. What he launched were cruise missiles and HIMARS rockets, not the gas tanks launched by the Resistance Fox!

How could they all be intercepted?

Even the most advanced Patriot air defense system in the United States could not intercept 100% of them!

“That’s right, General! We also find it strange that Yan’s air defense system has a 100% interception rate…….!”

“Not a single missile or rocket hit the Yan State’s position. If you don’t believe me, listen to the sound of Yan State’s artillery fire outside. There is no sign of weakening!”

Gore was dumbfounded.

The sound of Yan State’s artillery fire did not weaken.

This shows that what the signalman said is true!

However, this is too unrealistic!

Where did Yan State get such an advanced close-in air defense system?

It’s incredible!

As a low-altitude weapon, the HIMARS rocket launcher can be intercepted by Yan State, but cruise missiles with a speed of up to Mach 1.5 were also intercepted by Yan State?

This is unreasonable!

Thousands of rockets and cruise missiles, not a single one escaped interception?

Gore once suspected that he was hallucinating!

How could this world have air defense weapons with a 100% interception rate?


Yan State’s technology has developed to a point that is incomprehensible!

Gore’s expression was dull, and his brain had a brief outage.

Yan State’s military strength suddenly rose by several levels.

Gore was in a trance!

This unexpected situation caught him off guard.

“I don’t believe it! Something must be wrong! Something must be wrong!”

“Our cruise missiles have a speed of up to Mach 1.5, how could they be intercepted by Yan Country!”

“Immediately notify the missile and rocket units to increase firepower and bombard as hard as they can. Regardless of any cost or price, launch all our missiles and rockets!”

“I don’t believe it! Yan Country can really intercept all our missiles and rocket launchers!”

Gore was very unwilling.

As a soldier of the Squid Country, he was born with a natural sense of pride.

After all, the Squids had swept across the entire Middle East for seventy years and had hardly encountered any opponents!

How could the noble Squids lose to the small Yan Country?

Maybe the Yan Country’s air defense vehicles were too lucky and happened to intercept all the first wave of missiles…..

This must be the case!

Gore comforted himself in his heart.

“Yes! General!”

The signalman went out and conveyed Gore’s order again!

Then, the missile and rocket forces of the Squid Country once again fired fiercely at the Yan Country’s position.

The second and third rounds……

The result was still the same.

All missiles and rockets were intercepted by Yan Country!

Gore looked at the simple radar screen in the safe room, and his cerebellum was about to shrink……..

My heart instantly sank into an icy cave, and

I felt cold from head to toe.


A huge explosion sounded, and the simple radar screen suddenly lost the signal with the missile unit, showing a snowflake.

“”What’s wrong? Why is there no signal?”

Gore asked the signalman anxiously, only to hear the signalman explain with a desperate look on his face:

“Report to the general! Our missile and rocket artillery units have been wiped out by the enemy!”


Gore’s body trembled, his legs softened, and his body couldn’t help but step back half a step.

At that moment,

Gore felt an inexplicable fear in his heart!

Facing the army of Yan Country, he had no way to deal with it.

The squid army that once swept across the Middle East was actually powerless in front of Yan Country!

Gore’s three views collapsed.

He understood that if they were bombarded by Yan Country’s rockets, all the squid soldiers on the Golan Heights would be blown to ashes!

He lowered his proud head and decisively called the Squid Country Presidential Palace to request support from the headquarters!

Because the squids have another big thing… The killer weapon was not deployed, that is, the terrifying FF-350 stealth fighter group!

Fighters that are completely invisible in front of radars, even if your Yan country’s army is strong, it will be useless!

Squid Country,

Presidential Palace,

President Neta Lake received a call for help from the Golan Heights, and immediately picked up the phone to call the Squid Country Air Force Command, asking them to immediately take off the FF-350 fighter group and go to Syria to carry out the bombing mission against the Yan country’s position.

After receiving the order, the Air Force Command immediately began to execute it.

In the dark night, the Squid Country Air Force Base,

“Ring Ring Ring……..!!!”

“Ring Ring Ring……..!!!”

A shrill alarm suddenly sounded in the air.

After hearing the alarm, the consciousness of the sleeping Squid Air Force soldiers was instantly activated.

They all got up from the bed, picked up their clothes and ran to the playground.

It must be admitted that one of the very important reasons why the Squid Country was able to sweep the entire Arab world in the six Middle East wars was that the quality of their soldiers exceeded that of most Middle Eastern soldiers, especially these air force pilots.

They had all received extremely strict professional training from the Eagle Sauce Country!

In just a few minutes, all the Squid Air Force soldiers had assembled on the playground!

Afterwards, the Air Force commander personally issued combat orders to the group of pilots.

One by one, the pilots rushed to their fighter planes, adjusted the aircraft’s attitude in a very short time , and drove onto the runway.



With the roar of the aircraft engine, one after another fighter planes, under the control of the pilots, quickly took off on the runway!



Fifty! One hundred!

Finally fixed at 110 fighter planes!

The air formation composed of a full 110 fighter planes attacked the Golan Heights in a mighty manner!

Among the 110 fighter planes,

48 fighter planes were FF-350 stealth fighters, and the remaining aircraft models were FF-160 heavy fighters, early warning aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers, etc.!

Such a powerful air firepower formation can almost completely destroy a small country.

The dispatch of such a large aircraft formation shows how deep the hatred of President Tahu in the squid country is for Yan Country.

President Tahu intends to achieve success in one battle (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Use absolute air superiority and firepower to completely destroy the Yan country army in one fell swoop, and do not give Yan Country any breathing space!

The hatred of Kuer City and the hatred of the 080th Cheetah Division of the Squid Country must be avenged by President Netahu!

After all the fighter planes completed the formation in the air, the commander of the Squid Country Air Force told the pilots in detail about the Yan Country’s attack on the Golan Heights.

For a time, the pilots of the Squid Country were all filled with indignation and anger!

The murderous intent and patriotism in their hearts were instantly ignited, and they wanted to rush to the front line of the battlefield immediately, blow all the Yan Country soldiers into ashes, and avenge their dead squid comrades!

Just as the Squid Country flight formation was heading for the Golan Heights, the early warning radar of the Yan Country’s northern air force base had detected the movement of the Squid Country’s fighter jets and reported the situation to the Yan Country’s general command center.

Air Force Commander Ying Xinzhi gave the Lingxiao stealth fighter team the order to take off without saying a word.

Yan Country’s ace pilots had been waiting in the Lingxiao fighter for a long time.

After receiving the take-off order, they immediately started the aircraft engine, accelerated on the runway, and finally disappeared at the end of the sky!

The Lingxiao stealth fighter team has a total of eight Lingxiao stealth fighters.

These fighters are brand new and have just come off the production line.

These are the only eight stealth fighters in Yan Country.

As a quasi-sixth-generation Lingxiao stealth fighter, its speed is as high as Mach 5, the maximum flight altitude is 28,000 meters, and the combat radius is 2,500 kilometers.


It can carry multifunctional tactical missiles such as anti-air, anti-ground, anti-ship, and anti-submarine missiles.

The main belly magazine can carry 8 missiles, and the two side combat magazines can carry 4 missiles each, for a total of 16 missiles.

It also has powerful electronic jamming and reconnaissance capabilities.

Its bomb load is 2.5 times that of the FF-350 stealth fighter!

The speed is 2.7 times that of the FF-350 stealth fighter!

Most importantly, the Lingxiao stealth fighter has a powerful AI intelligent host that can assist pilots in handling emergency tasks such as attacking, dodging, and flying!

Even if the pilot is unconscious in the plane, the AI intelligent host can still allow the Lingxiao fighter to continue to maintain its combat effectiveness!

Comparing parameters, performance, and functions,

FF-The 350 stealth fighter is no match for the Lingxiao fighter, so even though Yan Country only has eight Lingxiao stealth fighters, it is more than enough to deal with the Squid Country’s aircraft formation!

At a speed of Mach 5, the Lingxiao fighter group quickly flew over the territories of Yemen, Camel Country, and arrived over the border of Syria.

When they reached the scheduled combat altitude, the leader of the Lingxiao fighter flight team immediately issued an order:

“Turn on the electronic pod and active phased array radar, and scan the Squid Country airspace at maximum power!”

“”Yes! Team leader!”

As he said that, the pilot turned on the electronic pod and phased array radar according to the team leader’s request.

The maximum monitoring range of the Lingxiao fighter’s radar can reach 600 kilometers.

The powerful detection distance allows the Lingxiao fighter to grasp the information of the entire Squid Country’s airspace.

After all, the Squid’s land area is too small.

At this time, the Yan Country pilot saw the red dot on the radar and immediately reported:

“Report to the team leader! In the northwest airspace 0-8-19 direction, the Squid Air Force formation was found and is sharing radar information. Please receive it!”

The flight team leader replied:

“Received! Quickly raise the altitude and deploy the battle formation!”

“”Yes! Team leader!”

The other seven Lingxiao fighters responded in the communicator.

Then, the eight Lingxiao fighters adjusted the aircraft heading and attitude and completed the formation of the combat formation in the air.

At this time, the cold voice of the flight team leader came from the communicator:

“All units, please note: in three seconds we will launch a beyond-visual-range strike on the thirty-six targets on the radar!”





With the order from the flight team leader, eight Lingxiao stealth fighters opened their belly magazines at the same time, and thirty-six [Qiongqi] air-to-air missiles flew out of the belly magazines at the speed of light.

【The initial acceleration of the Qiongqi air-to-air missile is very fast, and it can break the speed of sound within three seconds after launch! Within eight seconds after launch, it reaches the speed limit of Mach 6!

Because it is guided by radar, when the Qiongqi air-to-air missile locked onto the Squid fighter, the Squid fighter also sounded the attack alarm:

“Woo……..!! Warning! Warning! This aircraft has been locked by radar!”

“Woo……..!! Warning! Warning! This aircraft has been locked by radar!”


The squid fighter pilot was stunned when he heard the alarm.

He was an FF-350 stealth fighter, and its powerful stealth capability was his greatest protection weapon!

How could he be locked by the enemy before he even reached the Golan Heights battlefield ?….?

Did the stealth function fail?

Without time to think, the pilots of the Squid Nation began to pull the control stick urgently, preparing to change track to avoid it!…..

It’s all in vain.

【Qiongqi] The air-to-air missile has a speed of up to Mach 6.

FF-The speed of the FF-350 stealth fighter is less than Mach 2.

Therefore, judging from the speed, no matter how skilled the pilots of the Squid Country are, they are doomed to be unable to escape the cruel pursuit of the [Qiongqi] air-to-air missiles!

Therefore, the pilots of the Squid Country FF-350 stealth fighters desperately released decoy bombs, spraying countless light spots behind them to interfere with the enemy’s missiles, but it was useless!

The quasi-sixth-generation Lingxiao fighter has an epoch-making crushing advantage over the FF-350 stealth fighter!

These decoy bombs released are useless for the [Qiongqi] air-to-air missiles!

In less than ten seconds,



Explosions rang out over the sky of the Squid Nation. Fifteen FF-350 stealth fighters, ten FF-160 heavy fighters, five FF-150 fighters, and six other fighters were shot down by the [Qiongqi] air-to-air missiles one after another!

The pilots didn’t even have time to parachute before they were blown to ashes!

For a moment,

36 fighters were blown into countless flames in the air.

The scattered fuselages fell from the sky like meteors. With just one encounter, 36 fighters of the Squid Nation were destroyed. The originally mighty Squid Nation fighter formation was directly damaged by one-third, leaving only 74 fighters in the air. The incident happened too suddenly, and the remaining squid pilots had no time to think about what happened.

“”Oh! FUCK! What on earth happened?”

The captain of the Squid Flight Group Air Force Squadron looked at the empty picture on the radar, and his heart sank instantly.

36 fighter planes were killed, but his radar did not show the enemy’s position!

This is simply unbelievable!

Could the enemy be a ghost in the sky at night?

The calm Squid Air Force commander immediately issued an order, intending to let the flight group escape first to prevent being wiped out:

“All troops, I order, quickly disperse the formation! Escape this damn airspace first!”

“And turn on the radar at full power to search for the enemy’s position! First find out what is attacking us!”

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