“What?…….? Can missiles below Mach 25 be intercepted?”

Lang Haochu’s heart was pounding when he heard this, and his excitement was evident in his expression:

“Director Liu, what other powerful functions are there? Come on! Tell me everything in detail!”

At this moment, Director Liu told Lang Hao all the data and performance of the warship’s radar, such as its detection range, ability to detect stealth units, anti-submarine capabilities, and electronic warfare capabilities….

Lang Haochu’s blood boiled after hearing this, and he was filled with endless energy…….I wish I could drive a warship to fight with the Eagle Sauce right now.

After listening to those parameters, if I had to use one word to describe the performance of the two warships in front of me, it would be two words.———Invincible!

After calming down, Lang Haochu said with some regret:

“Alas! What a pity, there is no place to use our skills. Now the Eagle Sauce Navy doesn’t dare to mess with us!”

“If this warship could be built earlier, there would be no need for the Lingxiao fighter jets to appear in the Mediterranean conflict, and our navy could have defeated the East Asian country and the Eagle Country!”

Since the Eagles withdrew from the Middle East, the Eagle Navy has never appeared around the waters of the Yan Country and has become much more honest!

Qin Tian, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

“Commander Lang! Who told you that warships are useless? Don’t forget, we haven’t settled accounts with the Japanese yet……..!”

“Dongyang Country? Your Highness, what accounts do we have to settle with Dongyang Country?”

“I remember that we sank the Hatsugumo aircraft carrier group of the Toyo Kingdom…….”The Japanese didn’t cause any damage to us, and we didn’t suffer any loss at all!”

Lang Haochu asked puzzledly.

“What? Missiles are free…….? The East Asian country opened fire on our bombers for no reason, and we were forced to fight back and annihilate their aircraft carrier group. Could it be that the missiles launched by our Yan country were not money?”

“Isn’t it a loss that we wasted more than a dozen Poseidon-class anti-ship missiles?”

“Commander Lang, do you think I should settle accounts with the Japanese? Should the Japanese compensate us for this money?”

After hearing Qin Tian’s explanation, Lang Haochu suddenly realized and slapped his thigh and said:

“Your Highness, you are absolutely right! We must settle this account with the Japanese! They must pay this money……!”

The army and air force of Yan State have made great achievements, but the navy has not made any achievements. Lang Haochu is very anxious…..

Now that he has a new warship, he is naturally more confident.

Dongyang Country is so far away from Yan Country, and the army and air force will definitely not be able to use their strength. Isn’t it the opportunity for him to make achievements?

Thinking of this, Lang Haochu couldn’t stop smiling, and the corners of his mouth began to rise violently, which was harder to suppress than AK………

“Your Highness, when are we going to set out for the expedition to the East? I promise to flatten the cherry blossom mountain in the East with your order!”

Qin Tian waved his hand:

“Let’s put aside the idea of flattening Sakura Mountain and see the power of this electromagnetic railgun first!”

Lang Haochu nodded and said:

“Yes, yes, I was too impatient. Director Liu, when will the test launch begin?”

“We can start now. I’ll give the order!”

Then, Liu Yongan called the military scientific research personnel in charge of the test launch to board the warship.

The test launch process was very simple.

They just had to drive the new warship to the Indian Ocean and fire at the Death Island 2,000 kilometers away.

There were various ship targets set up there, and all the data could be recorded!

After the preparations were done, Liu Yongan came to Qin Tian’s side again:

“Your Highness, the warship is about to set sail. You are so noble, please go to the control room to watch the test launch.”


After that, Liu Yongan led Qin Tian and Lang Haochu off the warship and came to the main control room.

After waiting for a while, the new warship arrived in the Indian Ocean as scheduled.

At this time, Liu Yongan stood up and looked at Qin Tian and said:

“Your Highness, the warships have arrived at the designated location. Before the test firing, please give names to the two new warships.”

Qin Tian thought for a moment and said:

“Just call them Tianlong and Tianwei!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Then, Liu Yongan picked up the communicator and instructed all the staff:

“All units are ready! Test firing is about to begin!”

“Adjust the firing angle!”

As soon as the voice fell, all departments quickly carried out all the preparations before the test firing according to the order.

At the same time, in front of the control room, there was a huge electronic display screen, which showed the figures of Tianlong and Tianwei, as well as the close-up video of the electromagnetic railgun.

Navy Commander Lang Haochu was very excited and couldn’t sit still.

He stood up and stared at the screen.

Seeing the magnificent cannon on the screen, he couldn’t help but sighed:

“This cannon is really huge! Even in the long-range video, it looks scary how big it is!..!”

At this point, the inspection work of each unit has been completed:

“Report! When the shooting angle is 60 degrees! Adjustment completed!”

“”Lock the shooting angle! Prepare to charge!” Liu Yongan continued to command.

After the order was given, the nuclear power reactor inside the warship began to deliver surging electrical energy.

“Voltage debugging completed, everything is normal!”The staff reported.

Such a huge electromagnetic railgun requires very strong power!

After adjustment by a special transformer module, the voltage value reached 5 million volts!

You know, the voltage used in ordinary households is only 220 volts!

Compared with the electromagnetic railgun, 220 volts is insignificant……..!

“Rail link activated, ready to fire!”


As the launch command was issued, ultra-high voltage quickly filled the entire acceleration rail.

If it were ordinary conductive materials, they would be melted by the current in a few seconds after receiving the ultra-high voltage of 5 million volts.

However, the barrel of the electromagnetic railgun used a special superconducting material, so there would be no damage…..

Then, under the surge of violent electricity, the shell shot out of the barrel like a flash of light!

“Whoosh…..”With a bang, the shell disappeared into the sky……

Unlike normal artillery fire, the launch process of the electromagnetic railgun is surprisingly quiet, with almost no noise or roar, and no large amount of light or fire.

Because the speed is too fast, only a beam of light can be seen disappearing in the air.

Apart from this, there is nothing shocking about it……..

“”The launch was successful!” the staff shouted again.

The Navy Commander Lang Haochu was confused:

“Is that all?”

He turned to look at Qin Tian, then at Director Liu Yongan.

“I haven’t even reacted yet, and it’s already fired?”

Lang Haochu thought that the 5-meter muzzle would make a lot of noise, but it turned out to be like being bitten by a mosquito, nothing happened……!

In this way, after the shell was accelerated by the electromagnetic track, it reached the maximum speed of 15 Mach in a few seconds!

15 Mach is 18,375 kilometers per hour!

The speed per minute is 306 kilometers!

With a maximum range of 2,000 kilometers, it can hit the target in less than 7 minutes……..

After waiting for a while, a huge bang sounded from the target ship near Death Island. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then a violent flash burst out from the center of the explosion, which was bright enough to block the sun’s light.

The whole sea was shrouded in white.

After the flash, an extremely huge hemispherical fireball rose up…….[]

A huge deep pit was blown out in the middle of the sea, and the surrounding waves surged up hundreds of meters.

“Report! The fireball at the center of the explosion was observed to be 800 meters high and 900 meters in diameter!”

“Report! All target ships within 5 kilometers have been destroyed!”

“Report! All target ships within 10 kilometers are seriously damaged!”

“Report! All target ships within 15 kilometers are partially damaged!”


All the target ships within 5 kilometers were destroyed.

This terrifying destructive power is comparable to that of a small atomic bomb.

You know, how big is a normal aircraft carrier? It’s only a few hundred meters!

A distance of 5 kilometers means an explosion range of 5,000 meters……..!

No wonder they say that the electromagnetic railgun can kill an aircraft carrier with one shot. With this power and speed!

As long as they are hit, all ten aircraft carriers will be dead!

After the test was completed,

Liu Yongan came to Qin Tian:

“Report to His Highness, the test launch was very successful! The Tianlong and Tianwei warships should be delivered to the navy!”

Qin Tian nodded:

“Well done, Director Liu. Please report the detailed list of scientific researchers as soon as possible, and reward those who deserve rewards and commendations those who deserve commendations!”

“In addition! All the staff members who participated in this manufacturing project will have their wages and bonuses doubled. You draw up a list and select 100 outstanding personnel, each of whom will be rewarded with 500,000 US dollars!”

When Liu Yongan heard about the reward, he immediately bowed to Qin Tian to express his gratitude:

“Thank you, Your Highness!”

The staff behind him also stood up and bowed to Qin Tian:

“Thank you, Your Highness!

�� Qin Tian waved his hand and said:

“Okay, get busy!”

“By the way, Director Liu, please coordinate with Commander Lang on the handover task between the Tianlong and Tianwei!”

“Yes! Your Highness!”

Lang Haochu and Liu Yongan replied at the same time.

After explaining,

Qin Tian returned to the Crown Prince’s office.

After seeing the power of the electromagnetic railgun,

Qin Tian had a clear mind.

He called the Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and ordered him to immediately issue a diplomatic note to Dongyang Country, demanding that Dongyang Country be responsible for attacking Yan Country’s bomber and compensate Yan Country for its economic losses!

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng understood and began to execute Qin Tian’s order.

Yan Country’s diplomatic note was released to the world.

Once released, it immediately attracted the attention of the world media.

After the matter between Squid Country and Yan Country had come to an end, the major media, which were worried about not having hot spots, began to report the matter of Yan Country like hungry tigers :

“The latest news is that Yan State’s Prime Minister Li Nanfeng publicly stated that he demanded that Dongyang State immediately apologize to Yan State and compensate Yan State for its losses, otherwise all consequences will be borne by Dongyang State……!”

After seeing this news, netizens immediately started discussing:

“Why don’t I understand?……..When did Dongyang and Yan become enemies? Why did Dongyang pay compensation to Yan?”

“You all forgot that the Squid Country, the East Asian Country, and the Eagle Sauce Country announced military exercises at the same time!…..The Squid Country was crippled by the Yan Country, and the Chuyun aircraft carrier group of the Toyo Country was destroyed by the Yan Country!”

“That’s even more wrong! Yan Country blew up Dongyang Country’s aircraft carrier, so why is it Yan Country that is asking Dongyang Country for compensation?”

“According to the foreign affairs spokesman of Yan State, Yan State is asking Dongyang State to compensate for those missiles! Those missiles that sank the aircraft carrier Chuyun…….!”

“Hahaha……Killing people and destroying their hearts! This Yan country is too arrogant and unreasonable, but……I like it! As a Kabuki, I will be happy only when all the Japanese are dead!”

“And me! No matter who attacks Japan, I, the Mao Bear, will definitely lend a hand!”

“Hahaha……Now there is another good show to watch! I have to say that the crown prince of Yan State is really domineering. He will take revenge and will not suffer any loss…….!”


When the world’s netizens were discussing this, the top leaders of the Oriental country also received the news.

The Prime Minister of the Oriental country, Koizumi Jushiro, summoned his confidants to discuss the response to this matter.

The Minister of National Health, Sato Masato, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Matsushita Shuntaro, came to Koizumi Jushiro’s office as quickly as possible…….

“Baka! Baka Yalou! This is too much!”

Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro threw the intelligence document to the ground fiercely and continued angrily:

“His Yan Country sank our Chuyun aircraft carrier battle group. We didn’t ask him for compensation, but he asked us for compensation instead!”

“They are just robbers! They are bandits! I am so angry, these damn Yan people!”

“Mr. Sato, Mr. Matsushita, what do you think we should do about this matter?”

When the Minister of National Defense, Masato Sato, came again, he conducted a detailed investigation of Yan State and said:

“Prime Minister, after my investigation, I found that……Although Yan Country’s air force and army are very strong, their navy is very weak!”

“In addition to several 3,000-ton frigates, there is only one 5,000-ton destroyer left! And Yan Country’s navy was basically bought from the Suxiong Alliance in the 1970s!”

“There is absolutely no ability to fight in the ocean!…..We don’t have to worry at all. Yan Country poses no threat to our homeland! If they want us to pay compensation, there’s no way!”

Koizumi Jukuro felt relieved after hearing this.

Since Yan Country could not threaten his homeland,

Yan Country’s diplomatic declaration became an empty letter and he didn’t need to pay any attention to it………Minister of Foreign Affairs Shuntaro Matsushita thought for a few seconds and suggested:

“Prime Minister (Li Hao Zhao), since Yan Country poses no threat to us, why don’t we be tough and immediately issue a public declaration to demand that Yan Country compensate for the losses of our Chuyun aircraft carrier battle group!”

“Otherwise we will…….”

Koizumi Jukuro and Sato Masato looked at him at the same time, expecting him to continue.


Matsushita Shuntaro thought about it……..

If Yan State does not compensate for its losses,

Dongyang State will have no way to deal with Yan State…….

So, Matsushita Shuntaro changed his words:

“never mind!”

“As for Yan Country, we have no way to restrain it.”

“but…..The table���We must express our tough attitude and let the people of the East Country know that the top leaders of our government are not cowards!”

Hearing that Matsushita Shuntaro had no good solution,

Koizumi Jukuro rolled his eyes at him and said resentfully:

“Well! That’s it! If you can’t make money, you have to make some reputation! Just do as you say, Mr. Matsushita….!”

“Yes! Prime Minister!”

After that,

Dongyang Country, like Yan Country, also issued a strong public declaration:

“A solemn warning to the Yan State authorities! My Dongyang State was invited by the Squid State to sail normally in the Mediterranean Sea! I was attacked by Yan State in the air for no reason, causing more than a dozen warships of my Chuyun aircraft carrier battle group to be buried in the ocean!”

“We demand that the Yan State authorities immediately compensate our Dongyang State for the economic losses of 150 billion US dollars! Otherwise, Dongyang State will declare war on Yan State, and all Yan State ships passing through Dongyang State’s waters will be attacked by our country…….Luck!”

The last sentence was added by Dongyang Country temporarily.

After thinking about it, they could only use this little trick to threaten Yan Country…….However

, this declaration was delivered to Qin Tian’s desk as soon as possible.

After reading it, Qin Tian muttered to himself:

“Dongyang Country, you are courting death, so you can’t blame me!”

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