After that,

Qin Tian picked up the phone and dialed the contact number of Zhou Zhenguo, the elder of Longguo.

This phone number was specially set up by Yanguo and Longguo for secret communication, and it is a dedicated line for a dedicated person!

“Hello, is this Mr. Zhou?”

Qin Tian said politely.

“It’s me, Mr. Crown Prince. How come you have time to call me at this time?”

Mr. Zhou also greeted with a smile.

“Mr. Zhou, you have heard about what happened recently. I have an unwelcome request and I hope Longguo can help…!”

Qin Tian spoke his mind truthfully.

Zhou Zhenguo stroked his beard and said seriously:

“You Yan country has been making too much noise recently. I don’t want to know about it…….I was worried about you guys!”

“First, the Squid Country was forced to surrender, then the Hatsuyun aircraft carrier of the Oriental Country was destroyed, and finally the Eagle Sauce Country’s troops stationed in the Middle East were forced to leave!”

“Each and every one of these things was so shocking that even I can’t compare to them…….!”

“Let’s talk, Longguo and Yanguo are both birch people, with the same roots and origins. If we can help, our Longguo will naturally help us!”

Zhou Zhenguo was telling the truth.

He really didn’t expect

Qin Tian to have such courage and skill……..

Of course, what surprised Zhou Zhenguo the most was that

Yan Country’s technological development was so fast!

The Lingxiao fighter was more advanced than Long Country’s stealth fighter, which made Zhou Zhenguo feel an urgent sense of crisis………..

“Mr. Zhou, I would like to borrow the port of Longguo for use. Recently, Dongyangguo has issued a warning that it will attack our Yanguo merchant ships passing through the Pacific Ocean…….But in the Pacific region, we don’t have any military bases or ports to dock!”

“Our warships need to be supplied with food, water and other military resources. They also need to be repaired and maintained. I hope Longguo can help us.”

Qin Tian expressed his true request.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhou said proudly:

“It’s just a small matter, no problem! I promise you, old man! You can stop at any port…….If you have any difficulties, feel free to ask us at any time!”

“Thank you, Mr. Zhou….!”

After receiving a positive answer,

Qin Tian felt relieved.

The two sides exchanged a few more pleasantries to consolidate the relationship between the two countries, and then

Qin Tian hung up the phone.


Qin Tian called Shang Song, the head of internal affairs, and after explaining a few words, he continued to handle official business……..

The next morning at 357, in the building of the Yan State Diplomatic Office, staff were editing and uploading some videos.

The content of this video was all about the East Asian country launching anti-aircraft missiles at the Yan State bombers in the Mediterranean Sea that night!

The battle videos were all taken by the high-definition camera on the Lingxiao fighter.

The video clearly showed that it was the East Asian country that took the initiative to attack first, and the Yan State was forced to counterattack later!

As the [victim], it was fair and just for the Yan State to beat up the East Asian country’s navy!

Therefore, it was reasonable and legal for the Yan State to ask for compensation from the East Asian country, and it was justified…….

When the Yan State Foreign Affairs Department edited the video, it added a solemn warning from the Yan State Foreign Affairs spokesperson.

After confirming that there was no problem, it was posted online.

In the video, the Yan State Foreign Affairs spokesperson’s original words are as follows:

“Regarding the accusation by the East Asian country that our Yan country took the initiative to attack the Chuyun aircraft carrier, it is completely false and is just a rumor…….!”

“This video clearly shows the entire process of the war. It is clear that the Japanese attacked our bombers first, and the Yan Country Air Force was forced to fight back later!”

“Our actions to protect the safety of our own aircraft are legitimate and legal! Remember! Truth and justice will not be destroyed by your dark tricks in the East! We advise the authorities of the East to recognize the reality, take the initiative to admit their mistakes, and stop being obsessed with it!”

“Finally, I declare! We seriously warn the authorities of the Eastern Ocean Country that if they dare to take the initiative to attack our Yan Country’s merchant ships passing through the Pacific Ocean, it will be regarded as declaring war on Yan Country, and all the consequences will be borne by the Eastern Ocean Country itself!”

“certainly…….Yan Country is a responsible country. In order to maintain the normal trade and safety of our merchant ships in the waters near Dongyang Country, we Yan Country will also send warships to the Pacific Ocean to carry out patrol and duty missions!”


Once this video was released, it immediately caused a sensation in the media around the world.

People learned the truth of the matter by watching the video, and the hypocritical veil of the East Asian country was also ruthlessly torn apart by netizens:

“Damn it! It turned out that Dongyang Country attacked Yan Country first! These damned Dongyang devils deserved it for sinking their aircraft carrier! The entire Dongyang Island should be sunk!”

“That’s right! This Japanese country is really disgusting, and they dare to complain first! Support Yan Country! They should teach the Japanese devils a lesson!”

“such a pity…..Although I hate Orientals, can Yan’s navy be a match for Orientals?”

“I don’t think it’s a big problem. Have you noticed that every time there’s a fight, (cgch) always takes out one or two new cutting-edge weapons. I guess this time will be no exception!”

“Holy shit!…..The speed of technological development in Yan Country is too fast!”

“Who knows? Just sit back and watch the show, and say hello to the ancestors of the East! Damn it!”


Most netizens on the Internet are [greeting] Dongyang Country, whose reputation has become so bad that

Dongyang Country is indeed at fault in this matter.

Even the local people of Dongyang Country feel that their government is not doing the right thing……After all

, Yan Country has sufficient evidence, and

Dongyang Country will not be able to deny it this time…….The news soon reached the Prime Minister’s residence.

Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro, Minister of National Defense Sato Masato, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Matsushita Shuntaro gathered together again.

Koizumi Jushiro looked worried and said:

“I didn’t expect that Yan Country’s Lingxiao fighter jet is so advanced that it can capture the battle so clearly!”

“Now the whole internet is scolding us! Mr. Sato, Mr. Matsushita, what do you think we should do?”

The Minister of National Defense, Masato Sato, knew the truth.

He felt that it was too unfair for the East Asian country to be scolded, and he said resentfully:

“Prime Minister, this cannot be blamed on our Oriental country!”

“At that time, our navy did not want to take the initiative to attack Yan State…….The Celtic commander of the Eagle Country deceived us, causing our naval officers to misjudge the situation and open fire on the Yan Country…….!”

“The Eagle Sauce Country said that if we are attacked by the Yan Country, they will send an aircraft carrier group to support us……”

“In the end, Yan Country really opened fire on our Chuyun aircraft carrier, but Yingjiang Country just ran away! We were left to be wiped out by Yan Country!”

“Now, people all over the world are scolding us, but he can stay out of it. Damn it……..!”

Halfway through his words,

Koizumi Jukuro broke out in a cold sweat and immediately made a gesture to signal Sato Masato to shut up:

“Stop talking! It’s just for the few of us to say this. If the people from the District Procuratorate know about this, you’ll want to die!”

Hearing the words”District Procuratorate”,

Sato Masato’s mood plummeted, his eyes filled with fear, and the resentment just now disappeared in an instant, and he bowed his head and apologized:

“Hi! Prime Minister! I know I was wrong!”

The so-called [Local Prosecutors’ Group] is the sword of Damocles set by the Eagle Sauce Country on the heads of the top leaders of the East Asian country.

It has unlimited investigation power and can directly convict people without going through a court trial……Anyone who disobeys will be taken away by the [Local Procuratorate] immediately, and then……..There’s no after that…….In fact

, the main responsibility for this matter does not lie with the East Asian country.

The East Asian country did not want to get involved in this muddy water.

It was the Eagle Sauce country that forced the East Asian country to participate in this matter.

The main responsibility actually lies with the Eagle Sauce country, but the Eagle Sauce country does not dare to push the black pot to the Eagle Sauce, so as long as it resists…….

Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro thought for a few seconds and sighed slightly:

“Forget it, let’s just ignore the criticism from the outside world and pretend not to see it…….!”(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It must be said that the Japanese are sometimes very conscientious in being the son of the Eagle Sauce! The Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, Shuntaro Matsushita, reminded:

“Prime Minister, the announcement issued by Yan Country said that they will send the navy to the waters near our Dongyang Country on the grounds of protecting Yan Country’s merchant ships.”

“Everyone knows that the navy of Yan Country must be from our Dongyang Country. What should we do?……?”

Sato Masato interrupted and said:

“What are you afraid of? Even if the navy of Yan country comes, it will be useless. They are not even enough to carry shoes for our Dongyang navy.”

“If they dare to clash with us, we will make sure they never return!”

Seeing Sato Masato’s confidence, Matsushita Shuntaro felt relieved and continued to ask:

“Are we still going to attack the merchant ships of Yan Country?”

Sato Masato said with disdain:

“Attack when necessary! Why not attack? I will earn back what I lost in the Mediterranean from the Yan country merchant ships!”

“Most of Yan’s merchant ships are oil, gas and mineral resources, which are urgently needed by our Dongyang country. We should rob them without hesitation! Just regard it as compensation from Yan……..!”

Matsushita Shuntaro nodded and looked at Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro.

Koizumi Jukuro thought for a moment and felt that what Sato Masato said made sense.

The Hatsugumo aircraft carrier battle group had more than a dozen warships, with a total value of more than 40 billion US dollars!

This was almost the annual military expenditure of the Eastern Kingdom………

How could Koizumi Jushiro not feel distressed and angry! If the army and air force could not defeat Yan Country,

Koizumi Jushiro would have gone to Yan Country to settle accounts!

Now that we can recover some losses from Yan Country’s merchant ships, why not do it?……?

“Mr. Sato is right. If you need to rob, rob without hesitation! Go and give the order!”

After seeing Koizumi Jukuro make the decision,

Matsushita Shuntaro and Sato Masato bowed and replied:

“Yes! Prime Minister!”

Yan Country,

Southern Naval Base, after the successful handover of Tianwei and Tianlong to the Navy, after a few days of short learning and training, the Navy soldiers will drive the two giant ships Tianwei and Tianlong across the ocean to the Pacific Ocean for actual combat exercises and perform the task of protecting merchant ships……..

The Yan Nation Navy soldiers were a little excited as they were driving a 28,000-ton warship for the first time.

The sailors on the deck discussed:

“With the Tianwei and Tianlong, our navy has become more powerful! We no longer need to be laughed at by the army and air force!”

“That’s right! This time, we’re going to beat the shit out of the 88 Fleet of the Eastern Kingdom!”

“The 88 Fleet is shit. I don’t even take the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier group seriously now!”

“I heard that the Tianwei and Tianlong are just appetizers for our navy, and the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and carrier-based aircraft will be completed soon!”

“Really? Are you serious?”


The Yan Kingdom Navy sailors were very happy, and everyone had a bright smile on their face……..

After several days of accelerated sailing, the Tianwei and Tianlong passed through the Maqijia Strait and headed northeast, heading straight for the South China Sea………

This was a secret voyage.

For most of the time, the Tianwei and Tianlong kept radio silence to avoid being discovered by the countries along the way!

Soon, the Tianwei and Tianlong arrived at Yongnan Island, the Nanyang naval port of Longguo.

After a short period of food and military supplies, the Tianwei and Tianlong continued to set off and headed to the Gonggui Sea area of Dongyang Country to perform exercises and patrol missions………

At the same time, in the waters around Dongyang Country,

Dongyang Country’s 88th Fleet was fully deployed, and three helicopter carrier battle groups all left the port to perform patrol missions.

A total of dozens of warships were floating in Shanghai, which was a mighty force…….They have only one purpose, in addition to normal security duties, to [rob] the Yan country merchant ships along the way!

Although more than a dozen warships of the Chuyun battle group were sunk by the Yan country……

However, the overall strength of the 88th Fleet is still very strong.

After decades of development, the size of the 88th Fleet has already grown from the initial 200,000 gross tonnage to the current 700,000 gross tonnage!

Not counting the sunken Hatsuyun aircraft carrier battle group, the East Asian country still has a total naval tonnage of more than 600,000!

Ranked fourth in the world, only behind the Eagle Sauce Country, Dragon Country, and Bear Country!

Therefore, the foundation and strength of the East Asian country are still strong,

“Listen to my orders, all warships disperse and search everywhere, don’t let go of any Yan country merchant ship! Even in the high seas, don’t let go!”

A naval officer of the Dongyang country issued a mission order to all officers and soldiers,


The captains of the warships responded one after another on the radio.

After that, nearly a hundred warships were deployed near the East Ocean, carefully searching every corner of the ocean, trying to capture all the merchant ships of Yan Country in one fell swoop………

Hard work pays off. After a short search, the radar of the Beishui destroyer of the Dongyang Kingdom found a giant merchant ship of the Yan Kingdom speeding along the edge of the Gonggui Sea.

“Report! Captain Yamamoto, the radar has detected a Yan country merchant ship. It should be a huge ore ship. It is estimated to be worth a lot of money!”

The monitor in charge of monitoring the radar screen reported the situation to Captain Yamamoto Daisuke.

“Where is it?”

Yamamoto Daisuke came to the radar screen and asked

“The position is at 8-01-85 in Gonggui Sea Area, with a speed of about 25 knots and a heading of……….”

Yamamoto Daisuke took a closer look at the radar screen and saw that it was a”big fish”.

He smiled in his heart and immediately ordered:

“Order the warship to turn around and catch up immediately!……Send out ship-borne helicopters to intercept them!”

“”Yes! Captain!”

After that, the naval sailors began to control the warship to change direction and chase the Yan country merchant ship at the fastest speed!

At the same time, the pilots on the destroyer quickly boarded the ship-borne armed helicopter.

After starting, the propeller of the armed helicopter began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster, making a”da da da” sound……Da da da…..”In a few seconds, the armed helicopter took off normally and flew towards the Yan country merchant ship………

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