At this time, on the edge of the Gonggui Sea, on the Yan Kingdom’s merchant ship Xinghe, the captain and sailors had no idea of the impending danger.

As usual, they controlled the ship and accelerated through the sea……

In the control room,

Captain Zhang Guangyuan looked ahead, staring at the data on the dial. Suddenly

, the phone on his waist vibrated.

Zhang Guangyuan didn’t think much about it, and took out his phone to scan it. He received a text message on his phone.

He opened it and saw that it was a reminder message from the Navy Department of Yan Country:

“The Navy of Yan State reminds you that you have entered the vicinity of Gonggui Sea. Please pay attention to safety at all times. Our navy warships are ordered to patrol here. If you encounter danger, please contact us in time through the special channel! The special channel is xxxx……-!”

This reminder message was sent by Yan Country to all fishing boats, merchant ships, and crew members in the country.

Because of the tense relationship with Dongyang Country, all Yan Country cargo ships, ships, and merchant ships passing through the Pacific Ocean will receive this message…..

Not only Zhang Guangyuan, but other crew members in the control room also received this text message.

One crew member came up behind Zhang Guangyuan and chatted:

“Captain, did you receive the reminder text message? It was sent by our Yan Country Navy, saying that you can contact them if you encounter danger!”

Zhang Guangyuan nodded and said:

“Got it. I was quite nervous about passing through the Gonggui area, but now with the protection of our Yan Kingdom Navy, I feel much more at ease!”

The crew member smiled and echoed:

“Yes! I have to say that our Yan country treats the people really well……, 10,000 kilometers away in the sea, the country also sent warships to protect us!”

Zhang Guangyuan felt warm in his heart and his expression was much more relaxed…….

However, within a few seconds after the words fell, the merchant ship’s first mate hurriedly ran into the control room from outside.

He came to Zhang Guangyuan in a panic and whispered a few words!

Zhang Guangyuan was shocked and his face turned pale, his eyes widened!

He stood up from his seat:

“What did you say? A Japanese armed helicopter appeared behind us…….?”

Zhang Guangyuan’s good mood instantly fell to the bottom, and he repeated:

“Are you sure this Japanese helicopter is coming towards us? Not just passing by?……?”

“Captain, I am very sure that they are flying towards us!”

The first mate was trembling with fear and explained.

It’s over!

Zhang Guangyuan knew what the relationship between Yan Country and Dongyang Country was now.

Basically, they were like water and fire…….

Once the Japanese helicopter targets me,

I will be doomed! Zhang Guangyuan can clearly see the Japanese flag hanging on the helicopter cockpit through the transparent glass in the control room……..

It was indeed the Japanese!

The helicopter was rapidly approaching the Galaxy and had already flown over it, hovering at a low altitude only a dozen meters above the mast.

Then, the hatch of the armed helicopter was opened, and the Japanese soldiers inside pointed their submachine guns at the crew on the Galaxy:

“We are the Japanese Navy! We now suspect that your ship has weapons of mass destruction hidden on it. I order your ship to stop immediately. We will board the ship for inspection. Otherwise,……Don’t blame us for using force to coerce”

“If you don’t want your ship to sink in these waters, you’d better do what I say…….”

After that, the Japanese soldiers violently fired at the deck of the Galaxy with submachine guns, using this method to intimidate and force the Galaxy to stop.

“Da da da……..!!!”

The bullets shot out from the gun barrel quickly, sweeping the deck of the Galaxy, splashing a series of sparks and leaving a series of craters…….

The crew members on the Galaxy were so frightened that their faces turned pale and cold sweats ran down their cheeks…….

They ran to the cabin……

Zhang Guangyuan witnessed the brutal behavior of the Japanese soldiers in the control room.

At this critical moment, he acted decisively and immediately took out his cell phone. He followed the special channel on his cell phone and began to contact the Tianwei, which was on duty nearby:

“This is the Yan Guo Xinghe, I am the captain Zhang Guangyuan, is this the Yan Guo Navy Tianwei?”

Zhang Guangyuan squatted under the operating table with the communicator in hand, trying to avoid the sight of the Japanese soldiers, who at this time dropped a ladder from the armed helicopter and prepared to climb down the ladder and board the Xinghe…….The voice of the Yan Nation Navy rang out from the other end of the communicator :

“Yes, this is the Yan Kingdom Navy Tianwei, Captain Zhang Guangyuan, do you need any help?”

Zhang Guangyuan’s voice was a little trembling, he had to suppress the tension in his heart and describe the situation here:

“The situation is like this. We are in danger. The Japanese armed helicopters have forced our ship to stop. They are landing on the Galaxy merchant ship. We are very scared and ask the navy to rescue us immediately…….!”

Upon hearing this, the Yan Kingdom Navy also looked serious:

“Okay! You guys try to hold on for a while, first of all, make sure you have your own safety, our fleet will rush to your direction immediately, and please report your specific location!……”

Zhang Guangyuan quickly reported his position, course, speed, port of registry, cargo status and destination port, etc…….


Before he could finish his words, the door to the control room was kicked open, and several Japanese soldiers rushed in with submachine guns:

“Put your hands up and don’t move! Don’t move!”

Zhang Guangyuan had never seen such a scene before.

He was so scared that he raised his hands high, his body collapsed, and the communicator fell to the ground……..

On the other end of the line, the call from the Yan Nation Navy was ringing:

“Hello! Captain Zhang Guangyuan! Captain Zhang? Can you hear me? If you hear me, please reply! My troops are on their way to you……..”

The leading Japanese officer noticed this and angrily stomped the communicator to pieces.

He cursed as he stomped on it:

“Baka! You actually secretly asked for help! Someone, tie them all up!”

“Yes! Captain!”

Zhang Guangyuan stepped back instinctively and shouted in fear:

“What are you doing? You have no right to arrest me! You have violated the international law of the sea!”

The Japanese officer looked at Zhang Guangyuan with contempt,

“Listen up, Yan people, now…..I suspect that there are contraband items on your merchant ship. All the items on the ship must be seized and subject to our inspection!! Do you understand?”

Zhang Guangyuan summoned up the courage to refute the officer:

“You have no right to seize our cargo ship. This is the high seas, not your neighboring seas of the East! You are committing robbery, this is naked robbery!”


The Japanese officer kicked Zhang Guangyuan in the stomach and cursed:

“”Go to hell! If you don’t want to die, shut up! Otherwise, I’ll shoot you!”

Then the Japanese officer ordered the soldiers:

“Report to the captain immediately, we have successfully taken over this cargo ship, send people to take all the Yan people away……!”

“”Yes! Captain!”

After that, the soldiers of the Eastern Kingdom began to move, and the Beishui in the distance was also rushing to the vicinity of the Xinghe……..At this moment, on the Yan State’s Tianwei, the Yan State’s radar soldier put down the communicator in his hand and turned to report to the commander, General Xiang Wenfu:

“Report to the general! The communication signal from the Galaxy has been cut off. It seems that the Japanese have boarded the ship!”

Xiang Wenfu frowned when he heard this:

“These damn Japanese people are really tired of living. They dare to seize our Yan country’s cargo ships!”

“Immediately share the location information of the Galaxy with the Tianlong, and order it to speed up in the direction of the Galaxy and rescue our merchant ships! Kill all ships from the Eastern Ocean without mercy!”

Now it is the Eastern Ocean that has taken the initiative to attack the Yan Kingdom. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if Xiang Wenfu wiped out the entire Eastern Ocean Navy, he would not have any burden in his heart!

Even if it came to the Blue Star League, the Yan Kingdom was right in this matter…….!

“”Yes! General!”

As he spoke, the Tianlong and Tianwei simultaneously turned on their engines to maximum power and started combat mode.

Radar, missiles, electromagnetic rail guns, and laser anti-missile weapons were all in combat readiness.

On the other hand, the Beishui of the Eastern Ocean had already arrived near the Xinghe.

After the Eastern Ocean officer returned to the Beishui warship, he immediately reported the details to the captain, Yamamoto

Daisuke. After hearing this, Yamamoto Daisuke

‘s face changed drastically:

“You mean, the Yan people on the merchant ship secretly asked the Yan Navy for help?……? In other words, the Yan Kingdom’s navy is near the Gonggui Sea?”

“Yes! Captain! I heard it clearly! It is indeed the navy of Yan Country!”

The officer nodded affirmatively.

Yamamoto Daisuke touched his chin and pondered for a few seconds:

“Okay, I get it, get out!”

“”Yes! Captain!”

After the Japanese officer left,

Yamamoto Daisuke sensed a hint of danger, because the Beishui frigate he was driving was just an ordinary 2,400-ton frigate with poor firepower, speed, radar and other performance.

Although the Yan Kingdom’s navy was not worth mentioning, it still had 5,000-ton warships!


Yamamoto Daisuke felt that he might encounter the Yan Kingdom’s navy at any time.

He was a little weak and afraid of any accidents.

He immediately reported the situation to the Japanese headquarters and called the nearby navy to support him quickly…..

After hearing the news, Sato Masato, Director of the National Health Agency of the Eastern Kingdom, rushed to the Prime Minister’s residence without delay and rushed to Koizumi Jukuro’s office. As soon as he entered the office, Sato Masato shouted out of breath:

“Prime Minister! Great joy! Great joy!”

Koizumi Jukuro asked in confusion:

“What’s wrong? What’s the good news?”

After taking a few deep breaths, Sato Masato said:

“Prime Minister, we have found traces of the Yan Kingdom Navy! This is the detailed information of the intelligence, please take a look!”

Koizumi Jushiro took the information and looked at it, which recorded in detail the whole process of the Eastern Kingdom hijacking the Galaxy…..

After reading it, Koizumi

Jukuro’s frown still did not relax:

“Found traces of the Yan Kingdom Navy…..What kind of happy event is this?…..?”

Sato Masato hurriedly explained:

“Prime Minister, don’t forget that the Yan Kingdom Navy is very weak, and they are all old warships from the 1970s. If we send out the naval forces of the whole country to annihilate the Yan Kingdom Navy in the Gonggu Sea area,…….!”

“Can’t we avenge the sinking of our Hatsugumo aircraft carrier?”

After hearing this, Koizumi Jukuro stood up from his seat:

“You mean you want to annihilate the entire Yan Kingdom navy in Gonggu Sea?……?”

Sato Masato nodded and said seriously:

“Yes, Prime Minister!”

Koizumi Jukuro thought about it carefully and smiled.

This is a good idea…….In terms of the army and air force, the Eastern Kingdom is no match for the Yan Kingdom, but in terms of the navy, the Yan Kingdom cannot be our Eastern Kingdom’s opponent!

Koizumi Jukuro thought that he would never be able to take revenge on the Yan Kingdom in this lifetime, but he did not expect that the poor and weak Yan Kingdom navy would actually come to him on its own initiative……

Think about it, even the Eagle Country couldn’t take advantage of the Yan Country.

If I could destroy the Yan Country’s navy, my reputation would soar to the sky, and my domestic support rate would also increase by several percentage points……

By then, the

Eastern Kingdom will be the center of attention on the world stage!

Everyone will have to look up to the Eastern Kingdom’s navy……After thinking this through

, Koizumi Jukuro asked cautiously:

“Mr. Sato! Are you sure you can destroy the Yan Kingdom Navy?”

Sato Masato said without thinking


“Two hundred percent sure!”

“Excuse me, Prime Minister, even if all the navy of Yan Country came, they can’t be our opponent!”

Koizumi Jushiro was relieved and said with a smile:

“That’s good! Go ahead, I’ll leave this matter to you!”

“Yes! Prime Minister!”

After that,

Sato Masato issued an order to the navy of the whole country in the name of the National Defense Agency of the Eastern Kingdom.

All active destroyers, aircraft carriers, frigates, submarines and other military forces were gathered in the Gonggu Sea area to participate in the task of annihilating the Yan Kingdom Navy……….

To be on the safe side,

Masato Sato also ordered some of the army’s reconnaissance aircraft, FF-160 fighters and early warning aircraft to take off!

Finally, he gave them the order:

“Once you find any trace of the Yan Kingdom navy, open fire and sink them immediately, no need to report!!”

For a moment, all the warships in the waters near the Dongyang Kingdom began to get busy, running at full speed, and frantically rushed to the Gonggui Sea Area………

The first to arrive in the Miyagi Sea area were the Toyo Kingdom’s Osaki and Inoue.

Both destroyers had a tonnage of about 6,000 tons.

They quickly made contact with the captain of the Kitamizu, Yamamoto Daisuke:

“”Matsushiro-kun, Nakajima-kun, luckily you guys came here. If I run into the Yan Kingdom Navy later, I won’t be afraid!”

Yamamoto Daisuke has been in a state of fear.

After all, the tonnage of his warship is too small.

Now with the 6,000-ton warships of Osaki and Inoue,

Yamamoto Daisuke feels more at ease.

The captain of the Osaki, Matsushiro Chida, said jokingly:

“Yamamoto-kun, you are too timid. If a fight breaks out later, you’d better hide behind!”

Yamamoto Daisuke had to explain awkwardly:

“”Matsushiro-kun, we, the Kitamizu, can bully merchant ships, but if we really fight, our firepower is too weak, so we can only rely on you! Please!”

Yamamoto Daisuke was telling the truth, and

Matsushiro Chida did not argue:”Okay! Don’t worry!”

Then, Matsushiro Chida ordered:

“The entire ship immediately entered combat readiness and turned the radar power to maximum. We are waiting for the Yan Country Navy to come and die!”

“”Yes! Captain!”

At the same time, the Tianwei and Tianlong of Yan Country also arrived in this sea area.

The radar soldiers immediately reported the specific location of the three warships of Dongyang Country to the commander, General Xiang Wenfu:

“Report to the general! We have discovered that the Galaxy has been hijacked by three warships from the Eastern Ocean Country, and the location of the Eastern Ocean warships has been locked!”

Xiang Wenfu heard this and immediately ordered without saying a word:

“Tianlong, Tianwei, all crew members, listen to my orders!”

“Immediately prepare to launch anti-ship missiles, target the three warships of the Oriental Country!”

“And! Adjust the angle of the electromagnetic railgun and prepare to charge it to prevent the enemy’s reinforcements from approaching!”

Considering that the three Japanese warships were too close to the Galaxy,

Xiang Wenfu decided to use anti-ship missiles to destroy the three Japanese warships in front of him first……righteous..

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