“It’s very simple. Let your emperor personally and publicly submit a letter of surrender to our Yan country, and promise to compensate us 980 million taels of silver! An additional compensation of 200 billion US dollars!”

Xiang Wenfu’s offer was very particular.

This was Qin Tian’s special instruction!

Yan country is a country of birch people, and

Qin Tian is a birch person who travels through time.

Therefore, he naturally empathizes with the humiliation suffered by the birch people back then….!

980 million taels of silver, that was the compensation our ancestors paid to the foreigners!

This has always been a thorn in the hearts of the Hua people all over the world….!


Qin Tian took this opportunity to completely pull out this thorn!

As soon as these words came out,

Ito Takuya took a breath of cold air.


He slammed the table hard and shouted:

“We suffered a crushing defeat, with four aircraft carrier fleets destroyed, and yet you still want our Emperor to personally hand in the letter of surrender and compensate you with 980 million taels of silver and 200 billion US dollars!”

“This is too much! Although you Yan country won the war, I will never allow you to humiliate His Majesty the Emperor!”

Hearing Ito Takuya’s tone,

Xiang Wenfu was secretly happy: The angrier you are, the happier I am!

Xiang Wenfu said calmly:

“General Ito, let me ask you, is the personal dignity of the Emperor more important, or is the safety of your citizens in the East more important?”

Ito Takuya gritted his teeth and said:

“All important…!”

Xiang Wenfu sneered and continued:

“hehe…….General Ito, I now give you two choices: either sacrifice the personal dignity of the Emperor in exchange for the safety of your citizens of the Eastern Kingdom!”

“Either sacrifice the safety of your Oriental citizens in exchange for the pitiful dignity of your emperor!”

“General Ito, you choose!”

Ito Takuya was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer:


Xiang Wenfu continued:

“We, the Yan country, have finally won a victory in the war. We neither took advantage of your misfortune to occupy your Dongyang territory, nor did we commit evil things and harm your Dongyang people!”

“Compared to your invasion of Dragon Country and massacre of the Hua people, this is already very merciful…….!”

“Just asking your emperor to surrender in person and paying some extra compensation, how can……? Isn’t this unreasonable?”

Ito Takuya shook his head and said firmly:

“Unreasonable! No one can insult the dignity of our emperor!”

Xiang Wenfu lost his patience and shouted angrily:

“Dignity? You are not worthy of talking to me about dignity…….?”

“Do you know that among the Hua people you slaughtered back then were the ancestors of our Yan people!”

“I told you! Today…..What we, Yan Nation, have to do is to earn back all the dignity that our ancestors lost! And we have to earn it back tenfold, a hundredfold!”

Ito Takuya was a little anxious:

“It turns out you Hua people have been holding this grudge all along, how hateful!……!”

“A blood feud that will never be forgotten! We, the Hua people, will remember it forever…….!”

Xiang Wenfu’s face was serious, and he spoke word by word, with each word coming out at a high decibel…….Then


Xiang Wenfu pressed on:

“Now, your Dongyang 88 Fleet has been completely annihilated by our Yan Country! Without the navy, you can only passively take the beating!”

“You have no right to bargain with me on any of the requests I made. I’ll give you one hour to consider!”

“If we do not receive the news of your surrender in one hour, both your emperor and the people of the East will become dead souls under the artillery fire of our Yan country!”


Ito Takuya’s face was as dark as black soil, and his chest suddenly hurt from anger……….At this point


Xiang Wenfu added a few words:

“General Ito! Remember, if you don’t surrender for one day, we Yan will besiege you in the East for one day. If you don’t surrender for ten days, we will besiege you for ten days! Or even a hundred days! A thousand days! Ten thousand days!………!”

“We will not stop until you surrender completely or all the Japanese are completely wiped out!”

“Also! Go back and tell your damn emperor that if Japan is destroyed, what use will his pitiful dignity be?”


After that,

Xiang Wenfu hung up the phone!

As a Huaren, the indignation that had accumulated in his heart for many years was swept away at this moment!

Xiang Wenfu said it was so cool!

What Yanguo did today is worthy of the ancestors of the Huaren………On the other hand, Ito Takuya was paralyzed and his face was pale…….

Sitting on the chair,

I felt as if my soul had been taken away…….

Ito Takuya was helpless.

After taking a few deep breaths, he reported the complete contents of the negotiation to Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro.

“Damn it! Damn Yan people! Did they really say that?”

After hearing this, Koizumi Jukuro was furious, clenching his fists tightly, looking like he wanted to eat someone!

“Yes, Prime Minister! These are their demands, and they must be met. There is no room for negotiation!”

Ito Takuya said bluntly


Koizumi Jukuro slapped the table!

“This is too much! This is too much!”

As a soldier, Ito Takuya was also very angry and asked for orders on the spot:

“Prime Minister! The Emperor must not be humiliated!”

“I am willing to lead the army to a decisive battle with Yan Country’s homeland. I would rather die 100 million people than surrender to Yan Country!”

Koizumi Jukuro glanced at Ito Takuya, and the image of the electromagnetic railgun bombing Sakura City flashed in his mind.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back and scolded:

“Nonsense! What era is this? Do you think you can stop the Yan people by leading the army to fight in the streets of your homeland?”

“Have you forgotten how the Squid Country’s army was annihilated by the Flame Country?”

“The drones filled the sky and swarmed into every corner of the street fighting. Yan Country could kill every lurking squid soldier with zero casualties!”

“Remember! If there are zero casualties, what can you use to fight Yan Country? Also, if Yan Country is really pushed into a corner, they have mushroom bombs!”

“Do you really want all the citizens of the East to die?……?”

Ito Takuya was speechless and stunned on the spot!

To be honest,

Ito Takuya was not sure of winning against Yan Country, so the 100 million broken jade was just Ito Takuya’s angry words…….!

The underground office fell into silence again.

All the ministers lowered their heads and remained silent, not knowing what to do!

Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the East Asian country no longer had the ability to fight against the Yan country.

The powerful electromagnetic railgun could almost completely destroy the entire Sakura……..Surrender and negotiation are the only options at present!

After thinking this through,

Koizumi Jushiro slowly opened his eyes and said:

“How about this, Yan Country has given us an hour to consider, so let’s try to see if we can get Yan Country to make concessions on certain conditions!”

“Mr. Matsushita, we will act separately. You should immediately draft a report and have someone accuse Yan Country of its atrocities at the League of Nations, and strive to gain the support of the people of the world. It would be best if public opinion could stand on our side.”

“I will call President Leiden of the Eagle Sauce again, hoping that he can speak for us in the League of Nations…….”

For now,

Koizumi Jushiro can only pin his hopes on the League of Nations!

“Yes, Prime Minister! I’ll do it right away!”

Director of the Foreign Affairs Agency Shuntaro Matsushita bowed and replied.

After that, the two began to act separately.

Koizumi Jushiro called President Leiden again.

As soon as the call was connected,

President Leiden’s irritable voice sounded on the other end, not disguising at all:

“What’s wrong? Didn’t I tell you that we, the Eagle Country, can’t send troops? Prime Minister Koizumi, you guys should figure out the solution for the Yan Country……”

Before he finished speaking, Koizumi Jushiro hurriedly explained:

“President Leiden, you misunderstood. I am not calling to discuss the issue of sending troops…..”

In the Eagle Country, at the headquarters of the Blue Star League of Nations, at the same time that Koizumi Jushiro was talking to President Leiden, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!), on the Yan Country side,

Qin Tian also ordered someone to call Zhang Jiuhai, the Yan Country’s special envoy to the League of Nations Office, to remind Zhang Jiuhai to make preparations in advance to prevent the villains from the East from filing a complaint first………

After all, with the disgusting behavior of the Japanese and their ability to confuse right and wrong, it is not surprising that they would do anything! After hanging up the phone, Zhang Jiuhai was completely stunned……..

Our navy defeated the Japanese navy?

The 88th Fleet that dominated the Yazhou Sea was completely destroyed?


The navy officers and soldiers went to the gates of the Japanese countries to demonstrate, demanding surrender and compensation

?……..Isn’t today April Fool’s Day?

Zhang Jiuhai was in a mess in the wind. [] How come so many big things happened in China all of a sudden?…….

He held his chest and took several deep breaths before he calmed his pounding heart…….

After a while, the secretary came to Zhang Jiuhai with a pile of information:

“Ambassador Zhang, these are the evidence and information sent from China………”

Zhang Jiuhai nodded.

“Okay! I know, you go out first!”


After the secretary left,

Zhang Jiuhai familiarized himself with the evidence and information in the shortest possible time, and prepared his speech in advance.

After doing all this,

Zhang Jiuhai got up and went to the third floor of the League of Nations to attend the special meeting of the Security Council.

When he just walked to the door, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if he realized that there was a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

Looking back, it was the representative of the Oriental country, Kubo Masaki. Kubo

Masaki had a gnashing expression, his eyes were red, and he looked ferocious, wishing to eat Zhang Jiuhai alive……….

After entering the venue, the meeting officially began after the representatives of each country took their seats. At first, the representative of Ermao Country was arguing with the representative of Damao Country, and the whole venue was noisy. After the two finished speaking, Kubo Masaki stood up and cried out:

“Secretary General, representatives of all countries, please do justice for our country of Japan!”

After Kubo Masaki shouted this, the meeting place suddenly became quiet…….The

Secretary General of the League of Nations was confused and asked:

“Special envoy of the Eastern Kingdom, what’s wrong with you? What happened?”

“Secretary General, representatives of all countries, please save Dongyang. The Yan Navy has brought its warships to the doorstep of Dongyang, bombarded our Yasukuni Ghost Toilet, massacred our Dongyang citizens, and threatened the personal safety of our Emperor with force……!”

“The brutal behavior of Yan State is outrageous and outrageous! It seriously violates the international peace norms! I ask the representatives of all countries to make a decision for us!”

When these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked!

The Yan State Navy has reached the doorstep of Dongyang State…….?

How is this possible?

Are the aircraft carriers and the 88th Fleet of the Eastern Kingdom just decorations?

The Secretary-General of the League of Nations immediately questioned:

“Special envoy of the Eastern Country, please don’t lie. We all know the strength of the Yan Country Navy. There are three aircraft carriers parked in your Eastern Country.”

“Being attacked by the Yan Kingdom Navy at the doorstep, it’s not that I don’t believe what you said, ask everyone here, who believes it?……?”

Representatives from all countries began to discuss quietly, with disbelief written all over their faces, as if they were saying: You lied to me!

No one believed the cries of the East Asian nation……..!.0 0

Kubo Masaki didn’t say anything more and directly took out a bunch of information, photos and videos and said:

“I know you don’t believe it! But this is what really happened! Please look, this is the evidence that Yan Country harmed our Dongyang Country!”

After that, the staff at the venue distributed the information and photos to the hands of each country’s representatives, and played the video on the big screen at the venue!

These photos and videos are carefully edited and staged!

The representatives of various countries were stunned when they saw it………

The Yanguo Navy warships in the video are huge, with electromagnetic rail guns bombarding, advanced laser anti-missile weapons, and 312 vertical launch systems……..

The various advanced equipments were dazzling. The aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy was turned into a fireball and ashes with one shot.

Its power was comparable to that of a nuclear bomb, which was terrifying……..! hiss……..

After watching this video, everyone in the audience gasped! Everyone was so shocked that they couldn’t speak, their pupils shrank into needles, and their faces turned pale as snow……..

After a long while, the Secretary-General of the League of Nations was the first to recover from his shock:

“this…….this……..Special envoy from the East Asian country, are you sure this is a naval warship from the Yan country?”

“It is absolutely true and correct! I beg all the representatives to save Dongyang Country. Our Dongyang Country’s immigrants are about to be destroyed by Yan Country………Woo woo woo….!”

Kubo Masaki cried bitterly at the scene, as if his father had died, which made people feel extremely pitiful….!

Then at this moment!

A loud shout startled everyone:


“This is complete nonsense!”

“Kubo Masaki! You son of a bitch, how dare you cry here!”

The speaker was Zhang Jiuhai, the special envoy of Yan Country.

He turned to the representatives of various countries and asked:

“Secretary-General, representatives of various countries, let me ask you, according to the international law of the League of Nations, is it a serious infringement of the rights and interests of other countries to privately plunder other countries’ ships on the high seas?”

“The Japanese navy intercepted our merchant ships and plundered our people! The actions of our Yan country to protect our merchant ships are legal and reasonable!”

“The Eastern Kingdom, relying on its aircraft carrier fleet, has been running rampant in the waters of the Eastern Ocean, committing crimes, ignoring the principles of the League of Nations, and brazenly provoking conflicts.”

“They simply don’t take the League of Nations seriously! I request the League of Nations to immediately sanction the Dongyang country for its illegal behavior!”

Zhang Jiuhai did not rush to explain, but instead struck back and asked the League of Nations to punish the Dongyang country….The

Secretary-General of the League of Nations was a little confused at the moment, and asked casually:

“Special envoy of Yan Country, you said that the East Asian country violated international law and plundered your merchant ships. Do you have any evidence?”

“Of course there is!”

As he spoke,

Zhang Jiuhai also sent the photos, videos, and materials he had sorted out to the representatives of various countries for review.

At the same time, a video of the Japanese navy forcibly breaking into the Galaxy was played on the big screen. This video was taken by the surveillance camera in the control room of the Galaxy…..

It clearly records the actions of the Japanese Navy shooting at merchant ships, robbing mineral resources, and beating and threatening the captain of the Galaxy….!

Their actions have seriously violated the international law of the League of Nations!

When this video was played, the whole audience was in uproar!

I didn’t expect the Japanese navy to be so rude and arrogant!

The faces of the representatives of the countries present were gloomy in an instant.

They were too bold to openly rob on the high seas…..Door!.

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