After watching the video, representatives from various countries lowered their heads and whispered to each other.

They all felt disgusted by the blatant robbery by the Japanese country:

“This Japanese country really doesn’t take our League of Nations seriously! It actually robbed other countries’ merchant ships……!”

“That’s right, that’s right! How audacious! They actually opened fire on merchant ships in public! This is tantamount to declaring war on Yan Country!”

“This is just self-defense on the part of Yan Country. No matter what, it was Dongyang Country that violated the law first!”

“If everyone disregards international law like the Japanese, then there is no need for the League of Nations to exist…….!”


Representatives from various countries discussed the matter and denounced the illegal behavior of the Japanese country….

The situation at the conference venue suddenly changed, and the evaluation of the East Asian country by various countries took a sharp turn for the worse……..Ambassador

Zhang Jiuhai of Yan State took this opportunity to beat the fallen dog and continued:

“Dear delegates! Today, the East Asian nation has dared to ignore the laws of the League of Nations and openly attacked the merchant ships of the Yan nation. If they are not severely punished,”

“One day, the Japanese will dare to attack your merchant ships.���If you stand aside and watch, when the Japanese attack your merchant ships in the future, no one will speak up for you….!”

“We Yan Country has always pursued peace and upheld justice. I propose that for the safety of merchant ships from all over the world, we should impose sanctions on Dongyang Country’s illegal behavior! So that Dongyang Country will not continue to endanger the entire Blue Star!”

Zhang Jiuhai instantly magnified the danger of Dongyang Country’s details of Yan Country’s merchant ships by more than ten times………

After careful consideration, the representatives of various countries found that this was indeed the whole truth……..

Now Dongyang attacked Yan’s merchant ships.

If they were not punished, what would they do if they attacked us in the future ?………

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with other countries on Blue Star. After

Zhang Jiuhai’s explanation, the representatives of various countries became even more indignant, especially the representatives of some small countries.

In order to protect their own merchant ships, they had to support Zhang Jiuhai’s proposal and support Yan Country’s sanctions against Dongyang Country:

“I agree! Ambassador Zhang Jiuhai is right!”

“I agree! If Dongyang can seize Yan’s merchant ships today, they can seize our merchant ships in the future…….!”

“That’s right! For the sake of world peace and to protect our own rights! I support sanctions against the Japanese!”

“Sanction the Dongyang country! It must be sanctioned, otherwise it will encourage illegal crimes……!”

“You are right! Sanctions must be imposed!”


All countries are unanimously seeking to impose sanctions on the Eastern Countries.

Seeing this,

Kubo Masaki is completely panicked:

“No! We lost the war. Our three aircraft carrier fleets and dozens of warships were sunk by Yan Country. The losses of our Dongyang Country were already great enough.”

“Moreover, the warships of Yan country have already arrived at our doorstep, destroyed our place of faith, the Yasukuni Ghost Toilet, and bombed our scientific research bases and military bases…….

“Yan Country committed such atrocities, and we, Dongyang Country, are the biggest victims! Why are we being sanctioned?…….?”

Zhang Jiuhai’s expression was serious and he said in a cold voice:


“You Dongyang traitors are so bold that you failed to commit evil deeds, but were severely beaten by our Yanguo Navy! Even if we bombed and sank Dongyang, you deserved it!”

“If you win, you will consider yourself the victors! If you lose, you will become the victims. You use the name of”victims” to evade accountability. How can such a good thing happen in the world?…..!”

After that,

Zhang Jiuhai looked at the representatives of the Blue Star countries and said:

“Dear representatives! This war is a conflict that was initiated by the Eastern Country in violation of the rules of Blue Star. In order to eliminate harm to the world and restore peace to Blue Star,”

“Our Yanguo Navy won this war with blood and courage, and restored the safety and tranquility of the Pacific Ocean.”

“Now, as a victorious country, our Yan country is sailing warships to the gate of the East Asian country, demanding that the Emperor of the East Asian country publicly apologize, promise not to plunder merchant ships in the Pacific Ocean, and compensate us for our losses! This is reasonable, isn’t it?”

The representatives present nodded slightly, saying that this is very reasonable!

Otherwise…….In the future, the East Asian country will run rampant in the Pacific Ocean. What should we small countries do?

Now that Yan country is helping us to get rid of the harm, why not do it?

Therefore, it is necessary to support Yan country and to make the emperor apologize!

No matter how badly the East Asian country was beaten, no matter how hard Kubo Masaki cried……It is impossible to support the East Asian country!

Hearing this, representatives of some countries suddenly came to their senses.

They felt that they seemed to have missed some important information.

No!……Did your Yan Kingdom really defeat the Dongyang Kingdom’s navy?……?

And annihilated three aircraft carrier fleets…..?

When they suddenly realized this, the representatives of various countries and the Secretary-General of the League of Nations all swallowed their saliva in surprise, and their expressions were stunned.

The Secretary-General of the League of Nations asked Zhang Jiuhai blankly:

“Yan Country’s special envoy, so, in the video that Dongyang Country just provided, the giant warship is indeed from your Yan Country? Your Yan Country did annihilate Dongyang Country’s 88 Fleet, right?……?”


“So, your warships did indeed reach the doorstep of the Japanese?”


Zhang Jiuhai did not deny it, nor did he need to deny it.

This was the fact! As soon as he finished speaking,………

The entire venue was filled with gasps of air.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Their brains went blank, their cerebellums shrank on the spot, and their pupils trembled like a tsunami of more than ten magnitude….

Isn’t this too scary?

A 28,000-ton warship, an electromagnetic railgun, a laser anti-missile system, and a 312 vertical launch system……..

Oh my god!

If your Yan country’s technology is not hacked, no one would believe it!

Are you crazy?……

These heaven-defying weapons that only appear in movies have been developed by your Yan country?

I vaguely remember that the Yan country’s navy only had a few broken ships produced in the 1970s…….?

When did they suddenly have such a powerful warship?


Too outrageous!

The military strength of Yan Country has improved too fast.

The mood of the representatives of various countries at the scene was a bit complicated for a while, with envy, hatred, fear, and worry…….

In short, my heart felt a little cold, and the venue fell into silence…….

Zhang Jiuhai struck while the iron was hot:

“So! Secretary General, fellow delegates, let’s start voting!”

“Those who support sanctions against the East Asian country, the emperor’s public surrender, and compensation for our Yan country’s losses, please raise your hands!” When

Zhang Jiuhai asked this, everyone immediately reacted from their shock……..!!!

Everyone raised their hands at the same time.

There was no other way.

From a legal point of view, the mistakes of the Eastern Country must be punished!

In terms of strength, the navy, army, and air force of Yan Country have already met the qualifications for becoming a permanent member of the UN.

Except for the lack of aircraft carriers, the military strength of Yan Country is no less than that of any other permanent member!

The representatives of various countries are not stupid.

If they don’t stand with Yan Country at this time, they will have a hard time in the future………!

“I don’t accept it! We in the East will never accept it! No one can let our emperor be humiliated! We in the East are the victims……..”

Kubo Masaki burst into tears, and angrily scolded the representatives of various countries present. He was so anxious that he almost peed!

Seeing that he could not reverse the decline, he had to lock his eyes on the special envoy of the Eagle Sauce Country, Henk.

This time, Henk did not disappoint the East Asian Country.

He said on the spot:

“Our Eagle Sauce Country is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. I have decided to use my veto power to veto the proposal of the Yan Country representative!”

As soon as this was said, representatives from various countries sighed and cursed the Eagle Sauce Country in a low voice, but everyone dared not speak out and could only hide their anger in their hearts……..

With the United States using its veto power, the debate came to an end. Zhang Jiuhai was not surprised by the result. He looked at the representatives of various countries who were full of indignation, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a long-lost smile.


Zhang Jiuhai’s goal had been achieved, at the beginning of this meeting,

Qin Tian had never thought that the proposal would be passed.

With the current special system of the League of Nations and the veto of the Eagle Sauce Country, this targeted proposal itself would be difficult to pass………!

However, through this meeting, the Blue Star countries have seen clearly the collusion between the East Ocean Country and the Eagle Sauce Country, and have completely controlled the right of public opinion on the Yan Country side.

This is enough!

Next, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

No matter what excessive things Yan Country does to the East Ocean Country, there will be no psychological burden…….

The East Asian country cannot get support from any country! After the media reported this incident, the outside world and netizens from all over the world were all shocked:

South Korean netizens——”Fuck! Yan Kingdom and Dongyang Kingdom had a fight, and the Yan Kingdom Navy actually won…….This is fucking terrible. Fortunately, Yan Kingdom is not in Yazhou and is not our neighbor…….!”

Nigerian netizens——”The conventional fleet annihilated the three aircraft carrier fleets of the Eastern Kingdom. Damn! What happened?”

Yuehouguo netizen——”The above, you may not know, Yan country built two 28,000 warships, not only with electromagnetic rail guns, but also with laser guidance systems, in short, very advanced!”

White Elephant Netizen——”I admit that Yan Country is indeed very strong, but it is still a little bit behind our Xiang Country!”

A netizen from Camel Country——”White Elephant, can you please stop making such jokes? You dare to speak loudly to Yan Guo, I admire your guts!”

Babayang netizen——”Baixiang Country, if you have the guts, try talking loudly to Yan Country,”

Baixiang netizen——”Well, I have something else to do. I’ll leave first. You guys chat!”

Kangaroo Netizen——”Hahaha…..White Elephant Country, don’t run away, you are so cowardly!……?”

The powerful combat power of the Yan Kingdom Navy made the Blue Star countries feel tremendous pressure, and some countries around the Indian Ocean were also trembling. []

No one dared to make fun of the Yan Kingdom easily!

At the same time, when the news of the underground secret base of the East Ocean Kingdom was passed back to Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro, he fainted on the spot.

“Prime Minister! Are you okay? Prime Minister…..Prime Minister, please wake up…….!”

“Doctor! Call a doctor! The Prime Minister has fainted!”

“Quick! Quickly save the Prime Minister!”

For a moment, the base was in chaos, and the ministers of the Eastern Kingdom felt as if they had fallen into an icy cave, with a chill sweeping over their bodies……..

If something happens to the Prime Minister again, then the East Asian nation will be finished!

Fortunately, the doctor came in time, and after a simple treatment,

“Cough cough cough……..”

Koizumi Jushiro woke up from his coma. After waking up, Koizumi Jushiro felt like the sky had fallen.

Although the League of Nations’ proposal to impose sanctions on the East Asian country was not passed, his plan to use other countries in the League of Nations to put pressure on the Yan country and force the Yan country to make concessions was also ruined…….

He didn’t expect that

Yan Country was so well prepared and caught him off guard!

Representatives from all the countries on Blue Star stood on the side of Yan Country.

“It’s over! It’s completely over! Our Dongyang Country is finished!”

Koizumi Jushiro sighed to the sky, his face was extremely ugly, and he was almost crying.

He understood that once he lost the support of the League of Nations,

Dongyang Country would completely lose the initiative in the peace talks.

Next, even if Yan Country started the massacre mode in Dongyang Country,…….

Countries around the world will no longer support me!


After a long sigh,

Koizumi Jushiro could only accept the reality!

He looked around and slowly said:

“Lift me up! Take me to see the Emperor! For the people of the East! Take me to see the Emperor!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the East ministers present froze, and the air around them seemed to freeze! Just as Koizumi Jukuro stood up and was about to leave, the Director of the National Health Agency, General Ito, blocked the way of Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro and said:

“Prime Minister! You really don’t want His Majesty the Emperor…….”

General Ito didn’t finish his words, but everyone understood what he was going to say, and

Koizumi Jushiro was also somewhat helpless:

“Now that things have come to this, do we still have a choice?……?”

“Get out of my way! The one-hour time is almost up. It’s too late…….We, the people of the Eastern Country, are about to suffer!”

“Why…….Is there really no other way?”

General Ito was extremely helpless.

He silently moved his body away and made way for Koizumi Jukuro.

The Japanese ministers behind him looked at Koizumi Jukuro with sad eyes and watched him leave……..

Everyone understood that the situation could not be dragged on any longer and the Emperor had to come forward to end it all.

No one expected that a few decades later, the East Asian country would once again face the dilemma of open surrender…….Moreover

, this time it was the Emperor himself who surrendered!

What a loss of sovereignty and humiliation of the country!…….However

, facing all this, everyone is helpless……..In the secret base 100 meters underground in Sakura City,

Dongyang Kingdom , this is an underground palace built specifically for the royal family of Dongyang Kingdom. Once a war breaks out in Dongyang Kingdom, the royal family can escape the war.


The outer perimeter of the underground palace is all made of specially made reinforced concrete, and even a nuclear bomb cannot damage it at all!

It has sufficient food, frozen food, communication systems, life support systems, etc., and except for not being able to see the sun, the emperor’s family can live in it for ten years without any problem……..

Soon, after passing through a special secret passage and undergoing multiple rounds of inspections, the Prime Minister of the Eastern Kingdom, Koizumi Jukuro, arrived.

He walked into the door of the Emperor’s office with an expressionless face.

“Your Majesty! I am Prime Minister Koizumi Jukuro, and I have an important matter to discuss with you…….”

Outside the door,

Koizumi Jukuro respectfully reported……….

“”Come in!”

Emperor Wu Ren replied weakly.

Wu Ren was not a fool.

Yan’s warships had already reached Sakura City and had been bombing the military bases of Dongyang.

Wu Ren knew all this a long time ago.

He also understood that at this moment,

Koizumi Jukuro came knocking on the door, which must be a desperate time………

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