The dream was a dream, but the dream was a dream.

Klein, Tian Xiaowen and Tian Mark were eating dinner and chatting casually.

"Xiaoban has been gone for a long time, why hasn't he come back yet?" Tian Mark was a little worried about Xiaoban.

"Maybe he was eaten by a bear... I was kidding, it's best to have a dream." Xiaowen saw that Mark's face was slightly gloomy, and quickly changed her words.

"Don't worry, Xiaoban will be fine. If you are really worried, I will go find him." Klein knew that Xiaoban would be fine, but it would be good to go find Xiaoban as a walk after dinner.

"Then I'll trouble you, Xiaoze (speaking of the name directly will seem inappropriate, "Ze" is taken from the name, just like "Ban" in Xiaoban, and Xiaowen's name doesn't even have "Wen")" Tian Mark knew that Klein had a homonymous superpower instrument, and Klein went to find Xiaoban, and Tian Mark was relieved.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Just as Klein was about to find Xiaoban, Xiaoban walked out of the bushes not far away.

"Huh? Xiaoban, did you encounter anything when you were walking in the forest? Like a meteor or something." Klein looked at Xiaoban's empty left hand and asked in confusion.

"No, nothing, why are you asking this, cousin?" Xiaoban was very confused, and he hadn't heard of any meteors tonight.

"Nothing, maybe I made a mistake." Klein frowned slightly.

No, I didn't do anything, can the butterfly effect still affect spacecraft in outer space? Is it so fucked up? How can I give up now, things have come to this point...

"Let's eat first, Xiaoban." Klein had no choice, but he didn't care. The butterfly effect was nothing to panic about. The isotope superpower instrument was his biggest reliance, and it was enough for him to deal with any problem.

It's just annoying to be forced to be a hero.

"No, cousin, I'm not very hungry." Xiaoban obviously still didn't want to eat rice bugs, sheep tongues, etc. Even Xiaowen only ate some snacks he brought with him and said "full".


In the old broken car, Xiaoban and Xiaowen had their daily quarrels, and Tian Mark was tuning the radio.

"Zi, zi, zi... This is... help! You may not believe it, but I met... a robot!"

"Maybe we have to sleep late today." Tian Mark's face became serious, and he started the old broken car directly and drove to the address mentioned in the radio.

"Grandpa, even if the robot is real, shouldn't we call the police?" Xiaowen was confused and a little worried. After all, in Xiaowen's view, they were just an old man and three children.

"Robots! Nerd, don't you want to see? Besides, someone is shouting for help! It's too late to wait for the police to come." Xiaoban refuted Xiaowen as usual.

"Big nerd, I think your little head is too hot, what right do you have to stop the robot? With your small body, you are not enough for them to hit you."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen quarreled again.

"Don't worry, we can save those people." Tian Mark glanced at Klein, who looked serious (actually just a little confused, Xiaoban didn't pick up the watch and had to fight monsters, so he was thinking whether his watch would also receive the signal) through the rearview mirror.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The old broken car arrived at the destination, and everyone got off the car and saw a giant robot that looked like a crab and a spider, constantly emitting orange-red energy beams, and there were several small robots like flying saucers around. The surroundings were destroyed and a mess, and there were cries and screams everywhere.

Xiaoban and Xiaowen were shocked and looked at the giant robot with their mouths wide open.

"Cool, it's really a robot!" Xiaoban shouted.

The giant robot's one eye looked over and locked onto the isotopic super energy device on Klein's left hand. The one eye lit up and prepared to fire an energy beam.

"Oh, this is not cool." Xiaoban was a little stunned. Just as he was about to let everyone run together, the energy beam was fired.

Whoosh! (Beam fired)

The imagined explosion did not occur. A humanoid creature made of purple and red crystals stood there like a mountain, blocking the others behind him.

"Crystal Man!"

Crystal Man raised one hand, spread his five fingers, and fired the absorbed energy at the giant robot.


The giant robot exploded! (What a loser)

The other small robots were not afraid of the boss being killed in seconds, and attacked him, and all the energy beams were fired at Crystal Man.

Crystal Man raised his foot and walked towards them, as if he was strolling in the garden and ignored the attacks of these small robots at all, and directly killed them one by one.

Countless destroyed.

After the incident, Crystal Man ran deep into the forest. Xiaoban and Xiaowen opened their mouths wide enough to swallow an egg. They reacted after Tian Mark called them several times and quickly followed to rescue the survivors in the ruins one by one.

"Cousin, you are so cool! How can you become such a cool crystal man!" It seems that Xiaoban is so excited that he can't sleep tonight.

"Yes! Cousin, you are so cool to become a crystal man! And I am so handsome (whispering)" Xiaowen rarely refuted Xiaoban, and looked at Klein with bright eyes with admiration.

"That is an alien." Tian Mark corrected.

"Grandpa, how do you know it is an alien?" Xiaoban and Xiaowen were confused.

"Uh... what else can it be besides an alien?" Tian Mark explained with a guilty conscience.

"What is the name of that alien? Can I give him a name? Cousin, how did you change? Can you change into anything else?" Xiaoban didn't hesitate and asked Klein excitedly.

"His name is Crystal Hero. You can call him anything else if you want. You can use this watch to change into anything else." Klein had no choice but to explain to Xiaoban one by one, otherwise he would probably be pestered all the time.

"Cool! Where did you get this watch, cousin? Can you lend it to me to play with?" Xiaoban was a little envious, but Xiaoban was not jealous, he was just still very curious about the watch.

"I bought it from a toy store. Don't ask me which toy store it was. The store is gone. And, sorry, Xiaoban, this watch can't be taken off, so I can't lend it to you."

"Is that so? Forget it. By the way, cousin, what other aliens can you turn into?" Xiaoban wanted to ask more.

"Okay, kids, it's time to go to bed. We have to get up early tomorrow." Tian Mark interrupted Xiaoban.

"Okay, but..." Xiaoban had to give up asking when Mark said this.

"I want to go to bed!" Xiaoban and Xiaowen, who realized what Xiaoban was going to say, shouted at the same time.

"Big nerd! What does it matter where you sleep? Why are you fighting with me for the bed?" In the old broken car, besides Tian Mark's bed, there was only a bunk bed at the rear of the car.

"Big nerd! You have athlete's foot! I absolutely don't want to sleep on your lower bed." Xiao Wen immediately retorted.

After a period of quarreling, Xiao Wen finally slept on the upper bed and Xiao Ban slept on the lower bed.

It is worth mentioning that Klein slept with Xiao Wen because Xiao Ban's sleeping posture was not good. Apart from that, he had no other thoughts. Please, no matter how perverted he was, he would not be perverted enough to have any thoughts about a ten-year-old child. As for whether Xiao Wen would have any thoughts, I don't know. Anyway, when Klein woke up the next day, Xiao Wen's face was red and scary.

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