The sun was shining brightly in the morning. Klein and his two companions packed their bags with Tian Mark and prepared to go to their next destination. "Finally, I'm done packing. I'm ready to start an awesome summer vacation!" Xiaoban shouted excitedly while wiping his sweat. ... On a sunny morning, in a city dyed light yellow by the sun, a bald, fat man stood at the door of an old apartment. Dong Dong Dong Dong "Hey, Dong Wu, open the door!" The fat man knocked on the door and opened it with the key. Creak ~ The door opened. The fat man walked in without paying attention. The room was shabby, dark and damp, and the only way to see was by the sunlight coming in from outside. The air was filled with the sour smell of animals, and various sounds such as "squeak" and "quack" were heard one after another.

"Oh, it's all the sour smell of animals!" The fat man covered his mouth and nose in disgust.

"How did you get in?" The voice came from behind the fat man. The fat man turned around and saw a man with long white hair who was extremely sloppy and looked pale because of staying indoors for a long time.

"Use the key. I'm your landlord, don't you remember? Dong Wu, you haven't paid the rent for six months." The fat man was no longer surprised by Dong Wu's appearance, and he was not afraid of Dong Wu, who was a little scary because of his sloppy appearance.

"All my funds are used for research! Get out! Don't disturb me while I'm doing experiments!" Dong Wu didn't think he had done anything wrong, or he thought it was right.

"Before I bother you, you've already gone crazy, man! Listen to me, Doctor, pay the rent! Otherwise, you and your animals will have to move to the street!" The fat man was not going to give in. After all, Dong Wu hadn't paid the rent for six months. If he continued like this, he might as well just give him the house.

"Animals? Yes, you like animals." Dong Wu put a strange helmet on his head while saying crazy words.

"Puff! Hahahaha! What is this? Are you a member of the Animal Association?" Seeing the strange helmet and Dong Wu who looked a little funny wearing the helmet, the man suddenly laughed out loud.

"This is my gene mutator, the first stage of the prototype, it can accelerate the gene mutation of various animals. Watch it!" Dong Wu grabbed a frog in an animal ecological box and put it on the ground, then started the machine. The double horns on the helmet emitted red electric light, which hit the frog, and the frog kept getting bigger until the room seemed crowded.

"Uh ah ah!" The fat man was so scared that he kept retreating, but was still swallowed by the frog and held in his mouth.

"Hahaha! Why is your voice so strange, like a frog stuck in your throat! Hahaha! Or, just the opposite!" Now it was Dong Wu's turn to laugh.

Bang! The frog spit out the fat man, and the fat man ran away regardless of the pain and saliva on his body.

"I only need a few parts to take back what belongs to me!" Dong Wu muttered to himself. At this time, the TV behind Dong Wu played an advertisement for a supermarket. "Here... Here is everything! As long as you want, you can find it here!"

"That's right! This is it!"


In the supermarket that claims to have "everything".

Tian Mark pushed the shopping cart in front, and Klein and the other two followed behind. Tian Mark picked up a can of octopus. "Why can I only find these here? I thought it really had everything." Tian Mark put the can of octopus into the shopping cart.

"Furious Sumo Gold Card!" Tian Xiaoban saw the corn flakes package printed with Furious Sumo Gold Card and ran over.

"Well, Grandpa, I'll go over there and take a look." Klein knew where Tian Mark was going next. He had accompanied Tian Mark to the pet section many times, so he was ready to go somewhere else.

"Then let's meet at the counter later. Then, Xiao Wen, let's go to the pet section." Tian Mark pushed the shopping cart towards the pet section.

"Grandpa, me too... Grandpa! You don't want to buy breakfast there tomorrow, do you? Grandpa, don't be angry when I tell you, can we eat something normal, not roasted tentacles or something like that." Xiao Wen originally wanted to go shopping with Klein, but after hearing what Tian Mark said, he immediately decided to persuade Grandpa to buy something "edible" first.


"This bag? This bag? No! This bag!... It's annoying! Which bag of corn flakes has the violent sumo gold card!" Xiaoban held a bag of corn flakes in each hand, looking up and shouting irritably.



I found that the TV screens in the TV area had turned into black and white snowflakes, and people could still be heard screaming faintly.


The wall where the TV was placed was directly hit by a huge frog. The weirdo on the frog jumped down, walked straight to a category of goods, and took one of them directly.

"Hey! Put it down!" Xiaoban didn't think that this weirdo would want to buy that thing.

"Little ghost! Don't bother me!" Dong Wu rode on the frog, and the frog spit out its tongue and attacked Xiaoban. Xiaoban quickly jumped away. Seeing this, Dong Wu no longer paid attention to Xiaoban and rode away on the frog.

"Damn! If I also had a watch..." Xiaoban wanted the omnitrix more than ever before. Although he didn't have a watch, Xiaoban's sense of justice still made him chase after it.


Tian Mark and Xiao Wen were choosing tomorrow's breakfast in the pet area (Xiao Wen failed to persuade them), and they heard the movement from a distance and stopped.

Dong Wu rode a frog and ran over, making a hamster and a parrot huge. The hamster found Tian Mark and Xiao Wen and approached them step by step.

Tian Mark protected Xiao Wen and kept retreating.

Xiao Ban, who came next, saw this and kept looking around for something that could save Grandpa and Xiao Wen. When Xiao Ban saw a scooter, his eyes lit up.

Just as the hamster was about to attack Tian Mark and Tian Xiao Wen, Xiao Ban threw a can of drink at the hamster. "Hey! Stupid mouse, come and chase me if you dare!" The hamster chased Tian Xiao Ban.

Tian Xiao Ban led the hamster around in the supermarket and finally used his own weight to crush the cabinet on a shelf. The cabinet fell and pressed the hamster.

"Hey! I can be a hero without a watch... Oh, it's over." Just as Xiao Ban was secretly pleased with himself, a huge frog pounced on Xiao Ban.


A thick pillar of fire stopped the frog in mid-air and the frog fell down. The charred body exuded a strong meaty aroma, and it looked like it was dead.

"Xiaoban, have you ever eaten charcoal grilled bullfrog?" A figure with a body burning with flames and made of red rocks appeared not far away. Although he had never seen it before, the symbol on his chest that flashed a faint blue light made Xiaoban recognize his identity immediately.


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