The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Seeing this, Dong Wu, who was not far away, rode a huge parrot and broke through the skylight of the supermarket and flew out. He didn't want to get too entangled with the flame man.

"I want to take back everything that belongs to me. I don't have time to play with you."

"Who is he? Also, is the pet food in this supermarket too nutritious?" Klein didn't have much impression of Dong Wu. God knows how many years he hasn't watched Ben 10.

"I don't know, where did this weirdo come from?" Xiaoban shrugged.

"Big hero! You saved our supermarket. Whatever you want, we can give you what we have here." The store owner walked over with his hands touched and said to the flame man.

"Oh, so annoying, I defeated that stupid rat, but what did I get? Zero!" Xiaoban saw that the shop owner never looked at him. With the flame man around, no one regarded this kid as a hero. Not being recognized is the biggest reason why Xiaoban is unhappy.

"No, I'm not a hero. It was this kid who defeated the big hamster and saved the old man and the child over there... You! My friend! You are the real hero!" The flame man looked at Xiaoban and said.

"Thank you! Tang... Flame Man!" Xiaoban was very moved to see that he was recognized. For him, this was comparable to the violent sumo gold card.

"Kid, what do you want?" Seeing this, the shop owner followed the flame man's wishes and asked Xiaoban.

"I want..." Xiaoban was carried away by Tian Mark before he finished speaking.

"Okay, Xiaoban, we still have to chase that big parrot." Mark explained to Xiaoban. Of course, he also didn't want Xiaoban to become the kind of person who helps others for "credit".

Seeing this, the flame man shrugged his shoulders, "Please give me that." The flame man pointed to the violent sumo gold card on the counter.


"I'm so annoyed!" Xiaoban hugged his shoulders and sat on the sofa of the old broken car in a depressed mood, "What did I get? Zero!"

"Oh, Daitou, you are asking for credit." Xiaowen looked at Xiaoban and said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiaoban, don't be unhappy, look! What is this?" Klein held the violent sumo gold card in front of Xiaoban.

"Violent sumo gold card! How did you get it?" Xiaoban said with a look of surprise, stretched out his hand to take it, but his hand stopped in mid-air, this is his cousin's.

"The store owner gave it to me, do you want it?" Klein handed the violent sumo gold card to Xiaoban.

"Thanks! Cousin!" Xiaoban was ecstatic.

"This is not good, Xiaoze, how can we ask for rewards by helping others?" Tian Mark did not approve of Klein's behavior.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, Xiaoban just defeated the hamster with all his might. It won't be a big deal to give him a small reward. Besides, I believe Xiaoban understands what you said." Klein looked indifferent. He was a funny person and he would do whatever he wanted.

"That's right! Grandpa! I understand what you said." Xiaoban immediately raised his hands to agree.

"Okay~ I can't do this next time." Tian Mark was also a little helpless.

"Look here!" Xiaowen turned the laptop to Klein and the others, "Dong Wu was a well-known biologist when he was young, but he went crazy because he didn't get the Truth Prize. Xiaoban, do you think he looks like someone?"

"It's annoying! Okay, okay, I won't do this next time." Xiaoban also felt a little unreasonable.

"So, where will Dong Wu go? Washington is so big, it's not easy to find that big parrot." Tian Mark said while driving. From the high-rise buildings that kept receding outside the car window, it can be seen that Tian Mark was also a little anxious.

"I know where he will go!" Xiaoban suddenly had an idea.

“Natural History Museum!”

Under the night, this museum without any light seemed a bit different and eerie in the brightly lit night scene.

Everyone walked in, and Dong Wu was fiddling with something inside, “Why are you all followers? I hate followers the most!”

“Dong Wu! Hurry up and surrender! Otherwise, we will beat you up and make you call me mom!” Xiaoban put his hands on his hips and asked Dong Wu to surrender.

“Look! What is this? Gene Mutator, the prototype of the second stage! Soon, modern Washington will become prehistoric Washington!” Dong Wu started the machine, and the scarlet electric light resurrected a Triceratops and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“Sorry, if I was in a good mood, I might play with you, but I’m in a hurry. It’s so late, and I have to go back to sleep.” Klein raised his left hand and controlled the isotopic super energy instrument with his right hand.

“The Godly Violence


A faint blue light flashed, and after the light disappeared, a brown dinosaur more than three meters tall, with a beige belly and hands thicker than its feet appeared.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops did not take this little thing seriously, as their bodies were at least twice as big as the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"What are you yelling about? ! Any objections? !" The Divine Power continued to grow until it was more than twenty meters tall! Now, the two dinosaurs were like little chickens in front of him. (The Natural History Museum that was blown up: This is not funny! Kids!)

"Woo woo woo..." Seeing such a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex, the two dinosaurs' instincts drove them to retreat continuously.


The Divine Power grabbed a dinosaur's head with one hand and knocked them together with a little force. The two dinosaurs fell to the ground and could not get up again.

"Listen, Big Stupid Dragon, I'm going to get back what belongs to me! Don't bother me! "Dong Wu saw that the huge divine force was a bit difficult to deal with, so he was ready to start, but he still had to say something harsh.


Dong Wu, riding on a big parrot, was hit down by a punch from the Divine Tyrannosaurus before he could fly very high.

After being hit by the Divine Tyrannosaurus, Dong Wu's small body was almost dead. But the Divine Tyrannosaurus didn't bother to care. I don't care if you die. If you don't die, then I will die! Even if someone patrolled, it was killed by the Divine Tyrannosaurus. It had nothing to do with Klein. It was just that being lectured by grandpa was annoying. (Klein was going to explain it by accident)



The police finally arrived at the scene.

"You are a cockroach! It's okay!" Klein was a little speechless when he saw that Dong Wu was still alive and kicking after being hit by the Divine Tyrannosaurus.

"No! You can't catch me! I still have to go to receive the award! My Truth Award! "The cockroach (Dong Wu) is still calling.

"Okay, kids, we have to go back to bed. We have a long way to go tomorrow. I believe you will be looking forward to tomorrow's destination." Tian Mark took the lead and returned to the old car.

Xiaoban and Klein didn't care about it. As for Xiaowen, I can only say that Xiaowen with a red face today is also very cute.

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