The story is about the past, but the present is not.

(There will be a lot of private settings in this chapter, just treat it as the butterfly effect. I would like to reiterate that this chapter is more about settings and less about plot)

Late at night, Klein quietly left the old broken car and walked alone by the lake in the suburbs where the old broken car was.

Klein suddenly stopped walking and said, "Come out."

"Your sense is still so sharp." A blue portal appeared behind Klein, and a man in a white researcher's coat walked out of it.

"You shouldn't have come." Klein was speechless. There really was someone. I don't know why I always feel that someone is peeping at me tonight, which caused me to not fall asleep all night. For this reason, he decided to let this old man not fall asleep for a while!

"But I'm here anyway." The man in the white researcher's coat smiled. Although he was still calm, he saw Klein's unhappy look and said in a faster tone, "You said it, or it was you in the future who said it. You said 'Come to me anytime if you have any problems.'"

There was no way. With his understanding of Klein, if he didn't speak quickly, he would really be tricked. If it was him, he would really be tricked.

Klein was stunned after hearing this, and then looked at the strange man in front of him, motioning him to continue.

The man in the white researcher's coat was obviously a smart man. After understanding Klein's meaning, he introduced himself, "I don't remember my name, but you can call me Dr. Contradiction."

Then Dr. Contradiction explained his purpose, "I came here to ask you for help. I might get into some trouble later, and I want you to help me solve it."

Klein was confident that he had the ability to solve all the troubles, and he was very interested in Dr. Contradiction who claimed to know the so-called "future self".

As for whether Dr. Contradiction might be lying, Klein's intuition told him that it was not! He has always believed in his intuition, at least in some things his intuition has never been wrong.

"Okay," Klein nodded slightly, "but you have to tell me why."

"Why look for you? Why do you think you can help me? Or why did you say that 'future you'?" Contradiction continued to talk to himself, "Because only you can help me, and now you are interested, you will definitely help me."

"I can travel through various timelines," Contradiction walked to Klein's side, "but what I want to do can only be done in this timeline. Although I know you in the future, only you in the present can help me." (After all, Klein in the future already knows what he is going to do and can't help him, so it's right to say that only Klein in the present can help him)

"What about Ben?" Klein shook his left hand wearing the Aonther Omnitrix, "My ability comes from it, and Ben has the same thing."

"Omnitrix? This thing is really powerful," Dr. Contradiction looked at Another Omnitrix, "But Tian Xiaoban is not you, he can't do it, no matter which Tian Xiaoban it is."

"Then," Klein raised his mouth slightly, he was really interested, "Let's go."

Dr. Contradiction opened a blue portal and walked in with Klein.


A place that is boundless, beautiful like the universe and a painting board mixed with multiple colors.

Dr. Contradiction and Klein stood on a black floor of unknown material.

"Where is this?" Klein asked Dr. Contradiction after admiring the beautiful scenery for a while.

"The Land of the Origin of the Universe." Dr. Contradiction said calmly.

"The Land of the Origin of the Universe?" Klein felt as if he had heard it somewhere, "It sounds a bit familiar."

"This is the hometown of the Outer Heaven Gods." Dr. Contradiction said shockingly.

"Outer Heaven Gods!" Klein was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a bad premonition, "You are not going to cause trouble!" Then he looked at Dr. Contradiction in disbelief.

"Nothing, just a few dozen people from the Outer Heavens, maybe there will be more?" Dr. Contradiction still did not panic at all, or he would not panic at all.

Dr. Contradiction put his right hand on Klein's shoulder, "I believe you can solve it."

"You are kidding me!" Klein slapped Dr. Contradiction's right hand away, "Outer Heavens! There are dozens of them! Are you going to fuck their princess with Gong Suinu?!" Klein, who rarely swears, couldn't help but


"Nothing", Dr. Contradiction shrugged, "I just want to get their DNA, and besides, you can easily deal with them by transforming into X-Man."

(I heard that in the original book, X-Man's genes were given by Contradiction, and Contradiction was only warned not to approach the Alien Gods within 500 light years. I don't believe that the Alien Gods really can't do anything to Contradiction. Although the warning seems to be because Contradiction and the Alien Gods have different ideas.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's unclear, so it's just used as a private setting in the novel to introduce the specialness of the protagonist.

The setting here is: knowing Klein's special Taking advantage of the controversial personality of a certain Tianwai Tianshen, Maodun used special means to extract the DNA of the Tianwai Tianshen, and then directly put the blame on the protagonist. Maodun: "This is my boss, my boss protects me, you have something to do with him", the Tianwai Tianshen couldn't do anything to the protagonist, so they had to warn Maodun and the protagonist, and then the matter was exposed.

However, the Tianwai Tianshen were not so easy to play. The reason why Klein was successfully blamed by Maodun was that in the eyes of the Tianwai Tianshen, even if it was not the future, from a certain perspective, Klein and Dr. Maodun were indeed in the same group.

As for why the Tianwai Tianshen didn't take precautions or solve the contradiction in advance, Dr. Maodun was The reason is that the setting of the Tiangai Tianshen Clan is that they can do anything they can think of. They are not omniscient and omnipotent. They can predict the future by checking the timeline, but they cannot know the future in advance without checking the timeline in advance. Moreover, it is useless to predict the time period involving themselves. With their abilities, it is difficult for them to be bound by the so-called timeline.

Note: The Tiangai Tianshen Clan in this book is strictly set up according to the setting that the faster the resolution, the stronger the strength. That is to say, "every" action of the Tiangai Tianshen Clan must be agreed by all personalities before it can be carried out, instead of being like in the anime, where a resolution with a vague scope of action can be passed. Move around randomly, because if that's the case, the difference between the Celestials is just who strikes first. After all, with their physical fitness, it's unknown how long it would take for them to fight each other. It might take hundreds of millions of years. Anyway, they won't fall down in a few hits like in the anime. In this case, it doesn't matter who strikes first. )

"Heh!" Klein sneered, "You really think highly of me, but you're right about one thing. I'm going to become X-Man and leave! And I'm going to change your style before I leave!"

Dr. Contradiction seemed not to hear, "Then I'll go first." Then he opened a portal and walked in.

"Really?" Klein was a little anxious for the first time. Although he didn't know whether Dr. Contradiction would really recruit dozens of Celestials, it was definitely the right choice to run away first. Then Klein touched the screen of Another Omnitrix with his finger, and a virtual ring popped up.

"I'll leave it to you later." A portal opened, and Contradiction half-stuck out of it, and then shrank back after he finished speaking.

"So fast!" Klein was a little dumbfounded.

Then a black portal with flashing spots opened not far away, and dozens of Tianwai Tianshen came out.

"Are they the accomplices of the Time Walker?" The leading Tianwai Tianshen spoke.

Klein gritted his teeth and slapped his watch. A faint blue light flashed and Superman X appeared.

Dozens of Tianwai Tianshen disappeared at the same time, teleportation was launched, and the battle began.

When a Tianwai Tianshen's fist was about to hit Superman X.

"X Superman, counterattack, agree, the motion is passed!"

Superman X punched the Tianwai Tianshen in front of him at a faster speed, and the space in front of his fist, which was half the size of the universe, turned into nothingness.

Superman X suppressed dozens of Tianwai Tianshen with a decision-making speed far exceeding that of other Tianwai Tianshen.

While other Tianwai Tianshen were still deciding whether to "defend", "dodge" or "attack", Superman X had already released more than a dozen skills.

It was only after the transformation that X-Men succeeded in making himself understand why.

Klein is an existence from outside the Matrix universe. He is special in himself, even if every part of him is the same as humans.

He is a unique existence that cannot be replicated. He only exists in this universe and this timeline. Except for his past, present and future selves, there will be no other parallel universe isotopes of Klein. Just like the living cells in reality will not be born in comics. (Of course, the Matrix universe is not a comic. It should be said that the Matrix universe has no ability to give birth to existence that does not belong to it)

Similarly, under the influence of Klein, the alien hero he transformed into

There will be no consciousness, because Klein is not replicable, and another consciousness born from him cannot exist at all.

And, just like people in reality can draw comics at will, but the attacks in comics cannot hit people in reality, Klein can affect the alien heroes in the watch, but the alien heroes in the watch will not affect him. (What acne, male mothers are definitely not allowed)

In addition, because Klein is special, the alien heroes he transforms into are also special, and their abilities far exceed those of his peers, including X-Man.

However, what makes X-Man far superior to his peers is that the actions of other members of the Celestial God tribe require the consent of all personalities, while X-Man is "the minority obeys the majority".

(So, Klein uses X-Man's ability like this:

Klein: "Are you angry?"

Bericas: "Angry."

Klein: "Do you want to fight?"

Bericas: "Fight!"

Just find a reason to convince one of them, and the reason why the little class's X-Man is difficult to act is because Bericas and Salina, who have completely different personalities, have different ideas)

X-Man suppresses a group of Alien Celestials who make decisions at least nine-tenths of the time.

After a while, the leading Alien Celestial called a halt, and then left with the other members, and before leaving, he also made a harsh statement: "If you or the Time Walker appear within 500 light years of the Alien Celestials, you will be hunted down by the Alien Celestials!"

X-Man didn't care, just kidding, he could still beat a group of Alien Celestials who "stood in the corner" all day.

Then X-Man teleported away from the universe's creation land.

It is worth mentioning that for a long time afterwards, Dr. Contradiction's style of painting was different from others.

(Honestly, it’s really hard to write about conflicts or the Celestial Beings, so if the author makes any unreasonable mistakes, let’s just happily blame it on X-Man.)

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