The two of them were in a mess.

A flash of red light passed by, and Kevin and Xiaoban were teleported to the place where Klein had just been.

"Hey! You bastards! What do you want to do!...Ah!"

Kevin was given a triangular sign that released electricity by the robot warrior, and so was Xiaoban. The two were also put in energy shackles, with Xiaoban tied on one side and Kevin tied on the other, connecting the two together.

Kevin wanted to resist, but the sign released electricity and stopped him.

"Take them down."

A gloomy voice sounded again from behind the red barrier in front of Kevin and Xiaoban, and a flash of red light passed by, and Kevin and Xiaoban were teleported away.

Behind the red barrier, the octopus monster attached to the shapeshifter laughed playfully.

“We have to leave here!”

Xiaoban was the first to speak to Kevin who was also teleported here.

“There is no way to leave. We have tried, and there is absolutely no way to leave.”

Before Kevin spoke, a four-eyed alien in the group of aliens sitting next to him spoke.

“It’s all your fault!”

Kevin punched Tian Xiaoban.

“Why blame me again!”

Tian Xiaoban rolled to avoid it.

“I don’t know, anyway, it’s your fault!”

After Kevin said that, he was about to take action again, and then a mechanical sound rang out.

“It’s time to eat, it’s time to eat.”

The group of aliens sat neatly on both sides, each with a white rectangular plate in front of them, and the long table spit out a bunch of feces-like purple-black objects on the plate below.

Xiaoban and Kevin also sat on the chairs, looking at the disgusting food in front of them.

“Uh~ Thank you, I’m not hungry yet.”

Seeing someone extend his hand to invite him to eat this thing, Xiaoban refused with a stiff smile.

"I advise you to finish it before Mr. Extinction comes."

The alien who invited Xiaoban was not surprised that Xiaoban didn't want to eat these things, but he still kindly reminded him.

"Mortal Extinction? Who is that?"

Xiaoban asked in confusion.

"The last champion, I advise you to be more respectful when you see him."

The alien still answered patiently.

Dong Dong Dong

Heavy footsteps sounded from the passage not far away.

A sturdy man with orange skin, spikes on his chin, and a meteor hammer on one arm walked out of the darkness.

Except for Xiaoban and Kevin, the other aliens knelt down when they saw Mr. Extinction coming.

Mr. Extinction ate all the aliens' food one by one. When it was almost Xiaoban's turn, Kevin picked up Xiaoban's plate of food with his tail and blew it on Mr. Extinction's face.

"Oh, it seems that someone is disrespectful."

Kevin said.

"It's not me!"

Xiaoban explained quickly.

Some round air holes on Miejue Langjun's body spewed white air, and it seemed that he was angry.

Miejue Langjun stretched out his hand to grab Xiaoban, but Xiaoban dodged sideways.

"You want to fight, right? Then find a guy as big as you!"

Tian Xiaoban slapped the omnitrix, a green light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord appeared.

The Four-Handed Overlord punched Miejue Langjun away.

Miejue Langjun stood up, shook his head, and rushed towards the Four-Handed Overlord again. A red light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord, Miejue Langjun, and Kevin, who was watching happily on the side, were all teleported away.


"Oh! Annoying! Here we go again!"

Just as the Four-Handed Overlord dodged Miejue Langjun's fist, he found that he was teleported to an unknown place by the strange red light again.


Cheers rose all around.

"Well, at least I know where I am."

The Four-Handed Overlord accepted his fate.


With a roar, the Four-Handed Overlord discovered that there were a group of unfamiliar beasts with spider legs in the Colosseum.

Above, the octopus monster attached to the shapeshifter was looking at the Colosseum below with joy.

The group of beasts pounced on the three Four-Handed Overlords, who kept punching and knocking the beasts away, but the beasts' attacks seemed endless and could not be finished.

In addition, in addition to facing these beasts, Xiaoban and Kevin also had to face Extinction Man.

A familiar voice sounded, a red light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord turned back into Tian Xiaoban.

"Oh! Annoying! Little broken watch! Which country are you from?"

Xiaoban was furious at Omnitrix.

It happened that Extinction Man was next to Xiaoban, and just as he was about to attack Xiaoban, the octopus monster attached to the shapeshifter sitting on the floating chair pointed at a button on the transparent interface in front of him.


The triangle sign on the chest of Extinction Man released an electric current, and Extinction Man squatted down and cried out in pain, holding his chest.

The shapeshifter said that although he wanted to have some fun, he didn't want to lose his cousin because of having fun.

Kevin wanted to take the opportunity to deal with Extinction Man, but Extinction Man quickly got up and punched Kevin, and Kevin was knocked out, along with Xiaoban.

"Oh!... Kevin, we have to cooperate."

Xiaoban touched his head and then looked at Kevin.

"Why should I cooperate with you!"

Kevin looked at Xiaoban unhappily.

"Because of those guys!"

Xiaoban pointed to the group of beasts and Extinction Man behind him.

Kevin looked at "those guys" that Xiaoban pointed to in silence for a while.

"If you dare to hold me back, I will kill you!"

Kevin stared at Xiaoban viciously.

Xiaoban didn't care and climbed directly onto Kevin's shoulders so that he would not hinder Kevin's actions.

Kevin came to deal with the attacks from all around, and Xiaoban helped to observe and remind him, but facing so many enemies, Kevin still couldn't resist.

Suddenly, Xiaoban noticed that the mucus Kevin had just mentioned was ignited after it touched the flames Kevin sprayed.

"Kevin! First spray the mucus of the Gliding King Kong at them, and then spray the flames of the Flame Man at them."

Xiaoban excitedly told Kevin his discovery.

"Why should I listen to you!"

Kevin looked at Tian Xiaoban who was "giving orders" to him with dissatisfaction.

"Believe me!"

Xiaoban looked at Kevin seriously.

Kevin was silent for a moment and chose to do it. When the beasts and Extinction Man were covered with mucus, Kevin sprayed flames straight at them.


Half of the Colosseum was blown up, and there were only a few beasts left. The rest were also lingering, and Extinction Man was also injured.


Kevin looked at his flaming arm, obviously satisfied with the power just now.

"Not only that, if the power of the Four-Handed Overlord plus the speed of the Flash Star and the Diamond War God's King Kong body equals?"

Xiaoban looked at Kevin proudly.

"Super Fierce God Punch!"

Kevin grinned, and instantly accelerated towards the rising Extermination Langjun, knocking him down with one punch.


The cheers of the audience rang out again.

"Who is the worst!"

Kevin raised his hands high, and Tian Xiaoban on his shoulders also fell down, but Kevin ignored it and enjoyed the cheers of the audience.


Kevin turned his head to look at the source of the exclamation, and found that a surviving beast had knocked Tian Xiaoban down.

Seeing this, Kevin turned around and knocked the beast that knocked Tian Xiaoban away.

" saved me."

Xiaoban looked at Kevin in disbelief.

Kevin snorted coldly and turned his head away. Xiaoban helped him after all, and he was in a good mood now, and wanted to continue to enjoy the cheers.

But disappointingly, the audience's cheers had stopped. Kevin turned and walked towards Miejue Langjun. He wanted to kill Miejue Langjun. Maybe doing so would win more cheers.

Xiaoban saw Kevin's thoughts, so he planned to stop Kevin. His grandfather's teachings did not allow him to watch someone die without helping.

Xiaoban pulled the shackles and Kevin was tripped.

Xiaoban saved Miejue Langjun, but also angered Kevin again.


Kevin got up and glared at Tian Xiaoban.

But before Kevin could do anything, a red light enveloped him, Tian Xiaoban, and Miejue Langjun.

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