The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for a long time.


Kevin and Tian Xiaoban were teleported to the room they had been to before.

"Xiaoban, did you have fun?"

A familiar low voice came from behind the red barrier.

"Why do you know me?"

Xiaoban looked at the red barrier in surprise, and even Kevin was so surprised that he forgot his hatred for Xiaoban for a moment.

The low voice did not come out again, but the red barrier slowly opened.

"...Big surprise!"

After the red barrier was opened, the octopus monster attached to the shapeshifter sitting on the floating chair was revealed.


Xiaoban looked at the octopus monster attached to the shapeshifter in surprise.

"It's you!"

Kevin was surprised.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I'll make it clear in advance that I didn't catch you up here. I came up here with you, but I just controlled this guy."

The shapeshifter broke away from the octopus monster, and the octopus monster that got rid of the shapeshifter's attachment was scrapped after a few moves, or it was attached because it was about to be scrapped.

"I have set up the escape pod and interstellar jump function in advance. When we go back, this spaceship will set off and leave here." (It is worth mentioning that when setting up the shapeshifter, it was chosen wherever was remote, and it was far away from the earth)

The shapeshifter walked out the door, and Xiaoban and Kevin followed.

Kevin also felt very strange. He was obviously hostile to them, but he followed behind unconsciously. (In fact, it was because he wanted to go back to Earth, and he didn't dare to take action, so he had to follow obediently first)

"Cousin, there are also those who were captured. We have to save them."

Tian Xiaoban remembered the alien who was very friendly to him before.

"Don't worry, I have set up all the escape pods. Just let them get on the escape pods and set their own destinations."

The shapeshifter waved his hand, and then a faint blue light flashed, and the shapeshifter turned back into Klein.


Entrance to the escape pod

Xiaoban commanded the captured aliens to enter the escape pods and return to their hometowns.

Most of the captured aliens left, except...

"My life belongs to you, master."

Murderous Man knelt on one knee to Xiaoban.

"Why do you say that?"

Xiaoban was confused by the behavior of Murderous Man.

"You saved my life, you are my master."

Murderous Man said seriously.

"I don't need your life, I will give it back to you, and you should go home quickly!"

Xiaoban didn't like Murderous Man's recognition of the master, he treated everyone equally.

But Murderous Man still knelt on one knee to Xiaoban in silence.

Klein, who was standing by, didn't know much about the friendship between the two, but he knew the time he had set for the interstellar jump. If he didn't hurry up, he and the others would be thrown into an unknown corner of the universe.

Klein went straight up and grabbed Xiaoban's left hand, and brought the omnitrix in Xiaoban's left hand close to the Extinction Lord.

The light of the omnitrix changed from green to yellow, and soon turned back to green.

"Okay, Xiaoban has received the reward for saving your life, you can go back."

Klein urged the Extinction Lord impatiently.

Seeing that Xiaoban's ecstatic expression when looking at the omnitrix did not seem fake, the Extinction Lord turned back ten steps and got on the escape pod.

"Okay, let's go too."

Klein took the first step to the remaining empty escape pod, followed by Xiaoban and Kevin.

The escape pod was launched, targeting the earth.

In the escape pod, Klein and Xiaoban sat on one side, and Kevin sat on the other side.

Klein was playing Another Omnitrix out of boredom. Kevin was embarrassed and didn't make any sound. He just pretended to be busy looking at the floor.

As for Xiaoban, he was not as embarrassed as Kevin because of Klein's presence, but he was not much better.


After a short period of time that seemed like a year (for Kevin), the escape pod landed on the ground.

The hatch opened and Kevin ran out first.

"Tian Xiaoban! I will come to see you again!"

Kevin left, although he was a little embarrassed, but he still didn't forget to say something harsh before leaving.

Klein and Xiaoban looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

"By the way... where are Xiaowen and Grandpa?"

Xiaoban looked at the empty grass around him and felt a little confused.

"They should have found a way to save us. After all, we are the ones who are in trouble.

They were captured in front of them."

Klein guessed it.

"Okay, let the Flash Star find them out."

Ben was about to transform into the Flash Star, but was hit on the head by Klein.

Ben saw Klein shaking the phone in his hand and suddenly realized it.


At the same time

A large spaceship in the universe exploded, but a small spaceship flew out.

Soon after, the small spaceship landed on a space station.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and an alien with a metal body and a head like the extinct man walked into the space station.

The alien came to a circular control panel and put the transparent cylindrical container with purple crystals in his hand aside.

The alien operated it a few times, and a projection appeared in the middle of the control panel.

"The X element is already in hand, and we just need to find the Baisinian alloy...Where do we want to go? The Milky Way's Lese Field, Earth."

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