The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

It was still a sunny morning.

Outside a large art gallery, Xiaoban sat on a large artwork that looked like a foot and looked at the newly bought comics.

Klein accompanied Xiaowen to appreciate the artworks in the art gallery. Grandpa was also in the art gallery, but Grandpa and the two were acting separately.

"Oh, today is so boring."

Xiaoban closed the comics and looked at the sky boredly, then jumped off the large artwork, took out chocolate from his pocket, and ate while walking idly.


The sound of a spaceship landing sounded, and Xiaoban found a small spaceship landing on the street in the distance.

"It seems that today is not as boring as I imagined."

Xiaoban ran towards the landing spaceship.

After Xiaoban arrived, the hatch of the spaceship just opened, and the crab monster and an alien strong man who was covered in metal armor and looked like Miejue Langjun walked down.

Xiaoban looked at the crab monster in surprise.

But before Xiaoban could recover, the alien strong man spoke, "Earthling! Hand over the Baisinian alloy to me!"

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him, because no one at the scene had ever heard of Baisinian alloy.

Seeing that no one responded, the alien strong man called the crab monster and started to fight directly.

After Klein and others came out, they found that Xiaoban had disappeared again.

"Where is Xiaoban?"

Tian Mark looked around in confusion.

"I think it should be there."

Klein pointed to the black smoke that filled a large area of ​​the sky in the distance.

The streets were full of ruins, smashed cars were scattered all over the road, and several fire hydrants burst out water. There were screams of fear everywhere.

After Xiaoban found a place to transform into the Four-Handed Overlord, he planned to save people first and then deal with those weirdos.

The Four-Handed Overlord rescued the people in the overturned car.

At this time, a red laser shot at the Four-Handed Overlord, who had been prepared and dodged sideways.

The crab monster, who should have been frozen into an ice sculpture by Klein and was expected to be frozen to death, appeared in front of the Four-Handed Overlord.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be frozen into an ice sculpture by your cousin?"

Although the Four-Handed Overlord was puzzled, he didn't intend to listen to the crab monster's answer.

Originally, the crab monster planned to run away when he saw that the sneak attack failed, but he turned back after hearing the words of the Four-Handed Overlord. It turned out to be the kid who turned into the Diamond God of War and was beaten by Diamond King Kong.

As soon as the crab monster turned around, he saw the red fist that was constantly enlarging in front of him.


The crab monster was smashed and crashed into a building, causing the building to collapse into ruins.

The Four-Handed Overlord looked at the ruins where the Crab Monster was buried with pride. He had already learned some of the essence of Klein's fighting style.

Even the words he said just now, which seemed to be shocked by the appearance of the Crab Monster, were just used to attract the attention of the Crab Monster.

"Damn kid."

The Crab Monster crawled out of the ruins, and its four mechanical legs swung quickly, rushing towards the Four-Handed Overlord.

The Crab Monster clamped the Four-Handed Overlord's neck with its big claws. The Four-Handed Overlord grabbed both sides of the claws with both hands and tried to pry it apart. At the same time, the Four-Handed Overlord's other two hands continued to attack the Crab Monster's body.

The Crab Monster had been frozen for so long that its strength was no longer comparable to that of the constantly improving Xiaoban. Its claws were also caught, making it impossible to escape. For a while, it was hammered and screamed continuously.

A red laser shot out from the middle of the Crab Monster's claws that were about to be pried apart. The Four-Handed Overlord, who did not react, was hit in the face by the laser. He cried out in pain and subconsciously let go of his hands.

The crab monster quickly retreated, and the four-handed tyrant rushed towards the crab monster again, but was knocked away by the alien who suddenly appeared.

The alien who suddenly appeared was mostly made of metal, and his head looked like Extinction Langjun. His name was Mokana.

"I didn't expect that the frozen demon was not there, and this kid was so difficult to deal with."

The crab monster walked to Mokana.

"Hey! Are you looking for me?"

A blue-black afterimage appeared next to the four-handed tyrant who got up.

"It's you!"

The crab monster exclaimed and tried to run away.

"I didn't save you to let you run away! And if you run away, don't even think about getting a penny from me!"

Mokana shouted at the crab monster who had just run a short distance.

Hearing this, the crab monster stopped, hesitated for a moment, and rushed towards the four-handed tyrant. He planned to choose his opponent first.

Seeing the four-handed tyrant and the crab monster fighting each other, hurry up

Flash Star also patted Another Omnitrix on his chest.


A faint blue light flashed, and a body was yellow and black, without a neck. The shoulders on both sides looked like clamps, the metal head was suspended in the middle, and the two palms looked like crab claws.

Polaris raised one hand and magnetized Mokana's metal armor with his ability.

Mokana, who was running towards Polaris, found that it was becoming more and more difficult to move until he could not move.

Polaris raised his hand up, and Mokana was also controlled by the magnetism and suspended in the air.

Mokana kept struggling, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the shackles of the magnetism.

Bang Bang Bang

Polaris controlled Mokana to keep hitting the floor.

"Hurry... Save... Me...!"

Mokana asked the crab monster for help with difficulty.

The crab monster, who was hit by the four-handed overlord, heard Mokana's voice and subconsciously looked over there. The crab monster was so scared that he turned around and ran away.

The four-handed tyrant was not going to let the crab monster go, but just as the four-handed tyrant was about to speed up and catch up with the crab monster, the crab monster also floated up.

The four-handed tyrant looked back and found that Polaris's other hand was also raised, towards the crab monster.

Bang bang bang

The crab monster and Mokana were controlled to smash the ground together.

But the crab monster and Mokana had been in the universe for many years. After they found that they could not resist at all, they struggled a few times and began to play dead.

Not long after the crab monster and Mokana pretended to be dead, the old broken car arrived.

Tian Mark and Xiao Wen hurriedly got out of the car, but before they could speak, three blue lights flew down from the sky.

After the blue light dissipated, three aliens in special uniforms appeared.

One had dark gray skin, a strong body, black eye circles and white eyeballs, and wore a yellow and white uniform like Superman's clothes.

One is shaped like an octopus, with a transparent head and a visible brain. It has an expression like an electronic creature, and it is clearly wearing a yellow and white uniform that fits tightly to its tentacles.

There is also a female Taizoman wearing a yellow and white uniform that looks like an ancient Roman kilt. Her strong body is not inferior to that of the Four-Handed Overlord.

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