The big gun was in the middle of a huge gun.

Mokana, who was holding up a large machine, was startled by the people who appeared in front of him, especially the Clock King with a faint blue light on his chest.

He didn't know the Clock King, but the color still made him react urgently. He still knew the color of Klein's Another Omnitrix.

As soon as Mokana recognized that it was the Clock King that Klein had transformed into by the color, he threw the large machine in his hand at the crowd, picked up a box of iron ore without hesitation and turned around and ran.

The crab monster didn't see who was in the crowd, but when he saw Mokana running, he hurried to catch up. No matter what Mokana saw, it was definitely right to run first.


Ultimate Superman and Tenny together knocked away the large equipment that hit them.

A faint blue light flashed, and Klein, who had turned back, shrugged as he looked at Mokana and the crab monster who were running faster than each other.

"What do you mean?"


Everyone immediately decided to chase after them, and they must not let Mokana and the crab monster make a strong bomb.

"Are you finally going to become a Taizoman?"

Seeing Xiaoban fiddling with the omnitrix, Tenny became excited.

"No! I want to become a flash star and chase after them."

Xiaoban said and was about to raise his hand to slap it.

"Flash your head! Do you have the heart to disappoint a girl?"

Klein grabbed Xiaoban's arm, pulled Xiaoban's left hand with a smirk, twisted the omnitrix a few times, and then pressed it down.

A green light flashed, and the Four-Handed Overlord appeared.

When Tenny saw the Four-Handed Overlord appear again, she excitedly rushed over.

"Cousin, you..."

Xiaoban pushed Tenny away and looked at Klein, his face full of disbelief.

"Don't thank me, this is what I should do as your cousin."

Klein raised his hand to stop the Four-Handed Overlord from continuing.

Then Klein slapped Another Omnitrix.

"Flash Explosion Beetle!"

A faint blue light flashed, and a bug that was mostly yellow and brown, had four legs, and had a long horn like a rhinoceros beetle, and looked less than half a meter tall appeared.

The Flash Explosion Beetle opened its brown mouthparts and spit out a green plasma ball, then jumped up, rolled the plasma ball with its four legs, and chased after Mokana and the Crab Monster.

Xiao Wen turned into an Anno star and flew up to catch up. The Four-Handed Overlord grabbed Tian Mark, put him on his shoulder, and then followed.

"Galaxy Volunteers! Attack!"

The three members of the Galaxy Volunteers first made a move that others found embarrassing but they were not embarrassed before they followed.

Mokhana was carrying a box of iron ore, and while running, he suddenly looked back and said, “Fuck!”

The Flash Beetle followed them all the way, and the plasma ball under his feet was two meters high.

Seeing this, Mokhana accelerated again.

Seeing Mokhana speed up, the Crab Monster looked back curiously, and saw several people who looked difficult to deal with chasing them, and he also recognized the Omnitrix logo of the Four-Handed Overlord and the Another Omnitrix logo of the Flash Beetle.

Sparks were almost coming out of the Crab Monster’s four legs. Even if I can’t outrun them, I must outrun you, Mokhana.

Mokhana ran while dodging the laser eyes used by the Ultimate Superman behind him.

Then he lifted the abandoned machine next to him and threw it behind him.

The Four-Handed Overlord smashed the abandoned machine that hit them with a punch, and then the fragments of the machine were absorbed by the plasma ball under the Flash Beetle’s feet, and the plasma ball became even bigger.

At this time, everyone had already chased Mokana and the crab monster out of the mine.

Mokana broke a boulder next to him, and the fragments of the boulder blocked the people behind him, but it was still useless. The fragments of the boulder were also absorbed by the plasma ball under the feet of the flash beetle, and the plasma ball became bigger again.

Mokana had no choice but to concentrate on running, and secretly distanced himself from the crab monster.

"They are still chasing me!"

The crab monster began to give up on himself, and then seemed to think of something, suddenly looking at Mokana's legs, slowly opening its big claws, and began to laugh strangely.

Mokana suddenly shivered, cold sweat began to flow, and looking back, he found that the crab monster was staring at his feet.

"What are you going to do! No! If you do this, you won't get a penny from me!"

Mokana tried to use money to make the crab monster, a bounty hunter, regain his sanity.

The crab monster hesitated for a moment, and finally got off

With determination, the big claws opened, and a red laser shot out, successfully hitting Mokana's leg.

Mokana fell down, and at the moment he fell down, he felt as if time had stopped. Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end only one remained, "Crab monster, you fucking!"

Before Mokana fell down, his eyes were still fixed on the laughing crab monster.

The flash beetle rolled the plasma ball around the fallen Mokana, and chased the crab monster who continued to escape, and Xiaowen and Shennaotong followed closely behind.

The crab monster just put his mind at ease, and looked back, the plasma ball under the feet of the flash beetle was bigger than the house, "Fuck!" The crab monster subconsciously burst out a swear word about a planet that did not belong to him.

The crab monster really didn't expect that he would be chased even after sacrificing his boss. (Mokana saved the crab monster and agreed to hire him for money. After all, the crab monster is a bounty hunter, so it is not wrong to say that he is the boss.)

But it is too late for the crab monster to regret now (regret is that he should not be greedy for that little money), now he can only continue to run.

On the other side, Mokana has been caught up by the Ultimate Superman, "Mokana, I will now order you to surrender according to the public power granted to me by the Galaxy Volunteer Code! Are you willing?"

Mokana is still struggling and said nothing.

The Four-Handed Overlord stepped forward and knocked Mokana unconscious with a punch, "Are you willing? Why ask him these things? We should just do it to prevent him from using any dirty tricks again."

The Ultimate Superman fell silent after hearing this, and I don't know what he was thinking, but soon as if he had unlocked something strange, the corners of his mouth curled higher and higher, and he looked excited.

Taini put her arm around the Four-Handed Overlord's neck, "Hey! I've wanted to do this for a long time! We are really a good match!"

The Four-Handed Overlord begged for mercy. Tian Mark, who had already suffered from the sequelae of adopting Klein, had already been affected by Klein. No matter what the melon was, he would eat it first.

Seeing that his grandfather didn't save him, Xiao Wen and his cousin were not there either. Although his cousin would probably eat the melon with his grandfather even if he was there, Xiao Wen would probably do the same. Thinking of this, the Four-Handed Overlord burst into tears.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Taini looked at the Four-Handed Overlord with concern.

"Nothing, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my heart suddenly." The Four-Handed Overlord shook his head.

The Ultimate Superman next to him kept hitting Mokana's head with his fists, shouting, "Say it or not! Say it or not!"

Mokana had been knocked unconscious by the Four-Handed Overlord, but this time he was awakened by the Ultimate Superman. He wanted to say something, but the Ultimate Superman kept beating him and made it difficult for him to speak.

" didn't ask!"

Finally, Mokana seized the opportunity to say this.

When Ultimate Superman heard this, he scratched his head awkwardly, "Uh~ Because I was too excited, I accidentally forgot (whispering), ahem, Mokana, where did you put the X element!"

"In my spaceship, it's..."

Mokana hurriedly told the details of the X element, fearing that he would be beaten again if he was a second late.

After hearing this, Ultimate Superman planned to wait for the Flash Beetle and others to catch the crab monster before making a decision together.

Being idle, Ultimate Superman and Four-Handed Tyrant began to chat, "Xiaoban, don't say it, it's really great not to act according to the Galaxy Volunteer Code! No plan, no boredom, no..."


A green mushroom cloud rose from the distance, and Four-Handed Tyrant and others were stunned when they saw it.

"Uh~ I think they should have caught the crab monster, right?"

Ultimate Superman said uncertainly.

After a while, Flashstar appeared with Xiaowen in his arms and Shennaotong on his tail.

"Alas! I didn't help at all." Shennaotong said disappointedly.

"It's okay, you'll get used to it."

Tian Mark saw this and stood up and came to Shennaotong to comfort him.

When the Ultimate Superman saw that Flashstar didn't bring the crab monster back, he knew that the crab monster probably wouldn't come back, but he didn't say anything.

"Okay, what do we do with him?"

A faint blue light flashed, and Flashstar turned back into Klein and asked.

"Well... we will escort him to the exclusive prison of the Galaxy Volunteers." Ultimate Superman said.

Klein shrugged indifferently.


The three members of the Galaxy Volunteers helped Klein and others back to the old broken car.

When they parted, Ultimate Superman suddenly said, "I want to extend your appointment time and formally invite you to join the Galaxy Volunteers. Are you willing?"

Klein and others looked at each other, "No, we are already the best partners."

Klein and others wanted to return the Galaxy Volunteers badge given to them by Ultimate Superman, but Ultimate Superman refused, "Keep it, maybe one day

It will be useful."

Klein and others no longer refused.

However, before leaving, Tenny also found Xiaoban, who looked at Klein with a look of help, and Klein understood immediately.

Klein replied with a "don't worry" expression, and just when Xiaoban was about to let go, Klein spoke, "Xiaoban and the others want some private space, let's go first."

Xiaoban was almost desperate when he heard this, but he still didn't give up, and looked at Xiaowen with a look of help, but unfortunately Xiaowen's eyes were full of Klein and didn't look at him at all.

Then Xiaoban looked at Tian Mark with a look of help, but Tian Mark replied with an expression of "You are more powerful than your grandfather" and left.


In the end, the Galaxy Volunteers still left. At that time, it was unknown what Xiaoban said to Tenny to make her leave.

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