The old plumber can't retire yet."

Seeing the Eternal Warrior chasing him, Mark Tian opened the hidden buttons of the old car and pressed one of them to start the automatic driving mode.

Mark Tian then went into the bathroom, and when he came out again, he was wearing the same uniform as Phil had worn before.

"This is what I left behind, thinking that maybe one day it would be useful."

Mark Tian saw the curious expressions of his grandchildren, so he started to explain.


The extended Lincoln hit the old car, Mark Tian staggered, and then Klein and others found that the extended Lincoln had driven to a position parallel to the old car.

The sunroof of the extended Lincoln opened, and two Eternal Warriors came out of the sunroof and jumped onto the old broken car.

The two Eternal Warriors used energy swords to cut a hole in the top of the old broken car, and then jumped down.

After the two Eternal Warriors jumped down, Tian Mark rushed over, knocked down one of the Eternal Warriors, snatched the energy sword from his hand, and then started fencing with the other Eternal Warrior.

"That... Grandpa..."

At this time, Klein's voice sounded.

Tian Mark frowned, "Don't make noise!"

Then the Eternal Warrior who was fencing with Tian Mark and the other Eternal Warrior who had just climbed up were thrown out by Xiao Wen with Tian Energy.

Tian Mark was stunned, and when he turned around, he saw Klein's helpless expression, "I wanted to say that we can do it." Klein didn't know why Tian Mark suddenly got so excited, and he rushed up without saying a word.

Xiaoban and Xiao Wen looked at Tian Mark with dissatisfaction, and they didn't know why Tian Mark behaved so abnormally.

But Tian Mark still didn't say anything, just returned to the driver's seat with a serious expression.

Tian Mark accelerated the old car and gradually left the extended Lincoln behind.

In the extended Lincoln, Imok looked at the instrument in his hand that showed a flashing red dot, and said gloomily, "The Ekquwa Sword is mine."

In fact, when Tian Mark pounced on the first Eternal Warrior, the Eternal Warrior took the opportunity to fight with Tian Mark and attached the micro tracker to Tian Mark.

But at that time, Klein and the other two were all paying attention to Tian Mark who suddenly pounced, and Tian Mark who was fighting would not feel the tracker installed on his body.

Imok took out his mobile phone: "Drive the helicopter over."


Somewhere in the sky above the tropical rainforest, the gliding King Kong carried Tian Mark on his back, and the Ice Ghost held Xiao Wen.

They used the virtual projection projected by the Apuche God and Demon Mask to find the Mayan temple where the Ekquwa Sword was hidden.

"Xiaoban, can you be faster?"

Tian Mark urged the gliding King Kong.

"Grandpa, this is the fastest speed."

Glider King Kong answered breathlessly. To be honest, after flying such a long distance with Tian Mark on his back, he felt that his wings did not belong to him anymore.

The Ice Ghost next to him felt that if Tian Mark was given a whip, he might whip Glider King Kong twice to speed up.

"This is really too weird."

The Ice Ghost said in a low voice. He suspected that Grandpa was possessed by a ghost or something, but it didn't look like it.

Xiao Wen nodded in agreement.

"Xiaoban, hold on for a while, I have seen the destination."

The Ice Ghost used the "white lie" skill on Glider King Kong, otherwise he was really worried that Glider King Kong and Tian Mark would fall down halfway.


"Finally... finally... finally here."

Glider King Kong lay in front of the Mayan Temple, tired like a dog, but Tian Mark went to find the entrance to the Mayan Temple as soon as he got off.

A red light flashed, and the Gliding King Kong turned back into Xiaoban. The Ice Ghost stepped forward to help Xiaoban up.

"Thank you."

Xiaoban stood up.

Tian Mark was still observing around the Mayan Temple.

The Ice Ghost looked at the Mayan Temple with interest, and then his body began to become transparent, and he walked directly through the wall into the temple.

Xiaoban followed Tian Mark, so only Xiao Wen found that the Ice Ghost had entered, "Cousin?"

At this time, Xiaoban suddenly seemed to think of something, and stepped forward to take the Apuch God and Demon Mask from Tian Mark's belt.

Xiaoban put it on his face and observed the temple through the green glass at the eyes of the mask, "Since this thing brought us here, there must be a way for us to get in."

Facts have proved that Xiaoban is right. Through the Apuch God and Demon Mask, Xiaoban successfully found

Arrived at the mechanism to open the temple gate.


The gate slowly opened.


After the gate opened, Xiaoban was surprised to see the Ice Ghost standing inside.

"I can go through walls."

A faint blue light flashed, and the Ice Ghost turned back into Klein, and then began to explain.

"Okay, hurry up and follow."

Tian Mark said and walked in first.

Klein and the other two looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and then followed.

Tian Mark reminded as he walked, "The most creepy thing about the ancient Mayan architecture is..."


Xiaoban's feet began to sink, and Tian Mark hurriedly pulled them.

After Xiaoban was pulled up, Tian Mark took the Apuche God and Demon Mask from Xiaoban's hand, "Huh~ Fortunately, the mask didn't fall off."

Klein looked at Tian Mark in surprise, and then turned to look at Xiaoban, could it be that you also picked it up?

Then Klein grabbed Tian Mark, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you? You've become a different person since you received the message from this broken mask."

Xiaoban and Xiaowen nodded, and looked at Tian Mark with dissatisfaction.

Tian Mark frowned, "I don't have time to explain this to you now. The most important thing now is..." Tian Mark patted Klein's shoulder.

"I don't care what's the most important thing!" Klein shook off Tian Mark's hand, "I just know that if you don't give me an explanation, I will blow up this broken temple!"

Tian Mark couldn't believe his ears. It was like the first time he met Klein, and the first time he saw Klein so serious. This also made him begin to reflect on his recent abnormal behavior.

"Sorry, I... I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe the mask is too important, maybe I'm too nervous, but I promise, I won't do this again." Tian Mark looked at his grandchildren sincerely.

"Grandpa, welcome back." Xiaoban happily rushed over and hugged Tian Mark.

Xiao Wen was also deeply touched by the scene in front of him and hugged Klein next to him.

“Well then,” Klein raised the corner of his mouth slightly, “let’s go get the sword that has kept us running for so long.”

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