After cleaning up the mechanical squids around, Big Steel Teeth (Klein) waved to Edwin in the glass, signaling him to follow.

Then Big Steel Teeth (Klein) turned and swam towards the resort, and Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) did the same.

"What should we do? Should we follow them?"

Edwin turned his head and looked at Xiaowen.

Xiaowen nodded, "They saved us!"

Edwin drove the Deep Sea God Boom to follow.

With the protection of the two Big Steel Teeth, the Deep Sea God Boom returned to the underwater resort smoothly.

But the situation at the underwater resort seemed not good. The glass of the resort was crawling with mechanical squids, which kept hitting the glass with their hard mouthparts. The glass was full of cracks and some places began to leak.

The staff kept evacuating, but Tian Mark and Donovan were still waiting for Klein and his friends.

As soon as they entered the resort, Klein and his friends began to look for Tian Mark and Donovan.

"Where did you go just now? Why did you suddenly appear again now?"

Edwin turned his head and asked Klein while running.

"Don't bother yourself with the plumber's business."

Klein refused to answer.

Not long after, Klein and his friends found Tian Mark and Donovan.

Donovan looked at Edwin worriedly, "Where did you go?"

Tian Mark interrupted Donovan, "Let's not talk about this for now, we have to leave here quickly."

Everyone ran to the evacuation device, which looked like a coffee cup, sat on the device, and the device began to rise.

Seeing that his old friend seemed to be in a bad mood, Tian Mark said, "Donovan, although there is a problem here, we are all fine. Everything is normal, isn't it?"

"Grandpa." Xiaoban pulled Tian Mark's sleeve.

"Wait a minute, can't you see I'm busy?" Tian Mark continued to comfort Donovan.

"Grandpa!" Xiaoban pulled Tian Mark's sleeve again.

Tian Mark finally turned his head and saw Xiaoban pointing at the glass not far away, "Is that normal too?!"

(They haven't risen to the height to leave the resort.)

A huge mechanical giant squid climbed up the glass of the resort at some point. You can tell how dangerous this guy is by looking at its tentacles that are tens of meters long. The glass of the resort is as thin as paper to it.

The mechanical giant squid hit the glass with its huge and hard mouthparts, and the glass shattered instantly.

The seawater rushed in, and the surging seawater pushed the device carrying everyone up.

But in addition to the seawater, there was also a huge mechanical tentacle.

The device continued to rise, but the tentacles were chasing after it.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to catch the device, Klein unfastened the device's "seat belt" and jumped down, stepping on the tentacles with his feet to make them pause for a moment.


Xiaoban and Xiaowen shouted out in worry.

Xiaoban also unfastened the "seat belt" and jumped down. Xiaowen was about to follow him down when he was stopped by Tian Mark.

It was not that Tian Mark did not want to stop his grandchildren, but they jumped down before Tian Mark reacted, and he happened to stop Xiaowen.

"Mark!" Donald said it was time for me to comfort you.

Tian Mark just shook his head, "I believe that children will have the magical power to survive the disaster."

Donald was confused, Tian Mark, you thick-browed and big-eyed man, your grandson is about to die, but you are so calm, I really misjudged you!

Klein and Xiaoban have been submerged by the sea water, Tian Mark and the others only saw a faint blue light and a green light in the sea water and nothing else.

The device continued to rise.


The two big steel teeth swam towards the source of the tentacles while dodging the attack of the tentacles.

They planned to get rid of this mechanical giant squid here.

However, in addition to the tentacles of the mechanical giant squid, there was another trouble…

“Cousin! They are coming again!”

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) found that the countless mechanical squids were swimming towards them again.

“Don’t worry about them, deal with this big guy first.”

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) tore the mechanical squid next to him with one claw, and then swam towards the mechanical giant squid at an accelerated speed.

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) punched through a mechanical squid and followed.

After swimming for about a few dozen meters, the two big steel teeth finally caught up with the mechanical giant squid that kept swimming forward for some reason.

The mechanical giant squid looks similar to the mechanical squid, both with long glass heads that glow blue.

The two big steel teeth were each in the glass of the mechanical giant squid.

It found a place on the head and took a bite.

"It's so hard!"

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) was hit on the teeth, and there were only a few cracks on the bite.

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) did bite a hole, and some blue sticky slurry flowed out of the hole.

Looking at this unknown thing, Big Steel Teeth (Klein) found it a little difficult to bite again.

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) didn't take any action yet, but the mechanical giant squid went crazy first.

The mechanical giant squid, which was in pain (I don't know if this thing has pain), grabbed most of its tentacles towards the two big steel teeth.

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) quickly moved away from the head of the mechanical giant squid to avoid it, and attacked the tentacles of the mechanical giant squid while dodging.

"Huh?... Damn it!" Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban), who was touching his aching teeth, looked up and saw several thick tentacles attacking him.

Although he dodged several tentacles, he did not react in time and was still blown away by one tentacle.

After being blown away for a long distance, Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) shook his head and continued to swim towards the Mechanical King Squid.

As long as you focus a little, the attack of the Mechanical King Squid is not difficult to dodge. After all, it only has the tentacle as a means of attack, and it does not seem to be very intelligent (not very smart). It can be said that it has high attack and high defense, but all its attacks are misses.

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) dodged the attack of the Mechanical King Squid while constantly biting the head and tentacles of the Mechanical King Squid. Although it took two or three bites to bite it open, it still made it flow out a lot of blue thick slurry and engine oil (probably, it came out of the tentacles).

Coupled with the continuous attack of Big Steel Teeth (Klein), the blue thick slurry in the head of the Mechanical King Squid flowed out more than half, and several tentacles were broken.

Perhaps knowing that it could not defeat the enemy, the mechanical king squid turned and ran away, but strangely, its escape direction was a dead end.

The two big steel teeth did not intend to let it go, and continued to chase it.

The mechanical king squid continued to swim deeper in the seawater resort, smashing many buildings during the period, and swam very fast, and the attacks of the two big steel teeth did not slow it down.

Until the mechanical king squid lay on a building, stretched out its tentacles to make a big hole in the building, and then stretched its tentacles into it, grabbed a device and pulled it up, and the wires connected under the device broke.

This device was the device that Tian Mark suspected before, and Donovan perfunctorily installed it. The real energy core of the underwater resort was installed inside.

The big steel teeth (Klein) who followed up looked at the purple light coming out of the small glass on the device, and finally knew what the mechanical king squid wanted to do.

"Xiaoban! Stop it!"

The big steel teeth (Klein) greeted and went up first.

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) looked at the device that was getting closer and closer to the Mechanical King Squid and felt something was wrong.

The Mechanical King Squid used all its tentacles except the one that grabbed the device to block the two big steel teeth.

The two big steel teeth did not intend to waste time attacking, but kept dodging and approaching the device.

The Mechanical King Squid could not stop the two big steel teeth at all.

Not long after, Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) bit off the tentacles that grabbed the device, and Big Steel Teeth (Klein) snatched the device.

"You are out of luck!"

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) looked at the Mechanical King Squid with pride.

"Wait... something is wrong."

Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) looked back when he heard his cousin's voice.

I saw Big Steel Teeth (Klein) holding the device and looking at it carefully, and found that the device was a little different. The glass of the device no longer emitted purple light, and there was a big hole in the device. Looking through the hole, it was empty.

The two big steel teeth quickly turned their heads to look at the mechanical giant squid, only to see that one of its tentacles grabbed a purple-glowing sphere and put it into its mouthparts.

(It seems that the mechanical giant squid is quite intelligent/smart)

After the mechanical giant squid ate the sphere, the blue thick liquid in its head was constantly infected with purple, and the broken tentacles and broken glass head began to repair, and continued to grow longer and bigger.

This change continued until it was fully recovered and grew several times larger, and just one tentacle was hundreds of meters long.

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