The enemy was in great danger, but Klein remained calm.

The mechanical king squid didn't care what its opponent was thinking. It was almost dismantled just now, and it just wanted to dismantle the two strange fish.

Seeing the thicker tentacles coming, Big Steel Teeth (Xiaoban) immediately planned to go forward to fight again, regardless of whether he could win or not, he would fight first!

Unfortunately, just as he dodged the tentacles, the familiar voice sounded again, and the Omnitrix logo began to light up red.

(It seems that when there is danger, the transformation time of Omnitrix will be extended, but in the anime, sometimes even when the danger is right in front of him, Omnitrix still lets Ben transform back, so here we assume that his time has been extended, but he is afraid that Ben's genes will be contaminated, so he still has to transform back.)

"Little broken watch! Which country are you from!"

Big Steel Teeth (Ben) is about to be driven crazy by the confusing operation of this stupid watch.

"Ben, you leave first."

The voice of Big Steel Teeth (Klein) came.

"What about you, cousin? Why don't you come with me, and we will find a way to deal with this guy later."

"No, I want to deal with this guy."

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) shook his head.

(Ben thought Klein wanted to sacrifice himself for the greater good, but in fact Klein just felt that he was deceived and stole a useless device. He was angry that he was fooled by a squid, so he wanted to kill it.)

Big Steel Teeth (Ben) was moved by Big Steel Teeth (Klein)'s bravery.

Big Steel Teeth (Ben) shouted, "Cousin! You don't have to face an opponent you can't win at all!"

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) suddenly didn't understand what his cousin said. He didn't know what his cousin was thinking, "What can't win? I don't understand!"

Big Steel Teeth (Ben) wiped a tear (I don't know if Big Steel Teeth has tears), turned around and swam to the sea surface. He knew that the transformation time was about to pass, and staying would only cause trouble.

Big Steel Teeth (Klein) felt a little confused by his cousin's suspicious behavior, and then shrugged indifferently, turned around and looked at the enhanced version of the mechanical king squid.

Klein slapped the Another Omnitrix logo on his chest.

"Super Giant!"

A faint blue light flashed, and a super giant over fifty meters tall appeared.

(I remember that the super giant seemed to be able to survive in space, which means that it should not need oxygen, so it should be able to move in the sea.)

Even though the super giant was already huge, it was still much smaller than the mechanical giant squid, whose tentacle was hundreds of meters long.

One of the tentacle of the mechanical giant squid attacked the super giant.

The super giant grabbed the tentacle of the mechanical giant squid with his left hand and chopped it hard with his right hand.

The tentacle of the mechanical giant squid was cut off, and the black engine oil leaked again.

The super giant stood on the ruins of the underwater resort center and charged at the mechanical giant squid. Before the tentacle of the mechanical giant squid came over, the super giant came forward and grabbed it.

For some reason, from the moment the Super Giant chopped off the first tentacle, he had the idea of ​​chopping off all the tentacles of the Mechanical Giant Squid, and this idea was very strong!

The Super Giant grabbed a tentacle with each hand, pulled it hard, and directly tore it off.

The other tentacles of the Mechanical Giant Squid also entangled the limbs of the Super Giant, using the tentacles to pull itself closer to the Super Giant, and then used its hard mouthparts to hit and bite the Super Giant.

Unfortunately, the skin was not broken.

The tentacles of the Mechanical Giant Squid were all entangled with the Super Giant, so the actions of the Super Giant would also take the Mechanical Giant Squid with it.

In addition, the Mechanical Giant Squid did not touch the ground, there was no relay point, and the length of the tentacles exceeded the distance that the Super Giant's limbs could stretch, so it made it difficult for the Super Giant to exert force on the Mechanical Giant Squid.

(Just like a piece of clay stuck to the back of the hand, because the clay is attached to the hand, the hand cannot exert force on the clay.)

The attack of the mechanical giant squid also had no effect on the super giant, and the battle suddenly entered a stalemate.

But the stalemate did not last long.

After the super giant pulled a few times and found it useless, he fell sideways, taking the mechanical giant squid with him, and then pressed the mechanical giant squid to the ground on the seabed with his left hand, and rolled the tentacles wrapped around his right hand around his right hand one circle after another, until it was almost rolled up.

There were too many, and with a sudden force, he tore off all the tentacles wrapped around his right hand.

(Just like pressing the clay on the back of your hand against the wall, and then the wall scrapes it off.)

The Super Giant pressed the Mechanical King Squid to the ground and tore off its tentacles one by one.

Until the Super Giant tore off the last tentacle, the Mechanical King Squid completely lost its ability to move.

The Super Giant stepped on the lower half of the remaining head of the Mechanical King Squid. (The head of the Mechanical King Squid is as long as that of an ordinary squid, but it is cylindrical)

The Super Giant looked down at the head of the Mechanical King Squid, put his hands in front of him in a cross shape, and aimed at the upper half of the head of the Mechanical King Squid.

The blue cosmic light burst out, directly piercing the upper half of the head of the Mechanical King Squid, and even shot a bottomless hole in the seabed.

On the sea

Tamako and others were on a lifeboat looking at the calm sea surface.

Suddenly, Tian Mark saw a red light in the sea, and then Xiaoban floated up.

"Come and save people!"

Tian Mark called a few people to rescue Xiaoban.

Xiaoban knelt on the deck, supporting himself with his hands, coughing water and panting.

Tian Mark went forward to help Xiaoban up, and Xiaoban grabbed Tian Mark directly, and said in a crying voice, "Grandpa! Cousin, cousin..."

"What's wrong with me?"

At this time, Klein came out of the cabin.

"You stayed... huh?! Cousin, you are still alive!!!"

Xiaoban reacted as soon as he opened his mouth, and rushed to Klein excitedly.

Klein pushed Xiaoban away with disdain and gave Xiaoban a head bang, "Are you cursing me?!"

In fact, Klein was also confused when he didn't see Xiaoban after he came up. He didn't expect that he could come up before Xiaoban after killing the mechanical giant squid.

Originally, I thought Xiaoban turned back and drowned halfway through swimming. Just when I was about to go down to take a look, he came up by himself.

Klein couldn't help but complain in his heart that the red light of the omnitrix flashed for a long time.

Tian Mark said to Donovan who was walking over, "Well, I told you that children have the magical power to overcome difficulties."

Donovan nodded absent-mindedly, "Well, but my 2 billion US dollars is completely gone."

Edwin comforted Donovan, "Grandpa, think about it on the bright side, you still have 15 big hotels, right?"

Donovan hugged Edwin with emotion, "Edwin!"

Edwin also hugged Donovan, "Grandpa, please call me Xiao Ai." (To be honest, the original words in the animation are "Xiao Ai")

Donovan, who cheered up, said to Tian Mark, "Mark, next time I will invite you to visit my other hotels."

Tian Mark quickly refused and teased Donovan, "No, I brought them here because my grandchildren wanted to come. Now it seems that they will not be interested next time."

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