On the lake, visibility was even lower because it was night. Mark Tian rowed the boat, relying only on the lantern in Klein's hand standing on the bow to maintain his sight. "Huh! Huh! Huh! I'm still as good as ever! Why is rowing so tiring!" Mark Tian rowed hard while saying words to encourage himself. "Grandpa! Hurry up! Otherwise the big water monster will be caught by Jonah!" Xiaoban was a little dissatisfied with the speed of Mark Tian's rowing and seemed a little anxious. "Xiaoban, don't underestimate Grandpa! Grandpa was an excellent plumber when he was young!" Seeing this, Mark rowed harder in order not to embarrass himself in front of his grandson. …

After a while, there was a fierce noise not far from the boat.

Jonah Meier drove a small diving robot and took a dozen people to shoot at the big water monster that kept emerging on the lake. Jonah obviously looked down on the big water monster and said thoughtfully: "Be careful and protect those eggs, otherwise you will have to clean up the most expensive raw egg white in the world. After selling these treasures to the highest bidder, I can go to the Bahamas to enjoy life. (whispering)"

Captain Xiao's boat was gone, probably gone.

"Look there!" Xiaoban pointed to a cylindrical glass container with two huge eggs, "That must be the egg of the water monster. Jonah stole the egg of the water monster, no wonder it went crazy."

"Grandpa, you go get the water monster eggs, I'll play with them." Klein raised his left hand and slapped with his right hand.

"Frozen Lizard!"

A faint blue light flashed, and a blue lizard with thick forelimbs and gills (so the frozen lizard can swim) appeared there.

The polar frozen lizard spewed out a blue-white beam of light, which shot to the lake surface and froze it. It raised its head and swept the beam of light towards the water monster and the big ship. Suddenly, the lake surface was frozen, and two huge ice sculptures appeared.

"Polar Manzadir people!" Tian Mark couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing it.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Xiaoban and Xiaowen were very confused about this.

"Uh~ Nothing, let's go get the water monster eggs." Tian Mark said perfunctorily.

Tian Mark took Xiaoban and Xiaowen to climb onto the big ship, ready to quietly take away the water monster eggs.

Tian Mark and his three companions just lifted the container containing the eggs when they were discovered by a man with a gun, "Don't refuse a toast and drink a penalty." Tian Mark raised his hands, protected Xiaoban and Xiaowen and slowly retreated.

The gun-wielding extra raised his gun and walked towards Tian Mark and his three companions with a sly smile.

A blue-white beam of light swept past, and the extra became an ice sculpture.

Seeing this, the three hurriedly lifted the container and prepared to run away.

When Xiao Wen passed by the ice sculpture, he said to it: "Is this a toast or a penalty?"

"Grandpa, throw the eggs to me! I'll put them back in the water monster's nest!" The frozen lizard shouted.

"Xiao Ze! Take it!" Tian Mark took out the eggs from the container and threw them to the frozen lizard.

Bang! Bang!

Jonah drove the diving robot to break free from the shackles of the ice crystals, and the big water monster did the same.

"My eggs!" Jonah saw the water monster eggs thrown to the frozen lizard and shouted.

"Your eggs are not that big!" The frozen lizard caught two water monster eggs and stepped on them with its right foot.


A gap appeared on the frozen lake surface, and the frozen lizard jumped into the lake holding two water monster eggs on the left and right.


Seeing this, the big water monster quickly dived to catch up, it wanted to take back its children.

"My egg!" Jonah wanted to start the robot to catch up, but breaking free from the ice had consumed a lot of the robot's energy, and some of the robot's functions were frozen, so Jonah tried several times but failed to get the robot to move.

In the lake, the frozen lizard swam quickly, and the big water monster followed behind, attacking the frozen lizard with two tentacles from time to time, but the frozen lizard dodged them all.

The frozen lizard swam for a long time but didn't find the water monster's nest. It was understandable that the bottom of the lake was so big, it was not easy to find it. The frozen lizard had no choice but to continue looking. He also thought about giving the egg directly to the big water monster, but he thought that the big water monster would think that he was afraid of it, and then drive him away. He didn't want to do a thankless job. I must find the water monster's nest today! (Although I don't know what it's for)

There's no way, some psychological calculations can't be put down.

After a while, the frozen lizard finally found an irregular circular depression, which made him feel surprised and helpless at the same time. "I swam half of the lake before I found it. Am I so unlucky?"

The frozen lizard placed two water monster eggs in front of the big water monster.

In the nest.

Seeing this, the big water monster hurried forward, crawled into the nest, used its tentacles to protect the water monster eggs, and stopped attacking the frozen lizard.

Seeing this, the frozen lizard did not bother the big water monster and swam to the surface of the water.


The frozen lizard swam out of the water.

Da Da Da

Yona Meier shot at the frozen lizard with a gun, but it didn't even break the skin. "You lizard freak, give me back my eggs, otherwise something bad will happen to them. I think they should be your accomplices!" Jonah pointed his gun at the three tied-up Tian Marks, and there were several people guarding around.

Seeing this, the frozen lizard was also enraged. I play with you, but it doesn't mean you can involve others, not to mention my family. (In the eyes of Klein, a man who loves fun, fighting with some little Karami is fun and interesting, so he usually doesn't use alien heroes that are too big, but if the opponent is too big, it's not fun, it's over)

The Frozen Lizard slapped the logo on his chest.

"Super Giant!"

A faint blue light flashed, and a giant over 50 meters tall appeared. The giant had a single horn, red and white, and a faint blue logo on his chest (the difference between the alien hero transformed by Klein and the alien hero transformed by Xiaoban is almost the only difference in the logo and the color of the eyes). It was like a mountain, which made people feel awe, and of course, they only had "fear" for the enemy.

The super giant stretched out his left hand and gently grabbed Tian Mark and the other two. The guards around were scared and fled.

"Tukusda!" Tian Mark couldn't help but exclaimed again when he saw this.

"Cousin, you are so cool! This giant is so cool!...Grandpa, you are saying something we don't understand again. What are you talking about?" Xiaoban and Xiaowen were also very surprised to see that they were rescued, but they were confused again when they heard what their grandfather said.

"Uh~ buddy, although I tied them up, you also took the water monster egg. We are even, okay." Jonah was sweating when he saw the super giant who was more than 50 meters tall, and said from the heart.

"Who cares about you!" The super giant hammered down with his right hand.


The ship that was frozen into an ice sculpture broke into two halves, and the surviving poachers also fell into the water.

The super giant turned and left, but when he turned around, he vaguely saw something. With his body of more than 50 meters tall and super eyesight, he could only vaguely see it. That thing was also far enough away.


Soon after, the surviving poachers were taken away by the police. It is worth mentioning that during the search, Captain Xiao was also found lying on the driftwood. He was lucky enough to survive in that situation.

However, Captain Xiao, who persisted for so long before being rescued, was still muttering "water monster" when he was rescued. It seems that he and the water monster are true love.

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