The dark night, under the curtain dotted with stars.

In the eerie and quiet forest, a dark blue afterimage shuttled back and forth like lightning.

"Hmm? It should be here?" The afterimage stopped, and it was a dark blue creature resembling a dinosaur. The creature's facial armor was open, and there was a puzzled look on its face.

After struggling for a moment, Flash Star decided to continue searching. His curiosity did not allow him to leave without knowing what that thing was.



Flash Star stopped again, and the sound of the wind following behind also arrived in front of the spaceship. Yes, it was a spaceship, but it looked a little tattered.

Flash Star fiddled with the spaceship for a while, and the hatch of the spaceship was successfully opened. Flash Star slid in (he moved quickly by sliding on the wheels).

"Huh? What is this place?" Flash Star stopped in front of a room. His intuition told him that there was something incredible here.

There were a lot of machines in the room that he couldn't understand, and there was a round table in the middle. Flash Star used his speed advantage to press the round table randomly.

The round table was started, and the middle of the round table opened, revealing the items inside. It was indeed an incredible thing.

"Huh?! This is it!" Flash Star was surprised and picked up the item and left.


After Flash Star left, a faint sound came from deep in the spaceship.


The next morning

The old broken car was driving on the empty road. There were no other vehicles on the road except the old broken car. There were many cacti in the desert on the side of the road.


"Uh~ cousin, why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?" Tian Xiaoban, who was playing games, felt a little uncomfortable when Klein stared at her, and even couldn't play his favorite violent sumo game.

Even Xiaowen was a little unhappy because of this. Could it be that Xiaoban was prettier than her!

Klein stared for a while and suddenly said, "Xiaoban, do you want to be a hero?"

"Of course! Who doesn't want to be a hero! But I also know that I'm just an ordinary kid. Unlike you, cousin, I don't have the ability to be a hero." Xiaoban suddenly felt a little disappointed.

"What if you have the ability?" Klein opened his backpack on the sofa, took out a spherical object from it, and handed it to Xiaoban.

"Cousin, what is this... could this be!" Xiaoban, who realized what Klein was talking about, was surprised and excited, "Is this really for me?!"

"That's the one! Open it and take a look." Klein put the ball on the table in front of Xiaoban.

Xiaoban gently tapped the ball, and the ball opened, revealing the contents inside, a strange watch - omnitrix.

Xiaoban was ecstatic, stretched out his left hand, and the omnitrix was automatically put on.

"Woohoo! Who is the hero? I am the hero!" Xiaoban raised his left hand and shouted excitedly, "Thank you, cousin!"

"Daitou, don't get carried away!" Xiaowen was a little unhappy, not because Xiaoban had the omnitrix, but because Klein gave Xiaoban something but not herself.

"Sorry, Xiaowen, I will definitely give you something suitable for you in the future." Klein also saw that Xiaowen was a little unhappy, he thought it was because of the omnitrix.

"By the way, Xiaowen, I have something for you too!" Klein's memory after hanging up for many days finally presented an important scene in his mind.

"But before that, Grandpa..."

Tian Mark, who was in a daze (actually, he was wondering when Azmis had made two watches. Note: Tian Mark knew Omnitrix, and some of its genes were collected by Tian Mark for Azmis), came back to his senses.

Tian Mark saw Klein's expression of "really awesome, worthy of being my grandpa" through the rearview mirror, and he also sweated a few drops of embarrassment, "What, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa, when I first met Xiaoban and Xiaowen, my watch had a special reaction, but the reaction to Xiaowen was more special. Grandpa, do you know what this means?" Klein said to Tian Mark meaningfully. (I lied to him. Anyway, Tian Mark had never worn a watch, so how could he know what the watch had)

But Tian Mark really believed it, and really thought that Omnitrix could even detect humans with alien genes.

"You are worthy of it, Grandpa." Klein's words overwhelmed Tian Mark's last bit of luck


"Hey~ Xiaoban, Xiaowen, I want to tell you something, actually... actually your grandma is not from Earth." Tian Mark was a little embarrassed by Klein's eyes.

"Alien!" Xiaoban and Xiaowen were also shocked.

"Well, the story between me and your grandma has to start from my youth..." Tian Mark was interrupted by Klein just as he was about to talk about it in detail.

"Okay, grandpa, just tell me what kind of alien grandma is, and you can tell your story later." Klein urged Tian Mark.

Tian Mark didn't care, just thinking that the child didn't like to listen to the old man's story, and replied, "Ah, your grandma is Anno Star, one of the most powerful aliens in the universe and the Milky Way."

"Okay, grandpa, I know." After achieving his goal, Klein said, "Another Omnitrix, activate the voice control mode."

"Voice control mode has been activated." A mechanical voice with a clear feminine color sounded.

"Another Omnitrix, genetic selection, Anno Star." The color of the isotopic super energy instrument changed from dark blue to orange-yellow. (It seems that although the Anorians are pure energy life forms, they also seem to have genes, just like the other pure energy life forms of alien heroes that have appeared in the Omnitrix. It is said that the reason why Xiaoban has never become an Anorian is because he has the genes of Anorians, which is the same as why he cannot use the Omnitrix to become an earthling. Note: The gene list of this Another Omnitrix is ​​not completely consistent with that of Badban's Another Omnitrix)

"Xiaowen, shake hands." Klein raised his left hand with the isotopic super energy instrument and extended his hand to Xiaowen.

"Ah, okay, cousin." Xiaowen recovered from the shock and quickly raised her right hand. She believed in her cousin unconditionally.

The two hands were held together, and Another Omnitrix burst into a strong orange-yellow light.

After the light disappeared, Another Omnitrix turned back to its original dark blue color, Xiaowen's body turned purple, and her hair and eyes flashed purple-white light, floating slightly.

"Xiao Wen, I just helped you activate the genes of the Anno people in your body, but the genes of the earthlings are still there. As long as you want, you can change back at any time." Klein reminded.

"Oh, okay, cousin." After hearing this, Xiao Wen hurriedly tried and found that he really changed back to his original appearance, "Thank you, cousin, I will be able to accompany you in the future."

Klein just waved his hand. He just thought Xiao Wen was talking about beating up the weirdos. "Don't worry, those weirdos are weak enough. I can protect you."

Xiao Wen blushed after hearing this.

Tian Mark looked through the rearview mirror, his eyes showed a meaningful aunt's smile, and secretly said, "It's finally my turn to laugh at you, brat."

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