The orange-yellow sunlight from the setting sun illuminates the village of the Nahuawo tribe in a dazzling red.

The houses of the Nahuawo tribe are built with dry earth, stone and wood, and they feel like houses in the desert.

Mark Tian brought his grandchildren to experience the traditional culture of the Nahuawo tribe and to meet old friends.

Mr. Green took Mark Tian and Klein to visit and introduce the three of them.

Xiaoban felt that everything here was so boring that it made him want to yawn.

Xiaowen was very interested in these things.

As for Klein, he was picking goods on the stalls nearby. There might be some treasures in such a place with such a strong traditional culture. It would be nice if he could find one or two.

Green brought Tian Mark to a dancing girl and introduced, "This is the traditional sacrificial dance of our Nahuawo tribe. The dancer is my granddaughter Kay."

Tian Mark looked at Kay nostalgically, "When I last saw her, she was still a baby!"

Xiaoban also looked over at this time. When he saw the beautiful ten-year-old girl with a healthy complexion, his eyes widened and the corners of his mouth subconsciously curled up, "This place is great!"

Xiaoban tried to get close to Mr. Green, "Uh~ Actually, I have always wanted to experience a traditional dance before the end of summer vacation."

Lao Deng, how about letting your granddaughter teach me?

Xiaoban probably meant this.

But Xiaowen immediately exposed him, "Daitou, why didn't I know you were interested in traditional dance?"

Xiaoban was shocked by this backstab, and was relieved when he saw that Mr. Green did not show any special performance.

Xiaoban pulled Xiaowen aside and whispered, "Don't make trouble for me now. How about I help you chase your cousin later?"

Xiaowen widened her eyes in surprise, "How do you know..."

Xiaoban said anxiously, "Hey! Everyone knows! Just tell me whether you agree or not!"

Xiaowen nodded.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Klein came over. He didn't get anything, and he felt a little sad, so he came to have some fun.

"Xiaoban wants to... um!"

Xiaowen wanted to say something, but Xiaoban covered his mouth.

Xiaoban looked to the side with a guilty conscience, "Ah! Yes! Sunset! Xiaowen said I want to see the sunset! The sunset is so beautiful!... By the way, cousin, I just saw a glowing jar in the stall over there. It might be a good thing!"

Klein, who was addicted to freeloading, turned around and wanted to see if he could get anything.

Xiao Wen broke free from Xiao Ban's hand that was covering her mouth, "What do you want to do!"

"You are! What do you want to do?! If my cousin sees Kai, I don't know if my cousin will be interested in Kai, but I can be sure that Kai will definitely be interested in my cousin!"

Xiao Ban didn't want the sweet love to end before it even began.

At this time, Xiao Wen also reacted, and almost made herself have another rival in love!

At this time, Kai, who had finished dancing, walked towards them.

Xiao Ban tidied his hair and tried to show Kai his most handsome side.

As a result, Kai walked past Xiao Ban and walked towards Klein who was squatting in front of the stall behind him.

Kai's face was slightly red, and he said shyly, "Um, are you interested in these things? In fact, I know a lot about these things."

Oh my god! It's over! Everything is over!

Xiao Ban looked at Kai petrified.

Xiao Wen saw that the situation was not good, and immediately ran over.

Klein, who was still picking treasures, heard the voice and turned his head to look over. Who is this guy?

I'm not interested in little girls! I'm only interested in the glowing baby!

Klein continued to pick up a jar and began to observe carefully.

Xiao Wen just ran over, and before he said anything, the sky began to thunder, and then it started to rain heavily.

Xiao Wen looked at Kai curiously, "Are you sure you didn't just dance the rain dance?"

Kai shook his head.

Although it was raining, Xiao Ban did not choose to hide from the rain, but raised his head to let the rain wash his face, "Alas." This sound expressed Xiao Ban's sadness.

"What is he thinking?"

Klein took Xiao Wen and Kai to hide under an awning and looked at Xiao Ban in confusion.

Xiao Wen thought for a while, and then said, "Uh~ hurt by love?"

"Who? Ishiyama Yokogo? (The protagonist of the violent sumo game)"

In Klein's impression, Xiao Ban has never seen what he likes except the violent sumo game, let alone

Which girl is that?

At this time, the sound of running water came from a distance, and Klein and his friends turned around to look, "Flood!"

Damn! Baby, there are more troubles than anything else!

On the other side, Xiaoban, Tian Mark and Mr. Green also saw the werewolf figure in the rain. The huge body and purple eyes made people dare not approach.

Fortunately, the werewolf ran away quickly.

Klein on this side slapped Another Omnitrix.

"Frozen Lizard!"

A faint blue light flashed, and the frozen lizard appeared.

Xiaowen looked at Kai, "Uh~ You will keep it a secret, right?"

Kay nodded.

The frozen lizard ran out, facing the incoming flood, and spit out a blue-white freezing light.

The freezing light hit the flood, and the frost continued to spread along the flood until most of the flood was frozen and the rest of the flood was blocked.

The frozen lizard ran into an alley, a faint blue light flashed, and Klein walked out of the alley.

After the rainstorm stopped, Mr. Green led everyone to a place where the building was relatively spacious and there were some ancient paintings on the walls.

Although Mr. Green also saw the frozen lizard, he knew nothing about it, but he knew a lot about werewolves.

Mr. Green looked at the werewolf painted on the wall, "Yanu Tusi, the werewolf beast in the Nahuawo tribe's legend. I want to find it, paralyze it with an anesthetic needle, and catch it!"

Mr. Green took down the hunting rifle hanging on the wall and turned to leave.

Tian Mark certainly would not let his old friend take risks alone, and immediately said that he would go together.

Others (except Klein) said they wanted to go.

Klein didn't care about Yanu Tusi. It was obvious that the thing was the same species as the Howling Wolf, and it was estimated that even Xiaoban couldn't beat it.

Instead, he felt that Xiao Wen's words about Xiao Ban "being hurt by love" were more worrying.

As for who it was, Xiao Wen couldn't say it, and the rest was that unless Xiao Ban was gay, why would he have to choose a single-choice question? !

Klein looked at Kai, and he didn't expect Xiao Ban to like this type.

Kai had already noticed that Klein's eyes fell on him, but he didn't have any special reaction except blushing, and even felt a little happy in his heart.

Klein pulled Xiao Ban aside, "Xiao Ban, do you like Kai?"

"What?! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!...Okay, it's a little..."

Xiao Ban blushed and tried to cover up, but Klein's unbelieving expression made Xiao Ban give up struggling.

"I'll help you!"

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