The two of them were very happy.

Xiao Wen and Kai also wanted to find the werewolf beast, but were rejected by Mr. Green, saying that only "warriors can go."

Then Mr. Green took Tian Mark and Xiao Ban to look for the werewolf beast.

Xiao Wen and Kai were very dissatisfied with this, but because Klein didn't go either, they didn't feel dissatisfied.

Klein saw Kai's dissatisfied look just now, and immediately came up with an idea. He wanted to take this opportunity to improve Xiao Ban's status in Kai's heart.

It is worth mentioning that although Klein said he wanted to help Xiao Ban pick up girls, he actually had never picked up girls. In the past, others chased him.

In addition, Klein's personality was a bit straightforward and his emotional intelligence was not high enough. It was definitely a wrong choice to ask Klein to help pick up girls.

At this time, Kai was sitting on a high platform.

Klein walked towards Kai.

Kai's face flushed when he saw Klein coming. He wanted to say something, but was too shy to speak.

Klein sat next to Kai and pretended to mention it casually, "Kai, do you have someone you like?"

Kai's face became even redder, and he nodded, saying in a whisper, "Yeah."

Hiss~ It's not easy, Xiaoban actually has a rival in love? ! Let me ask him a few questions first, and see who that rival is!

Klein thought about this, and then said, "Have I seen him~?"

"I should... I have seen him."

Kai spoke uncertainly, after all, looking in the mirror is also considered seeing him, right?

I have seen him? And he's a man? It can't be a woman, right? The age difference shouldn't be too big.

Thinking of this, Klein spoke again, "What are his characteristics?"

Kai thought for a moment and said, "Well... he has a cool watch."

I have seen him? ! A cool watch? ! Xiaoban! It's settled!

Klein waved his arms excitedly, I'm indeed a matchmaker, Xiaoban doesn't need to thank me!

Klein got the answer and got up and left.

Kai looked at Klein who was leaving with some strangeness. Although she didn't know why, she saw Klein's excitement just now, and she also had some wrong thoughts. The corners of her mouth have not been suppressed until now.

Xiaowen was anxious when she saw this scene. Although she didn't think Klein would be interested in little girls, she still felt a sense of crisis.

Xiaowen hurriedly caught up with Klein, "Cousin, what were you talking to Kai about just now?"

Klein didn't intend to hide it from Xiaowen, "Ask her if she likes Xiaoban."

Xiaowen, who had just put her mind at ease, suddenly became curious, "What did she say?"

Klein nodded confidently.

Xiaowen opened her mouth in surprise. She couldn't imagine that there would be a girl who would like Xiaoban after seeing Klein.

Curious Xiao Wen found Kai again and wanted to find out, "Do you...really like him?"

"Of course! He's excellent, handsome, and fascinating!"

Kai held his hands in front of his chest with longing.

"Uh, hehe, as long as you like him, Xiaoban also likes you."

Although Xiao Wen couldn't understand Kai's vision, he also expressed respect.

Hearing Xiao Wen's words, Kai was a little confused, "Xiaoban? Didn't Grandpa Tian Mark call him Xiaoze before?"

"Huh?! What did my cousin tell you just now?!"

Xiao Wen seemed to realize something.

Although Kai was a little confused, he still repeated the conversation with Klein just now.

Xiao Wen now completely understood it. After a long time, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. Although he had another rival in love, Xiaoban was much worse than him.

Now the problem came again, how to tell his cousin that he made a mistake? Seeing Klein's look, Xiao Wen really didn't want to hit him.


At night, the old broken car stopped in the desert, and everyone gathered around the old broken car.

Xiaoban looked at Klein anxiously, "Cousin, what's wrong?! What did she say?!"

Klein smiled slightly and patted Xiaoban on the shoulder, "It's stable."


Xiaoban jumped up excitedly. Was he jumping a little higher than usual?

Klein didn't care much, and then looked at the villagers who were leaving with big and small bags in the distance, "Where are they going?"

Mr. Green explained, "Leave here and avoid Yanu Tusi."


Everyone who heard the sound turned around and saw Xiaoban's body covered with blue hair, squatting on the ground and howling at the moon.

"Damn, Xiaoban, you mutated?!"

Klein was also a little surprised.

"I don't know, I was caught by the werewolf beast before and omnitrix,

The broken watch seems to be collecting genes, but it also seems not to be..."

Xiaoban looked at his hands in horror.

Klein listened to Xiaoban's description of the omnitrix just now, and he was not quite sure what was going on. After all, if it was collecting genes, it shouldn't take so long, and it couldn't be this performance.

(In fact, there was a small bug in the omnitrix again, but it was indeed collecting genes.)

"Xiaoban, how could you hide the fact that you were caught by Yanu Tusi? This is no joke. If you are caught by Yanu Tusi, you will be infected by it, and eventually you will become a werewolf beast that will not recognize your relatives, and will also hurt the people closest to you."

Mr. Green looked at Xiaoban worriedly.

"Don't worry! Xiaoban! Isn't it just a werewolf beast? At most, your cousin will bring an extra leash when walking the dog in the future!"

Klein didn't worry at all. Anyway, he had the ability to solve it, and now he could do whatever he wanted.

But Tian Mark was very worried, "Then what should I do? "

Mr. Green did not hide it, "The only way to break the curse is to get rid of Yanu Tusi."

"Shoot it with a silver bullet!"

Little Ben raised his hand excitedly.

"That's a movie lie."

Mr. Green poured a basin of cold water, "You must soak the sterling silver pendant in the juice of the Matrimonio cactus, and then stick the pendant on the heart of Yanu Tusi's chest. We must do it before the full moon tonight, otherwise you will never change back, Little Ben."

Little Ben was stunned, "Forever?!"

Mr. Green nodded, then turned and left, "I'll get the pendant."

Xiao Wen got into the old broken car and planned to find the place where the Matrimonio cactus existed."

Little Ben ran around like a big dog, took away all the remaining eggs in the village, and milked the cows, filling a large basin. Just as he was about to get into the old broken car, he was driven out by Klein.

A pile of raw eggs? ! Klein couldn't believe that if Xiaoban ate in the old car, the residual smell would probably keep him from falling asleep tonight, although he might not be able to sleep tonight.

In the old car, Xiaowen sat on the sofa and looked up the location of the cactus on the laptop.

Kai sat next to Xiaowen, looking at the information on the laptop.

Klein sat opposite them, staring at the night sky outside the window in a daze. In fact, he was just thinking about which brand of dog leash to buy for Xiaoban. As for the color, he had already decided, it would be green!

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